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This might be stupid but with the solar auxilia if I select Tank commander in Hq should I be able to select his vehicle without using another Foc space?

That's how it works afaik (and gives you the option of a HQ superheavy?)

So then I found a bug :D

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The Allegiance selection is useful but one thing I have noticed is that it makes creating Great Crusade forces almost impossible.


For example, for my Luna Wolves, if I want to use both Loken and Abandon, I can't. Is there any way you can create a Great Crusade Allegiance or something that allows you to pick both loyalist and traitor units?

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The Allegiance selection is useful but one thing I have noticed is that it makes creating Great Crusade forces almost impossible.


For example, for my Luna Wolves, if I want to use both Loken and Abandon, I can't. Is there any way you can create a Great Crusade Allegiance or something that allows you to pick both loyalist and traitor units?

Have you tried:

-select Loyalist

-insert Loken into list

-selext traitor

-insert Abaddon into list


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The Allegiance selection is useful but one thing I have noticed is that it makes creating Great Crusade forces almost impossible.

For example, for my Luna Wolves, if I want to use both Loken and Abandon, I can't. Is there any way you can create a Great Crusade Allegiance or something that allows you to pick both loyalist and traitor units?

Have you tried:

-select Loyalist

-insert Loken into list

-selext traitor

-insert Abaddon into list


I haven't though I'm sure it would work. However, it would still be nice to be able to do this without all the roster trickery

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Two actual bugs to report, both in the Skyhunter Jetbike entry:


  1. If you've got Salamanders selected, you should be able to exchange as many heavy bolters for heavy flamers as you like - however, Battlescribe gives you an alert if you replace more than one weapon, regardless of Legion-specific rules.
  2. When you select the "Sky Hunter Sergeant" option, it should turn one of the grunts into a sergeant, not add a sergeant.

Heavy Flamer upgrade also caps out at 3 if you're Salamanders, even though you can give the entire squad heavy flamers if you're so inclined.

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the tank does take up a force org slot.


Okay, so this is sorted out right?  Sounds like it's working correctly...




The Allegiance selection is useful but one thing I have noticed is that it makes creating Great Crusade forces almost impossible.

For example, for my Luna Wolves, if I want to use both Loken and Abandon, I can't. Is there any way you can create a Great Crusade Allegiance or something that allows you to pick both loyalist and traitor units?

Have you tried:

-select Loyalist

-insert Loken into list

-selext traitor

-insert Abaddon into list


I haven't though I'm sure it would work. However, it would still be nice to be able to do this without all the roster trickery



Hmm, so this is kind of a tough spot.  Even the original LACAL had traitor/loyalist markings, I just never implemented them until recently.  This unfortunately raises further questions, since you might open the door for traitor/loyalist only Rites of War to be available during the Great Crusade.  


Let me think on that one, but please continue to use roster trickery for now.  Since it is technically possible, albeit unwieldy, this might take a back seat for a bit.  


Two actual bugs to report, both in the Skyhunter Jetbike entry:


  1. If you've got Salamanders selected, you should be able to exchange as many heavy bolters for heavy flamers as you like - however, Battlescribe gives you an alert if you replace more than one weapon, regardless of Legion-specific rules.
  2. When you select the "Sky Hunter Sergeant" option, it should turn one of the grunts into a sergeant, not add a sergeant.

Heavy Flamer upgrade also caps out at 3 if you're Salamanders, even though you can give the entire squad heavy flamers if you're so inclined.


Nice catch!  There are so many little things like this - it's nigh-on impossible for me to catch them all.  


The Sky Hunter Sergeant does turn one into a sergeant.  There isn't really a way to annotate that any differently.  I could call it "Upgrade one to Sergeant" or something like that, if that would make it more clear to you.  


The flamer situation has been fixed!





As requested, a Shattered Legion option has been added.  Now you can identify which unit belongs to each Shattered Legion.  However, you will still have access to the wargear for all the selected legions!  There simply isn't a practical way to change that, so please be careful when when making Shattered Legion lists.  


Additionally, some mobile-related issues have been ostensibly been fixed, but I won't know that until I can get the update through the proper channels onto my own device!  


Thanks for you patience guys.  As a heads up, I am about to leave for about 3 weeks and will have no significant interwebz access.  I may be able to post here (maybe) but I will not be able to make any updates or fixes until I return.  Additionally, since my new book isn't here yet, this means a delay before the new updates get added!  There is CapitalDot over on the GitHub site, so if they do get added before I return it will be his doing.  


Finally, I'm strongly considering moving the Rites of War to their own selection under Legion Astartes.  It would only be visible once a Master of the Legion was present in the army.  This allows us to build a list around a Rite of War and change the HQ who provides access to it, rather than build around a specific HQ.  Any thoughts on this before I implement it?  As with any relocation of a significant feature, I expect some backlash as people can't find their Rite of War for a little while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i pick up the Night Lords in Shattered Legions options, it still does not appear as option to choose in the units so i can't identify it as a NL squad. 

For every other legion it works well, though.

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I've recently managed to work out some of the simpler stuff with how the catalogue building works. I was wondering if I fiddle with some stuff, such as the loyalties things mentioned earlier, would the changes then get deleted when I update the data files?
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When i pick up the Night Lords in Shattered Legions options, it still does not appear as option to choose in the units so i can't identify it as a NL squad. 

For every other legion it works well, though.


this. My Night Lords just want to be friends with other legions ;) 


I was trying to do a NL and Alpha shattered list at i was running into the same issue. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brothers, I have returned!


After several weeks in the long-lost land-without-internet, I am back and ready to fix some catalogues!  Still not home, but at least in a place with proper connectivity.  


