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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Notes in general about us:

Our whole army is slow outside of our three fast attack choices

We are very durable

We have high damage output between lowering morale, mortal wounds, auto hit weapons, and our legion trait.

Mortarion is mean and flexible, good for killing most things.



A army built around lowering morale to increase losses, feeding those deaths into poxwalkers, and using Mortarion and Typhus to reap more deaths sounds cool.

I want to use our Terminators, and they are at least as tough as Scarab Occult. I really need to deep analyze our codex, but I think pouring into poxwalkers and armor, mass plague marines and shooting, with haulers or drones to react, or just pure shooting/melee either direction.


My opinions may change once I get my codex, and I'm sure many builds will come out of you guys.

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Apparently Morty is a Psyker who knows three powers from Contagion, can cast two and deny three.


I mean...doesn't the guy like hate psykers. Like...more than any other primarch. Still I guess it makes sense, all Primarchs are meant to have psychic potential and Morty might have softened his views considering...you know...he's a Daemon Prince now.


If this is true (Miniwargaming said specifically that he's a psyker with three powers and stuff, so I don't think it's a mistake) he's even better.


Seriously, for all he does...at 470 points he's honestly a steal. Take him in 1000 point games if you want to lose friends.


Hell take him in 750 games...even five hundred points. Nobody can field anything at 500 points that can reliably nuke him in one turn. He could literally be your entire army...he seriously looks that good.

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Apparently Morty is a Psyker who knows three powers from Contagion, can cast two and deny three.


I mean...doesn't the guy like hate psykers. Like...more than any other primarch. Still I guess it makes sense, all Primarchs are meant to have psychic potential and Morty might have softened his views considering...you know...he's a Daemon Prince now.


Yeah and he also used to be fighting for the IoM, be loyal, not mutated/daemonized and so on. The warp does weird stuff to you....especially over the course of about 10k years. ;)

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Apparently Morty is a Psyker who knows three powers from Contagion, can cast two and deny three.


I mean...doesn't the guy like hate psykers. Like...more than any other primarch. Still I guess it makes sense, all Primarchs are meant to have psychic potential and Morty might have softened his views considering...you know...he's a Daemon Prince now.


Yeah and he also used to be fighting for the IoM, be loyal, not mutated/daemonized and so on. The warp does weird stuff to you....especially over the course of about 10k years. :wink:



Very true. There was also that weird drunken bender he had after fighting the Khan on Prospero where he started dabbling in sorcery before deciding that sorcery was for chumps. He seems to have changed his views again although...that might have something more to do with joining Chaos.


I mean...sorcery is mainly looked at with disdain because it is a pathway to corruption. Mortarion is...well...he's probably a bit further than corrupted at this point, so why not use go the whole hog and start using magic right? Unless you worship Khorne of course...in which case you'll be getting an angry flesh-hound in the mail.


Anyway, long story short I get Morty is a psyker now. Makes sense.


Please...just...GW, don't make Angeron a psyker if you give him rules further down the track. If you read the Black Crusade sourcebooks (and take FFG fluff as canon) then Khorne does allow psykers to work for him. They just aren't allowed to use their psychic powers at all.

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idea for 2k:

Detachment 1 (3CP)


Malignant caster

18 poxwalkers

5 plaguemarines

5 plaguemarines 


detachment 2 (1CP)






detachment 3 alpha legion(1CP)

chaos lord

hell brute with twin lascannon

decimator with 2 butchercannons

3X heavy bolter rapier unit.


the alpa legion detachment stays behind, 2 plague marine squads defending them to push out deep strikers.

Drones are flanking and grabbing objectives


the pox walkers with sorcerers are in the kharybdis and typhus is joining them.

The charybdis can take a dreadnought equivalent out in 1 turn with his melta attack. and with all sorcerers and typhus bunched up with the pox walkers you get massive mortal wounds splurging around...

jay or nay?

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Morty doesn't see himself as a Psyker. In the new short story that came out as part of the summer of reading he says that he is a scientist and uses numerology to shape reality as he wishes. The daemon he talks to remarks that this sounds a lot like psychic powers but Morty vehemently denies.

So yes Morty is a Psyker but he doesn't view himself as one.

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Morty doesn't see himself as a Psyker. In the new short story that came out as part of the summer of reading he says that he is a scientist and uses numerology to shape reality as he wishes. The daemon he talks to remarks that this sounds a lot like psychic powers but Morty vehemently denies.

So yes Morty is a Psyker but he doesn't view himself as one.

So....kinda like Space Wolve Runepriests. Gotta love the 40k universe. :D

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Unsure if it's been posted elsewhere, but Deathshroud are 35 quid, which means for other countries they should be priced equivalently to Scarab Occult Terminators. Slightly more expensive than Aggressors.

It's also the same price as the Exalted Sorcerers. Hopefully they come with a similar amount of customization options too.

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Unsure if it's been posted elsewhere, but Deathshroud are 35 quid, which means for other countries they should be priced equivalently to Scarab Occult Terminators. Slightly more expensive than Aggressors.

It's also the same price as the Exalted Sorcerers. Hopefully they come with a similar amount of customization options too.


ermmm scarabs come in boxes of 5 not boxes of 3. Deathshroud are much much more expensive.

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Note that the Stink Tanks have a pretty high chance to explode, which deters keeping units in their aura range. However, since they are a 3 model unit, they are a great target for psychic buffs and stratagems. Makes a good fire magnet! Give them the -1 to be hit power, then keep them healed with Grandfather's Blessing Stratagem or with a Herald's healing power. People won't be able to resist trying to pop them. Bring some characters for re-rolls to hit and they're a solid fire base.

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