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hey  !  First off thanks for the update , pretty excited to be able to mess around with  6th Legion lists

I noticed that The Wolf Kin of Russ arent Showing up when you select Leman Russ as the Lord of War 

Hope this is helpful!


Barky and Bitey should be in the next release, they didn't make it before I started hammering on the release button.


We also have background work done on fortifications so I'm hoping to have some of them in place over the next few release.

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"Barky and Bitey"


Im keeping that.


Your the second person who's told me that, I'm getting tempted to use those names and see if we get complaints :)


Does it have a Custodes list added?


It was going to have one or two of them but it looks like the file that got released is broken. We have a replacement file now, I'm going to test it this morning and if everything is working in it I'll release it. There's still some units to be added to it though.

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Maybe I'm just totally missing it but it looks like the Typhon isn't a choice when adding a LoW


It should be still there, I can see it in the current files under the LoW slot. Third from the end in this screenshot



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Are there any ways to get the experimental files on the Android version? I've been trying for about a half hour and no luck figuring it out

1. Get the .Zip with the files.

2. Make sure you have a file browser on your Android device.

3. I have no idea if you can unzip files or open .Zips on most androids so I put the files in a folder in my google drive and browse to the folder. I the. Select download for each one (7 main ones)

4. Open the file browser and go toIf you use a file explorer and go to Android/data/net.battlescribe.mobile.editor/files/data/ you'll see the heresy folder.

5. Delete all the files in the folder.

6. Browse to the download folder, select all the relevant battlescribe files and copy or move them to the heresy folder you just came from.

7. Start battlescribe and create the army with the experiment/in-development files.

8. If you want to go back to the previous files the delete your data from the data menu in BS and get it to refresh your files. It'll pull in the currently released set.


OR instead of deleting your current files create a new folder and stick them in. I haven't tested this so not sure how well it works.


If you want a list of the experimental/in-development .Zip files the have a look at the active branches here https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/branches


Click on the branch you want, select clone or download on the right and download ZIP.

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Well now that I fixed my issue I think I spotted a couple errors in the Word Bearers list:


It says I am required to have 1 Diabolist when in fact Word Bearers require one centurion or Chaplain. The Diabolist is required when taking their unique RoW "The Dark Brethren".


Gal Vorbak are listed as having the "Legiones Astartes" special rule when sadly they do not :(.


I think that's it. Thanks for all the hard work you all put in!

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Thank you for clearing that up and the LoW already appearing in the main list, yay!


The only thing is, when I make a list for Alpha Legion (im using IOS version by the way!), and when i try to select a consul option for a centurion, there is no option to select a saboteur for some reason. I made sure that I already had Legion Astartes:Alpha Legion selected, Allegiance Traitor and then went to do that. Did it multiple times, tried to remove and then make a new roster. Still same issue.


Any ideas why that happens? Thank you very much!

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Didn't want to spam your git with issues, so here is a short list of ones I'm finding so far on the new version of the files:

  1. Using Rites of War with allies. Rites of war are applied to all detachments regardless of which selected them, and it only recognizes a limit of 1 in use despite the ability to run RoW on allies using a praetor with sufficient points. (this worked in the previous version)
  2. Primarch's Chosen: Roster does not recognize the Primarch taken as HQ as fulfilling the compulsory HQ requirement.

Overall, fantastic work on these data files, and even before I joined B&C I relied heavily on them for making lists on the fly at the FLGS. I'll post any other issues I find.

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Didn't want to spam your git with issues, so here is a short list of ones I'm finding so far on the new version of the files

Spam away! That's what it's there for and if I don't pick it up for a few days from here then the others will see it and might get it fixed before me. Unfortunately due to problems merging XML files using GIT we have to limit it to one person in one file at the same time. Space Wolves content is being worked on at the moment so some of the other legion issues may not get fixed until that's finished but we'll get them done.

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The Command Squad gets an error message whenever you try to swap any squad members Close Combat Weapon or Bolter - "Has 1 too many selections from Exchange Bolter for: (maximum 0)" and "Has 1 too many selections from Exchange Chainsword/Combat Blade or Bolt Pistol for: (maximum 1)".


They also get an error when you give them more than 1 combat shield.



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If anyone has been looking for fortifications then this evenings release will be for you. They've been made available for all armies. There are rites that restrict using them but it's better to get the units in place now and work on the restrictions later as there's quite a bit of work and changes to get all the rites working properly.

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I've fixed most of the recently reported issues but Appspot seems to be broken (totally not my fault,... probably) so the updated files aren't being distributed :/

If anyone wants to manually update them they can get them from here - https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/archive/master.zip


Delete your old files and copy these into the Warhammer 30,000 Battlescribe folder. Desktop is fairly easy, android requires a file browser app, instructions for android are a few posts up - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/326330-30k-battlecribe-repository/?p=4658083


Didn't want to spam your git with issues, so here is a short list of ones I'm finding so far on the new version of the files:

  1. Using Rites of War with allies. Rites of war are applied to all detachments regardless of which selected them, and it only recognizes a limit of 1 in use despite the ability to run RoW on allies using a praetor with sufficient points. (this worked in the previous version)
  2. Primarch's Chosen: Roster does not recognize the Primarch taken as HQ as fulfilling the compulsory HQ requirement.

Overall, fantastic work on these data files, and even before I joined B&C I relied heavily on them for making lists on the fly at the FLGS. I'll post any other issues I find.


Could you get me a screenshot of error 2 please? I tried it with Dorn and he counted as HQ, some more details are here - https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/issues/741


Unless it's initially adding the Primarch. At the moment you have to add a master of the legion unit first to unhide the rites, selected Primarch Chosen and then the Primarch will appear in the HQ slot. It's something I'll be fixing, just haven't got the right process for it to work well yet.

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Newest file version you posted is no longer throwing the error, for Corax I am getting the "one too many selections of MotL (minimum zero)


I think the rites of war sharing across detachments was a one-off bug, I haven't encountered it again since I updated the files to newest.

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