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only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


Inferno is now one of the most expected book from any GW division/partner.  A lot of questions simply waited a long time to be answered. I think it could struggle only against yours Black Legion A D-B.

Anyway - it could be nice, if sometime in the future someone will show how The Thousand Sons take new neophytes to increase the Legion size. Comparing to the other Legions - they could be only Sorcerers, cause others are Rubricae.

Maybe even Khayon will shine some light on it? :wink:

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only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :p


Ps. A thought just struck me. Abaddon going on about the importance of brotherhood when he makes his pitch to Iskandar in Talon is, in hindsight, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I mean that in a good way. This is a man who betrayed his own kith and kin not once, but twice. First at Isstvan III, and then when he abandoned the rest after the Heresy. The sheer gall of Ezekyle Abaddon, to think that he's allowed to use the word "brother" unironically.

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only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :tongue.:


Ps. A thought just struck me. Abaddon going on about the importance of brotherhood when he makes his pitch to Iskandar in Talon is, in hindsight, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I mean that in a good way. This is a man who betrayed his own kith and kin not once, but twice. First at Isstvan III, and then when he abandoned the rest after the Heresy. The sheer gall of Ezekyle Abaddon, to think that he's allowed to use the word "brother" unironically.


I love that, too. It's like Alexander and the Companions. "Only these guys are allowed to call me by my first name. Incidentally, I realise half of them are trying to have me assassinated and just waiting for me to die so they can have my empire, and I know I can kill them or order their executions on my merest whim, but they're my friends, honest."


Ah, the fraternal delights of soldierly tyranny.

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I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :p

I'm expecting the TSons to lose upward of 70%


SW maybe around 30 to 40%

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only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :tongue.:


Ps. A thought just struck me. Abaddon going on about the importance of brotherhood when he makes his pitch to Iskandar in Talon is, in hindsight, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I mean that in a good way. This is a man who betrayed his own kith and kin not once, but twice. First at Isstvan III, and then when he abandoned the rest after the Heresy. The sheer gall of Ezekyle Abaddon, to think that he's allowed to use the word "brother" unironically.


I love that, too. It's like Alexander and the Companions. "Only these guys are allowed to call me by my first name. Incidentally, I realise half of them are trying to have me assassinated and just waiting for me to die so they can have my empire, and I know I can kill them or order their executions on my merest whim, but they're my friends, honest."


Ah, the fraternal delights of soldierly tyranny.


Out of curiosity, are there any members of the Ezekarion he couldn't just "order their executions on his merest whim," or at least not without significantly harming the Black Legion?

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only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :tongue.:


Ps. A thought just struck me. Abaddon going on about the importance of brotherhood when he makes his pitch to Iskandar in Talon is, in hindsight, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I mean that in a good way. This is a man who betrayed his own kith and kin not once, but twice. First at Isstvan III, and then when he abandoned the rest after the Heresy. The sheer gall of Ezekyle Abaddon, to think that he's allowed to use the word "brother" unironically.


I love that, too. It's like Alexander and the Companions. "Only these guys are allowed to call me by my first name. Incidentally, I realise half of them are trying to have me assassinated and just waiting for me to die so they can have my empire, and I know I can kill them or order their executions on my merest whim, but they're my friends, honest."


Ah, the fraternal delights of soldierly tyranny.


That was just brilliant, lol.


Truly, interesting to see - how he would have executed Khayon and Telemachon and Devram Korda and Ygethmor and Urkrathos. Who would gave lead all his forces.

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Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions.


I guess this is more a question for Laurie, but if the numerical figures used in books like A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns (and older entries in the series still, I imagine) reflect an older vision of the setting, can we expect them to be edited in subsequent editions?
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Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions.


I guess this is more a question for Laurie, but if the numerical figures used in books like A Thousand Sons and Prospero Burns (and older entries in the series still, I imagine) reflect an older vision of the setting, can we expect them to be edited in subsequent editions?
To which I have been asking for months if anyone with a hardcover copy of A Thousand Sons could confirm if this is already the case.
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One point...if you send a legion of 100k to intimidate/apprehend/sanction another legion of 100k, that's not very sensible unless resources are stretched very thin.


