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I think C:SM has seven Chapter Tactics and C:CSM has eight Legion Traits, so we could see 7-8 Regimental Doctrines. Perhaps:










Here's my best-guessing. Put it in writing so my ego can be inflated/deflated appropriately for when I get them all right/wrong.


Cadia: +1A against <Chaos>

Catachan: Units can infiltrate

Armageddon: Units can disembark at any point of transport's movement

Mordian: when rolling morale, roll a D3 instead of D6

Tallarn: +2" movement, -1 Sv

Valhalla: +1 toughness

Vostroya: WS 3+


And as far as orders? My guess is each specific regiment will have an order that only keyword <Regiment> can use. That may be in addition to or instead of the buffs above.


Again, wild guessing here.

I don't think the stat buffs are likely, so far we haven't really seen them do that, it tends to be a special rule rather than simply better stats. I mean, I don't think Valhallans are comparable to Orks, for example.


Also they seem to be shying away from giving factions abilities that are only relevant against specific other factions.



Guardsmen with Raven Guard tactics would be hilarious, but possibly a bit too good. All those bodies with -1 to Hit...

So exactly like Alpha legion cultists?



Except said Cultists have worse armour saves and waaaay less weapon options.

Its also quite rare for a faction to get a boost thats only relevant in a single playstyle, so Im not sure if the SL rule would work, since that way people would *have* to play a mech list. I could maybe see it as a stratagem though...

Its also quite rare for a faction to get a boost thats only relevant in a single playstyle, so Im not sure if the SL rule would work, since that way people would *have* to play a mech list. I could maybe see it as a stratagem though...

Did you just imply, "regiment specific stratagems?" Holy crap that could work. Deathworlds having cover/stealth/infiltration/CC, militaristic worlds shooting/disicilpine, hive worlds mechanical/maneuvering, etc, etc.


Its also quite rare for a faction to get a boost thats only relevant in a single playstyle, so Im not sure if the SL rule would work, since that way people would *have* to play a mech list. I could maybe see it as a stratagem though...

Did you just imply, "regiment specific stratagems?" Holy crap that could work. Deathworlds having cover/stealth/infiltration/CC, militaristic worlds shooting/disicilpine, hive worlds mechanical/maneuvering, etc, etc.



Well, so far it seems to be the norm, no? Each faction gets a faction trait, a stratagem, and a relic.

Steel Legion units should be affected by the buffs of being within 6" of Chaplain Grimaldus. Just saying.

Black Templars should not be allowed to take devastators and scout squads (And i personally would be happy with that). Just saying.


Regiment specific stratagems looks good on paper. But as far as i can see most of the guard players have cadians. Many have regiments of their own imagination. In previos editions that was not really matter wich regiment is on the table concerning what special characters and doctrines can be taken. In 8th we already see that for example Harker can be used in full force with catachans only. Which means we'll get the Guard soup to use the cool stuff.

I don't see any reason fluff-wise for this. The Guard is not a fancy-shiny armour guys club. The Guard is an army where subordination must be fullfilled. i don't think that a Steel legion private would not obey orders taken from a catachan colonel on the battle field if no other officers are around: 'i'm sorry sir, but you got no authority to say that to me'. Bet he'll lose half of his teeth a second later. 

Fluff wise it makes little sense, although I could see a Mordian squad take exception to being ordered by some scruffy Catachan officer or a Catachan be told how to fight by a stuck up, posh Mordian officer.


Game play wise it makes a lot of sense. You want the excellent Valhallan stratagem? Fine, but no Pask for you. You want to use Harker but not Catachan tactics? Take two detachments and take the bad with the good. I already like that you can't just use every special character in the Index in the same detachment.


Really looking forward to seeing what we get as far as Tactics go! My little Fists force has improved hugely thanks to the ignoring cover chapter tactic they have. The Strategem is all kinds of meh but you can't expect everything!


Not looking forward to the sheer rage when the Valhallan Stragegem turns out to be paying 1CP to bring back a squad of conscripts...

Edited by NatBrannigan

I think it's difference in mentality. For example, marching steadily into enemy fire? Heck no for a Catachan, or even a Cadian. One is a survivor, they know concealment and how to get the drop on the enemy. Instinctively they won't go for that. The others are well trained soldiers that know a dug-in soldier utilising cover and concealment is a soldier who'll serve the Emperor well. 


To quote Patton: "No ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor, dumb ******* die for his country."


I mean, imagine a Valhallan Chenkov-esque officer trying to order a platoon of Catachan to charge into the guns of het enemy to use up their enemy, or Elysians handing a Mordian a Grav Chute and pushing them out the back of a Valkyrie.


Or any poor sod serving with Death Korps.

Steel Legion units should be affected by the buffs of being within 6" of Chaplain Grimaldus. Just saying.

That would be Fluffy. It would create synergy with other armies and encourage imperial soup armies, which as long as they balance out is ok. 


Black Templars should not be allowed to take devastators and scout squads (And i personally would be happy with that). Just saying.

Why not devastators? Scouts I get (let them take them as Neophytes in Crusader Squads as they have done in previous editions). 



Regiment specific stratagems looks good on paper. But as far as i can see most of the guard players have cadians. Many have regiments of their own imagination. In previos editions that was not really matter wich regiment is on the table concerning what special characters and doctrines can be taken. In 8th we already see that for example Harker can be used in full force with catachans only. Which means we'll get the Guard soup to use the cool stuff.

