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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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I expect the Primaris to be so well costes their inclusion becomes preferable if not quite mandatory.


I don't expect to switch out my Devastator squads out for Primaris variants, but I can see the appeal of replacing my forward moving troops with them.

I don't see them being mandatory at all. They have an extra wound and an extra attack plus a slightly better bolter. Nothing to write home about. On top of that, they are capped at 5 and have NO weapon options.


That's the one squad we have seen so far. But the video preview shows a squad with a sergeant with power sword and one pic that has floated around has unpainted primaris marines with plasma weapons. By that token, there will be one or more other squad types that will use special/heavy/whatever weapons.



It all boils down now to their point cost. They probably should be somewhere in between of 'regular' Veterans and Terminators. But I suppose that they won't just because they are super-super warriors bread at the Spiritual Liege's (sic!) command.

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I'm still shocked they went for new rules vs a slow change over to a new scale.  That is what the majority of people thought was going to happen in my local area.  The scale would have been nice vs things like IG for better scaling.


And replace a boat load of models from a-small-cities-worth of hobbyists that would gradually realize that their $17,000 worth of miniature have just become obsolete... yeah comparing it to rogue trader days won't cut it as there were far far less players 30 years ago in comparison to walking 4 meters around your city and someone else responding to your cry of

"For The Emperor!"

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I'm still shocked they went for new rules vs a slow change over to a new scale.  That is what the majority of people thought was going to happen in my local area.  The scale would have been nice vs things like IG for better scaling.


And replace a boat load of models from a-small-cities-worth of hobbyists that would gradually realize that their $17,000 worth of miniature have just become obsolete... yeah comparing it to rogue trader days won't cut it as there were far far less players 30 years ago in comparison to walking 4 meters around your city and someone else responding to your cry of

"For The Emperor!"


I'm not saying it was fair or needed but that is what the guess was of what GW was going to do.

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Ha ha, Brilliant.


These new Uber Marines are un tested, they should be good enough to march behind us shooting their nice new guns, or to run behind us, picking out any enemy that tries to run or sneak past us. 


They have not trained with a SB for decades, they have not proven their worth to a SB and our Chaplains. They are vat grown, un proven. They are less than Neophytes and will be treated as such, until they prove their worth. 


A machine can shoot a Boltgun accurately. A servitor can fight hard in the practice cages.


We will show these new Marines how to Crusade, WE will show Lord Guilliman how we do it in the 40th Millenium, WE will restore his faith in the Adeptus Asartes.


Lord Guillimans Crusade has only just started.



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Inflamatory? Allow me to disagree.

The way the fluff has been going its a strong possibility.


From what i can gather with the primaris marines they will all share the same army list. No special units whatsoever. So the possibility of having a librarian added to the army list is quite strong.

Be open about that.

Until we see the chapter tactics which i doubt that it will be the same, it could happen.

I doubt we will have a primaris Emperor Champion.


While I doubt we'll have a Primaris EC (unless we get a Primaris only crusade running for some reason), I think the model would make for a good base to make an EC.

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Well I tried to get the GW PR rep to see my questions and concerns on FB about no real details on CC.  I think he is having an off day as he only did a few replies today. 


Never mind he noticed .... I feel loved.

Senpai noticed you?

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Well I tried to get the GW PR rep to see my questions and concerns on FB about no real details on CC.  I think he is having an off day as he only did a few replies today. 


Never mind he noticed .... I feel loved.

Senpai noticed you?


Ya, but I was a little long winded and requested CC info that has not been given.  I thought they would just look the other way.  

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They also noticed this:


Q: The black Templars better have a crusade or I will crusade into your HQ myself
A: We don't think we could stop them crusading if we tried.

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I'm the one posting all the BT memes on their FB and they always like and sometimes comment on them, so you guys need to throw the weight and fury of your Zeal into my posts!
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Inflamatory? Allow me to disagree.

The way the fluff has been going its a strong possibility.


From what i can gather with the primaris marines they will all share the same army list. No special units whatsoever. So the possibility of having a librarian added to the army list is quite strong.


