TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 10, 2016 Share Posted November 10, 2016 (edited) Greetings! This is a my random project log. I've been away from 40k for some time, I used to go by the name of Araziel with a Nurgle warband called The Pestilent Scourge (they may return at some point, I have some ideas) but I've been drawn back to the hobby with the ideas of small, thematic games and campaigns of Kill Team, Inquisitor and Necromunda and more recently, Shadow War. I aim to collect and build cool little (and maybe some not so little) warbands, projects and stand alone pieces as well as some terrain in the future. The idea for my first warband came to me while reading an Ultramarines novel (I forget the title) about exiled Space Marines. I thought that I could create a really visually interesting set of models under that idea. Before I bore you with fluff, I present my first work in progress Marine! And finally, the mandatory scale comparison shot! Other than than the obvious bits such as head swaps and bolters, the entire mini was built using a Grey Knight Terminator. Future plans include filling in the majority of the scripture segments on the armour as well as building scenic bases for him and the squad. C&C welcome! This is my first venture into miniatures in a fair few years now so any pointers would be greatly appreciated Work will be spaced out on these guys because I don't want to rush them like I have other models and armies in the past. Now, for those interested, the backstory for the Exiled Knights; ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Path of the Exile The Bladed Covenant is a fiercely loyal and ritualistic chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. Based on the brutal death world of Praal, who's long solar cycle takes the planet through extreme weather conditions that last years at a time, the Covenant hold no position of greater honour for the rank and file Astartes than that of the Blademaster. A tradition that dates back to the chapters founding, upon ascension to Captain, a marine will appoint one battle brother of his company to the rank of Blademaster. Chosen for their unparalleled skill in close combat, it is a Blademasters sworn duty to protect his Captain through any costs. Once a brother holds this rank, he gives up his future within the chapter and any hope of advancement. He personally selects his Captains honour guard, named the Anointed Guard, from the ranks of the chapters first company elite, and together they are never more than a few steps from their Captain. Whirlwinds of violence on the battlefield, they inspire those around them through noble deeds of honour and sacrifice. More often than not, a Blademaster will fall defending their Captain in glorious combat - this is the greatest honour a Blademaster can achieve and they are remembered within the Chapter of heroes of legend. As each falls, their name is inscribed upon the walls of the Chapters fortress monastery and recorded in ancient times that date back to the Chapters formation. For a Blademaster and the Anointed Guard to allow their Captain's death on the field of battle is considered the ultimate disgrace. They are expected to lay down their lives in an instant, and in those rare moments they fail in their duty, the punishment is the severest the Chapter has to offer: the Death Oath. The Anointed must lay aside all chapter heraldry and are exiled from their home world until one of two conditions is met: they greet the foe who killed their Captain with vengeance, or die trying. Only a handful of Blademasters and Anointed Guard have ever been sentenced to such disgrace, and even fewer return - the galaxy is a harsh and unforgiving place, even for an Astartes. Those that do are welcomed back with open arms and are henceforth appointed to the Chapter Masters personal guard. Chapter Master Grendaal's Anointed Guard is accompanied into battle by three such redeemed Blademasters and act as his most trusted Commanders, a solemn and silent reminder of the ultimate test any Blademaster may be forced to take. Blademaster Reznor is such an exile, searching the galaxy for the Champion of Chaos known as Balantisis the Wretched, for the murder of Captain Vaaro Mathus of the glorious second company during the battle for Hive Dominus on the now dead planet of Saxos Prime. In an even rarer occurrence, most of the Anointed Guard themselves survived and so Reznor is accompanied by four fellow exiles. Their number was once seven, though along the years their company has dwindled as they hunted their pray. Armed only with what they can carry, or else store on their single Stormraven Gunship, the Exiled Knights are a shadow of their former glory to look upon; battered, paint stripped armour that bears no heraldry save for the Imperial eagle, they hunt tirelessly across the galaxy on the path of the Wretched. Masters of ambush and stealth warfare due to their limited numbers, the Knights strike fast and mercilessly in the face of overwhelming odds. For the disgraced dead, there will be no redemption. For the disgraced hunters, there is the glimmer of hope. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Exiles Reznor - The Blademaster Ganaal - The Apothecary The Astartes with the greatest medical expertise within the Exiles. Originally he trained under Brother Artus, the Anointed Guards ranking Apothecary. But when he fell in battle during their hunt, Ganaal became the squads sole member who studied the Chapters medical teachings. Fixed to his belt are canisters containing the gene-seed of his fallen Knights, with the hope that one day the organs can regain their former owners honour in the bodies of future Astartes of The Bladed Covenant. Umbraal - The Hunter Amon - The Demolisher Duhal - The Shield ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Edited June 2, 2017 by Brother Tyler Tags edited The Yak and That Guy Matt 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 11, 2016 Share Posted November 11, 2016 I think you're definitely on the right track with that true scale Marine -- the proportions seem to work out well enough, and the gear placed on the model nicely disguises the fact that he is still, for the most part, a Terminator ;) The one thing I would advise you to change is the head, or more specifically: the position of the head. I think it sits too deep and gives the Marine a slightly hunchbacked look. So I think I'd move it higher up and fill in the gap underneath with GS, maybe add a plasticard gorget piece in front, and that should really sort out the one thing that's bothering me (for the record, I did the exact same thing with my own first true scale Marine, and it really ended up making him look quite a bit more convincing). