Zephaniah Adriyen Posted January 31, 2020 Share Posted January 31, 2020 Last nights game was a lot fun. My opponent brought a mech list that I was not expecting. I thought I lost the game in deployment but was able to make it a close game through superior tactics and possibly a crutch of a codex. Hidden Content We played a CA2019 mission, I think it was called Scorched something? Four objectives, one in each deployment zone and two on the mid-line. 1 VP for the marker in your zone, 2 VPs for midline markers, and 4 VP for the objective in your opponent's deployment zone. I was the defender so I went second after not seizing. His list was two T8 battle wagons, Warboss on a trike, two speedster cars, 3 x 10 grots, 5 nobs, and another warboss on foot. I was expecting more bodies and was worried his armor was going to run me over. I screwed up before the game began because I really wanted to MoA and Infiltrate up the board... because I could. It was a huge blunder on my part and I thought I'd lost the game. This is the board after my pre-game stuff. Eliminators in cover on an objective, phobos libby holding an objective in the midfield, and he had a unit of grots on his deployment objective and pushed everything forward. I had my bolt scouts as a speed bump to slow his wagon down and force his vehicles to divert (this probably saved me from losing flat out T1). His movement he pushes forward and I forgot he had nobs in his wagon. They all disembark and charge the marines that I HAD to put into ruins because I could. I really should have left all of the bodes back in cover for him to come to me. His nobs and warboss got into most of my infantry. T1 he wiped both scout squads and my intercessors before I even got to roll any attacks (he charged from out of LOS). He also got his other battle wagon into combat with my dread and bracketed it, but I rerolled the save and managed to stay in the top bracket. My psychic phase was a complete whiff as well . I don't do much in CC to his infantry because old marines. I charge into his nobs and warboss to lock them up and protect my Devastators. Since he wiped my scouts with his battle wagon my devastators put some hurt onto it. My eliminators whiffed for the entire game... Hopefully that's new-model syndrome out of the way for them My dread finally brought some light to the fight. He punched the battle wagon and popped it right open. A few grots inside died and the rest disembarked. Dread fists are no joke. VPs are tied at 4 after T1. T2 he decides to pull out of combat and move towards my devastators because they're working on his armor. His cars fail at dislodging my phobos librarian and he charges his grots in to the phobos to contest the objective. Not much exciting happens here. My T2 my librarian finally passed some tests. Got a Mind raid off on his warboss and Tenebrous Cursed one of the cars. I movee my dread up and bracket his last battle wagon with my devs. My dread shoots most of his grots and takes his warboss trike down to a single wound. My marines on the right flank were mostly useless again. Dread charges into the vehicles and punched his warboss to death. I consolidated into one of the other cars to prevent it from shooting and it's CC caused a couple wounds. I forgot pictures of this part put the game changing moment happened here when I dropped my Inceptors into his backfield. They obliterated the grots holding his objective which opened it up for me. I had hoped to leave a couple alive so I could attempt a charge but that was not to happen. VPs tied at 7 after round 2. T3 he realizes he's out of position because of the threat my inceptors are causing. He moves his cars back but can't do much since one is slowed and the other can't shoot. His other truck pushes towards my Devs but he mis-moves and get charge his nobs in. His warboss does get in and kills a few devs but I remove models so I'm now out of combat and can shoot on my turn. My T3 my Libby destroys the rest of his grots and keeps objective camping. My devs fail to kill the warboss but they're not an objective and are causing him to have to slow down and deal with them so success enough. My inceptors moves onto his objective to hold it and my marines who managed to survive in the ruins charge his truck. I rolled enough of a charge that I was able to swing around his truck and claim the other midfield objective since I'm obsec and he wasn't. Combat was meh but I scored 9 VP that turn and he scored none. The store was closing so we called it with my victory 14 - 7. We talked it out and the only way he would have had a chance was to get his infantry over to my eliminators and my Devs were most likely going to slow him down. He would have taken out my last inceptor model but that meant my librarian and eliminators were still getting 3 VP a turn while he tried to get to mine. He would have had to have incredibly hot dice for that to work so I fell confident in saying that I was able to recover tactically. I don't think I relied to much on 'the book' and would like to think I just played better. He may have wiped three units to start but at the end of the day marines in cover are really hard to move. I think my biggest take away is that just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I get wrapped up in my head that I need to use the tricks at my disposal and in this game it cost me a CP that was never used and my intercessor squad. Better to waist a skill than waste a unit and it's related fire power. That was a trip of a battle report, and I actually struggle with this, too. Like... 2/3 of my army has deployment tricks (1500pts. pure Raven Guard). A third of 'em can deepstrike, about a third of 'em can infiltrate and about a third of 'em have to deploy normally. thewarriorhunter 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5470526 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Sgt. Carter Posted February 2, 2020 Share Posted February 2, 2020 Highlight from today’s game vs GREEN/RAVEN Wing was: MoB and infiltrated chaplain with 6 Flame Storm aggressors. Opponents turn 1 (seized) they tanked some mortal wound bombs (lost1) from a DA jet my 5 man unit of (EXpert Marksman) aggressors auspix scanned and absolutely bbq’d a teleporting full boat of Deathwing. Afterwards they ran amuck in his deployment zone. