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Another command squad bug...


Chosen can replace their bolt pistol or chainsword... if I arm a Chosen with an inferno pistol and power weapon for example this is reported as illegal.


Okay so if I built a list I should be able to take two chosen, one with two plasma pistols and one with two power weapons?


Sorry for the silly example, I just want to get the restrictions right in my head. I've had a look at the other legion specific HQ's (as they use a different entry in BS) and they're setup the same way. I have a task set up for reviewing them alongside the HQ units but I might be able to just change the max selections as a quick fix for this.

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Hello  , good morning 

First , Thank you for the work you are doing , I am sure all of us appreciate it very much
Secondly , I am not sure if it has been brought up but I am having an issue mounting Command squads on Jetbikes  
I am doing so in the Ravenwing Protocol Rite of war

Thanks again !  

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Another has joined to work on the HH files. alphalas has done a lot of work on the 40k files and is tackling how the force orgs are implemented. We're looking at getting the LoW back into a single force entry and more improvements to army building along with adding all the fortifications in. No timeframe for these changes yet, we'll have something once most of the rites of war are working we don't run into any major issues.

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Ultramarines Breachers still incorrectly pay 10pts for power swords.


Is that a legion specific unit or standard breachers? I'm not that familiar with UM's. We haven't gotten to a legion specific review yet but let me know and I'll log this one, it'll be updated after current work is complete and tested.

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Ultramarines Breachers still incorrectly pay 10pts for power swords.

Is that a legion specific unit or standard breachers? I'm not that familiar with UM's. We haven't gotten to a legion specific review yet but let me know and I'll log this one, it'll be updated after current work is complete and tested.

Standard breachers for UM can switch their bolters for power swords at 5pts per model.


It isn't a terrible problem to get around. :)

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Ultramarines Breachers still incorrectly pay 10pts for power swords.

Is that a legion specific unit or standard breachers? I'm not that familiar with UM's. We haven't gotten to a legion specific review yet but let me know and I'll log this one, it'll be updated after current work is complete and tested.

Standard breachers for UM can switch their bolters for power swords at 5pts per model.


It isn't a terrible problem to get around. :smile.:



It's good to know about, thanks! I have it logged here so it'll be done at some stage - https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/issues/703

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It's "Backup your lists time!" again.


We should be tagging a fairly large release in the next few days that changing how we do the force org structure in Battlescribe. Currently, one innitial list creation, you have an Age of Darkness and that's it. Any force org modification is done in the list itself, we're changing that so you have a drop down list when your chosing the force to use. If you've used these files for a while or you've used BS for 40k stuff you'll be familiar with the change. It makes changes in the background much easier, it was like supporting an upside down house of cards before.


The change also eliminates the need to load a second file just to get Lords of War or fortifications and will make porting in the fortifications from the 40k files that much easier. It will also make porting in the Deamons file much easier as well, we'll still have to strip out the formations and reset a few things to make it work.


More Lords of War units need to be added and we'll be starting on that fairly soon and making them available for the relevant catalogues so give us a bit more time on that. We're also in a good position to start running through the Rites of War that have been left broken or not implemented for quite some time.


If you want to test out any of the change a work in progress set of files is available from https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/archive/Alphalas1.zip


Work is also being carried out in the background on Inferno content but give us a bit more time on that stuff :)


We're up to two quite active people and me now. @kabuumu joined about a week ago and is forging ahead on Legion stuff.

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First of all. Backup your lists. Print it out, save the print out to PDF, save a text/xml/bbcode file. It doesn't matter as long as you have a backup outside of battlescribe. Testing these changes we haven't found it breaks much BUT there's always a chance it could delete half of your favourite list when the update comes in.


This update is basically changing back to the old way or the same way the 40k files handle the army structure. Instead of changing your force org inside the list you pick it when your making the army.







Why are we changing it? The current system isn't very obvious and we keep getting issues logged about it. It's also a pain in the ass to support, one change or addition can break the whole thing and it's extremely confusing for any new members that join.

This change also means we can implement fortifications much easier, the 40k files have them all setup and working well so we'll just be copying it all. It's just a matter of validation and linking up the right equipement then.

One last benifit of the change, Deamons. Copying over the Deamons file from 40k will be much easier now, that's not to say it'll be ready in a few days. We still have to stripe out the formations and change the links so they point at the 30k file instead and then putting it through testing to see what additional changes are needed for 30k. Battlescribe doesn't like links that point at nothing and it doesn't let you save the file, if something craps out then it means starting all over again

What else does it mean? Lord of War are in when you load up one army, no need to load a second. We got quite a few issues logged about finding them as well. We have a good bit of work to catch up on to add missing LoW units but it'll be a bit easier now that the force org changes have been made.