I don't see any reason fluff-wise for this. The Guard is not a fancy-shiny armour guys club. The Guard is an army where subordination must be fullfilled. i don't think that a Steel legion private would not obey orders taken from a catachan colonel on the battle field if no other officers are around: 'i'm sorry sir, but you got no authority to say that to me'. Bet he'll lose half of his teeth a second later. 

So, the way I'd envision it working is that you can only use the Regimental Strategem if all of your guard forces belong to the same regiment, and/or be required to provide at least 60% of the command points to your army.


While I agree, that no Guardsmen would refuse an order from a superior officer, regardless of regiment, the regiments are vastly different. Even in the real world, you can't just hand a parachute to a guy from 2ID and tell him he's a paratrooper now. I have to imagine that the Guard has qualifications to go through. 



I think it's difference in mentality. For example, marching steadily into enemy fire? Heck no for a Catachan, or even a Cadian. One is a survivor, they know concealment and how to get the drop on the enemy. Instinctively they won't go for that. The others are well trained soldiers that know a dug-in soldier utilising cover and concealment is a soldier who'll serve the Emperor well. 


To quote Patton: "No ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor, dumb ******* die for his country."


I mean, imagine a Valhallan Chenkov-esque officer trying to order a platoon of Catachan to charge into the guns of het enemy to use up their enemy, or Elysians handing a Mordian a Grav Chute and pushing them out the back of a Valkyrie.


Or any poor sod serving with Death Korps.

I agree with this. Besides, The Imperial Guard has such diversity in its units and how they fight. Though it might be easier to go the route that FW went with the Elysians and Death Korps, and just make regiment specific rules.

So we see that Ad-Mech have some new Stratagems...see below




I'm inclined to think we Guard players will probably see Regimental Stratagems similar to these

i.e "Cadian Stratagem"

with keyword - Use this stratagem before a CADIAN unit from your army attacks in the (whatever Phase) etc etc

Thus forcing you to use All Cadians in your force or all Mordians etc... very themed and cool if it does happen...





now how would my Stratagems wishlisting go... :happy.:   actually who are purported to be the best shooters in the fluff of regiments of the guard?...Mordians?,Cadians?...whoever it is could do with the above Stratagem... that would be killer with large guard units :devil:

Edited by mithrilforge

Like you even have to ask Mithril... :rolleyes:


Mordians of course! ;)


My wishlist for Mordians could be something like


Regimental tactic +6" range to lasguns

1CP for +1 to hit rolls in shooting phase. :D


Most buffs I'm aware of in this ed haven't necessarily de-buffed units which is kinda nice. Means catachans might not be stuck with 6+ tshirt saves. ;)

I have 126 Vostroyan Firstborn infantry with about 20 tanks including 12 Russes so for me I'm just excited to get a full codex.


If I'm Wishlisting thou Regiment Tactic Vostroyan Firstborn: each infantry unit can purchase Carapace armour for X points per model.


Because it's fluffy.....honest :)


Lord Lee.

My "Praetorians" are from my own made up world that hosts it's own made up Chapter of Marines to avoid the dreaded GW writers. If I want my Regiments home planet destroyed I'll damn well decide myself thank you! I already lived through the Warhammer Fantasy end times, I've suffered enough!!!


So, the way I'd envision it working is that you can only use the Regimental Strategem if all of your guard forces belong to the same regiment, and/or be required to provide at least 60% of the command points to your army.


While I agree, that no Guardsmen would refuse an order from a superior officer, regardless of regiment, the regiments are vastly different. Even in the real world, you can't just hand a parachute to a guy from 2ID and tell him he's a paratrooper now. I have to imagine that the Guard has qualifications to go through. 




Fluff wise it makes little sense, although I could see a Mordian squad take exception to being ordered by some scruffy Catachan officer or a Catachan be told how to fight by a stuck up, posh Mordian officer.


Game play wise it makes a lot of sense. You want the excellent Valhallan stratagem? Fine, but no Pask for you. You want to use Harker but not Catachan tactics? Take two detachments and take the bad with the good. I already like that you can't just use every special character in the Index in the same detachment.


Really looking forward to seeing what we get as far as Tactics go! My little Fists force has improved hugely thanks to the ignoring cover chapter tactic they have. The Strategem is all kinds of meh but you can't expect everything!


Not looking forward to the sheer rage when the Valhallan Stragegem turns out to be paying 1CP to bring back a squad of conscripts...

Well i'm not saying that those handicaps are bad. But i'm afraid i'll stuck with Astra Militarum general options. Because many parts of my regiment are built of both catachans and cadians. Which makes them none of these two. WYSIWYG will not let me use neither Creed nor Harker. Variety and wide range of tactics is what brought me into the Guard. And this limitation makes me upset.

That's strange. Because i do not feel the same way about my Black Templars. I agree with limitations in SM codex and ready for more.



Black Templars should not be allowed to take devastators and scout squads (And i personally would be happy with that). Just saying.

Why not devastators? Scouts I get (let them take them as Neophytes in Crusader Squads as they have done in previous editions). 

Because Devastator is a stage of a codex space marine training which Templars do not have.

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