Dracos Posted December 29, 2019 Share Posted December 29, 2019 I could swear that every single Phobos model has a deployment trick of some kind (except base Reivers). Everyone has either Concealed or a deepstrike, it's neat. Don’t forget Reivers have Deep Strike with Grav-chutes ;) Ought to work like Suppressors ... but no one asked me :) Zephaniah Adriyen and Hiroitchi 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5452353 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted January 7, 2020 Share Posted January 7, 2020 Added a 3 man squad of Assault Centurions with melta guns to my army. And now that I've learned (read: my wife taught me) how to do transfers, they are the most complete models in my roster (except basing, because I'm lazy and I don't need them based for casual play). Also, with the revelation in the Supplement that Captain Korvydae is back, I brought mine back from the Deathwatch to resume his role as Captain of the 10th. As an added bonus, I discovered that the 2002 era RG transfer sheet I acquired a while back has Kastorel Novem campaign badges on it, so he is actually marked appropriately. I'll have to get some pictures of him uploaded because I'm really proud of how he turned out. thewarriorhunter 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5457303 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted January 7, 2020 Share Posted January 7, 2020 Oh! That part eluded me, cool to know that Korvydae is back. He's among my favourite 40k Characters. I'll have to look for his return in the Supplement. My Raptors have gained two victories during the Christmas Holidays against the Sisters. I can say I'm really proud of my boys in green and of myself. The marines statline, Doctrines and Stratagems carried the day in one game and I played to our strenghts in the other claiming the most VPs even though I was loosing on the kill count front. All in all, I'm very happy about this playstyle of Stealth, Ambush, Counter maneuvers and precision kills - very true to the Raptors and Raven Guard way of war. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5457425 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted January 7, 2020 Share Posted January 7, 2020 Oh! That part eluded me, cool to know that Korvydae is back. He's among my favourite 40k Characters. I'll have to look for his return in the Supplement. It's subtle. Look at the 10th Company on page 11. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5457444 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 7, 2020 Share Posted January 7, 2020 I just did my first transfer over the holiday break. Claws, you're spot on, they take the model to that next hobby level. I need to get a sheet printed up since I've got a custom icon and campaign badges and then I'm getting all of my models tatted up and weathered. Tonight I'm going to my FLGS for Kill Team. I've got a 100 and a 125 list. I don't have enough models to play the 'roster' method yet but I did tweak my lists so that they're mostly identical. The main difference is I drop an intercessor for a Terminator Gunner with an Assault Cannon. I should have pictures and updates late tonight or tomorrow. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5457509 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 8, 2020 Share Posted January 8, 2020 The Spectral Sicarii have victoriously returned from the field of battle! They set upon a small force of Tau who were attempting to recover fuel stores in a bombed out city. An ambush was set and the trap sprung. The battle was hard fought and extremely close but in the end the Tau forces broke after suffering extensive casualties and fled the field of battle. Hidden Content Had my favorite type of game tonight - a close one. My opponent was a great guy. We played 125 Elites. My list: Reiver Sgt Leader (combat blade) Intercessor Demolitions (bolt rifle) Intercessor Comms (bolt rifle) Terminator Heavy (assault cannon) Intercessor Sgt (power sword) Reiver (carbine) Opponent list: Cadre Fireblade and missile pod Crisis suit 2 x pathfinders ~4 gun drones recon drone ~2 shield drones I might be getting drones mixed up but there were quite a few. We played the mission where there are four objectives and at the end of each turn you roll. They could potentially leave the board and on a 5 or 6 they drop back down into the center. 1st turn I had the initiative. I deployed my terminator, comms, and demo models in the back and moved my leader and power sword up the side. I infiltratred my Reiver into his back lines out of site. He left a hole and I honestly think that move won me the game. It diverted his crisis suit and threatened his specialist fire base. Overall not much happened aside from me killing one drone. 