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IX Legion, 112 Company. Heresy era Blood Angels + Dark Eldar


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  • 2 weeks later...

:jawdrop: Xenos on the B&C?! Here's what I'm working on atm. Bashing through these much faster than the BA, getting a unit or two a week completed. As mentioned, this will be my project until the autumn, where work will resume on the legion.


So far - week 1 and quite a bit. Week 2 I got another 3 reavers done along with Lelith. Currently working on a Succubus, venom and more wyches.







Next batch - Lilith. not the best pics, can't even see the make-up/tatoos/warpaint, will have another crack






Another 3 reavers (the red freehand is a visual cue for the special weapon biker in each set)




And WIP on the succubus




Should have a venom and 5 wyches done, along with more on the succubus by the end of the week.

Two of my favorite forces together in one plog. Nice work


Thank you


More progress 


Lelith again, with 7 new wyches (all I can fit in my provisional 1000 points). Couple need basing finished.


Think the poor lighting is making them look darker than they do irl.







And now the wip progress of the succubus. The one miniature I'm taking my time over and painting to a higher standard as befits a general. Same techniques/scheme as the rest but more detail and attention, still quite a simple scheme.






Nice work. Will you be adding tattoos? 


Thanks, I am pretty pleased with it so far, besides the skin being near done there is still a way to go and  even there the chin needs a tidy.


Not decided on the tattoos, I'm meant to be using this force to develop my freehand a little (because it's a big weakness I want to set right before going back to my heresy stuff) and was planning to on this one, but the facial tattoos on Lilith only look good close up, at any distance they detract from the miniature a bit, as she is tiny and that's put me off. Might go back and practise on a couple of wyches.


This one is a little larger so I was thinking perhaps a small but filled in/blocked colour (red) razor above the left eye, or something on the torso. Will wait until all the sub-assemblies are on, they may make the miniature a bit busy.

  • 1 year later...



The Dark Eldar had a fair bit more done, but got paused for AOS stuff. Something recently made me keen to dig out the legionaries, and then FW started previewing stuff and I've got the bug again. Have made a little more progress. I had to (literally) wash my miniatures after they went through a irl xenos incursion  too, so that's an excuse. 








The lighting has made these three pics really weird looking - either losing all shading (tacs around the eyes and in recesses) or highlights (termies) respectively. The tacs need their bases done then are up to the level of the others (i.e = pending final red highlights, final tidy - then eventual decals and pouches etc). The termies are pending base clutter, the highlight and tidy. Speeder the same - but the crew are early on. - have only been basecoated and had the red shaded.


Obviously can't wait to get Sanguinius, the transfers and some choice other bits in, but have 4 more vehicles and another 21 marines once this lot are done - hope to at least get to them by the month's end (after the speeder is 'done' I only got 5 vets to do from the initial wave) - by then you'd hope Forge World would give an indication on a preorder date?

  • 2 weeks later...

Update - 


So the speeder crew are now up to the standard of everyone.




I'm now going back across everyone so far and giving the red a final (and hopefully consistent) highlight - first three done as per below. A little cleaning up needed to thin the highlight down in places/neaten up and I also got some orange in the grill of the non corvus head bolter-marine. Getting through everyone will probably take the next week or two.







After that is the second part of the MKIV tactical vet squad. I've assembled a Sicarian which will come after that and then another Contemptor and 10 Iron armour marines. After that, another Javelin and a Leviathan. 


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