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Managed to get the first coat of red done last night. It was late so it's not overly neat, but it's a base coat so not to worry



After talking with the guys in August challenge I decided to go for a normal bolt pistol arm because the combination plasma looked to clunky. I do however aim to use the combi plasma else where :-)

Edited by Sagentus

Really looking forward to seeing this guy finished!


Now this is just a matter of personal preference, judging from the red areas on the head, are you planning to paint the armoured parts of the neck and back of the head red as well? Because I personally find that picking them out in silver, along with the implants/Butcher's Nails running along the back of the head, nicely created a look of sugial implants and also makes for some additional contrast. Just my two cents, though ;)

cheers Kraut - I hope to get more done tonight, will  get the nuln oil wash done while i'm at work, then get the 2nd coat of red done when i get home. 


I was going to paint the ear pieces red, but paint the implants/butcher's nails silver and maybe the odd wire green or yellow for a spot colour. I will get the head painted asap and then I'll see what you think :) 

Right am making some progress with Urmak, got the red armor highlighted and the first coat on the bronze. I will pick out all the silver bits next the wash the metal areas before highlighting.





The bronze did a lot for this guy, the red now looks deeper besides it. However, as it is a pretty light bronze, almost golden, are you going to paint a dark silver? Metallic colours often look too similar because they're shiny, so I think that it would be better to keep one tone darker than the other...

@traitor -cheers, I thought that too, the red didn't look right until I painted the bronze. Hmm, I might change the silver for green on wires/pipes on the back pack, what do you think?


@ vairocanum- thank you! Really trying to make this my best work thus far :-)

Hmmm... Green... You know I'm not a fan of using many colours on a model ;), I think silver should be fine as long as you don't highlight it too much, however some green could look nice on cables as you mentioned, as well as other shiny parts (the eyes of the daemonic face on the greave maybe?), but I'm not too sure. Do as you like and feel that will look better and, if it doesn't work, you can always redo it.

@ Bio - cheers mate, hopefully get some more done on it tonight 


@ Traitor - yeh I know how much you like a limited pallet lol. I think you are right though, I will go for a dark silver on the back pack and chain mail. I'll use green as a spot colour for small bits :)


On the right hand side he has a pipe, similar to that of the helbrute's, should i do that in a fleshy tone, purple or another colour?  

Got the silver on in places and washed the bronze/gold with devlin mud and the silver in nuln oil. when doing the washes i tried to make sure i also got the edges where the red and bronze meet. Annoyingly I spilt 1/2 a pot of devlin mud on the carpet, good job its a dark carpet but its a sod to get out.





Slowly getting there, need to highlight the bronze/gold and edge highlight the silver as i want it to look rather dark. Then time for skulls and faces!

Question - on the right leg should i go bone colour or make it look more daemon like with purples?

Hmm, I'd leave the spots where the inner piping peeks through the damaged/rotten insulation in silver, if that's what you mean. I've always interpreted those new Dark Vengeance style cables as either being fleshy or somewhat damaged and decayed, hence the inner workings poking through the outer rubber coating.

Sounds like a good idea. I put the Base Layer on the piping and skulls last night, also did a first highlight on the silver and bronze. Will do more tonight and post pics tomorrow.


Anyone have a good colour scheme / tutorial for painting chaos faces? I don't want to paint it the normal fleshy tones, was aiming for a more blue/grey hue to it

Hmm, on my own World Eaters, I use Rakarth Flesh and wash it with Army Painter Dark Tone (= Nuln Oil), then go back and highlight with Rakarth Flesh. That makes for a very greyish, bloodless look ;)


Or you could use Rakarth Flesh, then wash with Reikland Fleshshade, highlight with Rakarth Flesh again and use a mix of Druchii Violet and Carroburg Crimson in the recesses, around the implants etc. Granted, it's closer to a regular skin tone, but thanks to the very light base colour, it comes out looking unhealthy and distressed, and the washes in the recesses and around metallic areas created parts that look distressed and inflamed.

Cheers for the advice Kraut, will defo give one if not both a go! Need to get some Rakarth flesh, good job im hopefully going to be near a GW Saturday!

Managed to get the skulls and horns started. Also made a start on the head(s)


I Put a thin layer of light grey on Urmaks head as a base to hopefully make the face look paler when its finished. Also made a start on his victims head, he took a bit of his spine with the head when decapitating him lol


Managed to get a bit more done this morning. Added a few more layers to the bone/skulls, might go over with white again to ethicise the final highlight. Also did a bit more work on the victims face, just need to build up the highlights and that’ll be ready. Excuse the pics, it was overcast this morning and they didn’t turn out to great.




I’m quite happy with how this is looking so far, just the gun holster and final highlights to do on the main body. Also need to neaten up the red where i have got gold/silver/white oon it. Then get Urmaks face painted up over the weekend once I finally have Rakarth flesh! God knows what I will do for the base, but I’ll have to knock it up quick because times running out :S

Edited by Sagentus

Right I can officially say Urmak is done (just in time)





Sorry that the pics aren't great, it's 2340 here and I don't have a daylight bulbs :( learnt a lot doing this model. Will try and upload better pics in the morning :)

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