maverike_prime Posted September 30, 2016 Share Posted September 30, 2016 (edited) So if you're looking at this thread, chances are you can see a lot of pictures are missing. That is because Photobucket changed their policies so I went from paying $5 a month for an account with... I don't remember, 100 gigs or something AND supported 3rd party hosting to needing to pay $49.99 for 50 gigs and 3rd party hosting. So I was hosting images on Photobucket and linking them here. Well I'm not paying $50 a month for that, so yeah a bunch of my images will be missing for a bit. I'll be going through and switching hosting of said images to my private server. But that takes time. Bare with me. So, if anyone has followed my work over the years it's become pretty clear that I have VERY LITTLE (read absolute 0) long term focus on projects. I describe it being suffering from Army Builders Attention Deficit Disorder! So I'll be working on chaos on monday, only to have an idea for Space Marines on teusday, only to decide I want to paint my Blood Ravens on wednesday only to find a super cool idea for a Dark Mechanicus unit on thursday. So rather then trying to do one project thread for each project, I'm just going to do one thread and update it with whatever I'm working on at the time. So... yeah. Chaos on monday, Dark Mech on teusday, Chaos Daemon engine on wednesday, Space Marine bikers on thursday, Space Hulk termies on friday, Greater Daemons on saturday, whatever on sunday, then Daemon Machines on the next monday and then... well you get the idea. So what am I posting about today? This is a revisiting/revamping of an... ages old idea I had. I think I originally had this idea back in 4th, maybe 3rd edition. But it was back when "Legion of the Damned" didn't have official rules. So I had an idea to do a Legion of the... Legion of the Damned. Same general imagery as the LotD, lots of skulls and flame imagery. Almost no vehicles, all foot slogging, and silent save for the cry of the bolters and the crack of enemy skulls!So the revamped idea is a bit more like the Black Templar in temperament, the undying loyalty and commitment to eradicating the enemies of the Imperium, even beyond death! Screaming from the skies comes the skull heralds of the legion, appearing to plow into the ground yet incurring no damage and hovering over top of the ground when the smoke clears. Hauntingly, the Legion then appear about the ghastly totem to bring the devine and fiery wrath to the enemies of the Imperium of man! So far I just have a couple little random bits for the army. But... here they are! So surprise, surprise Halloween is coming up so lots of skulls for sale for super cheap. I was walking through Target when I found a bag of smaller skulls and larger fist sized skulls. Well this reminded me of my Undying Legion idea. So I grabbed some! The smaller skulls nicely on 40mm bases and will be used as objective markers. I'm going to affix numbers of some sort to the heads of the skulls. I'm hoping to make it look like the numbers have been carved into the skulls but failing that, brass plates hammers into the skulls. One of the first challenges was on the back of the skull, where in very predominate raised text it spelled out the various forms of "Made in china". That had to go. Started with an exacto blade and shaved off the raised letters. Then I came back with sand paper. I started with 600 grit and then moved onto 1200 grit. I wanted to keep the damaged and worn sort of look so I didn't want it perfectly smooth. One of the defining images I had in my mind for this army was the idea of skulls that come screaming down from the skies, come to 'land' in a big plum of smoke and dust and then only as the dust settles do the enemy first catch a glimpse of the Legion forming ready for battle. So these larger fist sized skulls are going to be the 'counts as' drop pods and will be modeled on bases to be hovering above the ground.So something else to post about tonight: This started as a random idea while I was doing a live stream one night. I was working on some Raptors when I had an idea for a Sorceror. So I went to work on the Sorcerer who has become known as Arian. The idea grew into being a Sorceror who has found a new way to produce new semi-chaos marines. In agreement with the Dark Magos Varagos, Arian takes bronze statues cast in the form of Chaos marines and puts the souls of his most 'loyal' thralls into them, casting powerful spells to animate the otherwise dense and un-moving bronze. By doing this he is able to create resilient, powerful warriors on par with most Chaos Marines with out the resource commitment normal Chaos Marines require. They are not perfect constructs as the souls exist in a sort of phase and they may be slow to react to the real world. Short version: These guys count as Thousand Sons! The Sorcerer himself in the making! Built on the base of a Dark Angles robed body with a chaos marine front torso, I used green stuff to build up an over robe and then cut off the handing bars from the Tzeentchian icon from the Chaos Space Marine box set and attached them to the front of the robe. Ultimately there will braiding that attaches to the bars so they are handing off his shoulders rather then hovering there. The arm is the icon bearer arm while the staff is from the Terminator Lord set. In order to swap weapons and options I put a magnet in Arian's shoulder. The helmet is a Warp Talon's with the... erm... the antlers? carve down and smoothed out to give it more of a corrupted mark 3 helmet sort of look. I once again used a pre-cast base from Dragon Force for my Brass legion. In order to help with painting, I put magnets in the feet of Arian so I can remove the model from the base to paint the base as needed. To show his obsession with souls, I'm going to have a series of skulls hovering over his backpack. So I added 2 more exhaust vent arms, turned the vents upward, and pinned a skull hovering a couple millimeters over the exhaust vent. I'm going to come back with green stuff and add in flames. It's the same idea that I'm going to do with the heads of the Bronze Legion members themselves. Basically the idea is when the souls were infused into the statues, the heads of the statues shatter and a floating flame wreathed skull is the head of the marine. The first couple members of the Brass Legion! To show the relative low quality of the statues, I added damage to the models. In the legs what I did was drill up into the leg with progressively larger drill bits until I had largely hollowed out the leg. Then I put a drill through the leg adding a hole, then came in with an exacto blade to rough up and break the holes. To help carry the idea of soul animated statues, I'm thinking about priming the model in 2 stages, the spaces inside the army and the neck and gorget will be primed in white while the rest of the armor is done in black. the areas that are white will be done up in bright blues and greens while the rest of the armor will be done in the darker bronze color. So... here we go. Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime DaBoiKyknos and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted October 20, 2016 Author Share Posted October 20, 2016 So was doing some painting tonight. In this case I'm working on the new Kh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted October 21, 2016 Author Share Posted October 21, 2016 Finished up Kh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted October 21, 2016 Share Posted October 21, 2016 I think the concept for the brass legion stuff is pretty cool, would love to see where you go with it. Also I think you missed the ribbing part in Khârn's left knee. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted October 22, 2016 Author Share Posted October 22, 2016 I think the concept for the brass legion stuff is pretty cool, would love to see where you go with it. Also I think you missed the ribbing part in Kh Vairocanum and Dolchiate Remembrancer 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 (edited) So got some progress done on the Brass Legion: Got a good base color down the brass by Sycorax Bronze with a wash of Agrax earth shade. I'm still going to come back and do some high lighting with Sycorax and silver but I want to do that after I get the Nihilakh Oxide (who comes up with these names?) down as I want the deeper parts to be corroded and oxydized while the higher bits are silvered as if pieces have been scraped off revealing a silver coloring from the bronze. I then went back with my air brush and put down a layer of Ceremite White on and slightly around the heads with the exposed skulls and flaming effect I sculpted previously. With the I then went back and tidied up with some more sycorax brass. With the white layer down I came in with several washes to color the heads. I started with a post of Thrakath Green just straight. No mixing or diluting. Then I mad a mix of Guilliman Blue glaze but I diluted it about 3:1 with water (3 parts water to 1 part glaze). Then using a insane detail brush I applied this to the crevices of the flames. I'm not totally sold on this result but I can't say why. I'll think on it for a bit. Lastly, we have the Sorceror Arian himself. This... I donno. I thought the contrasting Red/blue work work with the bronze colored armor but seeing it I don't think so. Too much clash. I may try redoing the red in cyans to give more color to the model. Thoughts from anyone else? Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted October 30, 2016 Author Share Posted October 30, 2016 So I've gotten some work done on the Brass Legion unit. A selective, and ultimately time consuming application of Nihilak oixide adds some nice corrosion effect to the models.. Vairocanum and Dolchiate Remembrancer 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Keep posting Mav! These are making me want to make some LotD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted November 5, 2016 Author Share Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Keep posting Mav! These are making me want to make some LotD!  hehe wait till I get around to the Undying Legion  But yeah beyond that. I had the Forge World Heresy Khârn sitting on my work bench. So I pulled him up and threw some paint on him:  I also changed out the color of the robe on the Sorcerer for the Brass Legion:   And (like 3/4 of the board I'm sure) I picked up a copy of Burning of Prospero. Dragon Forge was running a special on bases for the Burning of Prospero release. $60 + S&H for all the bases for the models in the box. So you basically save $16 on the bases. He may still be running the special. Toss him a line and ask. I ordered bases from the Ancient Ruins and Ancient Ruins 2 series. The Ancient Ruins 2 look a little more ruined then series 1. This way I can do the Thousand Sons on the Ancient ruins bases and look like they're being a bit more defensive, and have the Sisters, Wolves and Custodes on series 2 and make them look a bit more destructive while still looking like they're in the same place. I built the first squad of Thousand Sons and then added the Terminators.  A trick I figured out when painting the Brass Legion: Mount all the bolters on this... erm.... thing? And it makes it easier to prime and paint.  In all cases I magnetized the feet and the bases so that I can remove the model to paint the bases more easily.  In order to facilitate weapon swapping I added magnets in the shoulders as well. buuuuuuut I screwed up with the storm bolter arms. See the magnets need to have opposing polarities in order to attract to one another. I mounted the magnets in the shoulders of the arms that would hold the storm bolters with the same polarity so the magnets don't attract, they repel.   Well initially I thought the parts were ruined, but a follower in my stream made a comment that made me take a closer look at it and think that just maybe I could recover. So I drilled into the shoulders from the opposite direction until I was able to force the magnets out. I couldn't just put the magnets back cause now I have this big hole in the shoulder that needed to be patched. I needed something that would actually bond with the plastic in the arm, other wise I risk the magnet pulling away from the piece. So super glue and green stuff weren't ideal options. Instead I had a different idea. I used a combination of shavings and extra scraps of plastic and plastic glue to make a batch of patch material. Basically melted plastic with most of the glue having evaporated so it's a bit like a sticky putty. I then then put this putty into the holes in the shoulders. Left it dry for a few days and came back to sand it down.  First attempt: Looks pretty good. Need to follow up with finer sand paper but it looks promising. Edited November 5, 2016 by maverike_prime Vairocanum and Victor von Doom 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 2 weeks later... maverike_prime Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 So yeah been a while since I posted and chances are good it will be a while before I post again. In addition to the holiday season some rather substantial obstacles in my personal life have come up recently. And when I say substantial... lemme put it this way. I was doing a live stream and I was shaving down a mold line when I dropped the piece. No big deal right? We've all dropped parts while we're working on them. The Dark Gods only know how many complete models worth of missing pieces I have under my work bench. So I went to pick up the piece. As I bent over and leaned under my desk, that's when I could feel it, the dull burning in the back of my brain signalling that I'm exhausted and heading down that slope where I loose control and typically brake something out of mis-guided anger and frustration... and good lord does that ever make me sound like a berserker. But that's not too far from accurate if I'm honest. dealing with the holiday season and the obstacles as well as trying to maintain my project load and my live streams about those projects has left me mentally and emotionally exhausted and on a hair trigger. Why did I just go through that psych break down? Simple, learn from my mistakes. Recognize your own respective signs for exhaustion and take heed of them. If you are like me, you approach modeling as a personal challenge where every time you work on a project you strive to do better then you did last time. If you are exhausted, step away from the projects for a little bit. You might need a day off, or a week, or a month. Take what you need. You don't want to be working on models when you are stressed and on a hair trigger. It only takes a moment's laxity to slip with an exacto blade and injure yourself or ruin a model with a thing of glue. So Public service announcement over. I do actually have something small to post. as I previously posted, I magnetized all the arms on the Prospero terminators at the shoulders. But the Sergent has a selection of weapons in his hand. I wanted to be able to magnetize that too. Well I found a way to do it! The real trick is that it only took a single magnet to accomplish: The trick is that I