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New Death Guard in 8th edition


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Make no mistake, he's good. Like really good. My only concern when fielding him is him potentially dying to turn one Alpha. Deathshroud can potentially mitigate this. Otherwise use grandfather's blessings =


Unless my memory is failing me here, grandfather's blessings only work on infantry (and bikers, but that's irrelevant), so that's a no-go with Morty.



You are completely right. Fleshy abundance should still be able to be cast on Morty, since he has both the Nurgle and Daemon keywords.



I love DG. Gorgeous models, disgusting rules.


You're right about the 18", I mistakenly thought it was 12". 18 is way better. Hopefully I will be able to find balance. Maybe one or two expensive BLTs, one basic, morty, typhus, a termie lord, two small poxwalkers, and a Plague Marine squad. Possibly a Hellbrute or a couple haulers.


Can the poxwalkers grow above the max size of twenty when they kill and add things to them?


Personally I feel like more than one Termi squad is excessive. I'd rather field more Plagues or Poxwalkers than go overboard with Blightlords. Not that their models aren't cool.


Consider the fact that Morty will attract a decent amount of fire, much of which he will shrug off based on his naturally high toughness. Even if he never makes it to melee, he's still eaten a lot of shooting that could have been directed into other units. I'd consider fielding him alongside mech heavy lists as he'll be targeted with much of the same stuff opponent's would normally reserve for vehicles.


I see a few main lists for DG:

  • Night of the living dead: 100+ Poxwalkers and Typhus with supporting elements as needed.
  • Massed Infantry: Lots of Plague Marine squads with special weapons and supporting elements. Makes best use of legion trait.
  • Mortal-Star: Focuses on stacking as many mortal wounds on as many people as possible. Lots of characters (Blightcasters and Lords of Contagion) to get overlapping auras and smite spam.
  • Morty-Star: Focuses on getting Mortarion in. Fields a squad of Deathshroud or two to tank shooting and poxwalkers to camp objectives. Probably the most competitive of all pure DG lists imo.
  • Uber-Competitive: Morty and 2+ knights. A tournament list, barely Death Guard.




Forgot to answer your question. Yes, poxwalkers can go over maximum squad size. You also don't need to pay points to put more on the table, unlike most units that get summoned or otherwise put on the field mid game.

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What about mechanized Death Guard? Was thinking 3 x 7 Plague Marines with 3 Plasma guns in Rhinos with some attached characters. Would make for a powerful, although somehwat expensive mech force. You'd have the rhinos and 18" RF range of the Plasma guns to kite effectively and mobility to take objectives. Add in deep striking Terminators with Typhus and a lot of Pox walkers and you'd have things settled. Quite fluffy as well.

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I know, I just Love TDA and ours especially, I logically you're right about it, but I will fight for Plaguewing til I die. I might try a fused version of Mort-Star and Massed Infantry though.


Honestly dude, collect, build, paint and play with the models you like.


If you have an affection for Blightlords and Deathshroud, go for it! Build an army from them. I guarantee you'll have more fun playing with an army you have enjoyed to build and paint than a random ultra-competitive netlist. Most of the tournament lists are pretty gimmicky and unfluffy anyway and I don't really like playing with them either.


I'm just a dude that plays semi-regularly with a lot of borrowed units and proxies. I speak only from personal experience when I say which units I've had success with and which I've found sub-par. I'd probably say I'm semi-competitive. I play with lists I feel are both viable and fun. I want to win but I don't want to take an uber cheese list and make my opponent feel crummy either.


You like DG terminators. So build a DG terminator army. I guarantee you'll have more fun :)

What about mechanized Death Guard? Was thinking 3 x 7 Plague Marines with 3 Plasma guns in Rhinos with some attached characters. Would make for a powerful, although somehwat expensive mech force. You'd have the rhinos and 18" RF range of the Plasma guns to kite effectively and mobility to take objectives. Add in deep striking Terminators with Typhus and a lot of Pox walkers and you'd have things settled. Quite fluffy as well.


Yeah I could definitely see something like that.


My only concern would be lack of anti-vehicle/monster firepower. That and I'd probably run the Plague Marine squads as 2x5 man per rhino to max out special weapons. Maybe running two squads with two meltas and one plasma on the sarge?

