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He's a bit of a hermit. I'm sure he has changed just not in a good way. Either that or he's a total convert knowing that The Emperor is now a God and can't possibly deny it now seeeing as He's been sat on a throne for 10k years and even his bones should have turned to dust by now.
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Does that mean we'll be seeing scenes where Drach'nyen actually communicates?


Prior to MoM I thought it was just a sword with a Daemon locked inside it.

Not in Book 2, naw. The Black Legion is largely about the newborn Black Legion's rise; preparing to break out of the Eye; Khayon worrying about the pressure of the warp on Abaddon's soul; and gearing up for the huge fight with the Templars that's waiting for them as they leave. Drach'nyen will be Book 3. There's just so freaking much to write about, and at this point I'm less concerned with explaining the setting (a futile attempt even before TToH and TMoM) and more concerned with focusing on personal stories within the setting, like with Soul Hunter or Helsreach, f'rex.


I don't think Drach'nyen will communicate in terms that, say, Gyre or the Ragged Knight did. The sword is wedded to Abaddon, not Khayon; Khayon loathes it and may even fear it, depending on how you interpret his words. The classic lore is that it's only even a sword because Abaddon wills it to be one, which I think is a delicious angle. There won't be conversations over games of chess with it, no.

Can't wait for the next book/s. Especially with the recent developments regarding Drach'nyen, but that is book 3. Please write with the speed of light.


I especially like the personal influence. Even though I like MoM, read it and listened to the audio. But your best work is the personal stories within the setting, seeing legends through eye of 'mortals'.

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Christ, getting one of the primarchs on-side should be an incredible story, and a novel in its own right. Black Crusade lore was a little better when it was vaguer, in a way, because it made more sense. Khayon's explanations of them match the 2nd and 3rd and 3.5 edition 'hellish horde' explanations, rather than the very defined and small-scale feel of the Black Legion supplement.



I'm especially curious as to how Khayon's possibly going to make Magnus kneel, because I just read some detailed Wrath of Magnus spoilers, and at this point I'd just say "yeah, good luck with that," to Iskandar even if he had a hundred sorcerers to back him up. :P

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Christ, getting one of the primarchs on-side should be an incredible story, and a novel in its own right. Black Crusade lore was a little better when it was vaguer, in a way, because it made more sense. Khayon's explanations of them match the 2nd and 3rd and 3.5 edition 'hellish horde' explanations, rather than the very defined and small-scale feel of the Black Legion supplement.



I'm especially curious as to how Khayon's possibly going to make Magnus kneel, because I just read some detailed Wrath of Magnus spoilers, and at this point I'd just say "yeah, good luck with that," to Iskandar even if he had a hundred sorcerers to back him up. :tongue.:

Magnus, even though extremely powerful. Have several weaknesses. He is a Deamon with a human heart, and Khayon is a sorcerer with a specialization in binding deamons and also happens to be said primarchs son. Not saying this will be easy, in fact, I think he would lose hands down in a sheer psychic duel. But he might use the fact that Magnus might still have lingering feelings for his wayward son, with his own pedigree on demonology to make his father see reason.


Though I´m curious to how this will play out as well

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"I'm telling you how the Chaos Legions function and what grip the Dark Gods have on our hearts. This is information that could save or damn the human race. Why do you care exactly which Tuesday it was that we painted our tanks black?"




Tanks confirmed to have been painted black on a Tuesday. (I guess it was one in 7 odds).


Have you read Robert Harris's Imperium Trilogy? It tells the story of Cicero from the point of view of his slave and amanuensis Tiro. It does a fantastic job of capturing the politicking of an important figure in ancient Rome by using similar techniques to the ones you use. A smaller character providing perspective on a bigger character gives great insight into much bigger events.


Its a gripping read. I find that its the small  throwaway details that draw me in and provide realism and Harris does this in spades.


Who cares how many guns an Imperial guard transport ship holds, stuff like how the troops never eat the sweets in their ration packs . or what an enginseer thinks of the girls on the porno-slate ( not the type of impants he's used to, and the uniform is completely inaccurate, which is probably why it was removed so quickly), or that part of the reason for the high casualty rate amongst plasma gunners is because the enemy open up on them as soon as they're discharged. One throw away line can real humanise the characters or make the setting far more immersive. This is I think one of your greatest strengths as well- an ability to provide a realistic look at  a fantastical setting. 