2nd turn he went first. He wasn't moving much and readied most of his models. He failed to charge my reiver with his Crisis suit so my reiver got the charge off. Since it was out of site no overwatch was suffered. Pathfinders were locked down I charged my leader and power sword into his drones in ruins to contest an objective. This is the end of movement turn 2: Shooting was minimal since most things were locked up. He wounded my terminator and then I took out a couple drones in combat. His pathfinders survived but also failed to kill my reiver. Turn 3 I went first I was hoping to go second so I could recharge what I knew was going to be falling back. I ended up moving towards objectives that were still on the board and a few shots were exchanged but nothing meaningful happened. At this point i was losing 4-1 but we rolled and the game continued. Turn 4 I went second and a 5 was rolled so all the removed objectives dropped into the center of the board. He ended up consolidating everything in his back lines to try and hold onto one objective and win on points. At this point we each were trying to get a single kill to force a break test. I charged my reivers into his consolidated lines. It was a great pincer and guaranteed I would contest the objective. After pile in shenanigans I based a couple models and killed his leader. I thought he was going to pull the win so I wanted the moral victory. He passed his break test. Turn 5 was a wet noodle fight. I killed another drone but he failed to kill anything so he had to take a final break test and failed so I met the win condition. We rolled it out to see what would have happened had he passed and it would have been a tie at 4-4. Overall it was a great game. My last couple games were 'teaching' games and it was nice to finally play against someone who had experience. I think my big takeaway from the game is that my Terminator shouldn't be my Heavy. I tend to set him somewhere for overwatch and never move him to the specialism is wasted on him. I'd rather have combat on my Sgt so I've got one extra power sword attack in CC. I'm sure after I make that change I'll be moving my terminator all over the place though... oh well. I'm also thinking the Missile Launcher is the next bit to paint up for it. I can drop the assault cannon and add a storm bolter and ML... I may just have 'two' terminators on my roster with the different loadouts so I can choose pre-game. The 2 STR 8 shots look tasty against tough targets. duz_, Dracos and Hiroitchi 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5457972 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 24, 2020 Share Posted January 24, 2020 Just finishing my Smash Captain this afternoon in time for a team up game tonight. Each player using 500 points / 1000 per table side. I’ll try and get at least a few pics and post the results tomorrow. Hiroitchi and thewarriorhunter 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5467070 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 24, 2020 Share Posted January 24, 2020 Looking forward to how your captain does in a small point game. I'm working on my own at the moment. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5467103 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiroitchi Posted January 24, 2020 Share Posted January 24, 2020 best of luck @Dracos Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5467125 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 25, 2020 Share Posted January 25, 2020 Just got back from the local tournament, with my Blood Bowl list. 6 Players...4 of them with marines only, one TS+demons, one ork. And considering the present lists, nothing I would ever want to face with either my AdMech or Knights... My list: Phobos Captain (WL traits Master of the Vanguard, secondary Swift and Deadly, relic Vox Espiritum (+3" to all bubbles)) Shrike 2x5 Intercessors 2x5 Incursors 1x10 carbine reiver 1x10 knife reiver 2x4 Inceptors Literally no backfield presence, which is entirely pointless in the given mission - 2 objectives in the center, a player can score at the end of each player turn. Meaning whatever you do, just push for the middle, any body not near an objective is wasted points. And slay the warlord, no other secondaries. First game was against IH...and typical for IH, with a ridiculous amount of firepower. MotF (Ironstone, WL +1 to hit bubble for vehicles -> making RG terrain buff useless) Lt 3x5 barebone tacs 2 company veterans Stormcannon Leviathan 2x Contemptor Mortis (1x autocannons, 1x lascannons) 2x Contemptor Kheres+CCW (1x Relic contemptor, 1x regular) Well...I rolled to have first round, and deployed accordingly. Incursors + Captain in front, and Reivers barely in the captain's 9" bubbles. Infiltrators strat meant that the reiver blobs pregame-advanced 12" and 14" (who needs jump packs?), advanced respectably again during my turn, and (with Shrike's charge reroll) got off every single charge. The few tacs placed as screen got some holes shot in, then used those to charge with just bolters as overwatch, then consolidate into the dreads. I couldn't kill the dreads in one go anyway with just S4 AP0, but any round they wouldn't be able to shoot was a win in my book. End of the turn, locked down the entire gunline except for one Mortis and the Relic Contemptor, with 30 cheap primaris bodies. Half in front, half on one flank. When hitting back