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A quest for serenity & The silence below


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the new Siegebreaker my heavy support squad will hopefully be able to do more work (instead of playing targeting practice for my opponent).

Now I just need to figure out what to do with my lone and unbuilt knight, seeing as the new rule book doesn't allow me to take him any more. Atleast not without a second which I originaly didn't plan on buying.

Luckily the new faq means that I can play my lancer in the future. Logically this meant that I immediately started putting a Multimelter on a rhino and started working on my second squad of jetbikes. Yes I never keep my plans on what to paint next for very long.

Jetbikes WIP

Great work! He looks epic, i really like the weathering on the bike and i still cant get over how good the blood splatter looks

Thanks! I am still surprised that the blood splatters worked at all, considering that it was a spontaneous idea.


The command squad is already in the work, but as it looks like at the moment without too much blood. ;)

They look great! The weathering looks awesome! Fingers crossed they didnt suffer from new model syndrome.

Luckily only half of them did, the other half stubornly refused to die so easily.


I will post a little summary of the game when I have more time.

  • 3 weeks later...

For the last game, I played the following against a mix of 40k Dark Angels with human support. (maelstrom of war mission)


  • HQ
    • Praetor, Legion

      Selections: Artificer Armour, Bike with Twin-linked Bolter, Space Marine, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Thunder Hammer

      • Combi-weapon

        Selections: Combi-weapon: Meltagun

      • Master of the Legion
        • Command Squad, Legion

          Selections: Bike with Twin-linked Bolter, Space Marine

          • Space Marine Chosen, Legion

            Selections: Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Combat Shield, Power Weapon

          • Space Marine Chosen, Legion

            Selections: Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Combat Shield, Power Fist

          • Space Marine Chosen, Legion

            Selections: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade

          • Space Marine Chosen, Legion

            Selections: Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Combat Shield, Lightning Claw

          • Standard Bearer, Legion

            Selections: Chainsword or Combat Blade, Combat Shield, Power Fist

    • Siege Breaker

      Selections: Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Bolt Pistol, Powerfist

  • Elites
    • Apothecarion Detachment
      • Apothecary, Legion

        Selections: Augury Scanner, Space Marine Bike

      • Apothecary, Legion

        Selections: Jump Pack, Power Sword

    • Destroyer Squad, Legion

      Selections: Jump Packs

      • Destroyer Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Artificer Armour

      • Destroyer Space Marine W/ Special Weapon, Legion

        Selections: Chainsword or Combat Blade, Missile Launcher with Suspensor Web and Rad Missiles Only

      • Destroyer Space Marine, Legion

        Selections: Chainsword or Combat Blade

      • Destroyer Space Marine, Legion

        Selections: Chainsword or Combat Blade

      • Destroyer Space Marine, Legion

        Selections: Chainsword or Combat Blade

    • Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion
      • Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion

        Selections: Dozer Blade, Multi Melta

      • Veteran Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Lightning Claw

      • Veteran Space Marines W/ Special Weapon, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Combi-weapon

        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Sword

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Chainsword or Combat Blade, Combi-weapon

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter

        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Sword

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade

      • Veteran Space Marines, Legion

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword or Combat Blade

  • Troops
    • Assault Squad, Legion

      Selections: 14x Assault Space Marines, Legion

      • Additional Wargear
        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Axe

        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Axe

        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Sword

      • Assault Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist

    • Breacher Siege Squad, Legion

      Selections: 9x Breacher Siege Space Marines, Legion

      • Additional Wargear

        Selections: 2x Graviton Gun

      • Breacher Siege Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Artificer Armour, Bolter, Thunder Hammer

    • Tactical Squad, Legion

      Selections: 9x Tactical Space Marines, Legion

      • Additional Wargear

        Selections: Chainswords/Combat Blades, Vexilla, Legion

      • Rhino Armoured Carrier, Legion

        Selections: Dozer Blade

      • Tactical Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Artificer Armour, Power Fist

  • Fast Attack
    • Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron, Legion

      Selections: Multi-melta, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters

      • Sky Hunter Sergeant Upgrade

        Selections: Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs

        • Power Weapon

          Selections: Power Axe

  • Heavy Support
    • Heavy Support Squad, Legion Lascannon

      Selections: Hardened Armour, Lascannon, 5x Space Marines, Legion

      • Sergeant, Legion

        Selections: Augury Scanner

    • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon

      Selections: Dreadnought Drop Pod, Legion

      • Leviathan Siege Dreadnought

        Selections: Grav-flux Bombard, Heavy Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger

  • Allegiance
    • and Allegiance, Legion

      Selections: Traitor

      • XII: World Eaters

        Selections: Blood Madness

    • Rite of War

      Selections: Beserker Assault


My enemy had lots of razorbacks and gravcannons in the formation that gives him free transports aswell as overwatching on full bs and the imperial guard formation that gives destroyed units the chance to come back (sounds worse that it is considering his ever present bad luck).


A quick overview over the battlefield and where everything started.



I got first turn and moved everything forward except for the heavy support squad. The breachers occupied the central bunker and a unit of tacticals took control over the macro cannon. It was relativly uneventful except for the leviathan that dropped in the left upper corner and nuked a squad of devestators with grav cannons.

In return he killed half of my command squad because I am unable to roll 2+ saves and his psyker made the entire squad ws/bs 1 for the rest of the game in adition to killing all but one of my destoyers. Due to that what should have been an epic battle between my praetor and his captain turned into a joke, as my guys couldn't hit and his guys didn't have enough ap2 to kill my guys. In my turn my verteran squad came but didn't do very much and I assaulted everything I could. In his turn he shot down my leviathan with most of his army and his captain got killed due to some lucky rolls. one of his deepstriking terminator sqads had to come down too close to the heavy support squad and got shot down to two members. After that the only realy spektakular things where my praetor and the rest of his command squad absolutly obliterating everything they came across including a blob of guardsman with yarrik and a gravcannon devestator squad, aswell as him surviving an entire armies worth of shooting in the last turn we played deniing the enemy several points. Oh and his full terminator squad murdering my breachers, where both sargents took each other out. The other terminator squad was definitly plaged by bad luck as they failed a 3 inch charge and lost a guy in overwatch against the heavy support squad.

Due to us having to end the game early I wonn by points, but had the game gone on for longer he might have tabled me.


In conclussion I won't play a lascannon team without a siegebreaker again, as he just makes them way more reliable and they actually get stuff done. The command squad while expensive definitly works as a giant distraction carnifex and drew way more fire than it should have. Also I can't make moral tests with my praetor and my oppont can't roll 5+ (he got one unit back out of 10+, that he could have).

  • 2 weeks later...


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