If TSons number 100k, I'm wondering how many SW there are

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One point...if you send a legion of 100k to intimidate/apprehend/sanction another legion of 100k, that's not very sensible unless resources are stretched very thin.

If TSons number 100k, I'm wondering how many SW there are

I don't think it's necessarily a case of multiplying the original numbers by 10. No less than six of the Legiones Astartes were thought to have numbered less than 100,000 Space Marines. The Raven Guard were believed to have numbered roughly 80,000 (plus some elements operating independtly). I imagine the Thousand Sons may have been even fewer in number.


We should also recall that it's not just a case of the Space Wolves making war on the Thousand Sons. The Custodians also arrive in force, as do the Sisters of Silence - themselves a potent weapon against any psyker. I haven't read Inferno yet, but I imagine Imperial Army and Navy assets were also brought in great numbers, as well. Basically, we can expect that the Emperor of Mankind understood that a single legion could not hope to prevail against another one with just a slight numerical advantage without suffering awful losses. Accordingly, he will have sent a force that was suited to the task at hand.

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One point...if you send a legion of 100k to intimidate/apprehend/sanction another legion of 100k, that's not very sensible unless resources are stretched very thin.

If TSons number 100k, I'm wondering how many SW there are

I don't think it's necessarily a case of multiplying the original numbers by 10. No less than six of the Legiones Astartes were thought to have numbered less than 100,000 Space Marines. The Raven Guard were believed to have numbered roughly 80,000 (plus some elements operating independtly). I imagine the Thousand Sons may have been even fewer in number.


We should also recall that it's not just a case of the Space Wolves making war on the Thousand Sons. The Custodians also arrive in force, as do the Sisters of Silence - themselves a potent weapon against any psyker. I haven't read Inferno yet, but I imagine Imperial Army and Navy assets were also brought in great numbers, as well. Basically, we can expect that the Emperor of Mankind understood that a single legion could not hope to prevail against another one with just a slight numerical advantage without suffering awful losses. Accordingly, he will have sent a force that was suited to the task at hand.


The Forge World books stated that just before everything went to :cuss, the Raven Guard, with 80.000 marines, was the smallest Legion.


And the Emperor didn't send the Wolves to destroy Prospero. He (Or Malcador; it's a bit unclear which one), sent Russ to arrest Magnus and bring him back to Terra to answer for his monumental cockup. It was Horus who amended the order to "kill the fifteenth legion and their world."

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I think I would prefer it more if the Ezekarion actually were Abaddon's friends. Obi-wan and Anakin wasn't a dramatic story because they were just two guys that worked together. They were the closest thing Jedi could have to family. That's just me though.


Edit: you can always tell who jumps into an endeavor for fame and glory, and who actually does it because of loyalty. In almost anything. If there are people orbiting Abaddon for personal benefit, he would be able to tell them apart from the people who believe in his vision.

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I think I would prefer it more if the Ezekarion actually were Abaddon's friends. Obi-wan and Anakin wasn't a dramatic story because they were just two guys that worked together. They were the closest thing Jedi could have to family. That's just me though.


Edit: you can always tell who jumps into an endeavor for fame and glory, and who actually does it because of loyalty. In almost anything. If there are people orbiting Abaddon for personal benefit, he would be able to tell them apart from the people who believe in his vision.


Yeah, I dig that, too. It also strikes me as the most realistic angle, not just the most narratively satisfying.








only 1k and 122 legionaries left after Razing of Prospero and was saved by Magnus spell.



Well, I realise I've said this a lot, but you've got to bear in mind that the Legion sizes were standardised as increased by a factor of 10 around ATS, TFH, and PB. TFH is the first to use the right ones, and PB - which was written before TFH but released after - still uses the wrong sizes.