Here's the thing Sete, twice there is "strong possibility."  There is no such thing as a strong possibility.  Strong probability, yes, possibility, no.


I'm not saying this is an error in your English because your use of the word possibility is correct.  It is possible that we will be given a librarium full of psychotic kittens that eat baby eyes and fart evil clouds of conjunctivitis, or that Templars now tip-toe to war or are deployed on unicycles with lumpy seats, but it's just that, a possibility.  There is nothing to say it's probable.  


In the same sense, it's possible that GW in its infinite apathy 'gifts' the Templars with their 'lost' Librarius, but there's nothing to say it's probable in your list of arguments, merely that it's possible.  Sticking the word 'strong' in front of it doesn't make it any more likely because it is still just a possibility, not a probability.  


What they did with our fluff was absurd, but you seem to have constructed a reality where there is some gremlin of ominous intent in every GW group fluff session with a cartoonishly large shoehorn in his clutches (when he doesn't take a break to twirl his obligatory evil mustache) with the words "DIE TEMPLARS DIE" written on it in orphan blood and the tears of rainbows.  I've been as vocal about the flaws of the new fluff as anyone, but it's rather apparent that the changes were a result of ignorance of and/or disregard for our established fluff, not some malicious literary-wedge wielding troglodyte with dastardly facial hair.  What makes the difference between your intended use of possible and the literal nature of the word is a desire to believe in that ill intent on the part of GW.


So then, back to the rumors and such- these new Tall-Boyz (as I will call them until I think of something actually clever) are from Papa Gill's gene-stock exclusively, or are there some Dornians among the giants?  Are they intended to replace Marines (in fluff!  I can hear some of you typing about phasing out models the moment you read that) or buttress them, like being sent out as little pockets of reinforcement for the various Chapters?  The reason I ask is that the latter is fairly easy to accept, seeing as Papa Gill always thinks he knows best and would all too happily cram his latest ideal of war down the throat of every other Chapter in the Imperium through live demonstrations of his latest guinea pigs, but if he's fiddling about with Daddy Dorn's blood and pawning off the results on to us as the new master race then I see reason to take some issue.


And that sums up my run on sentence quota for the day, I would think.  My comma key is giving me angry glares and the parenthesis keys are discussing a coup.

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On the subject of Primaris Marines (Astartes Primaris?) I have one question before I include them in my crusade:




Also loin clothes. They need to have loin clothes.



In all honesty, I can see one being told about Marshal Almarich by Guilliman, being appropriately inspired, taking up his name and joining the Templar

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So the possibility of having a librarian added to the army list is quite strong.



Only as kindling.




Mod voice: The rhetoric and hyperbole needs to be toned down. GW is doing an excellent job of sparking enthusiasm for the upcoming change. BUT we won't know exactly how everything works until they hand over the rules. Until that time, getting overly worked up over personal fears is a waste of electrons. We have better things to focus on and much to be excited about.


And if I wanted to punch lower, I'd say that it is unbecoming of a Templar. That's not how we are.


So let's take a step back, breathe deeply a couple of times and relax. The world isn't coming to an end and neither is 40K. We've resisted incursions into our fluff before, because it all comes down to what we will accept. Assuming we felt we had to, this wouldn't be the first time "we" Templars rejected changes to our fluff.


It's not just GWs crusade, it's our crusade as well.


We own it as much as they do, but let's make sure we preserve the right to our ownership through our conduct. People from all over come to the Templar forum because of who we are.


What would we be showing them if we fell apart because of something as minor as a few changes.


Is that what Grimaldus would do?

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What they did with our fluff was absurd, but you seem to have constructed a reality where there is some gremlin of ominous intent in every GW group fluff session with a cartoonishly large shoehorn in his clutches (when he doesn't take a break to twirl his obligatory evil mustache) with the words "DIE TEMPLARS DIE" written on it in orphan blood and the tears of rainbows.  I've been as vocal about the flaws of the new fluff as anyone, but it's rather apparent that the changes were a result of ignorance of and/or disregard for our established fluff, not some malicious literary-wedge wielding troglodyte with dastardly facial hair.  What makes the difference between your intended use of possible and the literal nature of the word is a desire to believe in that ill intent on the part of GW.