with the CCW contemptor (and adding the relic contemptor on his round) the front started to buckle fast, the relic one solo'd an Incursor squad without much hassle. So I shifted my focus - let terrain and intervening dreads block the relic, and try to carve up the non-relic CCW dread. Shrike joined the blob, and his pistol and the captain's carbine killed the MotF - at that point, sometimes something in his army hit on something worse than 2+ for a change. To get rid of the CCW contemptor, I drowned it in dice. Inceptors (what was left after getting shot at by rerollable-2+ AP-4 lascannons ignoring -1 to hit), all leftover reivers (carbine ones died by chainfist) and Incursors essentially wrestled every HP separately from it - killing it after it charged into my guys next round and paying 2CP to strike first. Then the game was rather straight-forward - I locked the autocannon mortis in CC, held both objectives with Intercessors and one Inceptor each. The leviathan got to shoot just once over the entire game, every other turn I locked it again by charging some leftover dude behind it and consolidating into it. Shrike got shredded by the relic contemptor, the captain by the kheres, and that's it. Won 11-1 - held both objectives all 5 rounds, and we killed each other's warlords. If I had to went second, it would have just blown half my army off the table before anything happened. If my list had been the usual instead of the CC-oriented one - same. And that's what the IH player did when facing Dark Angels (with PA) later - tabled the DA in 2 rounds, by just blowing up everything on a rerollable 2+. Second game was against Orks for a change. Never played against them in at least 6-9 months. Gorkanaut, Morkanaut, 2 smaller walkers, warboss on bike, warboss on foot, relic shokk thingy (never hit anything), some stormboys, gretchin blobs for objectives/troop tax. I deployed/started first again - the Incursors started on the objectives, to give me 2 VP in my first turn, everything else kept back and out of LoS (city board). Inceptors kept in ruins, so they would at least be there when I needed them. Instead of Infiltrators strat, I let the Reivers deep strike - it was pointless to charge into orks turn 1, especially when they have ~15W T8 vehicles at the front. With the building gaps, he split his forces - gorkanaut (or morkanaut) + smaller walker + gretchins on each side, and one had biker boss and stormboys too. Predictably he advanced on the objectives and ripped apart the Incursors. Then the fun began...Shrike, one Inceptor and Intercessor squad moved up on the side with the biker boss, joined by the 20 reivers. Dropped buckets of rerollable S4 dice on the lead gorkanaut, then the Reivers and Intercessors charged it, taking it down 2 tiers and only losing some Intercessors in CC. Other Intercessor squad sacrificed itself taking the other objective for one round, and distracting its big walker. Last Inceptor squad shredded the stormboys point blank. He responded by charging both smaller walkers into my CC reivers, and starting the CC phase with his walking warboss mulching my Captain - 2CP and another bucket of dice later, my Reivers knived the big walker apart. Shock Assault is fun when the enemy keeps charging you with something, and 10 knife guys amass 40A...anyhow, as a result the big walker blew up spectacularly, half killing both smaller walkers and taking Shrike down to 1W. My turn the knife guys fell back with 2CP to act normally, so I drowned both walkers in Reiver/Inceptor shots and attacks, killing both. Biker Warboss was all but dead from the explosion, Shrike finished him off, and chaff fire took out the gretchins. At that point we could call the game - I had one objective secure, which he couldn't reach with his remaining big walker. He had the other secure, with the walker sitting firmly on it, and it would have been unrealistic to kill it (and 40 gretchins) in the remaining round AND move up. All in all - won 8-7. So yeah...I had literally zero AT, just buckets of dice and loads of green models. Achievement unlocked - out-orked an ork. With primaris. Last game was plain bad. IW (ignore cover) with double leviathan (3 butcher cannons, 1 CCW) and demon prince (vehicles ignore movement penalty). And some 35 CSM for objectives. 35 CSM on one side, everything else on the other. To make it short - I sacrificed Incursors for 2 VP turn 1, then lost them and Intercessors to butcher cannons. Shrike/captain moved up with DS Inceptors/Reivers, which cleared all CSM and got me another 2 VP in 2 rounds. And in those 2 rounds, the leviathans killed all but Shrike and the Captain (who fled due to Slay the Warlord "heroically led a daring advance into a rearward position"). All in all, Orks got 1st place (no one else dislodged them from center, and they never faced a Leviathan, let alone 3). Second to IW, 3rd was mine. Some observations: This was a test run for Reivers, Master of the Vanguard and Swift and Deadly. Reivers (especially the CC ones) were ridiculously useful, getting into CC every game, and even