Incidentally what none BL authors would you recommend. Winter King is on my Christmas list thanks to your recommendation.

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I also love the symbolism in the fact they are the black legion. Blackshields ebing marines who have renounced their past and chapter/legion. Here's a whole legion of astartes who have renounced whatever past they had and are taking the black to forge a new destiny. 


Will we see any loyalists joining the Black Legion? My guess is probably not for some time but I'm happy to be proved wrong.

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Aaron, any idea if/when we'll see Extinction and Wonderworker republished for the general audience? I was half-hoping the paperback of Talon would have one of them included, but that didn't seem to be the case.


And while I'm asking about short stories: Any others planned/on your mind that you'd like to tell, or possibly even an audio drama? I was quite happy that John expanded on Ahriman with a bunch of short fiction and that it ended up collected. Have you and the editors considered something similar for the Black Legion, seeing that you have a lot of ideas far and wide as it is?

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Hmm that does seem to suggest Abaddon vs Sigismund is not in book 2 either.


It does not. A D-B said that they would get out of the Eye. Where do you think Black T wait for them?


You can't make Magnus kneel. He doesn't have corporeal knees!



Aaron, any idea if/when we'll see Extinction and Wonderworker republished for the general audience? I was half-hoping the paperback of Talon would have one of them included, but that didn't seem to be the case.


And while I'm asking about short stories: Any others planned/on your mind that you'd like to tell, or possibly even an audio drama? I was quite happy that John expanded on Ahriman with a bunch of short fiction and that it ended up collected. Have you and the editors considered something similar for the Black Legion, seeing that you have a lot of ideas far and wide as it is?

Yes yes - we need this stories for general public!

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But why does Abbadon need the Daemon Sword?

Talon was good enough to kill a primarch and seriously wound the Emperor. (Taking into account world breaker, psychic shenanigans and what not)


Like i said in the other thread I hope we have some insight into that.

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If we are very lucky, book 2 might include both Wonderworker and Extinction, just as the limited edition of Talon of Horus included two extra stories (IIRC)...


The two extra stories in the limited edition of The Talon of Horus were Extinction and The Wonderworker.


I especially enjoyed The Wonderworker.

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If we are very lucky, book 2 might include both Wonderworker and Extinction, just as the limited edition of Talon of Horus included two extra stories (IIRC)...


The two extra stories in the limited edition of The Talon of Horus were Extinction and The Wonderworker.


I especially enjoyed The Wonderworker.


Wonderworker was AWESOME!

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But why does Abbadon need the Daemon Sword?

Talon was good enough to kill a primarch and seriously wound the Emperor. (Taking into account world breaker, psychic shenanigans and what not)


Like i said in the other thread I hope we have some insight into that.

It never hurts to have an extra mega-killy weapon, and I imagine Abaddon sees some advantage to harnessing Drach'nyen's potential and driving impulse to his own ends.


It occurs to me that the members of the Black Legion would revere Abaddon even more knowing that he has forged the Black Legion as an entirely new entity, not simply a rebranded Sons of Horus. Trying to depict him assigning tasks to a warband leader sometime in the last few millennia of the setting, would he still be gracious to his underlings? I really like the vibe he gives off in Talon of Horus, and have a good idea of how that scene could play out.

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But why does Abbadon need the Daemon Sword?

Talon was good enough to kill a primarch and seriously wound the Emperor. (Taking into account world breaker, psychic shenanigans and what not)


Like i said in the other thread I hope we have some insight into that.

That's a great question and I'll tell you my take on that subject.


Abaddon wields those two weapons because they are testament to where he stands on a metaphorical level. He is halfway between the Materium and the Immaterium. He wields his daemon sword and master it, to some degree, like he wields the gods to an extent.

And I'm tempted to say Drach'nyen commands more respect from the Neverborn than any other weapon. So Abaddon wields a weapon that commands respect for each side of his huge armies. The Neverborn see Drach'nyen in his fist while the Space Marines and humans see the Talon. To each these respective weapons mean something while they do not necessarily comprehend the significance of the other.


Plus, due to its perticular nature, I'm willing to believe Drach'nyen is quite potent against daemons and doesn't only banish them to the Warp. Drach'nyen is drinking reality itself so I suppose daemons don't want any of that.

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