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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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You know, when first reading about 8th, there was a LOT of hate for it, even among our fellow brothers. Now, though... even I am starting to come around to see some benefits. If a lot of this is true (and fooling some of the previous links, it looks like it might be), this will definitely benefit the true Templar battle strategy:


-Crusaders in many varying forms of transportation screaming across the board, firing all the way,

-Hatches bang open, disgorging many Crusaders into the midst of enemy lines

-Bolt weaponry sings a Hymnal to the Emperor before ZEALOTS charge in, power weapons crackling, chain swords growling


Bad times to be xenos, heretics, and witches!

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You know, when first reading about 8th, there was a LOT of hate for it, even among our fellow brothers. Now, though... even I am starting to come around to see some benefits. If a lot of this is true (and fooling some of the previous links, it looks like it might be), this will definitely benefit the true Templar battle strategy:


-Crusaders in many varying forms of transportation screaming across the board, firing all the way,

-Hatches bang open, disgorging many Crusaders into the midst of enemy lines

-Bolt weaponry sings a Hymnal to the Emperor before ZEALOTS charge in, power weapons crackling, chain swords growling


Bad times to be xenos, heretics, and witches!


Still curiously skeptic over it all tbh... I won't fully enjoy it I feel until they release the 40k version of the General's handbook... and they'll probably do another rewrite of the entire IF and successors fluff, so still skeptic over this 8th ed changes... I mean... with Ward back in the GW cycle, he might write our fluff once again, and I'm still reeling over what happened the last time... (to give you Neophytes a picture, he made our Chapter long for a chance to get our Librarians back... we didn't lose our Librarians... we tossed them out the airlock... AFTER taking back their Geneseed...)

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I hope (and am aware of the perils implied in hoping) that 8th edition will mean a certain Renaissance for the Templars. 


Despite all the complaints I had with GW recently, I am sure that the new edition will mean a chance for me to get back to the game. From what they disclosed so far, I'm rather optimistic, as it seems that we are heading towards a more streamlined game, and that is good. It seems that they already addressed the problem with vehicles, but they still need to fix assaults and magic.


So yeah, I am looking forward to whatever they release. The only big worry that I have is that they will release bigger marines: I really, really do not want to see that happen. Still, largely thanks to GW I learnt to ignore certain aspects of fictional worlds, so it seems that I'll just ignore the new marines as well and be happy with what I have.

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I hope (and am aware of the perils implied in hoping) that 8th edition will mean a certain Renaissance for the Templars. 


Despite all the complaints I had with GW recently, I am sure that the new edition will mean a chance for me to get back to the game. From what they disclosed so far, I'm rather optimistic, as it seems that we are heading towards a more streamlined game, and that is good. It seems that they already addressed the problem with vehicles, but they still need to fix assaults and magic.


So yeah, I am looking forward to whatever they release. The only big worry that I have is that they will release bigger marines: I really, really do not want to see that happen. Still, largely thanks to GW I learnt to ignore certain aspects of fictional worlds, so it seems that I'll just ignore the new marines as well and be happy with what I have.



Well they already removed initiative and instead if you charge you strike first. So that's a huge boon for assault armies. 

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I have been musing over the formations we got in Gathering Storm.


One of them we have Ordo Hereticus, other armies of the Imperium.


Are we to be the Marines that will not make part of the Astartes Book to bolster the armies of the Imperium?

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The only big worry that I have is that they will release bigger marines: I really, really do not want to see that happen.

Have you seen old-school 25mm-base Terminators next to current ones?

Sometimes, bigger is better. msn-wink.gif

Yeah, I would be inclined to agree with you, but I've bought and haven't assembled (not to mention the number of finished miniatures) too many models over the years to see that that it was in vain and there's a superior product out there. Also, I feel that the 'rescale' you mentioned was different because it seems to have "invalidated" a smaller range of miniatures.

Sorry for the off-topic!

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If you’re in combat at the start of your turn, you can Fall Back by moving away from the enemy. You’ll lose the ability to advance, shoot or charge that turn, and crucially, enemies will be able to shoot at you! This does, however, open up a vast range of tactical options for armies like the Astra Militarum, who will now be able to effectively deploy in firing lines, with each row falling back from any assaults in good order (if they survived) while the unit behind them fires at the attackers. It goes both ways though – if you have a dedicated assault unit that specializes in killing infantry (like Warp Talons) your opponent will find it much harder to pin them down in combat with heavily armoured units for the entire game.




NOW the filthy Xenos can full back.....

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I love the mechanic, its a boost for non-assault armies while not crippling assault armies as the unit that falls back will still remain in charge distance (unless its a bike or something) and for us its also great as it opens the possibility of reinforcing an assault without having to lose a whole unit, start losing an assault? Fall back, shoot with another unit and charge them again with a third unit.


All these changes seem to be geared towards a gameplay that rewards positioning and planning more than any other edition, I love it.

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I love the mechanic, its a boost for non-assault armies while not crippling assault armies as the unit that falls back will still remain in charge distance (unless its a bike or something) and for us its also great as it opens the possibility of reinforcing an assault without having to lose a whole unit, start losing an assault? Fall back, shoot with another unit and charge them again with a third unit.


All these changes seem to be geared towards a gameplay that rewards positioning and planning more than any other edition, I love it.

Actually it's a boost for fast-moving armies. It's not worth leaving combat if you remain in charge range, because you're still going to get whacked (unless your other units can provide enough cover fire for you). The real boon will be for units that can disengage from combat and get themselves to relative safety.


With due consideration to that though I wonder what will happen to white scars, will they have a special rule that says they can disengage and still shoot or something ?

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Hopefully my SoS support will keep the same kind of rules on negation, they're the perfect compliment to my Templars. Perhaps a modifier that will increase the Warp Charge roll they have to beat to successfully cast. Or immune to mortal wounds. WE SHALL SEE!

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I'm not completely sure how command points work but maybe we can spend one of those to disrupt cursed witch powers.

That should be our thing, indeed. And if the "dispel range" is the same as sorcerers' one (as it is in 7e), then our units each have just become a 24" miniature zeal-fueled Culexii :D

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