killing T8 by sheer dice tonnage (4A when charging/getting charged). For 16ppm (making them the cheapest primaris wounds), if you find a way to get them there, they are absolutely underrated. Master of the Vanguard was great. With Swift and Deadly, Reivers approached Jump Pack ranges when footslogging. When deep striking, it reduces the necessary charge roll to an 8, which saved my bacon 2 or 3 times. And Shrike got into some nice spots (yes, he's Phobos too) that would have been a problem without buff or advancing. All in all, I might make this my go-to WL trait. Swift and Deadly...it only got into play against IH, but with the relic (making it a 9" bubble) it made a lot of difference there. Except for that, both deep striking and taking care of the next unit in line happened without advancing, so it was pretty much wasted there. Maybe it's something one might buy as optional addon - like when needing to lock down a backfield, which is usually shielded from Deep Strike. What was rather disturbing - except for one guy, every single player had marines. 2 lists were pure "mathhammer" lists with just ridiculous amounts of firepower/resilience and no deeper tricks to master. I'd have loved to field AdMech or Knights for a change, but that would have been entirely pointless - those would have been easy target practice and nothing more. I seriously hope that the next PAs rectify this a bit...and GW tones down that damn leviathan at some point... SanguinaryGuardsman and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5467721 Share on other sites More sharing options...
SanguinaryGuardsman Posted January 26, 2020 Share Posted January 26, 2020 Some recent game experiences... Been running 20+ phobos marines recently. 2x5 incursors and 2x5 infiltrators along with 10 intercessors and 9 eliminators with Shrike. What I learned... -Starting games with all the midfield objectives under control is great. -9 eliminators look harmless but win games. I scored first blood+warlord on turn 1 three times recently. For some reason my opponents do not like shooting these. They just dont appear threatening I guess? -I spend most of my CPs on defensive stratagems. Remain Unseen + smoke grenades or auto launchers is borderline broken. Transhuman Physiology is a bit of a CP trap but can win games in the right situations. -Shadowmaster is autoinclude. Lost a game a month ago dying in overwatch with my smash captain. Never again. -Invictor Warsuits with autocannons are by far the best. There are a lot of matchups where having them in the backfield shooting their autocannons is a godsend. Shadow Captain Vyper and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5467783 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 I've got a 1k game against my ork opponent/nemesis today. He's a fun guy to play against and it's been a few months since our last game. I'm assuming I'm probably going to be facing at least one (most likely two) T8 battle wagons, a warboss on a trike, maybe the jet, and then a bunch of bodies. I tend to run out of steam in the late game when playing his lists so I'll see how it goes. The list I'm taking: RG successor: Master Crafstmen & not sure (I'm waffling between stealthy, long range marksmen, and whirlwind of rage) -2 CP for Favor of the Ravenspire and Token of Brotherhood (start the game with 6) Phobos Librarian - Tenebrous Curse and Mind Raid Primaris LT - Ex Tenebris, MoA 5 x Intercessors, Assault bolters, Aux grenade, Power Fist on the Sgt 8 x Tac marines, flamer, combi flamer, chainsword 5 x bolt scouts, 5 x sniper scouts Redemptor Dreadnought - ETB version: heavy gatling cannon, flamer, fragstorm, fist 3 x Inceptor squad - assault bolters Devastator squad, Storm Bolter, 2 x Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter 3 x Eliminators - Bolt snipers I think I'm going to run as a successor always. I know it costs me CP to get wargear/relics but I feel better about it. I'm also not running Shrike so it doesn't bother me. I think if I do ever get Shrike then I'll run as a direct RG successor. Lore wise Master Crafstman makes sense because my chapter is based off assassins who would have high quality weaponry to ensure their targets are killed. I'm debating on the CC or shooty trait because I'm not sure where my army will go, and frankly I like the idea of mixing that up based on mission/list build because a chapter would be dynamic like that on the field (I'm just not sure if that's too much of power gaming). Plan is to SftS my devs into a ruin where they will be hard to charge so they can get the most shooting off. I'm hoping the las cannons can soften up or pop his battle wagons. Librarian is there to half movement and character sniper MWs and get CP back. Bolt scouts will be sacrificed as a speed bump. I plan on deploying them right in front of a vehicle to slow it's movement. Sniper scouts and eliminators will be placed to offer optimal firing lanes. I'm probably facing a couple psykers and if I can drop those to prevent him from Da Jumping great. My LT will MoA with the intercessors and probably