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Syn's Emperors Children


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Such a lovely mix of colours, they came out very nicely indeed :thumbsup: Looks like you've got some nice bits for future projects ready too :smile.:

Thanks very much :smile.: No idea what I'll do with the Primaris Apothecary, but his bits are really cool. Especially the base. That will definitely go to good use.


this is such a beautiful army. Really well done. I cant wait to see your Escher Cultists now!

Thanks buddy! The Cultists will have to wait for a bit. I've got a few other projects I'm wanting to do first. I'm thinking of using Sisters of Silence heads on them, but I can't find any bits sites that still have them in stock, and I don't know if I want to buy two boxes of the models just to get their heads.


I've done a bit of detail work on the Obliterator. I was hoping to have him finished by the end of the year, but it's looking petty unlikely that I’ll get the time.





And I finally got my Typhus conversion finished. I doubt I'll ever paint him, but he's finally built.






Obliterator looks promising, glad to see you're covering or removing all the fleshy stuff, it's what kills those sculpts for me.


As for Typhus, that's an amazing take on him, much better than the new model in my opinion, really love... well, pretty much everything you've done with him, the only thing that might be missing is something showing that he's the bearer of the destroyer hive, but still it is a jawdropping conversion.

Oblits looking good bud, I know last time we spoke you said you’d lost interest in the DG but I think you really need to get that Typhus painted, the finished model is incredible, I love the little details you’ve added on his back and shoulder pads, the base is awesome as well.

Obliterator looks promising, glad to see you're covering or removing all the fleshy stuff, it's what kills those sculpts for me.

As for Typhus, that's an amazing take on him, much better than the new model in my opinion, really love... well, pretty much everything you've done with him, the only thing that might be missing is something showing that he's the bearer of the destroyer hive, but still it is a jawdropping conversion.

Thanks very much. The Obliterator models are the same for me, ruined by all the fleshy stuff. So that was the first thing to go.


You know, I never actually noticed that about Typhus! A good spot. There's plenty of room left on his back, so it shouldn't be too hard to add something on if I ever come back to him.


Oblits looking good bud, I know last time we spoke you said you’d lost interest in the DG but I think you really need to get that Typhus painted, the finished model is incredible, I love the little details you’ve added on his back and shoulder pads, the base is awesome as well.

Cheers buddy. I may get him painted up, but one of the problems I've always had with Death Guard is that I can't seem to find a colour scheme I'm happy with. I always get a few models done and then get bored because I'm not happy with how they've turned out. But we shall see.


Send him to me, I'll paint him for ya.

Funny you should say that, I am considering donating him to a friend's Death Guard army so that he does get some love.

Those Chosen are spectacular! The pink and purple go together so well


The Typhus conversion is terrific too, tons of detail on that bad boy! I really enjoy all he exposed gears, piping and cabling. I think my only criticism might be that, especially from behind, his torso looks a bit skinny. I feel in particular for a DG terminator, he should have more bulk to him.

Merry Christmas!


Those Chosen are spectacular! The pink and purple go together so well


The Typhus conversion is terrific too, tons of detail on that bad boy! I really enjoy all he exposed gears, piping and cabling. I think my only criticism might be that, especially from behind, his torso looks a bit skinny. I feel in particular for a DG terminator, he should have more bulk to him.

Thanks very much, the Chosen were a lot of fun to paint. It's nice to do something a little different with an infantry unit. You're not wrong about Typhus; he is a bit on the skinny side. That was sort-of intentional on my part. I'm not a big fan of the current Death Guard range as a whole, so wanted to make my conversion a bit different from them. But I could quite easily add some armour plates to give him a bit of bulk.


Man that Typhus looks so freaking cool, love all the details you've added to him. Great trim as usual on the obliterator too!

Cheers buddy!


I got the Obliterator build finished last night, so he's ready for paint. I might just get him finished by the end of the year after all!






As for Typhus, he's back on my I-swear-I-will-get-back-to-these shelf. And while I was finding him a space in between all my other unfinished units, I came across one that I built a little while ago, but would really like to get painted up. So I may have to find some time to get this gut all painted up.






Hopefully he'll be done before the Orks get their full codex. But in the meantime, I need to get this Obliterator painted up, and I've made a start on the next conversion for my Emperors Children too. But that will have to wait for another post.

Typhus is looking rad! I do hope you get the bug one day to paint him up!


