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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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So if you have pistols it seems that you can shoot them in combat which basically means extra attacks. Assault troops who have bp/cc just got a lot better biggrin.png

That's not how I understand it. I doubt you can both shoot and do a CC attack. What I'm assuming is that a pistol and CCW has a choice of slicing down their enemy or shooting them, which, on a case by case basis may be better.
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Lesser armies always be jealous. I mean Neophyte RG had to upgrade the Ultramarines to version 2.0 just to be almost as good as the Black Templars.


Every problem RG mentions could just be solved with more crusading.

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So if you have pistols it seems that you can shoot them in combat which basically means extra attacks. Assault troops who have bp/cc just got a lot better biggrin.png

That's not how I understand it. I doubt you can both shoot and do a CC attack. What I'm assuming is that a pistol and CCW has a choice of slicing down their enemy or shooting them, which, on a case by case basis may be better.

Well all it says is

You also can’t shoot if there is an enemy with 1″ of you. The exception to this rule is pistols. Models with these hand-held firearms can shoot at the closest enemy target in the Shooting phase, even if they themselves are locked in combat!

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I don't get that. landraiders could mow down 500 conscripts before, so why bother with this change now?


That's what I don't get, why bother making some of the changes they did? Not that things needed or didn't need a change. It was the choices they made about those changes that confound me.

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I don't get that. landraiders could mow down 500 conscripts before, so why bother with this change now?

That's what I don't get, why bother making some of the changes they did? Not that things needed or didn't need a change. It was the choices they made about those changes that confound me.

Giving MC ans Vehichles the same rule base makes balancing easier and gets rid of silly things where models (example: the Riptide) that should be vehicles are instead MCs. It allows for better balance and greater granularity in the rules while also supporting the lore (where people wreck vehicles with pretty much any and every weapon that exists all the time anyways).
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Looks like the Crusader is going to be as awesome as it's supposed to if this is true.

Those are Conscripts with Lasguns, no Grenades, no Meltabombs, no special weapons, JUST LASGUNS..., and the point is that 500 of them can cripple a Land Raider Crusade still shouldn't apply... Land Raiders are Ceramite, Admantium, Plasteel and Tungsten behemoths almost invulnerable except to the most powerful of weaponry... the only way I can see even 5000 Conscripts with Lasguns destroying it is if they chocked the engine by stuffing themselves in the exhaust vents...

Aside for that, 500 Conscrits shouldn't do a thing against a Land Raider except take off the paint...

Now imagine an Imperator Battle Titan on it's last wound shot by a cultist with a Lasgun and taking off that last wound with a lucky shot... causing the Titan to explode and cause a cataclysmic explosion... yeah... that shouldn't happen either... regardless of how damaged a Titan is, the only way to do it is to shoot the Plasma reactor... and that's in the Titans multiple shielded blast core... but somehow 8th ed. can make it happen... dry.png

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Friend of mine accidently killed a Warlord with a HB in old Apoc. Should happen normally but when it does it's a story you'll tell for ages. 99.999999999999999% of the time this change won't matter but the one time it does makes it worth it.


Oh and someone on Dakka did some math. 111 Scatterlaser shots to kill the new Dreadnought vs 40 on the old one (with a cover save for the Dreadnout no less) so the change makes vehicles more durable right off bat even with armour save modifiers we're sure to see.

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Guys something you are forgetting is how difficult it will be for a lasgun to wound something like a LR. First he'll need a 5+ to hit, then a 6+ to wound then probably a 2+ armor save. Doing the math, you'll need 120 shots just to do a single wound on average. By the time you bring that LR down to a single wound, you aren't going to have 120 of anything. I don't think we need to worry about lasguns killing our LR's. And it's still way better than it is now where a single lascannon can kill the tank in one shot. 

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Looks like the Crusader is going to be as awesome as it's supposed to if this is true.

Those are Conscripts with Lasguns, no Grenades, no Meltabombs, no special weapons, JUST LASGUNS..., and the point is that 500 of them can cripple a Land Raider Crusade still shouldn't apply... Land Raiders are Ceramite, Admantium, Plasteel and Tungsten behemoths almost invulnerable except to the most powerful of weaponry... the only way I can see even 5000 Conscripts with Lasguns destroying it is if they chocked the engine by stuffing themselves in the exhaust vents...

Aside for that, 500 Conscrits shouldn't do a thing against a Land Raider except take off the paint...

Now imagine an Imperator Battle Titan on it's last wound shot by a cultist with a Lasgun and taking off that last wound with a lucky shot... causing the Titan to explode and cause a cataclysmic explosion... yeah... that shouldn't happen either... regardless of how damaged a Titan is, the only way to do it is to shoot the Plasma reactor... and that's in the Titans multiple shielded blast core... but somehow 8th ed. can make it happen... dry.png

Throw enough bodies at something and it'll run out of ammo, clog the tracks, coat the tank in their blood. I mean if 500 conscripts want to challenge a Land raider they can go for it, we'll have already assaulted everything else and then come back for them after they've failed.

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Guys something you are forgetting is how difficult it will be for a lasgun to wound something like a LR. First he'll need a 5+ to hit, then a 6+ to wound then probably a 2+ armor save. Doing the math, you'll need 120 shots just to do a single wound on average. By the time you bring that LR down to a single wound, you aren't going to have 120 of anything. I don't think we need to worry about lasguns killing our LR's. And it's still way better than it is now where a single lascannon can kill the tank in one shot. 


Isn't that what Lascannons are meant to do?


I'd be pretty miffed if I shot an Eldar Barge with a Meltagun and was not able to cripple it with one go... yeah the Eldar would be pissed if I did, but then again, Meltaguns are meant to do that...


does that mean I also need to spam every weapon I have now? multiple Power FIsts, multiple Meltaguns, multiple Lascannons... so min-max is now more of a thing than ever unless playing the Assault game?

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