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5471037 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 Today I went up 3-0 in my local Warhammer store's escalation league at the 500 point level. My list was: - Biker Captain upgraded to Chapter Master with Teeth of Terra and a storm bolter and MoTFP for Shadowmaster and Imperium's Sword. - 3 Suppressors - 2 units of bolt sniper Eliminators. - 2 Land Speeder Tempests 500 points on the nose. We're using the build your objective deck rules from CA 2019 for this league. The other wrinkle was one character must be present in every game you play, and you give that character 4 traits from the custom character tables from CA 2018. I gave my Captain Sundering Shots (6+ to wound deals mortals), Keen Eye (can target characters), Resilient (5+ FNP), and Divine Protection (+1 to invuln saves). I played against Sisters, Janitors, and Grey Knights. There was a single Hospitaller left alive at the end of the first game, I tabled the Custodes, and the Grey Knights had an Apothecary and 3 Paladins left. My dice rolls were uncharacteristically hot (I found some OOP Deathwatch dice at a game store that the dice gods apparently blessed). Most interesting thing: I started each game with 1 CP, and didn't use a single CP all night. The combo of 2 Tempests and Suppressors is MEAN with Chapter Master rerolls. Dracos and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 I may be joining a Kill Team escalation league soon, maybe. There's prize money in it for me, but I kinda suck at the actual battle aspect of this hobby. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477679 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 I may be joining a Kill Team escalation league soon, maybe. There's prize money in it for me, but I kinda suck at the actual battle aspect of this hobby. I'm getting better. There's another guy at the shop who is also 3-0. I've been tasked with humbling him a bit. Zephaniah Adriyen 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477680 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 I may be joining a Kill Team escalation league soon, maybe. There's prize money in it for me, but I kinda suck at the actual battle aspect of this hobby. I'm getting better. There's another guy at the shop who is also 3-0. I've been tasked with humbling him a bit. I mean, I'm over here having made... like... what, five wins in over a year of playing this about once a week? I'm not even close to good. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477681 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 I may be joining a Kill Team escalation league soon, maybe. There's prize money in it for me, but I kinda suck at the actual battle aspect of this hobby.I'm getting better. There's another guy at the shop who is also 3-0. I've been tasked with humbling him a bit. I mean, I'm over here having made... like... what, five wins in over a year of playing this about once a week? I'm not even close to good. I have less than 30 wins, total. I've been playing since 1995. SanguinaryGuardsman 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephaniah Adriyen Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 I may be joining a Kill Team escalation league soon, maybe. There's prize money in it for me, but I kinda suck at the actual battle aspect of this hobby.I'm getting better. There's another guy at the shop who is also 3-0. I've been tasked with humbling him a bit. I mean, I'm over here having made... like... what, five wins in over a year of playing this about once a week? I'm not even close to good. I have less than 30 wins, total. I've been playing since 1995. There are others like me? Do you have a non-competitive meta but you happen to play factions or units which just kinda aren't good and have difficulty actually strategizing too? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477687 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 There are others like me? Do you have a non-competitive meta but you happen to play factions or units which just kinda aren't good and have difficulty actually strategizing too? Wait u thought this was they majority of the Ravenspire? That's why I love yall :lol: Speaking of victories... :ermm: Currently going 2-1 at local GT beat IF and IH lists, but lost to eldar. Annoyingly going into round 4 against a super cheesy dual leviathan multiple dread IH list <_< However moment of the event so far was my warsuit going Leroy Jenkins into a IH castle and blowing up. Rolled 5+ on nearly every single unit inside the 6" bubble. He took out Shrike, but took such a heavy toll on my opponent who had been winning up until that point not only did I score 3 VP in his turn, he conceded :lol: :sweat: Before and After pictures, you can almost hear Shrike yell "Noo!!!" Zephaniah Adriyen, Dracos, MajorNese and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477821 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 Red Iron Hands? Successor or chasing the dragon? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477879 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 Chasing the dragon formerly of blood angel chapter Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477902 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 Chasing the dragon formerly of blood angel chapter bleh. I guess it's to be expected in a tournament setting though. I've got a 1250 game against Tau this week. Any solid techniques for dealing with Steal Suits? I've never played this guy but he says he is testing out a bunch of them. I've played Tau once and there were some Crisis suits in that list, I remember they put out a lot of shots but didn't hold up to well once you I got past their shield drones. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5477971 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 Stealth suits impose a to hit penalty, iirc. Incursors negate that nicely. Volume of fire from Inceptors or Aggressors will do well too. I do not know if he will bring a Ghostkeel, but at that point level, he may shoe horn one in if he cannot squeeze in a Riptide. Those things can be trouble at lower point games. Thunderfire Cannons hit on a 2+, so vs stealth units that impose a -1 to hit, they shoot just like regular marines. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478011 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 16, 2020 Share Posted February 16, 2020 hrm... he said he plays a stealth army, did the new book let Tau build their own factions? I wonder if he'll be stacking hit penalties and be at -2 in many cases? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478021 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 hrm... he said he plays a stealth army, did the new book let Tau build their own factions? I wonder if he'll be stacking hit penalties and be at -2 in many cases? Safe bet they got build your own stuff options. My son has the book, I'll check later. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478028 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 Whenever I've had to deal with stealth suits, I dealt with them point blank. These are the forward operators of Tau, so any unit with Concealed Positions or Infiltrators strat will be in CC with them on turn one. And once you're there, these guys die like any primaris bodies, just more expensive - primaris grade attack numbers will grind them down nicely. And yes, Incursors seem like the perfect counter. Deploy within CC range without requiring CP or WL trait (at just +1ppm compared to the cheapest Intercessors), ignore the penalties/cover, stack up a few more hits in CC with paired combat blades. Return fire is S5 AP0 IIRC (unless the new sept traits change that), putting your counter unit in terrain (for cover <12") halves all incoming damge. Unless he spends markerlights on cheap troops instead of the big hitters, which would be even better for you on the long run. Zephaniah Adriyen and thewarriorhunter 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478133 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 So it sounds like between now and Wednesday I need to buy, build, prime, and paint a unit of Incursors? lol. I still need to get my infiltrators from shadowspear done... I need to paint faster... sigh SanguinaryGuardsman 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478264 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MajorNese Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 Incursors would be the perfect counter, but basically any primaris body <20ppm would do. In my games, the squads of 5-7 Intercessors with a power sword did that just fine, now with Shock Assault it's even easier. Deploy such a unit at the tip of the deployment zone, be prepared to spend a CP or two for Infiltrators strat (and advance with that pregame move, it has zero downsides), and pull the trigger once you know who is going first. Intercessors in cover are ridiculously tanky for their points, against an army without AP on the chaff fire guns. Without markerlights, -1 to hit and 2+ save in cover will tank at least half an army's worth of small arms for a round. My Tau opponents needed to get closer to them to deal with them, which means their lines were stretched thin - less overwatch, less units per area to deal with, more stuff in range to shoot/charge. So yeah - while stealth suits are good skirmishers, they do require support to survive/work. Which is not exactly what a backfield gunline army provides in spades. thewarriorhunter 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478274 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 17, 2020 Share Posted February 17, 2020 Sadly I'm lacking a lot of primaris troops. I've got a 5 man intercessor squad that I'll throw a power fist on. Three more reivers gets me a squad of five there so I'll probably get them up on deck soon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478356 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiroitchi Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 Crashed a Raptors thunderhawk.. lol Zephaniah Adriyen, duz_, thewarriorhunter and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478578 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 Looks great! Should have made it another chapter like Iron Hands or Space Wolves though :lol: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478606 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 18, 2020 Share Posted February 18, 2020 List for my game Wednesday. I'm dubbing it the 'Sneaky Libby Bomb' and is something I've wanted to try for fun since our supplement dropped. List: Hidden Content ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [71 PL, 6CP, 1,249pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Master Artisans, Raven Guard Successor, StealthyRelics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of extra RelicsToken of Brotherhood [-1CP]+ HQ +Librarian in Phobos Armour: 3) Spectral Blade, 5) The Abyss Camo cloak, Force sword, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path Shadowmaster, The Imperium's Sword, WarlordLieutenant in Phobos Armour: The Honor Vehement or Vox?Occulus Bolt Carbine and Bolt Pistol Grav-chute, Master-crafted occulus bolt riflePrimaris Lieutenant: Ex Tenebris+ Troops +Intercessor Squad: Auto Bolt Rifle, Auxiliary Grenade Launcher. 