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 11, 2016 Author Share Posted November 11, 2016 Thanks Kraut :) I hadn't really noticed the hunchback look until you mentioned it, so thanks for pointing it out! Tonight I've rebuilt his neck area to heighten the position of his head as well as filled in/sanded down the scripture all over the armour. I'll give my rusty green stuffing some sanding once it cures, hopefully he's beginning to look less like a Grey Knight now! I've also started work on his base. Rummaged through my old bits boxes (thank god I kept them all these years!) and built up a new box just for base-related bits. I work for a watch company and was looking at some damaged components today in work and thought how good they could look cool on some urban bases - there are tiny springs inside the pins that connect straps to watches and they look great on bases! I used body filler with an old paintbrush to build up the core of the base. After the first layer was dry I added on some of the debris before adding more, building it up. I've got some gravel and cork in different grades on their way to me in the post, hopefully they won't take too long before I'm able to finish this one off and start on the others. I'm working on one at a time right now to try and capture as much character in each model that I can. Once again, C&C welcome :) KrautScientist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 12, 2016 Share Posted November 12, 2016 Yes, much better! I'd suggest building up the debris under his left foot a little more, making it look like more of his foot is actually making contact with the floor, but you already seem to be on top of that. The only other piece of criticism I could think of is merely a small observation: I love the purity seals on his shin armour and how they seem to be flowing in a breeze -- only the seal on his right shoulder pad is behaving differently, strangely enough ;) Oh, and while I can see what you were trying to do with the pouch on his chest, maybe you should consider replacing it with a small heraldic plate, one of those tiny reliquaries or something like that -- that just seems like a terrible place to be keeping a grenade for fairly obvious reasons ;) Anyway, great job on this guy so far! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 12, 2016 Author Share Posted November 12, 2016 Thanks again Kraut :) The debris will be added to when my supplies arrive, I was hoping it would be today as I have a couple of days off work but looks like it'll have to wait. The purity seal on his shoulder I did notice earlier while working on him and his battle brother, it'll have to come off for the reasons you have outlined. I'm in two minds about the grenade on his chest. Half of me agrees with you, the other half is quite attached to some fluff that I had in my head; given that they're hunting Chaos Marines, and he is the teams gene-seed guardian, I like the idea that he keeps a primed charge ready to detonate and destroy that supply should he fall. I'll have to have a look through my bits and weigh up some options :) Today I've done the preliminary work on his first battle brother as I mentioned above. Meet Amon - The Demolisher. As you can probably guess, he is the Exiles resident explosive expert. The green stuff on him is a little rough, nothing that shouldn't be fixed with some sand paper when it cures. As you can see, Amon is armed to the teeth with grenades of all variety. I'm not sure if I'm happy with his chest, I like the "box" designs the GK torsos have in the middle and this is one of the torsos without one, I'm considering making on with green stuff because to me, the torso looks weird without one right now compared to Ganaal (even though you can't see his due to the grenade and pouch, but the point is, there's something there to fill the space). Speaking of... I may swap out one of their heads before they're finished, I want most of the team bare-headed but not looking similar at the same time and while these two don't have the same head sculpt, they're both bald-headed wearing rebreathers right now. Immediate plans include a little more green stuffing as well as small modifications here and there, most of the work needs to be done to their bases at this point. I'm also trying to think of a colour scheme. These guys aren't going to be clean by any stretch, but I want hints of their original chapter colours coming through over the beaten and stripped armour. C&C welcome :) Noserenda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 12, 2016 Share Posted November 12, 2016 Hmm, if the concept of wearing a primed charge is actually a part of his background, it makes more sense. Even so, it seems like a pretty easy way to take him down with a well aimed shot... Love the bulkiness of the new guy (and the head is a great fit as well). I think his legs could do with some bulking out, however, as the left one in particular looks a bit weedy when compared with the massive torso. Or maybe you could just add some pouches? Anyway, I definitely like the utilitarian workhorse look you are going for with these guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 12, 2016 Author Share Posted November 12, 2016 