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This news has changed very much my thoughts on purcheses right now. Given the known changes in stat lines and hinted changes. I might play it safe until newhammer drops. Just get one or two rhinos or a landraider as they might be of some use.


Of course having my 1KSons army im not sure ill have the points to include them anyway.

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That's very true. They can tell us all they want but without point values it's really hard to evaluate stuff like weapons. Look at Guilliman. I always thought he sounded very good but some people had the sky falling syndrome, then his points game out and it was a jaw dropper. It's all relative.


Would I like to add a 30 wound landraider with increased damage lascannons to my Thousand Sons? Heck yea but not if a typical game has me at 25 models still. I mean the painting possibilities alone are tempting but I think my days of killing my army for a showpiece are over (ie Magnus).


On the other hand, let's say we still have Auxiliary 'taxes' on formations, said hen I'd probably swap out my Predator for a Helbrute in heartbeat.

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You know what will be awesome? Rubric Marines getting out of their niche! In 8th Edition our dusty veterans will be able to hurt everything (their weapons will probably the same as any Marine's bolter but with a better safe modifier) and thus might be worth taking more often again. Would also be nice if we could fit two ten men squads of Rubrics in a normal game that isn't 2K+ points big...


Also, Termis have two wounds now! :D I am really excited to see how GW works everything out. Will Deathguard and Occult Termis be the toughest Termis in the game once more? We will see!

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With the release of the statlines im thinking the 1Ksons models and rules were built with 8th in mind.


I.e. power swords only for terminators. Makes more sense when it is a save modifier and not a straight ap. I'm wondering if SO Terminators will be 2W will the sorcerer then be 3 or 4?


The inferno bolts got better two. Not just at mulching power armor but now light vehicles, terminators etc with the save modifiers. I just hope they arent over costed like they are now, but open or narrative play might solve that problem.


I also had this thought and its just wishlisting. What if invulnerable saves put a hardcap save modifier. So a terminator cant have a worse armor save then 5+. MoT tzeentch would get better.

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I'm so stoked than my old army consisting of nothing but dreadnoughts and plague marines seems to actually be viable :D no more shall it be laughed off the board as dreadnoughts finally got the boost they needed bring on 8th I say as I'm ready for what seems to be a new age of gaming
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I also had this thought and its just wishlisting. What if invulnerable saves put a hardcap save modifier. So a terminator cant have a worse armor save then 5+. MoT tzeentch would get better.

Strictly speaking this is already the case, but depending on the range of weapon stats (if -2 and -3 are prominent in particular) a solid invun may well be much more valuable than before.

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This news has changed very much my thoughts on purcheses right now. Given the known changes in stat lines and hinted changes. I might play it safe until newhammer drops. Just get one or two rhinos or a landraider as they might be of some use.


Of course having my 1KSons army im not sure ill have the points to include them anyway.

Yeah I think most people will play it save...and I also think GW knows, hence why they only started to drop infos this late. The new edition can't be far away anymore!

Originally I expected mid-late june but maybe it's closer to late may actually.


I wouldn't expect TSons to lose their elite model count army status tho. They are just too durable to have as many models on the field as others and Pete Foley already confirmed that TSons will still be veeery durable. ^^



I also had this thought and its just wishlisting. What if invulnerable saves put a hardcap save modifier. So a terminator cant have a worse armor save then 5+. MoT tzeentch would get better.

Strictly speaking this is already the case, but depending on the range of weapon stats (if -2 and -3 are prominent in particular) a solid invun may well be much more valuable than before.


^ this

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Currently, I imagine the only thing that will be selling will be the books, and that's only basically for the collectors who haven't gotten them already, or the people who think they'll be able to scalp them on ebay afterwards.
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Real keen that we will keep the legion rules, and I wanna see what the stats for contemptors will be.


Also I wanna know about formations, but I can wait

Same :D as well as plague Hulks though they suspiciously look like they've been discontinued (as searching literally turns up nothing or error data the error data expunged page) so hopefully FW still updates them for 8th :(
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I am super doubtful, but if ever there was a chance of CSM getting a drop pod, this is it. Maybe dreadclaws will get cheaper, instead. Without scatter dice, deep strike might just be viable for our faction!
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Is there a non-f*book way to see the vid?

I though you didn't have to have a facebook account to see the video? Other wise it should be on youtube in a few moment


In fact it on youtube now while type this.

Oh, you're​ right! Just watched it. thanks!

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I am super doubtful, but if ever there was a chance of CSM getting a drop pod, this is it. Maybe dreadclaws will get cheaper, instead. Without scatter dice, deep strike might just be viable for our faction!

The best way for CSM to get a dropod i think is GW to make it in plastic include rules. The second best way would be for FW to release the rules with the 8th update but it doesnt have amodel anymore right. Im more afraid this is the death of the dreadclaw not resurgence. If GW or FW did release a pdf or cheap rulebook then you could easily convert SM drop pods and call it a day.

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I am super doubtful, but if ever there was a chance of CSM getting a drop pod, this is it. Maybe dreadclaws will get cheaper, instead. Without scatter dice, deep strike might just be viable for our faction!


They did say during Q&A about feedback & something like this would be really cool push forward.


I know if & when new Chaos Marines get release.  I'd like to try run a Dreadclaw Night Lord list just because it something bit different & what I want from this force. 

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Well templates are gone so the scatter die might be too. If we look at AoS, anything that has some sort of "appearing" ability (summoning, Tomb King units coming out from under the sand, Sylvaneth jumping around in their woods etc.) they always have to be set up at least 9" away from the enemy. Seems pretty reasonable to me that deepstriking will become "setup the unit anywhere on the table, at least 9" away from any enemy models". No scatter, no moving the units but they'll still be able to charge and shoot etc.

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Well templates are gone so the scatter die might be too. If we look at AoS, anything that has some sort of "appearing" ability (summoning, Tomb King units coming out from under the sand, Sylvaneth jumping around in their woods etc.) they always have to be set up at least 9" away from the enemy. Seems pretty reasonable to me that deepstriking will become "setup the unit anywhere on the table, at least 9" away from any enemy models". No scatter, no moving the units but they'll still be able to charge and shoot etc.

It might have been in follow up questions on Twitter, but scatter dice are confirmed gone.

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So weapon stats are out now, and indeed Shadow Wars does show us the carry over of D(damage) wounds being a variable.


The landraider is looking better and better (depending on cost).


I'd much rather see a landraider need 4 lascannons to hit it, all 'wound' it, and then all roll 6 on the D6 wounds, then the alternative today of one lascannon ruining it, or immoblizing it.


The good news for us Thousand Sons folk is flamers.... maybe a LOT better for those pricey Rubrics!

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