4x Intercessor. Intercessor Sergeant: Power swordScout Squad . Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun. 4x Scout w/BoltgunScout Squad . Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, Sniper rifle. 4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifleTactical Squad . 4x Space Marine. Space Marine Sergeant. . Boltgun/Bolt pistol. Space Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun+ Elites +Cataphractii Terminator Squad. Cataphractii Sergeant: Combi-bolter, Power sword. Cataphractii Terminator: Chainfist, Combi-bolter. Cataphractii Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist. Cataphractii Terminator: Combi-bolter, Power fist. Cataphractii Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning ClawRedemptor Dreadnought : 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Heavy flamer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon+ Fast Attack +Inceptor Squad: Assault bolter x2, 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant+ Heavy Support +Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought. Two twin lascannons: 2x Twin lascannonEliminator Squad. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper: 2x Bolt sniper rifle, 2x Camo cloak++ Total: [71 PL, 4CP, 1,249pts] ++ Tactica: Hidden Content Front loading the CP for sure, but then that just means I have less stratagems to remember... right? I'll probably burn my other four in the deployment phase/T1 and just cruise after that. Star of the list is my libby. If I go first he deploys close. If I go second he deploys out of charge range and then moves up. The LT deploys forward and I infiltrate my intercessors up to be close and there's my CC blob. Libby makes his sword good and MotTFP lets him be a beast on the charge and he ignores overwatch. Charge as much as possible to limit overwatch on units that are following up behind him. Gave him the relic pistol because. I want the LT close to provide rerolls, I'm undecided between the vox for a larger aura or the +1 attack relic. I feel like my blob will be close enough together that the vox would be wasted. Primaris LT sits back with my snipers and Elminators to have a little sniper castle... nothing more to see here. Bolter scouts and tactical marines camp objectives and just try to be a nuisance. Terminators and Inceptors hang out in deep strike. They come down where I need to clear out something and do that. I'm guessing they'll be on drone duty and with their volume of shots I think they can make a pretty big hole T2 when they arrive. Dreadnoughts... I'm hoping I'm able to get my redemptor up with my CC blob. The fist did work in my last game and the flamer is tasty up close. My Mortis is my AT unit and will probably hang out near the LT for rerolls and may keep a CP for Wisdome of the Ancients. I recognize I'm weak on AT but I won't be facing riptides. I've only played Tau once and it was 750 points against fire warriors and crisis suits. Any thoughts? duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5478616 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted February 19, 2020 Share Posted February 19, 2020 Oh, to get an actual game in... Still getting settled in the new place, and about to be a dad any day now, all my hobby items are still in their crate. My Lieutenebris still has a lot of details to finish, and I barely get 5 minutes to myself to brew up list ideas. Hopefully this summer, I can get a night out to play. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5479108 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted February 19, 2020 Share Posted February 19, 2020 I feel you Jacques. Hobby time is precious but unfortunately it has to take a back seat at times. I'm a huge fan of the Independent Characters podcast. Many years ago they did an episode and fitting in the hobby around kids. If you've got time to give it a listen you might be able to take some inspiration from it. http://theindependentcharacters.com/blog/2014/09/episode-109-from-diapers-to-dicebags/ Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5479147 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted February 21, 2020 Share Posted February 21, 2020 Yeah, I just might. My free time, such as it is, is after my wife falls asleep, and before she wakes up. Once the twins arrive, sometime next week, that will be gone as well. What I am wrestling with, in regards to list-building, is that veteran soldier me wants Carbine Reivers to screen for Lieutenebris, but hobbyist me realizes that Bolter Inceptors make more sense on the tabletop, due to 10W of T4 vs 9W of T5 respectively. That, and the greater strength and number of shots from the Inceptors. I really hope I can get my Primaris, any of them, ready for the table top. I refuse to bring unpainted, half-assembled models to a game. I am not a wannabe power gamer trying to rush new units to the table right after a new supplement drops. That said, I do enjoy reading, and listening to, batreps. Even at work, where the guys are perplexed as to just what am I listening to. But, I am a supervisor, and I make my company a lot of money, so they can tolerate an eccentricity. Hiroitchi and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/332882-what-have-your-raven-guard-done-lately/page/41/#findComment-5480061 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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