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8th Edition Guard Discussion


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WF, I don't know whether medics will be part of PCS or not ... it seems like in all other armies we've seen, their medic models that used to be part of command squads are now on their own. I was just perusing the Sisters of Battle leaked images, and see that this holds true for the Hospitaller as well who is not a single model with 4 wounds.


Which gave me an idea ... it would be cool to model 4 medics on a single large base and move them around as your medic unit mostly for aesthetic purposes but also as a handy way to track wounds. This would be perfect for my Rourke's Drift-inspired Praetorians ... I can have a few 4-man squads of commissary staff running around with medical gear and ammo to hand out to the troops.

... which leads me to another consideration. I notice that Hospitallers, for example, are an elite choice. If they actually take up a force organization slot, it might be easier than I thought to fill out a larger formation like the the Brigade Detachment for a sweet +9 command points. 3 elite slots could be very quickly filled with medics/priests and if commissars are HQ that wold take care of that slot as well.

Oven got some unconfirmed text leaks but they seem reasonable


>taurox and taurox prime m14" w10 r6 3+

>chimera m12" w10 r7 3+

>veterans have same stats as normal infantry except bs 3+; can have 3 special weapons, a heavy weapon a heavy flamer; 6ppm without equip

>valkyrie m20"(min)-45"(max); w14 s7 t7 3+

>can go in stationary flight mode and reduce its movement to up to 20", but loses the other rules of fliers (-1 to be hit, can only be charged by flying stuff)

>grav-chute deployment still in: if performed when moving more than 20" 1/6 models die

>hellstroke missiles: heavy1 s8 ap-2 d6

>ogryns w3 s5 t5; ws3+; +1 attack on charge; weapon is 12" ass3 s5 ap- d1

>vanquisher is heavy 1 72" s8 ap-3 d6, roll 2 dice for damage and discard the lower

>basilisk 240" heavyD6 s9 ap-3 d3, roll 2 dice for determining the number of shots and discard the lower; can shoot on units it can't see

>confirmed characters: yarrick, pask, creed, kell, harker, straken, nork




I love how the basalisk gets to roll two dice to hit and pick the highest, way less chance of getting that random 1 hit and much more likely to get that glorious 6.


Also wish taurox being so fast and valks being one of the few units who can move and deploy, move far even, guard are going to be mobile something fierce. Especially if you get to allocate those grav chute wounds yourself like you do with exploding vehicles, just pick off a few lasgun errand let those meltas fly.

Honestly, commissars really worry me this edition. They seem mandatory for guardsmen to not take massive losses, but one shot from a sniper, and that squishy commissar is dead. Even if he has three wounds, it'll take the average sniper unit 2 turns to down him. And given the new character rules, what army ISN'T gonna try to fit in a couple snipers? Except Sisters. I don't think they have one. 

At least from the profile looks like they didnt do anything to fix the Vanquisher...

Being able to land that 1 shot is critical! Single shot BS3 doesn't help it...

I'm curious to see what the Wyvren is then, like most other things "reported".


Interesting Creed and Kell are included, the latter was most certainly killed in GS1!


Edit actually I take that back about the Vanquisher. At least if it does stick a would you can possibly do 6 damage which will help mitigate it missing every other turn.

At least from the profile looks like they didnt do anything to fix the Vanquisher...

Being able to land that 1 shot is critical! Single shot BS3 doesn't help it...

I'm curious to see what the Wyvren is then, like most other things "reported".


Interesting Creed and Kell are included, the latter was most certainly killed in GS1!


Edit actually I take that back about the Vanquisher. At least if it does stick a would you can possibly do 6 damage which will help mitigate it missing every other turn.

Well they said they weren't invalidating any model, and people will want to play games set before the fall of Cadia.

Really need to see a nice leak for IG I don't want to buy that list Dr....the Basilisk and Vanquisher don't leave a very good taste in my mouth.




(EDIT) Unlesssssss all of out tanks are going to drop points across the board so we can spam them. Which fluff wise makes complete sense and we will be a true hoard army.

But they have models. So their storyline status doesn't matter.