used a segment of 2mm steel rod in the wrist of the hands: Alrighty, I'm afraid that this might be it for till after the new year. Not sure, but with the holiday season kicking into high gear and the rest of the stuff I'm dealing with, we'll just have to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Vairocanum Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 Wishing you a speedy recovery, and that's a good idea for magnetizing the hands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 3 weeks later... maverike_prime Posted December 6, 2016 Author Share Posted December 6, 2016 So I'm back. Taking the break really helped. Of course the release of the effing awesome new Thousand Sons models helped too! So I've done 2 live streams in the last couple days. First one I went through my purchases from the new Thousand Son range and gave my thoughts on each. You can view the VOD here.The second live stream is from last night where I started building Ahriman and a Trio of exalted Sorcerers. You can view the VOD of that here. I don't care for the supporting flame on the bottom of the Disc of Tzeentch with the Ahriman Model. So I opted to not use it and instead installed support for a flight stand. I did this by building a platform of sprues, cutting that platform to fit and then gluing it into place. I installed magnets in Ahriman's feet to allow him to be removed from the Disc and placed on a normal base. I used a mixture of sprue shavings and plastic glue to make a filler which I applied to the seam in the leg. Then using sand paper, I smoothed the surface down and cleaned it up. Can't even tell there was a seem there anymore. Here you can see the plastic/glue mixture on the cloak, where I attempted to sand it down before it was properly dried. I envisioned this Sorcerer as something like a aspiring raptor lord, but with magic. The idea is that I can field him on a Disc, or with a jump pack, simply by swapping his base. So I inserted a length of brass rod in his back that I can insert into a Disc of Tzeentch base, or into a normal base. I am Fabulous! This kind of speaks for itself. A classic 'casting of power' sort of pose. both as a means to make painting easier and to allow me to shave down points if I need to, I want to build all of my exalted Sorcerers so they can be taken off or put on a Disc of Tzeentch as needed. So, enter magnets. I'm not entirely sure why, but I envision this one as being like a Warp Smith, the techno-mage of the army. You can join me for my next live stream tonight at 5pm EST. Dolchiate Remembrancer and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted December 13, 2016 Author Share Posted December 13, 2016 so re/starting a new/old project tonight. Scratch building a Thunderhawk! I had previously started this project waaaaay back in 2012 and because of various issues the project got away from me. And then I lost the notes I had made for sizes and thickness of and all that good stuff. So I'm starting over on it, sort of. I'm building the paper-craft version of it to refresh my memory of how the model goes together and so I can make notes on the model as I go. Plus it's a nice project to work during my live streams. So come join me Tonight (12/13/16) from 5-10pm EST as I work on building the paper-craft thunderhawk! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 1 month later... maverike_prime Posted January 31, 2017 Author Share Posted January 31, 2017 So, life changes come up and I recently had a big one. Namely I was fired from my job. Not going to mix up this thread with a bunch of sob-stories or explanation but I have decided to focus on school and finish my degree rather then getting steady work again. So what does this have to do with this forum? Well I have a decent amount of free time on my hands now. Free time means I get bored which is what started as. A boredom project but as I actually started sinking my teeth into it, it became a challenge. The challenge: To see if I could build the entire titan with out using anything pre-made. No bits, no kits, just paper, card stock, card board, glue, foam core and the like. The template this is based on is the old school one that's been floating around for near 10 years now. It's a nice basic design that provides a solid foundation to build up from. I've toyed with the design several times in the past. This is going to be a serious and sincere effort to make it my own this time. I give you... the toe! The toe joint is made from 2 sheets of 5mm foam core glued together. I added additional surface details by pulling the template parts into photoshop, making the details into layers and then printing them out on card stock. It's an interesting challenge cutting out 4 levels of details for something like this. The toe cup is made out of card board from cereal boxes and then additional layers of details have been added with the application of Card stock. The foot! So yeah, everything that was the toe, times 4. The... erm... palm of the foot? whatever you want to call it. The section the toes all connect to is made of 3 layers of foam core wrapped in an edge of card board, again from cereal boxes. The ankle mount is a single layer of foam board with a layer of card stock around the outer edges. I ran across a styrafoam ball and I had an idea for using a ping pong ball for the ankle joint. With no better use for the ball, I cut it in half and mounted it on a form for the top of the foot. Looks rather promising. Will probably use ping pong balls in the ankles for the next titan I build. The shin armor is a good example of what I made in photoshop to add to the template. The jagged arrow edging was made by pulling the template page into photoshop, making a new layer on top of the original part and designing the edging. I then printed 2 copies, 1 for the base to go onto card board and a second to be cut from card stock. The card stock is just the arrow edging while the cardboard is the foundation of the part. Cut 'em out, glue them together as needed. I added additional bracing for the mounts to the shin armor. Here we have the lower leg. Well a good portion of it anyway. The ankle joint is made from cardboard. I first glued it to the ankle mount, and then applied a layer of card stock over that and joined that to the mount. It's surprisingly solid. The pistons were a challenge but I think I pulled them off well. What I did is took Q-tips, cut off the cotton heads and then rolled strips of paper around one end to create the piston look. I was then able to cut through the rolled paper to make it mount in a way I needed it to on the foot. The leg of the Warhound has a series of pistons going between the leg sections. I added the pistons by building an internal mount for the pistons which you can see here. The foot as it stands... no pun intended.... now. Lasuria, Vairocanum, Dreagher and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Vairocanum Posted February 1, 2017 Share Posted February 1, 2017 Looking great so far! All the work put in is impressive, I would not have the patience to cut everything out and assemble it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 1, 2017 Author Share Posted February 1, 2017 Looking great so far! All the work put in is impressive, I would not have the patience to cut everything out and assemble it. That's proving to be one of the challenges I'm rising to, a0nd I'm actually really happy that I'm rising to it. I don't think I could have a month ago. A lot of the processes I'm using are tedious. A good example: The joints in the leg. They look pretty simple right? Well