I've made some changes to Ganaal. I tried adding some detail parts to the central box in his torso armour but couldn't find anything else that would work. Right now I'm thinking of shaving down a skull so I can stick just the front onto it, but I'm going to have to dive into the massive bits boxes to find anything suitable. The most drastic changes are the helmet (not sold on this, I have some extra heads coming in a bits order so I'll carry on playing around with options when they arrive) and the removal of the purity seals on his left shoulder pad. I've added a nice BA (I think) eagle wing detail to fill the void. Not sold on the little seal on top of it yet, though. I've played around with bulking out Amon some more too, but no pictures of him yet sadly. As always, C&C welcome! Dosjetka 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna707 Posted November 13, 2016 Share Posted November 13, 2016 Looking great! Really believable truescaling and I love how weighed down they are with gear Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 15, 2016 Author Share Posted November 15, 2016 Thanks guys! I've been back at work this week so progress has been a little slow. My basing kit and bits order finally arrived - hurray! I've managed to find some time tonight to tinker away on the Exiles. Presenting the (I think) finished Ganaal! I swapped out his helmet for a good old MK.3 that I got in my bits order. I finished building up his base with more plaster before adding more debris courtesy of the kit that arrived. To help visiaualise him in his finished form I gave him a quick undercoat to unify the parts. I swapped out Amon's bolter with a combi-flamer. I've adapted his fluff to represent him as the resident weapon specialist as well as the brother with the love for pyrotechnics. I bulked out his left leg a little more per Kraut's suggestion, I know it doesn't look like much but in person it's much bulkier (can't seem to find a camera angle to show that properly) and adding any more looks a little silly in person. Amon has some details that the undercoat has highlighted, namely in need of some extra sanding down in certain areas like the left gauntlet and the torso front. I need to drill out the barrels on both their guns but I think unless inspiration strikes, or anybody suggests something cool, then this may be the final form of both minis. I'm looking forward to making their brothers soon, in particular their leader, Reznor. I'm actually getting through these guys much faster than I thought I would! C&C welcome :) rossjk and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 19, 2016 Author Share Posted November 19, 2016 Reznor The Blademaster The leader of the Exiled Knights, I wanted to have him immediately stand out amongst his brothers. Sheathed and always at his side, is the power blade Vendicta, forged on the Chapters home world Praal, it's keen edge sharp enough to slice through ceramite like parchment. Chained within its scabbard, Reznor is honour bound to leave the blade untouched until the moment of redemption is at hand - it will taste only The Wretched's blood and fulfil the sole purpose of its creation, as before the Exiled Knights depart on their quest they are stripped of Chapter owned weapons and are armed afresh with blades forged in the fires of the Sanctuary, the Chaplain monastery on Praal. It is said that as each blade tastes blood, it restores a small portion of the honour the Knights have lost. I've finished the basic assembly of Reznor. I'm not sold on the pointed longsword, I've used that hand purely because it had the right pose. I may swap it out for a chainsword of smaller sword. Other than that, his base still needs building up, he needs the inserts of his armour filled in, details like purity seals etc to be added and the armour built up where the storm bolter should go. As always, C&C welcome :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 27, 2016 Author Share Posted November 27, 2016 I decided to get some paint on Brother Ganaal. The colours aren't popping in the photo as much as they are in person, every photo I take the colours end up washed out right now. I need to wait for better lighting I think. I still need to wash the tones down a little bit and start dirtying it all up. I want to add a different colour to some of the armour sections, I'm thinking black shoulder pads or arms because right now to me he just looks like a Blood Angel. Any other suggestions? Luna707 and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 27, 2016 Author Share Posted November 27, 2016 Apologies for the double post, but I got a little more work done on Ganaal, and I had to share it! I'm excited to see him coming along. Still very much a WIP, lots of details and more weathering need to be done on him but I'm happy with him so far. As always, C&C welcome. Isengrin and Nemac Vradon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 28, 2016 Author Share Posted November 28, 2016 Thanks Trysanna :) I like his helmet too, it was my favourite that I tried by far. I know what you mean with his bolter but I'm struggling to think of any other colours other than black to match the shoulder pads - any suggestions? I'm struggling a little with some of the details right now due to my long, long absence from 40k or indeed minis this size so progress on his paint job may be a little slower from here on, and I need to continue building and finishing his brothers. But I'm so happy with his progress that I'm having to try really, really hard to resist losing the Kill Team theme and just going all out with a full true scaled army! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 Tonight I have a little update, I managed to work on some of the details on Ganaal earlier this evening. I'm not 100% happy with the blue and green details, so I think I'll redo them when I get the chance. He still needs some more washes on some areas (like his pouches and grenades) and some further detailing and weathering to go, but he's getting there. I need to come up with a design for his shoulder pads too, as I think right now they look a little plain. Other than that, I think he's pretty much done for now. He has some flat areas to his base that I'm considering adding water effects too as well, but now that the bulk of the painting is done on him I'm going to start turning my attention to his brothers - both the built and unbuilt ones. I want to see what they all look like together! C&C welcome as always. Doghouse, Nemac Vradon and The Traitor 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted December 10, 2016 Author Share Posted December 10, 2016 Hey again. I have a little update. I think I've progressed to the point where until I get the other squad members up to the same level, and go in for some extra details and weathering, Brother Ganaal is complete. I decided to add some tainted water to the bases - they are hunting planet destroying Chaos warriors, after all. I swapped out the sword on Blademaster Reznor to a smaller chainsword. I think this balances him out a little with his wide stance, and I also started adding the rubble to his base. Next up is Brother Umbral. He is the reconnaissance expert within the Knights and spends increasingly long amounts of time ranging ahead of his brothers and recording troop movements, stronghold locations and strategic locations and supplies. When not in a combat zone, Umbral acts as the ranking Techmarine as he has an affinity for keeping the Knights Stormraven and limited bikes working. He also utilises a vast array of servo-skulls and animals in the field. I've modelled him to be communicating with a brother via a wrist mounted holographic display. You can't see it well in the pictures but there is actually a flap behind the epic scaled marine to show that the gauntlet opens and closes. This will be painted bright blue like the Narthecium on Ganaal to stand out and make it obvious as to what it actually is. As always, C&C welcome. Nemac Vradon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted December 11, 2016 Author Share Posted December 11, 2016 Ive now completed the basic assembly of the first five members of my Kill Team. I will probably go in and add details to the minis that aren't currently undercoated to complete the workhorse look, but for now this is how they stand. I love how they looked lined up next to each other, ready to dish out some vengeance. I can see some new members in their future, namely a heavy weapons specialist, a marksman and a biker. As always, C&C welcome. Nemac Vradon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted December 11, 2016 Share Posted December 11, 2016 Team's looking good but you're missing a bunch of photos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted December 11, 2016 Author Share Posted December 11, 2016 Team's looking good but you're missing a bunch of photos. Thanks! Really? They're all showing up for me, including when I'm logged out :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted December 11, 2016 Share Posted December 11, 2016 Team's looking good but you're missing a bunch of photos. They're all visible on my end as well Dos. How strange. Regardless, it's great to see an old friend return with some jaw dropping true scaled Marines marvellously kit-bashed witb character. Can't wait for paint to be put on the rest! Cambrius Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted December 11, 2016 Share Posted December 11, 2016 Strange. They're coming up as "Photo not found" for me. Perhaps you've exceeded your account monthly bandwidth or something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draakur Posted December 11, 2016 Share Posted December 11, 2016 Strange. They're coming up as "Photo not found" for me. Perhaps you've exceeded your account monthly bandwidth or something? Same situation for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted December 11, 2016 Author Share Posted December 11, 2016 Thanks Cambrius! It's been a while for sure mate, I can't wait either! Dosjetka, I'm not sure. I had a look at my account settings and some aspects were set to private, so I changed that. Maybe that will fix the problem in the future, because photo bucket isn't giving any hints as to what the problem could be. Is this guy visible? I found the sprues for him this morning in my bits box and chucked him together as a test scheme for some Chaos counterparts for the Exiles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted December 13, 2016 Author Share Posted December 13, 2016 Let's try this again with a new image hosting site, as I cannot for the life of me get Photobucket to work. Brother Ganaal as he currently stands - Brother Umbral, reconnaissance specialist - Brother Duhal - Group shot so far - Hopefully these images work! C&C welcome as always. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted March 29, 2017 Author Share Posted March 29, 2017 (edited) Hey again. I've not made a lot of progress with the Exiles since my last post, mainly due to moving offices at work. It's been a killer. However, the news of Shadow War has spurred me on as of late, as well as a certain new release for the Triumvirate series. I couldn't resist picking up Guilliman and reposing him a little. Here's my progress so far. C&C welcome. Edited March 29, 2017 by TheUndefeatedGaul Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheUndefeatedGaul Posted April 3, 2017 Author Share Posted April 3, 2017 I've made some further progress on my Guilliman; [ He's approaching the finishing stages but there are still some details (I'm sure you can see the golden areas I need to touch up because my blue glaze has tinged them) to add before I call him complete. Going forward I'm planning on finishing my Exiled Space Marines and start planning out some more teams for Shadow War. Elzender and bloodhound23 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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