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What about mechanized Death Guard? Was thinking 3 x 7 Plague Marines with 3 Plasma guns in Rhinos with some attached characters. Would make for a powerful, although somehwat expensive mech force. You'd have the rhinos and 18" RF range of the Plasma guns to kite effectively and mobility to take objectives. Add in deep striking Terminators with Typhus and a lot of Pox walkers and you'd have things settled. Quite fluffy as well.


Yeah I could definitely see something like that.


My only concern would be lack of anti-vehicle/monster firepower. That and I'd probably run the Plague Marine squads as 2x5 man per rhino to max out special weapons. Maybe running two squads with two meltas and one plasma on the sarge?



Melta guns don't have the same synergy as Plasma guns have with their extended RF range + you can always overcharge the Plasma Guns. You can stick Combi-Meltas on the Rhinos though, giving a cheap and semi-reliable source of anti tank (and not being a high priority target when they are just carrying some Plague Marines). Apart from that, deep striking Terminators are also a source of anti-tank.

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Plaguewing, Blightwing, Coldandfluwing, your choice. We also have Dustwing, Draigowing, Calgarwing, Darnathwing, etc. I plan to make a army of each, and eventually Angronwing once they get the Death Guard/Thousand Sons treatment. But, I feel like I am taking over the thread and not adding to the general talk. I might PM you, Melancholic, for advice.


I'm loving PM's, I wish they had knives standard alongside Boltguns, so that base they would be built to work well with both 2x Melee specials or 2x Ranged Specials. The special characters in our range are fantastic, with very unique abilities. I also am loving the hauler and crawler, a armored DG list would be fun, with Hellbrutes and Crawlers with Drones and Haulers zipping around the field and PMs blasting away.

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Also has anyone considered a Leviathan Dreadnought with two grav-flux bombards? I feel like he'd be really good (and fluffy) in a DG list. Move without penalty to shooting and then park your thicc'ness in the middle of the board before spamming fire frenzy until nobody is left alive. Add in a Chaos Lord to re-roll ones and you are looking at a very nasty firebase that is happy to target elite units and vehicles/monsters with equal aplomb.


Sadly this does not work. Even though the FW dreads got hellbrute keyword, GW wrote hellbrute and not HELLBRUTE under the fire frenzy strategem. So it only works on models named hellbrute. Would have been crazy powerful though.

Ah true. Hopefully FAQ'ed. If not, I still think the Forgeworld Dreads are a good choice.

Same thing with DG legion trait, it allows helbrutes (the unit) to move and shoot without penalty, but not HELBRUTES (keyword)

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Im starting a escalation league this month and using that to start my deathguard army. I wish the book was out already so I could get those sweet point reductions and stratagem.

My list so far at 250pt:



10 poxwalkers


We don't get much at low levels but the plaguecaster does so much work with miasma and plaguewind.

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How much does he cost and has he war gear options now?

Yeah he is like 20 points cheaper from memory, and can take a plaguebringer in place of his axe. The axe is cheaper but weaker.


Edit: MWG said 139 to 120, so 19 points.

Yeah that's what I read. Not sure how much the manreaper costs. Does he have a ranged weapon?

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Anyone get a sense of the role the Myphitic Blight Hauler vs Plagueburst Crawler vs Bloat Drone play, vs the regular Helbrutes or Predators?


IMHO they are replacements. Since the new units have Disgustingly Resilient, there is no point in taking the older Helbrutes and Predators. I really think they were included in the codex so it wouldnt invalidate older players armies completely. I think you'll start to see Helbrutes and Preds less and less as the new kits come out.



Of course more options will make the old stuff pop up less, doesn't mean they're straight up superior.


Helbrutes have more reliable accuracy and hit harder in melee. Its the utility that makes me more likely to want blight haulers.


Predators are still nasty. Nothing fully over-laps them, especially not since DG don't get havoks. The amount of T8 in a meta will decide whether or not Predators will be necessary because DG aren't getting enough BS3+ lascannons anywhere else.


Prince should always take two Talons imo. They are much better than his other options.


The Talons are generally better against most things, but the sword is better against enemies with exactly 3 wounds while the talon is better against things with 1 or 2 wounds. A lot of people forget that you still get 1 bonus claw attack if you use the sword so its 5 attacks vs 7 attacks. Which is still a maximum of 14 wounds and an average of 4.54 wounds against t7 3+ either way so against things with a ton of wounds they're statistically functionally the same  .


