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The power sword blade is plain; I don't know if it's on purpose or not, but if it isn't then something as simple as picking out the nodule in blue and then washing the blade with blue ink could do the trick. Other than that, fantastic!

I am going to have to pull out for this month, so this will be my pass month.


I have had a rota change, an oil rig change to deal with, plus a lot of work helping my wife with her dissertation.


It has left me no time for my Vlka Fenryka :/


Will come back strong next month though

Quick update, I am almost finished building Ogryn Inquisitor Karamazov count as. Now I just need to finish and paint him quickly.


Binary, the lighting continues to look impressive.

Marqol, I look forward to seeking the Lord painted.

Kennyjapan, Nice Chainaxe!

Jaxom, Plasma sword, nice. I hope it works as you intended.

I completed my vow with time to spare (!!!!) Glad to be back at school where, surprisingly, my time for painting is a bit more consistent. Here is my Captain in Gravis Armor for the Ash Walkers (name TBD, check out the plog in my signature for full backstory and fluff) Hope y'all enjoy!



Ok so I may have accidentally picked up and painted a Redemptor...I know its to late to pledge however here it is, just the guns to sort out.


Redemptor WIP1

Redemptor WIP2

Redemptor Front

Redemptor Back

Still working on the Librarian. Expect it to be finished early next week. You have to love nightshift's, plenty of time to get painting/building done :-)

I've primed/ basecoated/ highlighted 2 vet squads / 5 tyrants/ 4 rocket havoks/ 2 las javelins/ vindicator/ contemptor and have started a glaive and am re painting a Atrapos that has a heavy job when I picked it up... oh ya... and bases for all that.

I hit everything with a satin varnish and am heading out of town for the weekend and then next weekend so don't know that I'll have another update for 10 days or so



I sent a few Pm's to Chase down a few Missing Vows. 


But some fantastic works beeing done! 


Myself I have almost finished my pox walkers, sadly I decided to change jobs a few weeks ago and my life was then eaten by change again.... (and the pesky AOS habit is keeping me away from my 40K stuff!) Recuse of this I have canceled my plans for a HQ unit for the month.


Also next month was going to be the conversion challenge as the special event, but given the other events running with this at the moment Iam taking suggestions for a theme for Sep-Oct

How about vehicles/monsters for the theme? Just a thought.....


In the meantime.......




Well vow complete as I've finished the first five assault marines, first tactical squad's rhino and as part of this months HQ theme, not only Captain Uthor but also Lieutenant Melehan









More pics


++ Month 3 Vow Complete ++


Primaris Astartes Bohemond, Knight Errant (equivalent of a Codex Astartes Strike Force Commander), Strike Force Bohemond, Fourth Company, Lightbringers Chapter




oHddhXzm.jpg   tw2vt6Hm.jpg




Couldn't quite capture the metallics appropriately with the lighting and they may have thrown off the autofocus a bit.


It wasn't part of my HQ vow, but I also finished the first 5-man squad from the DI set.


First Squad of the Line, Strike Force Bohemond, Fourth Company, Lightbringers Chapter.




lzz67xpm.jpg   fil8btnm.jpg

Edited by jaxom

Binary, those are UNREAL. I love how you put in LEDs to bring them to life. The quarter pattern looks very clean as well. Keep doing amazing things! 



The faces people must make upon seeing the little :cussers light up for the first time in real life must be priceless. 



Update time!




The gloss on the red is playing hell with lighting and i can't get a good picture of the highlights which do actually exist (I promise!)

Recon i'm bout 3/4 through, got to do eye lenses, blood splatter (alot of it), play around with the gold and base.


Great looking stuff everyone!

and so back to lurking... :wink:



I Sagentus vow to get a Dark Apostle painted for the blood god of khorne. I am very late with this and might not manage it, life has really kicked me in the teeth in the last couple of weeks, but i will try to get him finished none the less


I swapped out the combi-plasma for a plasma pistol, but he doesnt look much different

BlueBelly- I like the grey colour scheme, however the black helmet feels a little off to me, not sure why.

Binary- looking good as always, especially like the Assault Marines and the jump pack light.

Jaxom- plasma sword for the win!

Also next month was going to be the conversion challenge as the special event, but given the other events running with this at the moment Iam taking suggestions for a theme for Sep-Oct

I second Vehicles/Monsters, I have not got any planned for my project bu i would assume that most of the other participants will have something for one of the two.

Month Three Vow Complete

One Ogryn Inquisitor Karamazov ready to lead from the front. The sword arm did not work out as well as intended. I wanted it more pointing forward but my green stuffing skills are not that great so I had to work with what I could gather from my bits box.


The lighting and focus is a bit off but I hope all the details are clear enough in one or another part of the image.

New Update! 






Blood for the Blood God!... i mean... for the Emperor..?


Basing started to be done as well as blood, gonna dirty the greaves when i paint the base, thinking of doing a dirty puddle at his back right foot (probably tainted by more blood) got some flamer scorching to do on the end of the axe and eye's.. basically little odds and ends =)


C&C always welcome =)

Finally finished the Librarian. I had a little bit of overspill on the helmet from the airbrushing that I am not sure if I like. Decided to leave it a week or so and if it annoys me I will get it sorted. For now it is done.




Again this month some awesome stuff, really keeping me motivated as I have not been feeling painting in the last two weeks. Looking forward to a few days off it planning for the Xenos event before I get back to some Griffons.


For next months event I was thinking "allies or reinforcements". I was toying with the idea of doing an Leman Russ attached to the Griffons as part of a larger force in the future or perhaps some Primaris Ultramarines that are working along side their much better looking Howling Griffon cousins.


The reinforcements part could be that the unit has to be part of the core of your force. Really this can be anything so we keep it open ended for everyone. For my Griffons it would be some Tacticals or Intercessors. If you were doing say Blood Angels then it could be Assault Marines. Just something that you would reasonably play week in week out on the table that fills the narrative of your force.

Hectic month so haven't been very active, but vow is complete! Glad I decided to only do one model this month.


For next month, I like the idea of vehicles or monsters (or perhaps just a heavy support choice) but for selfish reasons since I have some robots I am planning to paint.

Looking good everyone! Here is an update for now, this is the state of the lads since last weekend. Been away from the painting desk this week, so finished pictures incoming! Noticed that the new job doesnt really blend well with trying to put down a neat paintjob, so trying to get a more speedpaint-ish thing going on for the armies that end up on the table and spending more time on the real hobby projects (like my mainly FW 30k army). Makes sense, right?



WHEW! I wasn't sure I was going to get this one! Sitting in the path of Hurricane Irma did not help, especially given I derped away the first half of this month. lol BUT, here it is, another month completed!

1 Librarian (custom built) and a 5 man Intercessor Squad


Vow 3 Complete


Now to prep for next month! Maybe I can start on time this time. lol

TBH, I'm having issues with my (phone) camera,  and the pics I have are making mad, but I may need to use them as they might be the difference between completion or not....


I'll be posting in a bit, hopefully withh good pics but maybe not.




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