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8th Edition Rumours


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Also, we can once again consolidate into combat!

Hadn't seen this yet! Though I think it will be balanced out by everybody being able to fall back out of combat. Do models leaving combat take hits? I couldn't imagine a Daemon Prince just letting somebody 'leave' biggrin.png
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Though the released Close Combat weapons info today doesn't include lightning claws, it does include power fists (no more striking last, just a -1 to hit). I wonder if the fisty-claws biker lord will remain a popular build?
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They *had* a long history, thousand sons and death guard releases. and I would wager a guess a chaos triumvarite in the next year or two. 

I mean are all the chaos players still this cynical? its getting better definitely as of the past 6 months. and stands to only get better as death guard are in the STARTER SET for 40k, thats awesome! 

cant WAIT to see the black legion style undivided chaos updates. I would buy TONS of those kits if they were anything like the Dark Vengance figures 

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Cynical? No no, you have to understand. We were the original traitors, we swam through a sea of salt, piled it high upon the shores of our scrap islands of hate. We are the bastardized step children of the black sheep side of the family. GW shows us enough love because we are the villains, nothing more. Even in the grim dark, the good guys always win.


From what I have seen of the new rules (all of them, I really have no complaints) I am excited for the new edition on the basis that they have solved a lot of the problems and have sped the game up immensely. Powerfists don't strike last in combat? Hell yes! Chainswords get an extra attack? FINALLY! The base of the game is heading in the right direction but with GW constantly just giving out rumors of what the SM's are going to be like without saying much towards others makes most of us want to stay on our islands with salt piled high. When GW shows Chaos some love, like the rumored DG models and gives us more solid pictures of them, then you will see a change of heart. But maybe not for long....

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Let me take a chaos Leviathian dreadnought and I'll be happy :D then the one I am painting / converting will be used with my Nurgle marines

My sorcerer with both a power / force axe and sword really seems like a good combo (until I find out he no longer can be armed as such )

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the previewed rules also answer how melee units are going to deal with the reduced attacks from pistols no longer counting as close combat weapons.  Instead, common melee weapons get a boost, in the case of chainswords an extra attack, so BP/CS chaos marines will presumably have the same number of attacks in close combat as before plus the ability to fire their pistols in close combat if they're still engaged on the following turn.


I expect chain axes to work similarly, possibly also adding to strength or AP.  Points depending, that could make berserkers with plasma pistols pretty deadly.  Whether that's enough to make up for the other changes, particularly voluntary withdrawal from combat, remains to be seen.


The power weapons look pretty nice, but again the loss of attacks due to the pistol change doesn't help them.  Still, the S vs AP trade off, without messing with initiative, has the various power weapons looking more balanced with each other.  We'll see how it plays out.

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GW has hurt me too many times over multiple editions for me to ever fully believe them especially when it concerns stuff like Beserkers, I want to believe but even with new GWs recent actions I'm not completely convinced,
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After seeing the rubric data sheet....i am far more inclined to trust them.  Its a massive step in the right direction. 


I am 70/30 on trusting them in their favor. Lets hope they follow through with the rest of the chaos list. (or balance in general, im also hoping for guard/orks/DE to get a boost)

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Wonder how Chainaxes will fair against the new Chainsword profile? Same +1 attack just with an added point of strength? Maybe a cheeky rend too (here is hoping)


Either +1S and +1 attack, or +1 attack and AP -1, probably.

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Wonder how Chainaxes will fair against the new Chainsword profile? Same +1 attack just with an added point of strength? Maybe a cheeky rend too (here is hoping)

Well take what we know now;

Chainswords are +1 attack.

Axes are +1 strength, rend -2


Combine and find the middle ground;

Chain axes; +1 strength +1 attack  rend -1

Thats what my money is on.


More importantly; they have pistols too which mean they get to fire those in CC as well.



Im excited to see their stats but also excited to see Possessed. I REALLY hope they are good... I loved them in the original Dawn of War where they were faster than average troops and had hand warp-flamers. might be cool to see something like that again. 

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Wonder how Chainaxes will fair against the new Chainsword profile? Same +1 attack just with an added point of strength? Maybe a cheeky rend too (here is hoping)

Well take what we know now;

Chainswords are +1 attack.

Axes are +1 strength, rend -2


Combine and find the middle ground;

Chain axes; +1 strength +1 attack  rend -1

Thats what my money is on.


More importantly; they have pistols too which mean they get to fire those in CC as well.



Im excited to see their stats but also excited to see Possessed. I REALLY hope they are good... I loved them in the original Dawn of War where they were faster than average troops and had hand warp-flamers. might be cool to see something like that again. 



I think that's too much for a single weapon unless you're going to pay out the nose in points for it.  I'd say pick two out of the three; personally, I'd go with +1 attack and AP-1.

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This happened...




I wouldn't read too much into it. They pretty much tell us - regardless of army - every new release that, "this is going to be devastating!" and in most cases, they're really not.

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I could see it go either way, but 2/3 seems like it'll be right on the money. They need to be cheap enough to take on a ton of dudes. I wonder if berzerkers will come with them by default this time around, or if it'll still be a model by model upgrade.




This happened...




I wouldn't read too much into it. They pretty much tell us - regardless of army - every new release that, "this is going to be devastating!" and in most cases, they're really not.




Yeah, taken with a grain of salt for sure, but they haven't said that about any other unit (or have they?). My excitement comes from even a moderate push in the direction toward best combat unit in the game. Or just not super overpriced. New kit would be great, too, while we're at it. :P

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Todays topic is Transports. All I will say is stock up on them now, as I can see Rhino Rush making a comeback. Units can now assault from transports as a core rule. Example given is the Starweaver from the Harlequins. M 16", W 6. It will be interesting to see what a Rhino or Land Raider will be me thinks.

But interesting is that units disembark at the beginning of the movement phase but are still free to move shoot etc as normal. But also bear in mind that transports can charge in as well now.

Bad news is that units remive models on a roll of 1 if they're inside if it explodes iirc. Not so bad for hordes, but if it will mean expensive units will suffer more. However, it doesn't say anything about flying transports and how they treat casualties/ charge into combat etc if they don't already follow similar rules to how they are now (ie Dreadclaw, Kharibdys).

I know what I'm ordering

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Todays topic is Transports. All I will say is stock up on them now, as I can see Rhino Rush making a comeback. Units can now assault from transports as a core rule. Example given is the Starweaver from the Harlequins. M 16", W 6. It will be interesting to see what a Rhino or Land Raider will be me thinks.

But interesting is that units disembark at the beginning of the movement phase but are still free to move shoot etc as normal. But also bear in mind that transports can charge in as well now.

Bad news is that units remive models on a roll of 1 if they're inside if it explodes iirc. Not so bad for hordes, but if it will mean expensive units will suffer more. However, it doesn't say anything about flying transports and how they treat casualties/ charge into combat etc if they don't already follow similar rules to how they are now (ie Dreadclaw, Kharibdys).

I know what I'm ordering

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I wonder if assault ramps stay or open top transports will allow you to disembark even if you moved and therefore allowing you to charge? Otherwise I assume khorne players are happy with this one.
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