Tens of thousands of Thousand Sons survived the HH. We don't know how many were really left on Prospero and taken to the Planet of the Sorcerers. Inferno will likely explain i a bit more, but even then, who knows. ATS and PB are essentially the last moments of the HH series pre-oversight and pre-merging lore with Forge World, so their figures can be unreliable compared to later sources. It would make zero sense if they were the only two Legions without number changes from their HH mentions. 


I'm still expecting massive casualties when Inferno comes out. It would make Khayon's assertion that the Thousand Sons Legion died when the Wolves came to Prospero mighty silly if most of them survived that fight. :tongue.:


Ps. A thought just struck me. Abaddon going on about the importance of brotherhood when he makes his pitch to Iskandar in Talon is, in hindsight, one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read, and I mean that in a good way. This is a man who betrayed his own kith and kin not once, but twice. First at Isstvan III, and then when he abandoned the rest after the Heresy. The sheer gall of Ezekyle Abaddon, to think that he's allowed to use the word "brother" unironically.


I love that, too. It's like Alexander and the Companions. "Only these guys are allowed to call me by my first name. Incidentally, I realise half of them are trying to have me assassinated and just waiting for me to die so they can have my empire, and I know I can kill them or order their executions on my merest whim, but they're my friends, honest."


Ah, the fraternal delights of soldierly tyranny.


Out of curiosity, are there any members of the Ezekarion he couldn't just "order their executions on his merest whim," or at least not without significantly harming the Black Legion?



Most of them, but that's the kind of thing that will develop over time as they become more entrenched. Khayon mentions it once or twice, that the Black Legion almost breaks apart when he goes to war with Telemachon. That speaks of the two of them holding supreme influence over a lot of folks.

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Them being the forerunners of the Hounds of Abaddon for example?


I, too, see the Exekarion more like close brothers, both in war and in between. Such a band doesn't come up immediately, it needs its time.


And we've already seen Khayon having bonds to others like Bloodfist. Even if he would never admit it, he's looking for being part of a brotherhood once more.

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Them being the forerunners of the Hounds of Abaddon for example?


Sort of. I think I mentioned this a few times in the previous Talon threads, but stuff like the Hounds of Abaddon is very... gamey. It's the kind of divide that works on the tabletop where people like named units and individually delineated minifactions, but with how the Traitor Legions function, and the realities of the Eye of Terror, and what the Chaos Gods are, and how you interact with them... You can't just group up every Khorne worshipper in the Black Legion under one commander who claims them. Like, that makes such little sense that I wouldn't even begin to know how to start refuting it. I've had meetings about it, obviously. It's not something anyone has ever really had an answer for either, hence the "...just do whatever."


I try not to contradict anything, but I was also specifically cleared to not follow the names and organisation of the Black Legion supplement, so we'll see how it goes. For now, I'm safely ten thousand years apart from that stuff. If that changes, I'd rather abandon the series and write something else than butt heads with other sources, as I'm tired of those tedious fights, frankly.


I'd rather not contradict anything if I have a choice, but there also has to be some give and take in terms of what makes sense and what works when you're explaining these insane, chaotic constructs in a hell-realm where time goes to die. Gamey stuff like the Hounds of Abaddon work really well, actually, because nothing Khayon says invalidates it, and it's a fine way to organise your army, but it's not necessarily the kind of thing your average Chaos Marine in the Black Legion talks about it. So it's a lot smoother, process-wise, than it might seem. No toes are being crushed. No feelings hurt, etc.


Plus, Khayon could just be lying.

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Before your ToH, I never engaged the Black Legion so I just remembered the warbands name. ^^


But I understand your position and you found a good solution for solving that issue. :tu:


And let's be honest, all Khorneflakes In one wing of the Legion? Naaah, that's too much of a loyal-ish organization. ;)

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Them being the forerunners of the Hounds of Abaddon for example?

Sort of. I think I mentioned this a few times in the previous Talon threads, but stuff like the Hounds of Abaddon is very... gamey. It's the kind of divide that works on the tabletop where people like named units and individually delineated minifactions, but with how the Traitor Legions function, and the realities of the Eye of Terror, and what the Chaos Gods are, and how you interact with them... You can't just group up every Khorne worshipper in the Black Legion under one commander who claims them. Like, that makes such little sense that I wouldn't even begin to know how to start refuting it. I've had meetings about it, obviously. It's not something anyone has ever really had an answer for either, hence the "...just do whatever."

