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The Nine Legions - ETL VII is on!


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So my old project logs got eaten by the Great Photobucket Debacle of 2017, and I really can't be bothered to reconstruct them. I'll probably take a leaf out of Insane Psychopath's book and repost the completed stuff in here at some point. So, on with the show.

The core of this project is reasonably simple: a usuable, Battleforged army for each of the nine Traitor Legions, as they are in the 41st Millennium. In 7th, they were 2000 points, edging into 2250 in some cases, but I'm having a blast at 1500 in 8th so that's where I'm sticking for the moment, whilst keeping an eye on where I could expand to 2000.

Each army has to look and feel like the Legion it represents, but on a more macro scale. I'm not the kind of guy that spends three days considering the angle of an axehand, or if a torso should be twisted slightly more to the left. I'm more about 'does this collection of units feel like a given Legion as a whole', coupled with the relevant paint scheme. I'm going for the 'archetypal' builds for the most part and also trying to avoid too much repetition of equipment setups across the nine armies.

The Legions that are underway are as follows:

Alpha Legion: The first Legion finished under the previous iteration of the project, they looked like this:


I used the Anvil Black Ops guys, and while they look awesome, I spent a large chunk of last year getting incredibly annoyed I couldn't take them to official events, so I'm probably going to redo the models and consign these guys to the tester case. The list also changed semi-drastically, and I'm fairly sure I can do the colour scheme a bit more justice now, so a revamp seems like a decent idea.

The new list is MSU CSM squads with autocannons, some Terminators backed up by a Lord and Sorcerer, plus a flyer wing of two Heldrakes and a Fire Raptor. Basically going for that 'hit from all sides' approach.

Iron Warriors: These guys kinda happened by accident. I was testing a list for my Alphas when the codex dropped, and the Iron Warriors Legion Trait fit the list really well. I had a bunch of HH era stuff knocking around, so I counted up and had exactly enough for all the infantry. A few days and a few extra purchases later, everything except the HQ was built:




I'm probably going to go through my bits box and scavenge some helmet horns and the like, just to stop them from looking like a HH army that got lost. For the Lord, I'm thinking of using Alexis Pollux as the base model whereas the Sorcerer will be based off the MK III Techmarine.

World Eaters: These guys are done, other than the fact I need to paint up 16 Berzerkers, a Dark Apostle and an Exalted Champion, as well as rebase everything to the Sector Imperialis stuff. Oh, and a squad of Raptors. Ok, lets rephrase that to at least the bikes are done other than basing. They used to be my Khorne Daemonkin army and I painted them up as The Harvest. They're the sole break in the pattern for this project, because I don't like bright red World Eaters. My very first Khorne army was painted in Scab Red for the darker look so the Harvest scheme was perfect for me. They look something like this:


Yes, those symbols are hand painted on every sodding Marine in the army, leading to my decision that nobody at GW ever actually tries to paint the iconography they come up with on a shoulder pad before slapping it in a codex.

The other six Legions are only really vague concepts at the moment, so the above three are going to be my focus modelling wise between now and next years ETL. Speaking of, I only paint for the Call of Chaos and the ETL. I have zero motivation otherwise, so large swathes of this plog will be bare materials with the odd burst of colour.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologise for the terrible quality of this photo, I'm just excited I worked out how to upload from my phone. I'll take better ones once I've got proper light. My FW order showed up, so I've built the Lord for my Iron Warriors.


Thing is, I don't want to use the Alexis Pollux base but I also am not reposing the leg. What could I have him standing on that isn't just a rock but also isn't enemy body parts? Basing is not my forte, which is why I'm using the Imperialis ones.


While I wait for a replacement Techmarine to show up so I can crack on with my Iron Warriors sorcerer, I thought I'd make a start on my new Alpha Legion. Since the most vexing part has been the Lord, I thought I'd start there. Got his cloak and power pack sorted, I'm gonna leave the glue to dry overnight before I try and sort the arms out.



So I got the lord built, other than the head. I just can't decide what one to go for, so here's my five options and we'll see what people think.

A - Shouty Primaris head


B - Armillus Dynat head


C - Alexis Pollux head


D - BaC bare head


E - BaC bionic head


I'm also open to suggestions. Thanks for looking!


My two cents is that for Alpha Legion bare heads are typically more common as it makes concealing their identities easier. Of course if you have some fluff that your Legionnaires just finished infiltrating another Legion that may explain other hairstyles.

The Grim BaC head - he is Alpharius. There are many like him, but this one is yours. (By which I mean, that head is comparatively easy and cheap to obtain. The others, not so much. No Alpha Legionnaire who cannot arrange matters such as enemy troop dispositions and ammo supplies to the point where he is not going to be in a position where he'll end up with bionics , is going to be an Alpha Legionnaire for long - so bionic eye guy is not appropriate. And it's fluffy to have a number of identical Alphariuses spread throughout your forces. So go with the grim baldy from BaC).
  • 6 months later...

The ETL is once again upon us! My first vow is as follows:

I, Dragonlover, rise to the challenge of the ETL and vow to paint the following:

1 x Chaos Lord with chainsword and bolt pistol

3 x 5 man unit of Chaos Marines with 1 autocannon in each unit

1 x Helbrute with twin lascannon and power scourge

for a total of 479 points before August 1st. Success will bring glory to Chaos, and failure, as ever, is not an option! Glory to Chaos! Death to the False Emperor of Mankind!gallery_69371_13826_23708.jpeg

I'm in the process of spraying on the undercoat and basecoat before I head into work. I plan on following the Celestial Vindicators colour scheme that they've got on the painting app, so I also need to grab the paints before I come home otherwise my planned day of painting tomorrow will be cut short.


That's a solid first vow brother, the Lord looks great, I really like the pose.


Cheers dude! I was really happy that it came out basically how I'd pictured it, especially since I had to shave down Dynat's torso to fit the arms on.


Good start... for a heretic. :thumbsup:


Oh, it's just the start alright. I plan on ramping up with subsequent vows.


Looks like a good start!


Also, I love that you used an Imperial Fists' model to make an Iron Warrior lord. I can just sense the bitter taste in the mouth when loyalists realizes this and I love it.


I won't lie, that was part of the motivation for using that particular kit.



Also, I love that you used an Imperial Fists' model to make an Iron Warrior lord. I can just sense the bitter taste in the mouth when loyalists realizes this and I love it.

Wait, WHAT?! :furious:


Right, I'll have an Iron Warrior corpse on one of my bases for that!

So, got that first squad finished! Chains are a right arse to freehand it turns out.




I want to try and do it so each guy gets one element of heraldry, but no two get the same placement. Shouldn't be too hard to achieve across twenty odd guys, but we'll see how it pans out.



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