they sort of are simple, but simple doesn't mean quick. As I said, part of my challenge here is to make the entire Warhound out of the likes of paper, cardboard and foam core. Well that material limitation produces a bit of a challenge in itself. These parts need to be strong enough to support this rest of the model, yet still made out of paper. Well when you 15 and 20 layers of paper, it becomes surprisingly strong. So with that thought in mind, here is what I did: I started with the parts from the plans, which was two circles. I cut these out of cardboard and then made a central shaft out of three segments of cardboard and mounted it all together in a sort of spool. I then attached strips of paper to the shaft. I glued the paper to the shaft in loose loops to get it more rounded, and then added more layers. I put a layer of glue down between each layer. The final result being the hard barrel sort of piece you saw before. And this leads to a situation where I always chuckle to myself over: The need to drill through paper! I drilled holes into the paper and then mounted a pair of tooth picks into the joint. This allowed me to mount the next segment by mounting the tooth picks into a piece of foam core: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 5, 2017 Author Share Posted February 5, 2017 Today's update is about pistons. I made all 9 of the pistons for the right foot.As I explained before I'm using Q-tips for the piston shafts. Just cut off the cotton head to start, then you can glue the strip of paper to that end. For these pistons I've found that a strip of paper, and yes that is paper not card stock, that is 10mm wide by 5 inched long works out the best. I simply cut the strip of paper and then glue one end to the Q-tip body. I give the glue about 20 minutes to set and then I apply a thin layer of glue to the 'inside' of the paper. That's the side of the paper that will be rolled onto the previous layer. This way it allows to not only glue all the paper in place but also to saturate the entire roll up of paper making it solid. I then work my way slowly around, rolling up the paper until I get this: Once I get to this stage, I can just cut off the other end and presto. Piston shafts! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 6, 2017 Author Share Posted February 6, 2017 So I'm pretty sure I'm just self destructive. or just a streak for self torture. One or the other. Why have I come to this conclusion? Well I wanted to have exposed grating over internal workings. I like the look of it and I think it helps carry the in-accurate nature of Chaos War gear. Normally I would use some window screen grating, but I as I said one of the challenges I put before myself for this project was making everything from scratch. So how did I go about making the grating? Well... like this. I made a frame using cardboard, then mounted that on a sheet of foam core start at one corner started stringing the thread across, put down another pin to hold the line and then came back the opposite way, and then back again and back and back and back and back and back and back and back and.... well you get the idea. Once I have the thread all tacked down I put 3 copies of the original frame, this time cut out of card stock, down with glue and left this exercise in mental exhaustion to dry for a couple hours.Once that was dry I mounted it in the upper workings that will go on the back of the main body: So... a success... mostly. I'm debating weather I'll just cheat and use some wind screen for the grating or if I'll just deal with this as it is. The engine workings under the grating come from the Vulcan mega-bolter that another designer made for his Warhound titan. I just enlarged it to cover the space I needed it to cover. Works rather well I think. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 10, 2017 Author Share Posted February 10, 2017 (edited) As you can see I've got the Mesh covering that I made previously mounted atop the central body. The right power plant and shoulder wing have been assembled. I added additional details to the back of the power plant with a vent cover and access hatch. The Access hatch is just a straight forward cut and paste part. Nothing really notable. Though I did use a mini-hole punch to punch out small discs and glued them down on the corners of the hatch.No, the vent cover is the more note worthy part. Like the mesh covering, I wanted to build it from scratch. I wasn't sure how to do that initially, but I thought on it and I broke it down into smaller parts.Obviously the first thing I needed was a backing. Something to be the size of the vent. So I went into photoshop, pulled the template up and measured out a space 2mm in from the edges of the panel where the vent would go. That gave me this piece: The next thing I needed was a series of slanted slates. This was a bit trickier but I hit on the idea of making a series of 3mm stripes and stagger them so that the lower 1.5mm of the strip would be on top of the upper 1.5mm of the strip below it.So I started with one strip: And then I started gluing down each successive strip: Until I had covered the entirety of the base plate: Now I needed a cover frame. So I took the original base plate and measured out a space that was 1mm in from it's edge and cut that space out giving me a frame. I then used white glue to attach this over top of the slats. Once that dried I trimmed the excess from the slates. It was a bit sloppy and I wanted to clean it up. So I ran a strip of paper around the edge of the entire assembly. All of that resulted in this: Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum and Sgt. Blank 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted February 10, 2017 Share Posted February 10, 2017 more Sons!!! MOOOAAAAR!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 13, 2017 Author Share Posted February 13, 2017 (edited) So name of the day is guns. Well one gun. Well okay half a gun. Um well one of the 2 barrels of the gun... 'cept it's 5 barrels of the total of 10... anyway. I'm working on the Vulcan Mega-bolter. Specifically the barrels for it. I used a process similar to the pistons to make these barrels. 6.5" of paper glued to a Q-tip body and then wrapped up with layers of glue between each wrap. I then had to make a cover to bring the details. So I did some numbers, and made some parts in Photoshop. I had to adjust the numbers and re-make the parts a couple times but ultimately it worked out. I mounted the barrels on a disc of cardboard. Punching holes gave me a place to pass the Q-tip bodies through which give the mounting more security. You can't see it, but I used the remains of my development barrel as a spacer in between the 5 main barrels. A wrap around on the barrels for a heat sheath. Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted February 14, 2017 Author Share Posted February 14, 2017 (edited) So we're talking about joints. No not that those kinds of joints! Specifically the shoulder joint on the war hound where you mount weapons! As I previously stated this turned into a challenge to see just how far I can go with just paper and the like. Now I could just make a box or barrel and glue the weapon to that and then that to the shoulder, buuuut I want to be able to swap weapons. the local groups have been talking about doing a large tyranid enemy campaign and the idea of Twin inferno canons sounds just sooo nice for that sort of party. So my first thought was to use a length of PVC piping and a twist joint. But I want to try and do everything with paper and cardboard. So that wasn't an option. So what was I to do? Well I was looking at another cardboard model I had done some time ago when I was looking at the main turret mount. The turret mount on the Baneblade is a large drum loaded with reinforcement. Once the glue all dried it's very rigid and solid, with a strength approaching plastic. So why couldn't I build the twist joint out of paper? Well that's what I did. The shoulder joint for mounting the weapons. This is actually 3 parts jointed together. The first part is the larger segment closer to my hand. It's 20mm deep, and nothing but rolled paper saturated in white glue. The second part is the 2 half rings closer to the camera. It's the same as the first segment, just 5mm deep instead of 20mm and had segments cut out of it. The final part is the sheath along the outside that actually builds everything into a single component. This is the mount that is going on the weapon body itself that will go into side the shoulder joint. This is the entire shoulder joint assembled. So what is this joint for? Well for the one weapon I have to work with at this moment of course!The Vulcan Mega-bolter!I liked the exposed ammo in design. For the ammunition in the hopper, I used lengths of Q-tip body cut to length and glued into place. Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Space Truckin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 4 weeks later... maverike_prime Posted March 10, 2017 Author Share Posted March 10, 2017 So I'm still working on the warhoud, but I've hit some trouble with the turbo laser. Nothing to really show for it right save 7 versions of the same part, none of which are the way I want them. But I do have some new randomness to show off. I've got a game saturday and I'm running a lord on a bike with the Brand in it. In the process of doing some sorting I had an idea for the model for said lord. And in about 3 hours knocked out this: okay, that's kind of a crappy picture. Here's a better view of the conversion work I actually did. The idea I had was that the Burning brand is akin to a heavy flamer but with a more demanding combination of fuels. So I built up the back of the bike some expecting to put some sort of larger mechanism on it. Well... didn't work out like I thought it would.  I over estimated the size of what I was thinking of building. Still, I think it's a solid idea over all. But I didn't care for this first effort. So did some bitz box diving I found the parts to start on a Version 2 of the idea:One of the first things I wanted to do was move the twin-linked bolters. So I took a twin-linked bolter and split mounting it on the sides of the wheel. Since this is for a Chaos lord I had to shave off the imperial insignia on it the sides of the bolter.   The next thing was enlarging the engine of the bike. So I cut out the exhaust pipes... and I should of put those two thoughts in different places. Anyway, I did this:   I want the bike to be a bit beefier and more built up then a normal bike. When I was diving through my bitz box I found the Siege drill bodies from the Centurians and noticed how they look a bit like high tech driving system. And they were sort of flat. So some cutting, some shaving, some sanding, and some more styrene forms the foundation of the first of the drive units.   Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Vairocanum Posted March 10, 2017 Share Posted March 10, 2017 The bike lord is looking good, looking forward to seeing version 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... maverike_prime Posted March 12, 2017 Author Share Posted March 12, 2017 Just a heads up for those that are interested in the titan, it will be the subject of my live stream tonight at 6pm est. Swing by and check it out, ask questions, hang out, whatever.  You can check out past broadcasts here and be there for the live broadcast tonight from 6 to 10pm est by clicking on this link or the banner image. If you want to chat you will need to log into Twitch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... 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maverike_prime Posted October 24, 2016 Author Share Posted October 24, 2016 (edited) So got some progress done on the Brass Legion: Got a good base color down the brass by Sycorax Bronze with a wash of Agrax earth shade. I'm still going to come back and do some high lighting with Sycorax and silver but I want to do that after I get the Nihilakh Oxide (who comes up with these names?) down as I want the deeper parts to be corroded and oxydized while the higher bits are silvered as if pieces have been scraped off revealing a silver coloring from the bronze. I then went back with my air brush and put down a layer of Ceremite White on and slightly around the heads with the exposed skulls and flaming effect I sculpted previously. With the I then went back and tidied up with some more sycorax brass. With the white layer down I came in with several washes to color the heads. I started with a post of Thrakath Green just straight. No mixing or diluting. Then I mad a mix of Guilliman Blue glaze but I diluted it about 3:1 with water (3 parts water to 1 part glaze). Then using a insane detail brush I applied this to the crevices of the flames. I'm not totally sold on this result but I can't say why. I'll think on it for a bit. Lastly, we have the Sorceror Arian himself. This... I donno. I thought the contrasting Red/blue work work with the bronze colored armor but seeing it I don't think so. Too much clash. I may try redoing the red in cyans to give more color to the model. Thoughts from anyone else? Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted October 30, 2016 Author Share Posted October 30, 2016 So I've gotten some work done on the Brass Legion unit. A selective, and ultimately time consuming application of Nihilak oixide adds some nice corrosion effect to the models.. Vairocanum and Dolchiate Remembrancer 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted October 31, 2016 Share Posted October 31, 2016 Keep posting Mav! These are making me want to make some LotD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted November 5, 2016 Author Share Posted November 5, 2016 (edited) Keep posting Mav! These are making me want to make some LotD!  hehe wait till I get around to the Undying Legion  But yeah beyond that. I had the Forge World Heresy Khârn sitting on my work bench. So I pulled him up and threw some paint on him:  I also changed out the color of the robe on the Sorcerer for the Brass Legion:   And (like 3/4 of the board I'm sure) I picked up a copy of Burning of Prospero. Dragon Forge was running a special on bases for the Burning of Prospero release. $60 + S&H for all the bases for the models in the box. So you basically save $16 on the bases. He may still be running the special. Toss him a line and ask. I ordered bases from the Ancient Ruins and Ancient Ruins 2 series. The Ancient Ruins 2 look a little more ruined then series 1. This way I can do the Thousand Sons on the Ancient ruins bases and look like they're being a bit more defensive, and have the Sisters, Wolves and Custodes on series 2 and make them look a bit more destructive while still looking like they're in the same place. I built the first squad of Thousand Sons and then added the Terminators.  A trick I figured out when painting the Brass Legion: Mount all the bolters on this... erm.... thing? And it makes it easier to prime and paint.  In all cases I magnetized the feet and the bases so that I can remove the model to paint the bases more easily.  