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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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This is quite interesting information (I wanted to say "news", but I feel that this is too strong of a word). There isn't much areas left for GW to 'milk' me, as I grew rather immune to all their new releases imposing formations, allies, etc. But I would buy some new Templar stuff for sure. And Dorn appears to be a rather interesting figure to return (a way better choice than Guilliman, IMHO) and do stuff for the Imperium.

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Also news from Warhammer World:


"So I was at Warhammer World today and the Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists and Black Templars were missing from their cases. Do I smell Rogal Dorn?"


"The label said "look for these in an upcoming publication". Although Kantor was still there. Almost like he may get killed..."


From Anon FB. (Last Wall group)


We know IF is attacking IW homeworld.

Maybe CF and BT join in?

On one hand, I welcome the challenge and hope for a spot for us to shine. On the other hand, I am hesitant because I smell a trap of "and their losses were so horrifying that they have went on as a lower than 1000 Codex Chapter".


If that trap springs indeed, I am burning :cuss in Nottingham with promethium.

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Man that would be an awesome campaign, could be even cooler if it meant rescuing Dorn from Medrengard and finally getting some updated rules and a model for Dorn. Considering next campagin will be something Nurgly and maybe DA maybe this IW vs IF might tie into the global campaign.


I would be irrationally angry if they retcon Helbrecht into this assault but if its a large crusade while Helbrecht is still chasing Ghazgkull then thats fine.

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Red i don't think Helbrecth is persuit Ghazghull anymore. Ghaz kinda escaped from the persuit forces before the Imperials could board the ship.

And now he is on a galatic road trip.


Confirmed though that when Ghaz escaped Armageddon, he went towards a tendril of Leviathan and is trying to fight against it for some unknown reason... confirmed as well that Old-Man Yarrick is in pursuit... we know that Yarrick joined up with Helbrecht in trying to stop Ghaz, on board the Eternal Crusader so we could assume that there might be a 3 way mash-up of Ghaz, Yarrick and Leviathan all in space... could be a great way to restart Battlefield Gothic, since GW is releasing the classics all over again...

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Considering that Kantor stayed back, i can assume that Lsander,Helbrecth and Grimaldus might form a new Triumvirate of Rogal Dorn?

Well if Lysander, Helbrecth and Grimaldus are together, then Dorn would not be coming with them. :(


I was still (after all this time...) holding out hope for a Declates Crusade. To that end I even paint Black Templars icons on my marine's right knee pads

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Considering that Kantor stayed back, i can assume that Lsander,Helbrecth and Grimaldus might form a new Triumvirate of Rogal Dorn?

Well if Lysander, Helbrecth and Grimaldus are together, then Dorn would not be coming with them. sad.png

I was still (after all this time...) holding out hope for a Declates Crusade. To that end I even paint Black Templars icons on my marine's right knee pads

Brofist. Declates Crusade is my crusade.

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A quick aside to the Triumverate thing.


T1 - 3 new characters


T2 - 3 new characters


T3 - 2 new characters and a massively re vamped character.


I can not see them creating a Triumverate with existing characters. But maybe - Dorn (new, yellow), Sword of Dorn (Emperors Champion re vamped, black), Shield of Dorn (new, blue with red fist)?


Thats Dorn, with his Zeal filled close combat monster and a new guy with exciting ways of blowing stuff up from afar.

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Worst case scenario I just rewrite my custom codex for 8th edition. Only problem is having to ditch using Cypher as a HQ choice since they wrote him into the new books. (In my codex he stays with the Ophidium Gulf survivors but that was ret..... BLAM HERESY!)


At the end of the day it's all about having preferred enemy DA. One of these days the truth will come to light and the Lion will be fre... BLAM HERESY!


---Post Officially Sealed and Censured by the Ordo Hereticus, all heretics have been purged---

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A quick aside to the Triumverate thing.


T1 - 3 new characters


T2 - 3 new characters


T3 - 2 new characters and a massively re vamped character.


I can not see them creating a Triumverate with existing characters. But maybe - Dorn (new, yellow), Sword of Dorn (Emperors Champion re vamped, black), Shield of Dorn (new, blue with red fist)?