What about mechanized Death Guard? Was thinking 3 x 7 Plague Marines with 3 Plasma guns in Rhinos with some attached characters. Would make for a powerful, although somehwat expensive mech force. You'd have the rhinos and 18" RF range of the Plasma guns to kite effectively and mobility to take objectives. Add in deep striking Terminators with Typhus and a lot of Pox walkers and you'd have things settled. Quite fluffy as well.


My current planned list:


Battalion detachment


Malignant Plaguecaster


Either second plaguecaster or Chaos lord with combi-melta and a cheap power weapon or a Lord of Contagion, I'll hopefully get to test things.


Blight Lord Terminators

5 with bubotic axes and combi bolters


Blight Lord Terminators

5 with bubotic axes and combi bolters


Plague Marines

7 with power fist and 3 plasma guns


7 with plasma gun and 2 blight launchers


7 with plasma pistol, power fist, 2 plague spewers, 2 flails of corruption, rest with paired knives, icon of despair,


rhino with havoc launcher


rhino with havoc launcher


rhino with havoc launcher


Super-heavy Auxiliary detachment



I'm going with two units of Blight Lords just to put some bodies on the table more than anything else. Bare bones they're actually cheaper than rhino plague marines.


That's around 1967 points according to the leaks if I go with 2 plaguecasters. If the Lord is cheap enough to squeeze in an Elites choice character I'll try those out or go with more upgrades.


Mostly because rhinos was what I could get started painting while waiting for the full release.

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I personally plan on fielding Morty with Deathshroud. I'm assuming you can add one additional unit to the initial 3 which will get me to five. Typhus will march up with Poxwalkers while I deepstrike Morty and Deathshroud in the backlines for ho ho good fun. Toss in some bloat drones, helbrutes and a heldrake and that should get me around 2k points. If I have the points I will toss in some PM as well.

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I personally plan on fielding Morty with Deathshroud. I'm assuming you can add one additional unit to the initial 3 which will get me to five. Typhus will march up with Poxwalkers while I deepstrike Morty and Deathshroud in the backlines for ho ho good fun. Toss in some bloat drones, helbrutes and a heldrake and that should get me around 2k points. If I have the points I will toss in some PM as well.


What if Morty can't deepstrike? I seriously doubt he'll be able to simply based on the fact Magnus can't either.


Here's what I'd do. Deploy Morty and one Deathshroud unit with some poxwalkers. Put cloud of flies on the Deathshroud so they can't be targeted independently. Use them to catch lascannon shots for Morty.


Second turn Morty moves and you deepstrike the second Deathshroud unit in next to him, guarding him a second turn. This should get Morty into melee range around turn 3 if not sooner and at full strength to boot.

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Why can't we take a Nurgle-marked CSM sorc with terminator armor or a jump pack and have that deep strike next to Morty at the end of turn 1 movement? Cast Warp Time and bam... or is our Primarch not a Heretic Astartes or something?

Edit: I know DG can't take Dark Hereticus as of the new 'dex, but just stuck the sorc in another detachment and everything is fine.

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Why can't we take a Nurgle-marked CSM sorc with terminator armor or a jump pack and have that deep strike next to Morty at the end of turn 1 movement? Cast Warp Time and bam... or is our Primarch not a Heretic Astartes or something?

Edit: I know DG can't take Dark Hereticus as of the new 'dex, but just stuck the sorc in another detachment and everything is fine.

DG sorcerers can't take jump packs. Sorcerers in a separate CSM detatchment should be fine.

I would also imagine Morty has Heretic Astartes, I believe Magnus does.


Well, looks like I was right. The Blight-Reaper looks like it will be the autocannon on the Blightlords not the Blight Drone (Blight, blight, blight)

That said, I'm not totally sold on the Heavy Blight launcher (seriously GW, try some new words...). It's literally just three Blight-Launchers strapped together (with a little extra range) on a 4+ to hit platform. Still, depending on the points cost it might be more economical than taking MSU Plague Marine squads to fit in more Blight Launchers.

Fleshmower looks good, considering you're hitting at strength 8 at the drone's full power. Could be good for punching light tanks, rolling over multi-wound infantry (looking at you Primaris).

Seriously, we have a lot of multi-wound attacks, so I feel like Primaris marines are a good match up for us. We'll probably struggle against mech heavy lists (although poxwalker spam might be an effective counter tactic).

I'm also interested in the Foul Blightspawn. His random strength flamer isn't too much of an issue since you'll probably get strength 4 or more pretty easily. -3AP and 3 damage is amazing and his debuff aura seems really useful.

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