just run around the board. The tacticals may be infiltrated or SftS onto an objective and just camp there, with the flamers helping with overwatch from the eventual charge. Redemptor will try and stay awar from hordes and get into CC with whatever vehicles are close. Overall I think it's a fun list, not crazy strong but it's got some punch. Either way I'll be rolling dice so it's bound to be a good night. Oh, and here's my intercessor Sgt with power fist. He looks mean! Probably my favorite model after putting the fist on him! Dracos, Shadow Captain Vyper and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5469971 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 I've got a 1k game against my ork opponent/nemesis today. He's a fun guy to play against and it's been a few months since our last game. I'm assuming I'm probably going to be facing at least one (most likely two) T8 battle wagons, a warboss on a trike, maybe the jet, and then a bunch of bodies. I tend to run out of steam in the late game when playing his lists so I'll see how it goes. The list I'm taking: RG successor: Master Crafstmen & not sure (I'm waffling between stealthy, long range marksmen, and whirlwind of rage) -2 CP for Favor of the Ravenspire and Token of Brotherhood (start the game with 6) Phobos Librarian - Tenebrous Curse and Mind Raid Primaris LT - Ex Tenebris, MoA 5 x Intercessors, Assault bolters, Aux grenade, Power Fist on the Sgt 8 x Tac marines, flamer, combi flamer, chainsword 5 x bolt scouts, 5 x sniper scouts Redemptor Dreadnought - ETB version: heavy gatling cannon, flamer, fragstorm, fist 3 x Inceptor squad - assault bolters Devastator squad, Storm Bolter, 2 x Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter 3 x Eliminators - Bolt snipers I think I'm going to run as a successor always. I know it costs me CP to get wargear/relics but I feel better about it. I'm also not running Shrike so it doesn't bother me. I think if I do ever get Shrike then I'll run as a direct RG successor. Lore wise Master Crafstman makes sense because my chapter is based off assassins who would have high quality weaponry to ensure their targets are killed. I'm debating on the CC or shooty trait because I'm not sure where my army will go, and frankly I like the idea of mixing that up based on mission/list build because a chapter would be dynamic like that on the field (I'm just not sure if that's too much of power gaming). Plan is to SftS my devs into a ruin where they will be hard to charge so they can get the most shooting off. I'm hoping the las cannons can soften up or pop his battle wagons. Librarian is there to half movement and character sniper MWs and get CP back. Bolt scouts will be sacrificed as a speed bump. I plan on deploying them right in front of a vehicle to slow it's movement. Sniper scouts and eliminators will be placed to offer optimal firing lanes. I'm probably facing a couple psykers and if I can drop those to prevent him from Da Jumping great. My LT will MoA with the intercessors and probably just run around the board. The tacticals may be infiltrated or SftS onto an objective and just camp there, with the flamers helping with overwatch from the eventual charge. Redemptor will try and stay awar from hordes and get into CC with whatever vehicles are close. Overall I think it's a fun list, not crazy strong but it's got some punch. Either way I'll be rolling dice so it's bound to be a good night. Oh, and here's my intercessor Sgt with power fist. He looks mean! Probably my favorite model after putting the fist on him! Mm, I still love that color scheme, and I'm still scared of your power with that white. Dracos and thewarriorhunter 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5469974 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 TheWarriorHunter @ Small suggestion. Use MoA or Infiltrators on the Devestators to get them to work T1. SftS with the Intercessors, deploying the Lt in a hidey hole until the Intercessors arrive. Think about where he might be if most use in T2 and if it’s better to have his buff working T1 instead. I’m having same issue wanting to try a true successor path. Except when I want to use Shrike. As a take all comers Ive decided on Master Artisan and Long Range Marksmen. I’m going to use 2 units of aggressors a unit of inceptors and centurions though so the 3+ inches means more than something activating on “6” or a armor buff I’m not using for about 2/3 of my armies points. I want to get up close and overwhelm my opponent with firepower and a follow up assault phase. Last week I got some nice mileage with the Aggressors against the Ulthwé. Hoping to use a 1000 pt list of similar build this week and see how effective the overall strategy is as the army “grows” Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5469995 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 Great suggestion and now I've got a follow up timing question: SftS is at the end of any movement phase so that unit could still come in T1, right? MoA with Devs make sense because it's 'before the battle round' so they'll be shooting at full BS, whereas I think if they arrive from SftS then they'd count as having moved and be -1 to hit? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5469999 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 SftS is generic deep strike - anything that is used during deployment to hold back a unit and brings that unit to the battlefield during the game cannot happen turn 1. And also counts as having moved, giving the -1 to hit for heavies. MoA repositions units that are already on the board before the game starts. And yes, they count as not having moved, since MoA happens before their movement phase. duz_ and thewarriorhunter 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470002 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 I didn't realize SftS was a T2 deployment, I appreciate you all pointing that out. Perhaps I'll try and get a deployment where the LT goes with the Devs to give rerolls for T1 and then moves out with the intercessor screen to advance and harass. Whatever happens I do think the Devs need to start on the table so that I can get the most mileage out of them and soften up the armor. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470007 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 Just a reminder: MoA does not require the character to be anywhere near the other infantry unit. You can literally dump your Devs on that juicy piece of cover wherever, and still drop in your LT midfield alongside scouts in preparation of where your Intercessors are going to show up. As a general rule things that have very short range (Aggressors, Assault Cents, etc) are great uses for MoA and SFTS. That being said, if youre against an Ork list like you mentioned (very low chance of getting shot off the board T1), I would likely opt for the MoA/Infiltrators route, so you can still get a forward map control/better defilade of fire, but you'll be shooting T1. Infiltrators also allows you to advance so its really 6+D6 (on the Intercessors for example). Meaning with them you can move 12+2D6 before your first shooting phase (at the -1 to Hit Penalty). Move + Advance x 2. Orks in low point games can feel very tough since there are all those bodies to chew through, so I would try to avoid giving up a units T1 shooting by having them in SFTS, if possible (and he doesn't run a big blob of Lootas/Tankbustas that can delete your unit T1). Good luck! Dracos and thewarriorhunter 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470013 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 As a general rule things that have very short range (Aggressors, Assault Cents, etc) are great uses for MoA and SFTS. That being said, if youre against an Ork list like you mentioned (very low chance of getting shot off the board T1), I would likely opt for the MoA/Infiltrators route, so you can still get a forward map control/better defilade of fire, but you'll be shooting T1. Last tournament game against orks, I did the exact opposite. Having 1st turn means if you move to the middle (even regular move is enough), the orks' insane charge range (advance+charge+rerolls) means they will reach your lines, before you got even close enough to shoot effectively with said units. Aggressors or Assault Centurions need to be damn close, deploying just them and maybe a few token units in the center means just easy targets for the ork. What I did - deep strike any short-range dakka/counter charge unit (in my case 20 Reivers) with SftS, and keep everything else in a range to support them when they come in (Inceptors, Shrike, MotV phobos captain have enough movement) but well away from the center. Your first turn may be uneventful except for your long-range stuff, but his turn (if he needs to reach CC) will be even less productive, just advancing into an empty midfield with nothing to charge. Turn 2, switch to tactical doctrine, select one area/flank/enemy unit concentration that needs to die, and deploy absolutely everything in range. HQs in intended deep strike buff range, fire support with correct angle/distance, move up any other unit, skirmisher or otherwise, and then deep strike the short-range baddies on top. Any unit not in range to engage the selected group (or some other really critical target) has done something wrong. Even CC should be used for any unit not too valuable to do so (HQs, snipers,...) - especially with primaris and Shock Assault, and maybe a few reroll bubbles on top, the sheer dice tonnage will drop targets. Any targets - the last Gorkanaut I faced, I dropped it with just ridiculous numbers of Inceptors, Reivers and a few Intercessors, arriving/shooting/charging at the same time. That way, one can clear an area instead of leaving half of the targets alive - with ork grade CC, that means considerable losses. Overwhelm one area completely, lose as few as possible, then turn to the next. Feeding orks just a few units at a time, and handing out targets for their ridiculous charge range, both don't work if you use short-ranged units. Counter deployment keeps units invincible, and your opponent can't secure/concentrate on all directions at the same time. Downside, unless you have some sacrificial chaff, you won't score turn 1. Upside, your units will be alive longer, to retake that ground when the orks are dead. jpwyrm, Dracos, Shadow Captain Vyper and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470048 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 I look forward to seeing how TWH's game goes! Playing a 1k Ork list that uses two T8 wagons is definitely a little different. I'm definitely more accustomed to the multiple 30-count blobs on foot. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470132 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 Very well thought through MajorNese. I like the tactical breakdown you made and even though your claim of destroying even hard targets through weight of dices seems a little stretched, your results speak of themselves. Plus, the general tactic you explained takes maximun advantage of RG doctrines and strats whereas any other chapter can plant their feet on the ground and try to drown greenskins in lead hoping they don't reach the gunline. Looking at your last tournament list, do you think it would work using Lias Issodon instead of Shrike? I'm a Raptor player at heart and it looks like he brings a lot of what was needed for your plan to work (extra inch for move/advance/charge, Swift and Deadly Walord trait if needed or even MoV to add 2" to movement!) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470137 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 The dice tonnage thing does seem stretched, but for fun I retrospectively calculated it. 8 Inceptors, 10 CC reivers, 10 carbine reivers, 5 Intercessors and Shrike (all but Shrike/Inceptors in CC) racked up a total of 175 attacks or shots, with an average 153 hits, 32.7 wounds, 12.7 unsaved wounds (including tac doctrine AP and Shrike's pistol MW) on a T8 3+ vehicle. Which was pretty much exactly what was happened, since I took his Gorkanaut down to 3W in my round, and knifed it to death in his round. It would have been a lot easier though with a T7 target (like the contemptor in the previous game). The entire list was designed to provide dice and bodies - definitely out-orked the ork. Lias would cover this too, as long as you find non-primaris units to pull it off with. This is pretty much what the LVO top lists did, deep strike Lias with ridiculous numbers of assault centurions. Free deep strike for 3 oldmarine units, chapter master bubble, charge bonus. Calculating the same T8 3+ target as above for just 6 hurricane bolter assault centurions with Lias around (not including Lias): 8.8W with flamers and LRMM, 24W with meltas. Which might explain the efficiency of a list with 3 full squads... Note, originally my plan was to use Infiltrators strat instead of SftS, and charge the enemy backfield turn 1. That was an option by paying CP for the deployment either way, but Lias kinda locks this to deep strike, unless you waste points on an ability you won't use. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470304 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpwyrm Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 Well Lias ability does not work on Centurions so SftS is still the way to go. I don't play over competitive lists if I can help it since I only play with friends and I don't want to crush their army over and over until no one is having fun (been in that position but the other way around...) But yeah I get what you mean about Lias ability being wasted if you don't bring oldmarines into ambush. I'm working on a list in which I mix primaris and oldmarines so I can use the ambush ability when it's sound to do it but in a way that I'm not tied to it either. I gave grav-chute to the Reivers to save on CPs but I'm not sure it's that much needed. Also, I want to try the Chapter Champion with Blade of Triumph glass cannon. 47 pts is not a big investment for that much combat potential. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470377 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 I dream when they rewrite the FW Indexes the Primatize Lias. More likely he’ll go the route of Legends but a man can dream. :) Gaming tonight. Got enough done in my Phobos Captain conversion I’m going to see if I can get a 1000 point game this week. Will post a result of the game if I do in the Battle Report thread. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470420 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 Last nights game was a lot fun. My opponent brought a mech list that I was not expecting. I thought I lost the game in deployment but was able to make it a close game through superior tactics and possibly a crutch of a codex. Hidden Content We played a CA2019 mission, I think it was called Scorched something? Four objectives, one in each deployment zone and two on the mid-line. 1 VP for the marker in your zone, 2 VPs for midline markers, and 4 VP for the objective in your opponent's deployment zone. I was the defender so I went second after not seizing. His list was two T8 battle wagons, Warboss on a trike, two speedster cars, 3 x 10 grots, 5 nobs, and another warboss on foot. I was expecting more bodies and was worried his armor was going to run me over. I screwed up before the game began because I really wanted to MoA and Infiltrate up the board... because I could. It was a huge blunder on my part and I thought I'd lost the game. This is the board after my pre-game stuff. Eliminators in cover on an objective, phobos libby holding an objective in the midfield, and he had a unit of grots on his deployment objective and pushed everything forward. I had my bolt scouts as a speed bump to slow his wagon down and force his vehicles to divert (this probably saved me from losing flat out T1). His movement he pushes forward and I forgot he had nobs in his wagon. They all disembark and charge the marines that I HAD to put into ruins because I could. I really should have left all of the bodes back in cover for him to come to me. His nobs and warboss got into most of my infantry. T1 he wiped both scout squads and my intercessors before I even got to roll any attacks (he charged from out of LOS). He also got his other battle wagon into combat with my dread and bracketed it, but I rerolled the save and managed to stay in the top bracket. My psychic phase was a complete whiff as well . I don't do much in CC to his infantry because old marines. I charge into his nobs and warboss to lock them up and protect my Devastators. Since he wiped my scouts with his battle wagon my devastators put some hurt onto it. My eliminators whiffed for the entire game... Hopefully that's new-model syndrome out of the way for them My dread finally brought some light to the fight. He punched the battle wagon and popped it right open. A few grots inside died and the rest disembarked. Dread fists are no joke. VPs are tied at 4 after T1. T2 he decides to pull out of combat and move towards my devastators because they're working on his armor. His cars fail at dislodging my phobos librarian and he charges his grots in to the phobos to contest the objective. Not much exciting happens here. My T2 my librarian finally passed some tests. Got a Mind raid off on his warboss and Tenebrous Cursed one of the cars. I movee my dread up and bracket his last battle wagon with my devs. My dread shoots most of his grots and takes his warboss trike down to a single wound. My marines on the right flank were mostly useless again. Dread charges into the vehicles and punched his warboss to death. I consolidated into one of the other cars to prevent it from shooting and it's CC caused a couple wounds. I forgot pictures of this part put the game changing moment happened here when I dropped my Inceptors into his backfield. They obliterated the grots holding his objective which opened it up for me. I had hoped to leave a couple alive so I could attempt a charge but that was not to happen. VPs tied at 7 after round 2. T3 he realizes he's out of position because of the threat my inceptors are causing. He moves his cars back but can't do much since one is slowed and the other can't shoot. His other truck pushes towards my Devs but he mis-moves and get charge his nobs in. His warboss does get in and kills a few devs but I remove models so I'm now out of combat and can shoot on my turn. My T3 my Libby destroys the rest of his grots and keeps objective camping. My devs fail to kill the warboss but they're not an objective and are causing him to have to slow down and deal with them so success enough. My inceptors moves onto his objective to hold it and my marines who managed to survive in the ruins charge his truck. I rolled enough of a charge that I was able to swing around his truck and claim the other midfield objective since I'm obsec and he wasn't. Combat was meh but I scored 9 VP that turn and he scored none. The store was closing so we called it with my victory 14 - 7. We talked it out and the only way he would have had a chance was to get his infantry over to my eliminators and my Devs were most likely going to slow him down. He would have taken out my last inceptor model but that meant my librarian and eliminators were still getting 3 VP a turn while he tried to get to mine. He would have had to have incredibly hot dice for that to work so I fell confident in saying that I was able to recover tactically. I don't think I relied to much on 'the book' and would like to think I just played better. He may have wiped three units to start but at the end of the day marines in cover are really hard to move. I think my biggest take away is that just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I get wrapped up in my head that I need to use the tricks at my disposal and in this game it cost me a CP that was never used and my intercessor squad. Better to waist a skill than waste a unit and it's related fire power. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/40/#findComment-5470453 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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