Minor changes are:
Rites of War entry is now visible, should be easier to find but will be empty until you have a master of the legion added.
Primarchs Chosen doesn't throw up a ton of validation errors now but you still have to do the MotL shuffle (add a MotL, select the rite and your Primach will appear as HQ, add them and remove the previous MotL) but we'll get that fixed soon.

Some Space Wolves, Titan Guard and Custodes units have been added. Work is continuing on getting these new units added in, we'll start on the validation stuff for them once they're all in, that means people can at least build lists with them. The Wolves will need a bit extra to get their HQ units and rites set up right.

Thousand Sons will be started soon enough, we have to get some psychic powers stuff sorted for them first and we can start adding them in.


These are the major changes and additions, we have minor fixes in but, as always, if you spot any mistakes or something needs updating please let me/us know.


Many thanks to

Alphalas - Force org changes, Custodes updates and many more updates
kabuumu and DonMorr - Hearing the call of the Great Wolf and working on Space Wolf units.

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First off, thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in, cant be easy with bods like me throwing little niggles into the pot like this.


  • ! Legion Veteran Sergeant must have 1 more selection of Bolter (minimum 1)

Although it still offers the option for ; Combi-weapon, Inferno Pistol, and Plasma Pistol under the "Exchange bolter for:" heading. If you do select anything other than "Bolter" then the preceding error message comes up and flags the list as invalid.


Like I said, little niggle but thought I'd share it as as far as I can tell that is the only desktop specific issue I've run into thus far.


The slightly more annoying issue that appears to effect both the desktop and android platforms is as follows


  • More than one data file found with the same id.

This prevents any modifications being made to the army list name, points, or any elements of the force, either adding to or subtracting from it. 

I've tried correcting this by deleting the DropBox data files and reinstalling them from the GitHub links provided in the most recent email, and have gone through the DropBox roster files to check for duplicates, still with no joy.


Am I just not seeing the woods for the trees?

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First off, thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in, cant be easy with bods like me throwing little niggles into the pot like this.


  • ! Legion Veteran Sergeant must have 1 more selection of Bolter (minimum 1)

Although it still offers the option for ; Combi-weapon, Inferno Pistol, and Plasma Pistol under the "Exchange bolter for:" heading. If you do select anything other than "Bolter" then the preceding error message comes up and flags the list as invalid.


Like I said, little niggle but thought I'd share it as as far as I can tell that is the only desktop specific issue I've run into thus far.


The slightly more annoying issue that appears to effect both the desktop and android platforms is as follows


  • More than one data file found with the same id.

This prevents any modifications being made to the army list name, points, or any elements of the force, either adding to or subtracting from it. 

I've tried correcting this by deleting the DropBox data files and reinstalling them from the GitHub links provided in the most recent email, and have gone through the DropBox roster files to check for duplicates, still with no joy.


Am I just not seeing the woods for the trees?


If you've pulled the files from github then it may be down to a gstz file that was added. It's from the 40k files and I was running into the same issue so I've changed the ID on it in the last few hours. Originally the 30k file would have been copied from the 40k file as well so it would have the same ID.


 The current updates have been tagged and should be out fairly soon, I though the appspot page would have picked up on them by now but nothing yet. The best thing to do is to try deleting your files using Battlescribe (instructions here - https://battlescribe.net/?faq=refreshData ) and replace them with https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/archive/master.zip or if you want to wait a few hours the appspot page will update and make the files available for BS to download itself.


I've tested the Veteran Segeant problem and it's not happening for me, I'll have to wait to check the most up to date files as I don't have access to BS at the moment. Could be an issue with the datafiles you have, or it's something that was introduced in a very recent commit.


ezeefisch, on 15 Feb 2017 - 12:08 PM, said:

First off, thanks for all the hard work you guys are putting in, cant be easy with bods like me throwing little niggles into the pot like this. 



No, thank you for taking the time to make a post and let us know about the issue, especially one with details. There's a lot of options and combinations to go through and finding even a small part of them is a pain in the ass. A report on any issue helps us make the files better for everyone and saves us time. 

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I am having trouble making an army of dark compliance 30k list.


I select it and put down traitor irow warriors. But it will not allow me to select the militia/cult units.


Any ideas as to why?


It was started a good while ago and never completed. We have it logged under https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/issues/473 and will be looking at it along with other rites that require units from other armies. I don't have much more info as we haven't gotten to give it a good look to see what the requirements are in the background.

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Is it fair to say that we will be seeing a fix for the LoW and also be able to add daemons as allies where applicible?


LoW will be in the same list as everything else. The list of LoW units isn't complete so we'll be working towards getting it finished and complete again.


Daemons will take longer to make sure the catalogue is working with the 30k files. We've only started to look at what it's going to take to make it work. I got distracted after typeing this and went to test the old file we have and it seems to be working. If you're using desktop can you give the set of files a trial run and see how well they work/how badly out of date they are?


https://github.com/BSData/horus-heresy/archive/Daemons.zip has all the current files along with a Daemon one.

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