Click the Spoiler button to view the evil Grremlin :p










GW has been pretty attentive in regards to how we reacted regarding the slight in our fluff (we weren't completely butchered like the Iron Hands)

and now they know that we are even bigger than any other Successor Chapters out there...


I highly doubt that we'd get butchered now, they'd lose one of their biggest fan-base... it's similar to Indiana Jones, that fan-base was huge too, then they butchered one film

and scrapped 2 other sequels that they were planning on doing because of the feed back they got... they were probably just testing the waters when they changed our fluff

regarding the "Lost Librarium" and limiting our Chapter to 1000, but when they found out that they jumped in a pool of Black-Clad hobbyists, full of wrathful revving chainswords, glaring red eye lenses and full of Rage and Zeal... they bailed...


They never mentioned the longing for Librarians in any of their recent fluffs... we went back to full Witch-Hating during the Fall of Cadia series and in the Beast series as well... and I'd wager that they don't want to mess w/ the Templar fluff again...


As for the Primaris Marines... they'll shoehorn them in in almost every Chapter and they already mentioned Gill-man to have created a few Chapters of them on his own... but I highly doubt they'd replace the entire line in only a few years time... especially when some of the recently release Astartes kits are merely 2-3 years old... I highly doubt they'd use

$80k-$90k for a mold and replace it only after 3 years of use... I expect the current Marine lines to still be around in a decades time... as for GW... who knows...

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 they were probably just testing the waters when they changed our fluff

regarding the "Lost Librarium" and limiting our Chapter to 1000



I'm sorry, where did they ever say we only have 1000 marines?



As for the Primaris, they will likely leave it vague like they did in the teaser so the players can fill in the gaps in their own armies as they see fit

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 they were probably just testing the waters when they changed our fluff

regarding the "Lost Librarium" and limiting our Chapter to 1000



I'm sorry, where did they ever say we only have 1000 marines?



As for the Primaris, they will likely leave it vague like they did in the teaser so the players can fill in the gaps in their own armies as they see fit



Some interview with one of the BL authors... or was it a Game Developer... I can't remember...

A member of the GW Administratum claimed that they were limiting the Templars to 1000 and that those hundreds of Crusades just composed of a squad or even an individual and not massive undertakings... and that limiting them was a Co. decision and not just by a few individuals... the feedback on the FB page was intense, the black clad keyboard warriors with their blaring CAPS LOCKS and their spiteful facts retorted against the heretics facebook post... the Zeal was terrifying, the Fires of the Flamers were engulfing everything...


and when the smoke cleared... the claim was redacted, it was nothing more but dust and ruin...


oh... sorry... too much Eternal Crusade :p

TLDR: Some guy who works in GW said that they were going to reduce us to Codex Compliancy numbers during an interview, and that it was a co. decision... the replies were not pleased and after a few days GW just said they were leaving the Templar's numbers alone...

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Kinda weird for Heavy Weapons team in the guard... in a real life sort of scenario...

It makes sense for Space Marines and similar, since they're massive walking tanks themselves, but for Guardsmen to be able to unpack and redeploy their Heavy Weapons on the move, that's pretty impressive.

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I have no Faith in GW. I will be expeting the worst scenario possible.

The Primaris dont gave crusader squads and sure as hell wont have an Emperor Champion aswell.

Will you still consider them Templars when the only thing they share is a colour scheme?


Is my behavior unbecoming? Yes.

Because i see this as a change to dilute our chapter even further and i will not go quietly into the night.


Ask your questions, hear the honey words of those who already tried to make us disapear and find safety and confort in them.


I will remain ever vigilant, ever watchfull never trusting.


If this is a crusade i must tale alone so be it, its the path the Emperor intended for me.


No pity no remorse no fear!

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