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Shouldn't I be able to choose a Dreadnought Droppod for a Contemptor in the Orbital Assault RoW? Only the Dreadclaw appears as option.


... You can!  However, you may not take one if there are more than one Contemptor in the Talon.  The Rite of War doesn't change that provision.  


I found one more for you. In the Onslaught FOC, the maximum number of troops allowed should be 4 (with a minimum of 1). It's currently only allowing a maximum of 2.


Also, the Navigator is still unable to take relics.


Thanks again for all the work!




Fixed the Onslaught FOC - nice catch!


The Navigator... That's a bit of work to go and add it to every entry.  I'll get around to it, but I'm a bit reluctant as it seems fairly janky.  


Hello Milicant. Can you please recheck Solar Auxilia engiseer magos, it's meltabombs only 4 pts, that's not correct. Thanks!


Fixed.  Man, typos everywhere!



I've also fixed the Vigilator Banestrike rounds - 5pts only now.  He can, however, still purchase another bolter.  



And, as I'm sure some people have been waiting for, I've added the two new Consul types.  I have NOT added the new named Characters yet, as I'm very short on time currently.  Expect those soon.  

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Wait what? Blargh I'm really not on my game lately. Sorry about this guys, I've been cramming this in around 12-14 hr workdays. I'll knock that out this morning.


EDIT: I just realized I also didn't give them the ability to take a command squad. I'll add that as well.

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Minor note for a future version, the Consul Praevian has a cortex controller so the list should allow for more ad-mech units like when there is a forge lord selected. Right?

Currently throws up an error that the controller is missing.


And many many thanks for the great work!

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Thanks, Millicant. I would imagine you spend way too much time on this project, putting yourself in danger of becoming a ravening lunatic, but we do appreciate it. I hope you know that any of my fix suggestions are completely without urgency. Even if you updated only once every three months, I'm sure we would all be grateful.




edit: awkward grammar

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Minor note for a future version, the Consul Praevian has a cortex controller so the list should allow for more ad-mech units like when there is a forge lord selected. Right?

Currently throws up an error that the controller is missing.


And many many thanks for the great work!

Not sure what error you are referring to... Having 1 or more CC allows you to field a single Thallax or Castellax unit as HS, which seems to work fine : if I add a unit of either, an error pops up, which then disappear if I add a praevian.


+ Edit : additionally, having more than one CC doesn't let you field more than one of these units...

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My apologies, you are quite right

I had read the rules for the cortex controller in the LACAL red book and was left with the impression that once a Cortex Controller was in the army (by a forge lord normally) then you could take any number of optional heavy support choices of Either Thallax or Castellax. Not just one choice.

So I thought that a praevian would unlock them as well... It is a bit weird in LACAL, it refers you to page 89 which doesn't say much beyond the proximity rule.


My bad, sorry for the trouble!

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Hi Millicant,


I have just noticed that in a power armour (not Terminator) Command Squad unit, the Standard Bearer should be equipped with a Bolt Pistol as well as a combat knife/chainsword. He should also be able to upgrade both of these under the section:


Any member of the Legion Command Squad may exchange their chainsword/combat blade and Bolt Pistol for one of the following:

- Heavy Chainsword +5pts each

- Charnabal Sabre +5pts each

- Power Weapon +10pts each

- Power Fist or Lightning Claw +15pts each

- Plasma Pistol +15pts each.


So I should be able to upgrade my Standard Bearer's close combat blade to a Power Weapon and his Bolt Pistol to a Plasma Pistol for example.

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You can upgrade the standard bearer, Urza -- his upgrade is included with the others. Try giving a squad of 2 chosen and a standard bearer 3 power fists. The ccw/pistols have a max number of 5, while the combi-bolter/volkite charger have a max of 4.


~ K

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Here's another for you: the Deathstorm drop pod should be available as fast attack if the orbital assault RoW is selected.






Wow, nice catch!  I didn't even know about that.  Fixed.  



Hi Millicant,


I have just noticed that in a power armour (not Terminator) Command Squad unit, the Standard Bearer should be equipped with a Bolt Pistol as well as a combat knife/chainsword. He should also be able to upgrade both of these under the section:


Any member of the Legion Command Squad may exchange their chainsword/combat blade and Bolt Pistol for one of the following:

- Heavy Chainsword +5pts each

- Charnabal Sabre +5pts each

- Power Weapon +10pts each

- Power Fist or Lightning Claw +15pts each

- Plasma Pistol +15pts each.


So I should be able to upgrade my Standard Bearer's close combat blade to a Power Weapon and his Bolt Pistol to a Plasma Pistol for example.


Hopefully Krikey's answer was sufficient, but I wanted to touch on this so you know I'm not ignoring you.  Basically the Standard Bearer is rolled in with the rest of the squad.  It wasn't worth giving the standard bearer a separate statline/options set.  



I've noticed several reports of missing options and the like lately.  I'm not sure what's been going on, especially since I haven't experienced these myself just yet.  I'll pass it along to Jon and we'll see how it goes.  :)

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