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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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Knowing that Templars are now beating everyone with the Successor Chapters twitter question, they'd be foolish if they don't follow up their Templars with ZEAL

Twitter question?



A little late to the party?

Twitter link to Which Successor Chapter is your Favorite by guy from GW

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Oooohh, I like the idea that chaplains might have add a dispel buff. Possible should be a slightly lesser version than a librarian would have but still a cool idea.


I might be getting the wrong end of the stick but does it say that factions get 1 lore. Not really a fan of that.

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All I know is that this will in all likelihood mean I need a whole different group of models I don't own, and/or the obsolescence of models that I do own.


Damn edition changes.  The truest bane of slow painters.

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All I know is that this will in all likelihood mean I need a whole different group of models I don't own, and/or the obsolescence of models that I do own.


Damn edition changes.  The truest bane of slow painters.

I doubt it.


They want rules for all units out day 1. That means they need to make rules compatible with the boxes they do sell. Now of course, if you have overspecialised and only have Grav-weaponry and special/heavy, you may be in trouble, but otherwise and else, I don't see them making the chainsword and bolt pistol initiate redundant.

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Well Mr Grumpy Chaplain, this is according to GW's FAQ on the new edition


Can I still use all my models?
Yes. Every Warhammer 40,000 miniature we sell today will be usable in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. What’s more, they’ll be supported with new rules, which will be available from the get go in handy, low-cost books.



So I'm not too concerned about that. I'm personally very happy that it seems like vehicles are getting a much needed boost in durability as I prefer mechanized armies over footslogging. I also like that marines seem like they will be more durable that before as well. Using the LC as an example we'll now get a save against stuff that was AP2/3 in the previous editions

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I don't mean the models can't be used, I just mean new rules makes different models relatively poopy, and others suddenly awesome.  Like buffing dreadnoughts in the last dex, or the death of Rhino rush.


And I'm not Grumpy.  Grumpy is a descriptor of a most notorious xenos kitten, and I am offended by such a comparison!


I'm curmudgeonly.  :P

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I don't mean the models can't be used, I just mean new rules makes different models relatively poopy, and others suddenly awesome. Like buffing dreadnoughts in the last dex, or the death of Rhino rush.


And I'm not Grumpy. Grumpy is a descriptor of a most notorious xenos kitten, and I am offended by such a comparison!


I'm curmudgeonly. :P


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Just got a box of Neos to round out my Bolter squad so it would be a shame not to get an update.

First time to my local game shop in a while and they really stocked up on 40K. Bunch of Scouts and all the labelled SW:A units and scenery. They're definitely ramping up for this edition.

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D3mo is building bolter marines? Firepower is upset by an edition that will make Templars better?


**falls over in shock**

LOL well my Righteous CC Crusader squad is maxed on meatshie....err...new recruits so I must train a new batch which end of the bolter makes the best club.

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Fear not. New marines may be larger in body but they will never match our zeal. Also, with Armageddon a confirmed war zone, and site of an invasion of Khorne flakes, do you think they'll retcon Yarrick and Helbrecht's hunt for Ghazgkul? I think I'd be okay with seeing our brothers chainsawing Orks and Daemons alongside the Steel Legions. Or maybe Grimaldus will, yet again, be sent down to the planet with a crusade while Helbrecth and Yarrick are elsewhere. I kind of like the idea of a Triumverate of Armageddon with Grimaldus, some Salamander who he has to make peace with, and Andrej (I'm joking of course but a man can dream).

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I don't mean the models can't be used, I just mean new rules makes different models relatively poopy, and others suddenly awesome.

Well, of course. But then again, people who build armies/models for optimum efficiency are well aware that every new book/rule/codex may throw their entire army off balance.


There might be a market again for lascanon centurions, bikes without grav and/or shield/power fist etc.

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The major annoyance I'm having right now is the prospect of these... "Marines 2.0".... I'm not keen on playing with another chap that has Space Marines more accurate to scale and size than my Templars...


Oh, Marshal. I just want to let you know that you're still not alone. I am rather excited about this new edition because from what I've read it seems that it might get me back to playing. But this bigger Marines nonsense really hits hard. So I feel you.


Still, despite this - we will endure. And you have an amazing collection of unique, converted and well-painted crusaders. Don't ever forget about that and try not to waste any sleep over GW's actions.

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Then you'd have to reject games with Deathwatch players and with kSon players. You'd reject a chance to burn a witch, only because the witch is slightly taller?


Tsk, tsk.


Actually, I wouldn't mind playing against Marines that are taller... easier to shoot and see after all... but I already got called out once for "wrong" base sizes (28mm vs 32mm) and there was a slight dispute which caused me to walk out... I don't want another douche to call me out telling me that he doesn't want to fight my Marines because they were.... "too short"...

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Actually, I wouldn't mind playing against Marines that are taller... easier to shoot and see after all... but I already got called out once for "wrong" base sizes (28mm vs 32mm) and there was a slight dispute which caused me to walk out... I don't want another douche to call me out telling me that he doesn't want to fight my Marines because they were.... "too short"...

That is sad... Especially since GW has explicitly clarified that models on "original" bases were perfectly acceptable. Some people will just take any angle tyo try and win a game without having to actually play.
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Then you'd have to reject games with Deathwatch players and with kSon players. You'd reject a chance to burn a witch, only because the witch is slightly taller?


Tsk, tsk.


Actually, I wouldn't mind playing against Marines that are taller... easier to shoot and see after all... but I already got called out once for "wrong" base sizes (28mm vs 32mm) and there was a slight dispute which caused me to walk out... I don't want another douche to call me out telling me that he doesn't want to fight my Marines because they were.... "too short"...

Stab these guys. 25mm bases are not "wrong". Stab 'em.


And for my Sons of Dorn triumvirate: 

Merek Grimaldus, Reclusiarch of Black Templars

Ekene Dubaku, Chapter Master of Celestial Lions

Pedro Kantor, Chapter Master of Crimson Fists.

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The Emperor's Pride needs some love, I'd be happy with an Ekene model.


Also a snippet of the shooting phase is upon community site. No shooting if enemy is within 1", awesome. No snap fire, -1BS. Awesome. Oh and all the haters at the flgs who said I should put shotguns on my Neophytes instead of BP/chainsword... let me show you my angry marine fingers.

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