The way I like to view them is not that they are a permanent organization within the Black Legion, but instead exist as of the 13th Black Crusade . I imagine that in the time leading up to a Black Crusade, the BL would swell in size, both from their own recruiting and the massive gathering of allies. Thus I see the Hounds, and the others like it, as a quick and crude organizational tool designed to pull together a lot of disparate banners in the heat of the moment, but in practice, would not exist as a cohesive unit outside of a Black Crusade.


Or maybe it's just the name the Imperium gives to all the guys in black and gold screaming, "Blood for the Blood God!" ;)

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And the Emperor didn't send the Wolves to destroy Prospero. He (Or Malcador; it's a bit unclear which one), sent Russ to arrest Magnus and bring him back to Terra to answer for his monumental cockup.

I think that's well understood on this forum


However, it's really doesn't make a difference in this context


Regardless of Russ' orders, there's always the risk of a fight.


When the police go to a house to apprehend criminals, they're hoping the criminals will drop their weapons and put up their hands. If not, the police are prepared to violently subdue or even kill the criminals.


Similarly, If you send the SW to "apprehend" the TSons...you better make sure the SW would win if a fight breaks out.


Let's say you send 120K SW against 90K psychically-attuned, defending TSons...that's not really an overwhelming advantage. Custodes and SoS are of course strong counters to SM/psykers but I'd expect more.


I suppose Inferno will address this.

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And the Emperor didn't send the Wolves to destroy Prospero. He (Or Malcador; it's a bit unclear which one), sent Russ to arrest Magnus and bring him back to Terra to answer for his monumental cockup.

I think that's well understood on this forum


However, it's really doesn't make a difference in this context


Regardless of Russ' orders, there's always the risk of a fight.


When the police go to a house to apprehend criminals, they're hoping the criminals will drop their weapons and put up their hands. If not, the police are prepared to violently subdue or even kill the criminals.


Similarly, If you send the SW to "apprehend" the TSons...you better make sure the SW would win if a fight breaks out.


Let's say you send 120K SW against 90K psychically-attuned, defending TSons...that's not really an overwhelming advantage. Custodes and SoS are of course strong counters to SM/psykers but I'd expect more.


I suppose Inferno will address this.



Same here.


I've been told that medieval sieges required a 3 to 1 ratio in attacker to defender for any reliable chance of success.


So we have the Wolves, Sisters and Custodes going to the home of sorcerers who use powers that defy reality.


the BL has presented this as a single battle, but now FW says its a campaign and series of events.


I know Im long past anxious waiting for answers

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Same here.


I've been told that medieval sieges required a 3 to 1 ratio in attacker to defender for any reliable chance of success.


So we have the Wolves, Sisters and Custodes going to the home of sorcerers who use powers that defy reality.

the BL has presented this as a single battle, but now FW says its a campaign and series of events.


I know Im long past anxious waiting for answers

Aye...Magnus may have rolled out the welcome mat for the Wolves, but the Wolves would have no idea until reaching Prospero.


When they set out, they would be preparing for the worst: a dug-in, hostile legion ready for a fight

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Them being the forerunners of the Hounds of Abaddon for example?


Sort of. I think I mentioned this a few times in the previous Talon threads, but stuff like the Hounds of Abaddon is very... gamey. It's the kind of divide that works on the tabletop where people like named units and individually delineated minifactions, but with how the Traitor Legions function, and the realities of the Eye of Terror, and what the Chaos Gods are, and how you interact with them... You can't just group up every Khorne worshipper in the Black Legion under one commander who claims them. Like, that makes such little sense that I wouldn't even begin to know how to start refuting it. I've had meetings about it, obviously. It's not something anyone has ever really had an answer for either, hence the "...just do whatever."