I apologize for the long delay in updates.  I should be all caught up now.  



I like the idea of that change. :smile.:


Thanks - I can't take credit though.  I plan on implementing this, however it will be coincident with the release of Battlescribe 1.16 in order to prevent any major Force Organization Chart screw-ups.  


I've recently managed to work out some of the simpler stuff with how the catalogue building works. I was wondering if I fiddle with some stuff, such as the loyalties things mentioned earlier, would the changes then get deleted when I update the data files?


Yes, any changes you make should be overwritten after each update.  However, in your case you should have a very simple fix.  Under 'Ezekyle Abaddon' simply delete the modifier "Hide: If Force type has equal to '0' selections of 'Traitor'" and you should be golden.  Same for any other entries you want to bring in a loyalist Great Crusade list.  One deletion every so often should be pretty manageable.  



When i pick up the Night Lords in Shattered Legions options, it still does not appear as option to choose in the units so i can't identify it as a NL squad. 

For every other legion it works well, though.


this. My Night Lords just want to be friends with other legions :wink:


I was trying to do a NL and Alpha shattered list at i was running into the same issue. 



Terribly embarassing.  Fixed.  


However, not that surprising - my allegiances must be subtly slipping into my catalogue writing... :P





Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions has been implemented.  There are likely to be many errors, as scrubbing through every single line of that book is not my strongest suit.  As always, please let me know when you find errors!



Also, question for the group on the Knight Atrapos.  Rules state "0-1 per 2000 points in the army" when taking it for the Questoris Knights.  I take that to mean that you must have 2000 points to take one, i.e. a 1500 point list couldn't bring an Atrapos.  Anybody have a dissenting opinion?  

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I also read it as for every 2000 point increment, you can have 1 Atrapos ie:

  • 1-3999 (1)
  • 4000-5999 (2)
  • 6000-7999 (3)
  • 8000-9999 (4)

And so on.


Or something like that.

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Yep - your force needs to total 2000pts including the Atropos.... I think, it could just stop you doubling up pre 4k.

The way i read it its one per 2000pts, so you can take one in an army 1-2000pts, then 2 at 2001-4000 etc.

I also read it as for every 2000 point increment, you can have 1 Atrapos ie:

  • 1-3999 (1)
  • 4000-5999 (2)
  • 6000-7999 (3)
  • 8000-9999 (4)

And so on.


Or something like that.


The way i read it its one per 2000pts, so you can take one in an army 1-2000pts, then 2 at 2001-4000 etc.


This is how I understood it too.


Hmmm, seems there's a bit of dissent on this subject.  I usually have to defer to the least restrictive choice as a matter of principle.  Any other thoughts?

In the Deathshroud unit entry, they still have Sweep Attack instead of Reaping Blow - Dorn, Mortarion and the actual Power Scythe entry in DG wargear are all good though.


Welcome back and thanks for the update!




Whoops - I missed that.  Thanks for a good catch.  See below - this is probably going to sit for a bit.  


I'm not sure if I'm just adding force orgs incorrectly, but I can't find Samus or Corbax Utterblight as LoW choices for Daemons or Word Bearers? I'm unsure where they are meant to fit i in the books either. 


I'm seeing them just fine under the Codex: Chaos Daemons.  Let me know if you have further problems.  :tu:




Good news everyone!  Battlescribe 1.16 is in stable Alpha from Jon, the creator.  It will bring about many changes, including the ability to work with Force Organization Charts directly.  As such, I'm turning my attentions to implementing a great deal of changes in our precious catalogues.  To most of you, this means two things: 1) that there will likely be fewer updates until 1.16 is released.  I will still fix critical errors, but some minor things will begin to slip through the current version, to be applied with the release of the next major version of the catalogues which will correspond with the release of Battlescribe 1.16.  2) You can expect to see some significant changes.  I'm not alone in this - I know the 40k crew are hard at work as well.  Basic things include: FOC selection within the list as opposed to beforehand, FOC modifiers, and access to more universal special rules.  The intent is to unify the Horus Heresy project, since as it stands spread over so many books, it can be quite difficult to keep track of.  


This represents a rather large amount of work, so as always - please be patient with my progress and continue to report errors!  This will be especially critical once 1.16 is released - I always need you, my brothers, to find the errors that slip through into release.  

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Hey Milicant, just want to say that Legion Heavy Support Squads with Missile Launchers have the option to take Stasis Shells even if they aren't Dark Angels.

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I found that with the Legion selection, it comes up with an error when you choose both a legion and a rite of war.


Could you be more specific?  I haven't implemented the Rites of War at the root level yet - that will come with the next upgrade of Battlescribe.  


Hey Milicant, just want to say that Legion Heavy Support Squads with Missile Launchers have the option to take Stasis Shells even if they aren't Dark Angels.


Nice catch - fixed!




Progress continues brothers, and I think you'll all be pleased with the way it's shaping up.  I'm proud of how it's working now and there are very few elements that I can no longer implement.  What remains to be tracked by the user are things like "can have a total of one less elites and fast attack combined than heavy support" which is probably still not possible.  

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Question on the Damocles Rhino:


B.S. is allowing me to purchase a Damocles Rhino as a dedicated transport for a Librarian. I reviewed book 5, which only the Ultramarines get it as a dedicated transport for their Master of Signals.


Is this an error or how I missed an update?

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Question on the Damocles Rhino:


B.S. is allowing me to purchase a Damocles Rhino as a dedicated transport for a Librarian. I reviewed book 5, which only the Ultramarines get it as a dedicated transport for their Master of Signals.


Is this an error or how I missed an update?


Interesting - I'm not able to replicate this error.  Can you describe some other conditions that allowed this?  

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