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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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I think it's important to note, that while we do essentially lose one attack in combat from the rules change to pistols (2x close combat weapons)...we GAIN shooting in locked combat, something we didn't have before. It's not one or the other, so shoot with those pistols and then use your close combat attacks. So really, we stay close to even. And we dont know if we gain an attack for charging yet either.

True, but as I was saying before, this only applies to models with a chainsword. Anything else loses out.


That's not a huge thing for our templar blobs because the default weapon is the chainsword, but that weapon isn't so ubiquitous for other chapters/armies (see my wolves example prior).

We do also hit on a 3+ against other marines now so one less attack will still work out to similar results. We also don't know the stats of our crusader squads or their point cost.

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Assuming the land raider is a normal unit bound by the charge rules it may not actually be able to charge if it fires off its rapid fire or heavy weapons.

That is an oversight I can totally see happening because this game has been tested by tournament players and organisers who have lived and breathed in a world where the assault phase has largely been a secondary concern since 5th ed.

I'm one spoiler article (where they say no assualt from vehicles) and a not particularly complex set of mathematics away from writing off melee as little more than a potentially exploitable gimick for another edition.

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Seeing this, it's not just the tabard... it's the tiny shoulder pads and the too much techno-stuff that's getting to me... they look non Space Fantasy and leans far too much on the Sci-Fi spectrum... no eagles, no skulls, too much lenses and buttons, and far too many lines that make them look like Master chief in 40k...

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Proper Templars don't wear the Imperial Eagle as it was gifted to only one Legion to wear and those poncy purple punks ran off and started doing warp dust.


Templars don't need a lot of bling to look good. They need only ZEAL, hatred and enough willpower to punch something the size of a tank in the face over and over again until it's a pile of broken body parts and ichor that not even the Emperor can identify.


That and tabards. Assuming the new kids have properly earned them.


That aside, the smaller shoulder pads make sure our current upgrade kits will still function properly at least in the shoulders. Since the arms are bigger we'll likely need to invest in some jewlers chain to ensure these kids don,t drop their bolters while punching something to death.


That aside I rather want to use the new guys to represent my Sword Brethren. I assume the veterens of the chapter may be among e first to see the honor of being given the enhancements, and those bolters would look great for Sword Brethren acting as Stern Guard.


Would definitely need some Green Stuff for tabards, but for a new kit not aimed specifically at us I see potential for the count as department for those of us who haven't been sold on running Primaris Marines normally in our armies as of yet.


EDIT: Regarding the changes to vehicles, since MCs have traditionally been Relentless with shooting and charging I can see the same for vehicles.

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Proper Templars don't wear the Imperial Eagle as it was gifted to only one Legion to wear and those poncy purple punks ran off and started doing warp dust.


Templars don't need a lot of bling to look good. They need only ZEAL, hatred and enough willpower to punch something the size of a tank in the face over and over again until it's a pile of broken body parts and ichor that not even the Emperor can identify.


That and tabards. Assuming the new kids have properly earned them.


That aside, the smaller shoulder pads make sure our current upgrade kits will still function properly at least in the shoulders. Since the arms are bigger we'll likely need to invest in some jewlers chain to ensure these kids don,t drop their bolters while punching something to death.


That aside I rather want to use the new guys to represent my Sword Brethren. I assume the veterens of the chapter may be among e first to see the honor of being given the enhancements, and those bolters would look great for Sword Brethren acting as Stern Guard.


Would definitely need some Green Stuff for tabards, but for a new kit not aimed specifically at us I see potential for the count as department for those of us who haven't been sold on running Primaris Marines normally in our armies as of yet.


EDIT: Regarding the changes to vehicles, since MCs have traditionally been Relentless with shooting and charging I can see the same for vehicles.


Still too much Techno-Heresy... if a Marine just needs his fist, willpower and substantial amount of zeal, then I wouldn't put too much techno-babble on my armour either...

it's not the bling, it's the overdose of 'armor' that's getting to me... I like knights in armor as much as the next guy, but this guy just screams "CoD: Ghost" or "Modern Warfare"


I prefer my Teutonic Knights in space rather than the Mass Effect or Buzz Lightyear style that this guy has...

I guess that's why the Centurions still had an appeal to me... because despite their clumsy, clunky looks, they fit right in with the clumsy, clunky Imperium... these guys feel a little too sleek, without rivets or exposed bolts, slender shoulder pads and rounded off edges... one might think an Eldar designed the darned thing...

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All of that is fixable tho...


Change out the head, preferably with one from the BT upgrade kit


BT or mk3 shoulderpads...


add some chains...


Purity seals, crusader seals, other BT kit bling.




Biggest thing would be GS tabards...

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Everything looks good in templar black...


That's what I keep telling my fiancée, but no the wedding dress just has to be white.



Templar36 won the Internet today. No need to browse any longer.


Regarding tabards on the new Marines, if you want something made by GW you can always resort to DA Terminators - their tabards should be the right size. Just scrape off their unique ornamentation and there you are. That should not be a problem for someone who considers upscaling his entire collection.


The 'Primaris' armour looks nice in black. But I've noticed something strange with my thoughts on the new Marines. Initially were mostly negative about the fluff and positive about the models. Now I grow to be indifferent regarding the fluff (admittedly, I falter from time to time and I dread the day I play against someone who has an entire army of those - this will be a true test of my resolve) and rather negative about the models. The more I look at them (even in Black!), the more issues I have with them. And this is not only the knee guards, something I didn't like from the beginning. Now I have an issue with more and more of the design. Maybe this is caused by my dislike of Sigmarines (who were 'inspired by' 40K Space Marines and now they 'inspire' 1UPMarines).

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I go back and forth on the PM's. (Yes, those of you who notice it, it WAS​ intentional!)

I think what has gotten me kind of taking a small step back is the way the BTPM above was painted. It seems too clean, no rough edges, strong highlights all over. It's just... too new!

If I do pick some up in the future, I'm really going to have to stop looking at the way GW did the paint and definitely go my own way. Also, a GS tabard and lots of chain would make it look really good.

I also find myself wondering if the new bolter is their only weapon option, meaning, do they come with an appropriately sized PS/CS/anything else, or are we stuck scouring the net for something that will look good to supplement?

There are a lot of questions, and that leads to my overall negativity. Then again, the kid in me is like, "OOH! SHINY!"


EDIT: The other thing... would the legs work to make the Centurions look a bit taller & not have to add too much, do you think?

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*looks at Crimson Fist metal pauldrons* Don't worry, my children. You'll only go on real space marines.


You know, when I actually deign making a squad of Crimson Fists. *sips from # 1 mom mug*


I'd expect the whole big four to have decals though, even if they are magically contained into one codex to rule them all at the beginning of the edition.

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Well the new starter kits will be a great way to get the Nu Marines at a good price.  As these are now specialist squads they should have the main options for those squads.  Go pick up an extra BT upgrade kit or three now so all the costs don't hit at once, plus green stuff and I'm a fan of the brass FW BT icon set.  


As the second half is Death Guard (GD) and they have had a strong following way back to 3rd and graced with solid rules in all of their following editions.  It might be smart for people to talk to your local CSM or GD players and work out if you all want to go in on a starter kit together and split the models.  

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Guarantee that Primaris Marine only has UM transfers...


Highly unlikely. Even so who cares? the pads are the same size and who doesn't have hundreds of the old transfer sheets anyway?

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Transfers look so neat that they simply draw attention to my scruffy painting, hence their total absence from my crusade ;)


I probably have a stack of the old sheets somewhere, but I couldn't be sure if they made it through my last move!

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