Thats Dorn, with his Zeal filled close combat monster and a new guy with exciting ways of blowing stuff up from afar.

Considering that Khârn and Ahriman were revamped aswell, i have a good feeling. But i will keep my expectations within reasonable this time.

Which is, I expect nothing.

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Thematic Armies, Move Values, Armor Save Modifiers, Charging Unit buff in CC, modified Morale checks... That's all that's been proposed so far according to GW. I'm not sure where the rest of this is coming from. Just wait until there is more from GW on this 8th edition censored.gif . The conjecture doesn't get us far, if anywhere. I, however, am not excited. Whenever GW toys with the rules, it seems as if they tweak things just enough to put a censored.gif ing to the Imperial forces as a whole. I'm just going to try to enjoy suffer with what we have right now and maintain composure when this new edition comes.

My thoughts, take it or summon up the paddle for me.

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Thematic Armies, Move Values, Armor Save Modifiers, Charging Unit buff in CC, modified Morale checks... That's all that's been proposed so far according to GW. I'm not sure where the rest of this is coming from. Just wait until there is more from GW on this 8th edition censored.gif . The conjecture doesn't get us far, if anywhere. I, however, am not excited. Whenever GW toys with the rules, it seems as if they tweak things just enough to put a censored.gif ing to the Imperial forces as a whole. I'm just going to try to enjoy suffer with what we have right now and maintain composure when this new edition comes.

My thoughts, take it or summon up the paddle for me.

I don't think Imperial sides gets the schtick... just forces that haven't sold quite as big... that's why there was a massive sales boost to Tau, Eldar and Chaos... they haven't sold much recently and GW now thinks they should move sales towards that area... now Assault armies are suffering lack of sales again, so I reckon they will move more towards Assault this coming edition to boost sales for Nids, Orks and other Assault-y armies... including ours ;)

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It does appear to be a cycle, one type/race gets ahead, out come new rules to balance it all again, not quite right so another race/type gets ahead, change the rules slightly, not quite right one type of warfare becomes premier, Errata/FAQ/small rules change, still not quite right, BIG rules change,............

If the company need more play testers to get a really good feel for the new rule set, I know of group of people, ZEALOUS people, who can use all Tactics, all weapons. The only thing we couldn't plat test is the psychic phase. msn-wink.gif

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I don't think Imperial sides gets the schtick... just forces that haven't sold quite as big... that's why there was a massive sales boost to Tau, Eldar and Chaos... they haven't sold much recently and GW now thinks they should move sales towards that area... now Assault armies are suffering lack of sales again, so I reckon they will move more towards Assault this coming edition to boost sales for Nids, Orks and other Assault-y armies... including ours msn-wink.gif

I kind of see what you're saying. Guess I'm still burned from being rolled into the C:SM (I know it's been a while, but that STILL flares my ZEALOUS RAGE! ) It would be nice to be effective as a CC army once again. We'll all see once 8th comes out.

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If Marines 2.0 are simply true scale rather than their own unit, then I'm willing to bet our upgrade sprue is no longer compatible.

For what I've seen, it would. Their FB said when the 2.0 was leaked that all upgrades will remain compatible. It's the same pads, same size chest, same heads, only proportions are truescale and legs have different armour, the stances are more upright too. It's not too much off if the images are anything to go by.

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Some new info dropped about 8th with a little faq about what to expect. All current codexs are not going to work, but the core rules will be free... Kinda hoping they just do pdf releases for factions instead of big book releases. Especially for all the flavors of Marines since PDF would make it easier for them to do chapter specific tweaks... Just ahve to wait and see I suppose.

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If Marines 2.0 are simply true scale rather than their own unit, then I'm willing to bet our upgrade sprue is no longer compatible.

For what I've seen, it would. Their FB said when the 2.0 was leaked that all upgrades will remain compatible. It's the same pads, same size chest, same heads, only proportions are truescale and legs have different armour, the stances are more upright too. It's not too much off if the images are anything to go by.



I hope so, i still have an amount of Templar stuff on sprue. 


And we can guess they will go the AOS way for the rules. Free core rules, free unit rules maybe and cheap factions books. 

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