In order to facilitate weapon swapping I added magnets in the shoulders as well. buuuuuuut I screwed up with the storm bolter arms. See the magnets need to have opposing polarities in order to attract to one another. I mounted the magnets in the shoulders of the arms that would hold the storm bolters with the same polarity so the magnets don't attract, they repel.   Well initially I thought the parts were ruined, but a follower in my stream made a comment that made me take a closer look at it and think that just maybe I could recover. So I drilled into the shoulders from the opposite direction until I was able to force the magnets out. I couldn't just put the magnets back cause now I have this big hole in the shoulder that needed to be patched. I needed something that would actually bond with the plastic in the arm, other wise I risk the magnet pulling away from the piece. So super glue and green stuff weren't ideal options. Instead I had a different idea. I used a combination of shavings and extra scraps of plastic and plastic glue to make a batch of patch material. Basically melted plastic with most of the glue having evaporated so it's a bit like a sticky putty. I then then put this putty into the holes in the shoulders. Left it dry for a few days and came back to sand it down.  First attempt: Looks pretty good. Need to follow up with finer sand paper but it looks promising. Edited November 5, 2016 by maverike_prime Vairocanum and Victor von Doom 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 So yeah been a while since I posted and chances are good it will be a while before I post again. In addition to the holiday season some rather substantial obstacles in my personal life have come up recently. And when I say substantial... lemme put it this way. I was doing a live stream and I was shaving down a mold line when I dropped the piece. No big deal right? We've all dropped parts while we're working on them. The Dark Gods only know how many complete models worth of missing pieces I have under my work bench. So I went to pick up the piece. As I bent over and leaned under my desk, that's when I could feel it, the dull burning in the back of my brain signalling that I'm exhausted and heading down that slope where I loose control and typically brake something out of mis-guided anger and frustration... and good lord does that ever make me sound like a berserker. But that's not too far from accurate if I'm honest. dealing with the holiday season and the obstacles as well as trying to maintain my project load and my live streams about those projects has left me mentally and emotionally exhausted and on a hair trigger. Why did I just go through that psych break down? Simple, learn from my mistakes. Recognize your own respective signs for exhaustion and take heed of them. If you are like me, you approach modeling as a personal challenge where every time you work on a project you strive to do better then you did last time. If you are exhausted, step away from the projects for a little bit. You might need a day off, or a week, or a month. Take what you need. You don't want to be working on models when you are stressed and on a hair trigger. It only takes a moment's laxity to slip with an exacto blade and injure yourself or ruin a model with a thing of glue. So Public service announcement over. I do actually have something small to post. as I previously posted, I magnetized all the arms on the Prospero terminators at the shoulders. But the Sergent has a selection of weapons in his hand. I wanted to be able to magnetize that too. Well I found a way to do it! The real trick is that it only took a single magnet to accomplish: The trick is that I used a segment of 2mm steel rod in the wrist of the hands: Alrighty, I'm afraid that this might be it for till after the new year. Not sure, but with the holiday season kicking into high gear and the rest of the stuff I'm dealing with, we'll just have to see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 Wishing you a speedy recovery, and that's a good idea for magnetizing the hands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted December 6, 2016 Author Share Posted December 6, 2016 So I'm back. Taking the break really helped. Of course the release of the effing awesome new Thousand Sons models helped too! So I've done 2 live streams in the last couple days. First one I went through my purchases from the new Thousand Son range and gave my thoughts on each. You can view the VOD here.The second live stream is from last night where I started building Ahriman and a Trio of exalted Sorcerers. You can view the VOD of that here. I don't care for the supporting flame on the bottom of the Disc of Tzeentch with the Ahriman Model. So I opted to not use it and instead installed support for a flight stand. I did this by building a platform of sprues, cutting that platform to fit and then gluing it into place. I installed magnets in Ahriman's feet to allow him to be removed from the Disc and placed on a normal base. I used a mixture of sprue shavings and plastic glue to make a filler which I applied to the seam in the leg. Then using sand paper, I smoothed the surface down and cleaned it up. Can't even tell there was a seem there anymore. Here you can see the plastic/glue mixture on the cloak, where I attempted to sand it down before it was properly dried. I envisioned this Sorcerer as something like a aspiring raptor lord, but with magic. The idea is that I can field him on a Disc, or with a jump pack, simply by swapping his base. So I inserted a length of brass rod in his back that I can insert into a Disc of Tzeentch base, or into a normal base. I am Fabulous! This kind of speaks for itself. A classic 'casting of power' sort of pose. both as a means to make painting easier and to allow me to shave down points if I need to, I want to build all of my exalted Sorcerers so they can be taken off or put on a Disc of Tzeentch as needed. So, enter magnets. I'm not entirely sure why, but I envision this one as being like a Warp Smith, the techno-mage of the army. You can join me for my next live stream tonight at 5pm EST. Dolchiate Remembrancer and Vairocanum 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted December 13, 2016 Author Share Posted December 13, 2016 so re/starting a new/old project tonight. Scratch building a Thunderhawk! I had previously started this project waaaaay back in 2012 and because of various issues the project got away from me. And then I lost the notes I had made for sizes and thickness of and all that good stuff. So I'm starting over on it, sort of. I'm building the paper-craft version of it to refresh my memory of how the model goes together and so I can make notes on the model as I go. Plus it's a nice project to work during my live streams. So come join me Tonight (12/13/16) from 5-10pm EST as I work on building the paper-craft thunderhawk! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted January 31, 2017 Author Share Posted January 31, 2017 So, life changes come up and I recently had a big one. Namely I was fired from my job. Not going to mix up this thread with a bunch of sob-stories or explanation but I have decided to focus on school and finish my degree rather then getting steady work again. So what does this have to do with this forum? Well I have a decent amount of free time on my hands now. Free time means I get bored which is what started as. A boredom project but as I actually started sinking my teeth into it, it became a challenge. The challenge: To see if I could build the entire titan with out using anything pre-made. No bits, no kits, just paper, card stock, card board, glue, foam core and the like. The template this is based on is the old school one that's been floating around for near 10 years now. It's a nice basic design that provides a solid foundation to build up from. I've toyed with the design several times in the past. This is going to be a serious and sincere effort to make it my own this time. I give you... the toe! The toe joint is made from 2 sheets of 5mm foam core glued together. I added additional surface details by pulling the template parts into photoshop, making the details into layers and then printing them out on card stock. It's an interesting challenge cutting out 4 levels of details for something like this. The toe cup is made out of card board from cereal boxes and then additional layers of details have been added with the application of Card stock. The foot! So yeah, everything that was the toe, times 4. The... erm... palm of the foot? whatever you want to call it. The section the toes all connect to is made of 3 layers of foam core wrapped in an edge of card board, again from cereal boxes. The ankle mount is a single layer of foam board with a layer of card stock around the outer edges. I ran across a styrafoam ball and I had an idea for using a ping pong ball for the ankle joint. With no better use for the ball, I cut it in half and mounted it on a form for the top of the foot. Looks rather promising. Will probably use ping pong balls in the ankles for the next titan I build. The shin armor is a good example of what I made in photoshop to add to the template. The jagged arrow edging was made by pulling the template page into photoshop, making a new layer on top of the original part and designing the edging. I then printed 2 copies, 1 for the base to go onto card board and a second to be cut from card stock. The card stock is just the arrow edging while the cardboard is the foundation of the part. Cut 'em out, glue them together as needed. I added additional bracing for the mounts to the shin armor. Here we have the lower leg. Well a good portion of it anyway. The ankle joint is made from cardboard. I first glued it to the ankle mount, and then applied a layer of card stock over that and joined that to the mount. It's surprisingly solid. The pistons were a challenge but I think I pulled them off well. What I did is took Q-tips, cut off the cotton heads and then rolled strips of paper around one end to create the piston look. I was then able to cut through the rolled paper to make it mount in a way I needed it to on the foot. The leg of the Warhound has a series of pistons going between the leg sections. I added the pistons by building an internal mount for the pistons which you can see here. The foot as it stands... no pun intended.... now. Lasuria, Vairocanum, Dreagher and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted February 1, 2017 Share Posted February 1, 2017 Looking great so far! All the work put in is impressive, I would not have the patience to cut everything out and assemble it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 1, 2017 Author Share Posted February 1, 2017 Looking great so far! All the work put in is impressive, I would not have the patience to cut everything out and assemble it. That's proving to be one of the challenges I'm rising to, a0nd I'm actually really happy that I'm rising to it. I don't think I could have a month ago. A lot of the processes I'm using are tedious. A good example: The joints in the leg. They look pretty simple right? Well they sort of are simple, but simple doesn't mean quick. As I said, part of my challenge here is to make the entire Warhound out of the likes of paper, cardboard and foam core. Well that material limitation produces a bit of a challenge in itself. These parts need to be strong enough to support this rest of the model, yet still made out of paper. Well when you 15 and 20 layers of paper, it becomes surprisingly strong. So with that thought in mind, here is what I did: I started with the parts from the plans, which was two circles. I cut these out of cardboard and then made a central shaft out of three segments of cardboard and mounted it all together in a sort of spool. I then attached strips of paper to the shaft. I glued the paper to the shaft in loose loops to get it more rounded, and then added more layers. I put a layer of glue down between each layer. The final result being the hard barrel sort of piece you saw before. And this leads to a situation where I always chuckle to myself over: The need to drill through paper! I drilled holes into the paper and then mounted a pair of tooth picks into the joint. This allowed me to mount the next segment by mounting the tooth picks into a piece of foam core: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 5, 2017 Author Share Posted February 5, 2017 Today's update is about pistons. I made all 9 of the pistons for the right foot.As I explained before I'm using Q-tips for the piston shafts. Just cut off the cotton head to start, then you can glue the strip of paper to that end. For these pistons I've found that a strip of paper, and yes that is paper not card stock, that is 10mm wide by 5 inched long works out the best. I simply cut the strip of paper and then glue one end to the Q-tip body. I give the glue about 20 minutes to set and then I apply a thin layer of glue to the 'inside' of the paper. That's the side of the paper that will be rolled onto the previous layer. This way it allows to not only glue all the paper in place but also to saturate the entire roll up of paper making it solid. I then work my way slowly around, rolling up the paper until I get this: Once I get to this stage, I can just cut off the other end and presto. Piston shafts! Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 6, 2017 Author Share Posted February 6, 2017 So I'm pretty sure I'm just self destructive. or just a streak for self torture. One or the other. Why have I come to this conclusion? Well I wanted to have exposed grating over internal workings. I like the look of it and I think it helps carry the in-accurate nature of Chaos War gear. Normally I would use some window screen grating, but I as I said one of the challenges I put before myself for this project was making everything from scratch. So how did I go about making the grating? Well... like this. I made a frame using cardboard, then mounted that on a sheet of foam core start at one corner started stringing the thread across, put down another pin to hold the line and then came back the opposite way, and then back again and back and back and back and back and back and back and back and.... well you get the idea. Once I have the thread all tacked down I put 3 copies of the original frame, this time cut out of card stock, down with glue and left this exercise in mental exhaustion to dry for a couple hours.Once that was dry I mounted it in the upper workings that will go on the back of the main body: So... a success... mostly. I'm debating weather I'll just cheat and use some wind screen for the grating or if I'll just deal with this as it is. The engine workings under the grating come from the Vulcan mega-bolter that another designer made for his Warhound titan. I just enlarged it to cover the space I needed it to cover. Works rather well I think. Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 10, 2017 Author Share Posted February 10, 2017 (edited) As you can see I've got the Mesh covering that I made previously mounted atop the central body. The right power plant and shoulder wing have been assembled. I added additional details to the back of the power plant with a vent cover and access hatch. The Access hatch is just a straight forward cut and paste part. Nothing really notable. Though I did use a mini-hole punch to punch out small discs and glued them down on the corners of the hatch.No, the vent cover is the more note worthy part. Like the mesh covering, I wanted to build it from scratch. I wasn't sure how to do that initially, but I thought on it and I broke it down into smaller parts.Obviously the first thing I needed was a backing. Something to be the size of the vent. So I went into photoshop, pulled the template up and measured out a space 2mm in from the edges of the panel where the vent would go. That gave me this piece: The next thing I needed was a series of slanted slates. This was a bit trickier but I hit on the idea of making a series of 3mm stripes and stagger them so that the lower 1.5mm of the strip would be on top of the upper 1.5mm of the strip below it.So I started with one strip: And then I started gluing down each successive strip: Until I had covered the entirety of the base plate: Now I needed a cover frame. So I took the original base plate and measured out a space that was 1mm in from it's edge and cut that space out giving me a frame. I then used white glue to attach this over top of the slats. Once that dried I trimmed the excess from the slates. It was a bit sloppy and I wanted to clean it up. So I ran a strip of paper around the edge of the entire assembly. All of that resulted in this: Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum and Sgt. Blank 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dolchiate Remembrancer Posted February 10, 2017 Share Posted February 10, 2017 more Sons!!! MOOOAAAAR!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 13, 2017 Author Share Posted February 13, 2017 (edited) So name of the day is guns. Well one gun. Well okay half a gun. Um well one of the 2 barrels of the gun... 'cept it's 5 barrels of the total of 10... anyway. I'm working on the Vulcan Mega-bolter. Specifically the barrels for it. I used a process similar to the pistons to make these barrels. 6.5" of paper glued to a Q-tip body and then wrapped up with layers of glue between each wrap. I then had to make a cover to bring the details. So I did some numbers, and made some parts in Photoshop. I had to adjust the numbers and re-make the parts a couple times but ultimately it worked out. I mounted the barrels on a disc of cardboard. Punching holes gave me a place to pass the Q-tip bodies through which give the mounting more security. You can't see it, but I used the remains of my development barrel as a spacer in between the 5 main barrels. A wrap around on the barrels for a heat sheath. Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted February 14, 2017 Author Share Posted February 14, 2017 (edited) So we're talking about joints. No not that those kinds of joints! Specifically the shoulder joint on the war hound where you mount weapons! As I previously stated this turned into a challenge to see just how far I can go with just paper and the like. Now I could just make a box or barrel and glue the weapon to that and then that to the shoulder, buuuut I want to be able to swap weapons. the local groups have been talking about doing a large tyranid enemy campaign and the idea of Twin inferno canons sounds just sooo nice for that sort of party. So my first thought was to use a length of PVC piping and a twist joint. But I want to try and do everything with paper and cardboard. So that wasn't an option. So what was I to do? Well I was looking at another cardboard model I had done some time ago when I was looking at the main turret mount. The turret mount on the Baneblade is a large drum loaded with reinforcement. Once the glue all dried it's very rigid and solid, with a strength approaching plastic. So why couldn't I build the twist joint out of paper? Well that's what I did. The shoulder joint for mounting the weapons. This is actually 3 parts jointed together. The first part is the larger segment closer to my hand. It's 20mm deep, and nothing but rolled paper saturated in white glue. The second part is the 2 half rings closer to the camera. It's the same as the first segment, just 5mm deep instead of 20mm and had segments cut out of it. The final part is the sheath along the outside that actually builds everything into a single component. This is the mount that is going on the weapon body itself that will go into side the shoulder joint. This is the entire shoulder joint assembled. So what is this joint for? Well for the one weapon I have to work with at this moment of course!The Vulcan Mega-bolter!I liked the exposed ammo in design. For the ammunition in the hopper, I used lengths of Q-tip body cut to length and glued into place. Edited July 22, 2017 by maverike_prime Space Truckin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted March 10, 2017 Author Share Posted March 10, 2017 So I'm still working on the warhoud, but I've hit some trouble with the turbo laser. Nothing to really show for it right save 7 versions of the same part, none of which are the way I want them. But I do have some new randomness to show off. I've got a game saturday and I'm running a lord on a bike with the Brand in it. In the process of doing some sorting I had an idea for the model for said lord. And in about 3 hours knocked out this: okay, that's kind of a crappy picture. Here's a better view of the conversion work I actually did. The idea I had was that the Burning brand is akin to a heavy flamer but with a more demanding combination of fuels. So I built up the back of the bike some expecting to put some sort of larger mechanism on it. Well... didn't work out like I thought it would.  I over estimated the size of what I was thinking of building. Still, I think it's a solid idea over all. But I didn't care for this first effort. So did some bitz box diving I found the parts to start on a Version 2 of the idea:One of the first things I wanted to do was move the twin-linked bolters. So I took a twin-linked bolter and split mounting it on the sides of the wheel. Since this is for a Chaos lord I had to shave off the imperial insignia on it the sides of the bolter.   The next thing was enlarging the engine of the bike. So I cut out the exhaust pipes... and I should of put those two thoughts in different places. Anyway, I did this:   I want the bike to be a bit beefier and more built up then a normal bike. When I was diving through my bitz box I found the Siege drill bodies from the Centurians and noticed how they look a bit like high tech driving system. And they were sort of flat. So some cutting, some shaving, some sanding, and some more styrene forms the foundation of the first of the drive units.   Vairocanum 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted March 10, 2017 Share Posted March 10, 2017 The bike lord is looking good, looking forward to seeing version 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maverike_prime Posted March 12, 2017 Author Share Posted March 12, 2017 Just a heads up for those that are interested in the titan, it will be the subject of my live stream tonight at 6pm est. Swing by and check it out, ask questions, hang out, whatever.  You can check out past broadcasts here and be there for the live broadcast tonight from 6 to 10pm est by clicking on this link or the banner image. If you want to chat you will need to log into Twitch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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