Also, the obliterator also looks awesome! Great sculpt work and awesome mix of bits on there. I love that Tallyman vox caster thing and good to see it put to use in a legion that appreciates quality speakers.:happy.:


The ork is also awesome. I love that new line that AoS got and love that same mini in particular. He just encompasses everything savage and brutal about orks in my eyes. When my group was playing Blood Bowl I wanted to jump ship from chaos to orks so I could use that model.

The sonic obliterator looks amazing, the route you've gone with him is so much cooler than the standard model. As for the ork, he's looking great too, my only criticism would be that the claw doesn't look particularly sharp, while usually power klaws are more angular.

Merry Christmas bud.

The Oblit is looking awesome that Possessed head really works. The Orks looking great as well.

As for that other project I haven’t forgotten just sorting a little goody bag for you :tu:

Thanks buddy, the Possessed head worked out better than I thought it would. I had to shave a lot off the back of it to get it to fit, but I like the way it turned out. I do enjoy a Biohazard goody bag! Looking forward to it :)


Typhus is looking rad! I do hope you get the bug one day to paint him up!


Also, the obliterator also looks awesome! Great sculpt work and awesome mix of bits on there. I love that Tallyman vox caster thing and good to see it put to use in a legion that appreciates quality speakers.^_^


The ork is also awesome. I love that new line that AoS got and love that same mini in particular. He just encompasses everything savage and brutal about orks in my eyes. When my group was playing Blood Bowl I wanted to jump ship from chaos to orks so I could use that model.

Thanks very much! I love the armoured look of the Ironjawz models. I was tempted to buy the Maw Crusha too, just to do another mega armoured Warboss conversion with the Orc on top of it!


As for the Obliterator, I loved the big speaker on the Tallyman model as soon as I saw it and knew I had to put it to good use. This seemed like there perfect opportunity.


The sonic obliterator looks amazing, the route you've gone with him is so much cooler than the standard model. As for the ork, he's looking great too, my only criticism would be that the claw doesn't look particularly sharp, while usually power klaws are more angular.

Thanks for the comments :) Your absolutely right about the power klaw. The blades are a bit too round, and don't actually look like blades yet. If do get around to painting him I'll have to revisit the klaw first to sharpen the blades and take off the curves. But, to be honest, I've got sidetracked once again by something completely different!

The unit is looking so cool, I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of mileage from them in 8th edition, where Slaanesh oblits are so damn good!

Thanks man. I'm hoping the Obliterators will be useful in-game. My Defiler has been a staple part of my list for a long time and I'm getting pretty tired with how mediocre it is. The unit has so much potential, but it's ruined by it's WS and BS 4. I'm a bit fed-up with my most expensive unit doing almost nothing, so I'll be trying out the Obliterators in its place and see how they get on.


Happy new year mate. Those Oblits look great with your modifications and paint scheme :tu:

Cheers man, I'm quite pleased with how they turned out :)

I'm seriously loving those Noise Marine Obliterators! Classy use of the old skool parts! Almost makes me want to go traitor... well actually I've long had thoughts of doing a Sonic Predator.... one day....


Nice to see Nurglitus is affecting other Third Legion members....

I like pale nurgle stuff. The lack of slaaneshi stuff is excused! :P

Thanks man, I also prefer the paler look for Nurgle Daemons. Every since I saw how Andrew King did his AoS Nurgle army in A Tale of Four Warlord's, I wanted to try out something similar.


Nurgle stuff is nice but look at those obliterators!!!


They look fantastic!

Thanks very much, I'm glad my Obliterator unit is finally finished! It took long enough for me to get all three done.


I'm seriously loving those Noise Marine Obliterators! Classy use of the old skool parts! Almost makes me want to go traitor... well actually I've long had thoughts of doing a Sonic Predator.... one day....

Nice to see Nurglitus is affecting other Third Legion members....

Thanks man! Funny you should mention a Sonic Predator, I've had an idea for one for a while. I've actually been collecting the parts for it. It may well pop up on this log at some point.


The Nurgle scheme looks awesome, I've always loved them in paler and colder colours, and the blood looks awesome as a spot colour.

Thanks very much! At first I thought the blood was going to be a bit too much, but I'm glad I went with it. Its turned out pretty well I think.

Icky! The blood really stands out from the pallid grey/purple and the actual effect is really well executed. Looks eerily realistic (as I can attest having stabbed myself with a hobby blade earlier...).

The characterful oblit conversions are great.


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