I try not to contradict anything, but I was also specifically cleared to not follow the names and organisation of the Black Legion supplement, so we'll see how it goes. For now, I'm safely ten thousand years apart from that stuff. If that changes, I'd rather abandon the series and write something else than butt heads with other sources, as I'm tired of those tedious fights, frankly.


I'd rather not contradict anything if I have a choice, but there also has to be some give and take in terms of what makes sense and what works when you're explaining these insane, chaotic constructs in a hell-realm where time goes to die. Gamey stuff like the Hounds of Abaddon work really well, actually, because nothing Khayon says invalidates it, and it's a fine way to organise your army, but it's not necessarily the kind of thing your average Chaos Marine in the Black Legion talks about it. So it's a lot smoother, process-wise, than it might seem. No toes are being crushed. No feelings hurt, etc.


Plus, Khayon could just be lying.


Okay a quick question - so does the commanding roles taken by Devram Korda and Ygethmor and Urkrathos that Khayon and company long dead?


'Plus, Khayon could just be lying.'

- lies couldn't hurt so much as truth, why lie? Abby coming for them all anyway.


'Let's say you send 120K SW against 90K psychically-attuned, defending TSons...that's not really an overwhelming advantage. Custodes and SoS are of course strong counters to SM/psykers but I'd expect more.

I suppose Inferno will address this.' 


- ohhhh, it definitely will. That a BIG contingent of Custodes and SoS was sent with SW meant that the Empra had a feeling it will end up with at least some fight. It wasn't Horus orders that attached C and SoS to the Wolves for Prospero campaign.  Plus that means - at least till we get the point of view from 'Inferno' - that Emperor does not have a 100% belief in Russ ability to win over TS.

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I actually look forward to the rivalery between Khayon and Telemachon in many ways, because when I think about it the Emperors Children and the Thousand Sons are so similar and yet so different.


They both were, uniquely among the Legions, raised from almost nothing to two of some of the most powerful of their kind, and both due to genetic deficiencies that rendered them down to one thousand and two hundred Legionnaires respectively. But where Khayons corruption came from within Telemachons came from without in the form of the Selenite cult. They both appreciate culture, art, and knowledge but for different reasons: The Thousand Sons appreciate knowledge in order to advance their psychic ability and use that ability to cure the ills of mankind and advance what they can aspire to. For the Emperor's Children it's a means towards advancing on an ever more complex path towards perfection in a much more earthly sense of the word, advancing humanity not through the psychic as much as through the physical. the material to the sons immaterial.


Both of them had fathers of immense power and reputation, but of a distinctly different variety. Magnus was a psychic powerhouse, a force of nature that swept through his foes with an unrivaled destructive ability and a foresight only the warp could give. Yet he was also reviled as something little better then a daemon himself and with the appearance to back it up, a walking talking heathen idol who to the less open minded Primarchs was more then a bit awkward to stand beside. By contrast Fulgrim was supremely physical, a swordsman unrivaled by any except the likes of the Khan with a mind that may as well of been preternatural when it came to planning and execution, and where Magnus was reviled Fulgrim was adored. He bore some of the highest honors the Imperium could possibly offer, and seemingly could make friends with almost anyone with little trouble though he himself looked down on many of the other Primarchs.


How they handled the heresy is even an interesting compare and contrast.


The Thousand Sons for all intents and purposes stumbled into the Warmasters arms. Magnus distraught over what he had done essentially offered his sons up on the alter, shattering them but then choosing to try and deny fate(Or embrace it.) at the very last moment, his sons had no real to desire to follow Tzeentch or even really knew what it did, of all the Legions they were perhaps the most forced into their role.


The Emperors Children were by contrast the most willing of the four cult Legions by a mile, they all but jumped into Slaanesh's arms and unleashed absolute devastation with  unbridled glee. Fulgrim had his doubts initially but when exposed to the warp he became all too willing to jump into the madness with his sons, even encouraging them to split away from him and each other to pursue their own sensations in a sort of twisted love for them, seeing it as a way of freeing humanity from the shackles of a dull existence.


I'm sure there's much more analysis then that, but they both have things they could touch on and things that would drive them far apart.

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