I'm hoping the Basilisk is better in practice than it sounds here. I mean...it's not BAD. I just don't know that I'd rather have a battery of artillery over a platoon of Russes...and I'd really like that to be a harder decision.

I'm guessing that's toughness 6 on the Taurox and toughness 7 on the Chimera? Seems reasonable compared to other vehicles such as Dreadnoughts which I believe are T8. Taurox is still an armoured truck versus a tank, but not quite so tissue-paper fragile as before and movement 14" gives it some decent speed although I'd have liked to see more like 18".

Veterans still seem pretty bargain basement, I am hoping that regular platoon troops are cheaper or have something else good about them to make veterans less of the default choice as I've always personally been annoyed by their inclusion as troops choices and the resultant mutation of Guard armies.

I don't know about the Vanquisher ... points will tell the whole story, but it doesn't seem any better than a lascannon versus its previous incarnation which was essentially a 72" meltagun. The Basilisk seems pretty good though.

No Marbo sad.png

Honestly, commissars really worry me this edition. They seem mandatory for guardsmen to not take massive losses, but one shot from a sniper, and that squishy commissar is dead. Even if he has three wounds, it'll take the average sniper unit 2 turns to down him. And given the new character rules, what army ISN'T gonna try to fit in a couple snipers? Except Sisters. I don't think they have one. 


I'm okay with it, it makes snipers actually useful. But I don't know how much easier a time they'll have killing you than before. LOS will always be important, they probably get a -1 to hit if shooting through enemy models I guess, and one of the Warhammer Community posts said something about being able to mitigate snipers somehow. Some sort of bodyguard unit -- I've honestly lost track with the flood of information over the past month.

Just to add a bit more context on the commissars ... in addition to what I wrote above, sniper rifles are Str 4, AP 0, 1 damage. It will still take several of them to down a commissar, assuming that they are now ~4 wounds like priests and other such units.


Considering how awesome the commissar buff is now, it seems only fair that there must be some way to root them out without having to wipe out the entire enemy army. Even so, being tactical and careful with them will mitigate the risks.


The more I think about it the more I like it. Having to worry about snipers picking-off your officers just "feels right" to me. It actually makes sniper units a priority target as well, not just cheap chaff that people bring to satisfy minimum troop requirements and then forgetting while they max out on all the goodies. It makes taking snipers/Ratlings actually worthwhile for Guard too.

WF, I don't know whether medics will be part of PCS or not ... it seems like in all other armies we've seen, their medic models that used to be part of command squads are now on their own. I was just perusing the Sisters of Battle leaked images, and see that this holds true for the Hospitaller as well who is not a single model with 4 wounds.


Which gave me an idea ... it would be cool to model 4 medics on a single large base and move them around as your medic unit mostly for aesthetic purposes but also as a handy way to track wounds. This would be perfect for my Rourke's Drift-inspired Praetorians ... I can have a few 4-man squads of commissary staff running around with medical gear and ammo to hand out to the troops.


Holy :cuss. That is an amazing idea! This could work really well with Scions too!

Basilisk looks decent to me seeing as it was pretty much unusable in 7th, it even got upgraded to "AP2" apparently.  The vanquisher does not impress me though.  It might be a bit more reliable in rolling a high wound #, but the vanquisher was always about being certain that you were actually going to pen the target.  As is, its going to be wounding a large number of vehicles on a 4+ instead of the lascannon's 3+ due to the lower Str.  That just doesn't seem right for such a specialized AT weapon.


On the topic of vehicles, the Valk has more HP than the Russ???  Also, the Russ has the same profile as the Predator.  What happened to it being a heavy tank?

Just seen the leaked pics - in my group I play in I usually run grenadier vets for the 4+ armour.


Now they're elites and only 5+ again.


Will have to look over everything but looks like I'm going to have to paint up a load more plastic cadians for troops as my vets are all metal cadian squads.

Veterans are elites, but you can make a full elite detachment now at the cost of a few CP relative to a Battalion. 


SWS and HWS are Elites and Heavy Support, respectively. Unless there's something about platoon organization we don't know, filling out a Brigade detachment is going to be simple work.


Also, an officer can use any vox caster within 3"- meaning if your command squad is dead, he can grab the phone off a nearby squad and use theirs. Neato.


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