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The Nine Legions - ETL VII is on!


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My heart just melted! Was that an evil craft mini bit you used for the sorcerer? Now that I have dabbled in 3rd party goodies I may have to get a few of those!


Excited to see a BL deredeo as well! The use of the helbrute bit looks great! Going to see what else you do. I have one sitting on a shelf that will need some TLC.

Oh man, my happy bubble popped! That's truly a massive bummer. I had long avoided 3rd party bits but I loved how Evil Craft captured this look and feel for chaos that always looked just right. Their havoc and raptor equivalents were such beauties and I always thought 'to heck with it I'm buying some!' I was thinking about them for another CSM KT but that will only happen if I can find their goods on ebay it seems. 

Cheers Pearson!


I've just looked on eBay and there's someone selling Evil Craft stuff that looks pretty legit. I'd forgotten how bloody expensive they were though...




EDIT: Hmm, new user, no feedback and clearly using pics ripped from the website. May not be as legit as I first thought, buy with caution.

  • 4 months later...

I'm trying to delurk, so new year, new me! Gonna try and post more, here seems like a good start. My plans for The Nine Legions in 2019:


Black Legion: The priority. I've done a little more to the Deredeo trim, and I'm currently working my way towards a working 2k list. I'm kinda waiting to see if we get a new CSM box before I start making dudes, but I did find an intact DV on sprue that I can start working with if the mood strikes.


Alpha Legion: Get this bloody Fire Raptor built, and then get it painted and my old one repainted, likely in the ETL. Also get the last 20-odd cultists I need sorted out. They'll see paint at some point, I'm in no real rush.


Iron Warriors: I need to knock some more Chosen together thanks to CA2018 points drops. Also still need to get their Cultists sorted, but I've not had the cash to drop 90 quid at Anvil for them yet.


World Eaters: Dark Apostle conversion, and CA gave me the points for a Helbrute with fist and scourge, so I'm building one of them. Probably with a loyalist dread though, I don't want to paint any more of the Helbrute kit.


In short, much the same as my post-ETL position really. The winter isn't a great hobby time for me it turns out.



For one, you should post more pictures, even if it's just "oh, I built one of these, have a look". :tu:


Anyway, looking forward to seeing what you build/paint, especially as it gives me a way to scout out what you'll bring in August. ;)

@Dos: I want to sort out a lightbox before I take too many more pics, but I might cobble together all the stuff that's currently relevant for my BL and snap a few pics of it.


@Pearson: Cheers bud! And yeah, not knowing what's dropping is a pain. Still, only a couple of months to wait!



Well you're a braver man than I building a Storm Eagle variant. I look forward to seeing what you pump out this year, brother.


It's the second one, so I already know kind of what I'm in for. Not looking forward to it though, hence my procrastination.


Great work mate, what are your plans for the BL? I know you said earlier that you wanted to wait until the release, but what do you want the composition of the army to be?


I'm currently tweaking it, but at the moment it looks like this:


+ HQ +
Daemon Prince with Wings: Khorne, Malefic talon, Warp bolter
Sorcerer with Jump Pack: Force axe, No Chaos Mark, Plasma pistol
+ Troops +
Chaos Space Marines: Mark of Slaanesh
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. 12x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ special weapon: Flamer
. Marine w/ special weapon: Flamer
Chaos Space Marines: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Marine w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
Chaos Space Marines: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. 7x Marine w/ Boltgun
. Marine w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Marine w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
+ Elites +
Chosen: No Chaos Mark
. Chosen Champion: Boltgun, Power axe
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Combi-plasma, Power axe
. Chosen w/ Combi or Special weapon: Combi-plasma, Power axe
+ Dedicated Transport +
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark
Chaos Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark
+ HQ +
Chaos Lord: Chainsword, Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark
+ Heavy Support +
Havocs: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Lascannon
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
. Havoc w/ heavy weapon: Missile launcher
Havocs: No Chaos Mark
. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasma
. Havoc w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Havoc w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Havoc w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
. Havoc w/ special weapon: Plasma gun
Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought: Butcher cannon array, Hellfire veil, Twin heavy bolter
Hellforged Rapier Battery
. Hellforged Rapier and crew: C-beam cannon, 2x Chaos Space Marine Crew
. Hellforged Rapier and crew: C-beam cannon, 2x Chaos Space Marine Crew
. Hellforged Rapier and crew: C-beam cannon, 2x Chaos Space Marine Crew
++ Total: [110 PL, 2000pts] ++
Anywhere where it says No Chaos Mark sub in Slaanesh.

Looks sweet. Yeah, the MoS is great to put on any units you have unmarked, you never know when Endless Cacophony will be useful! The only issue I can see is that you only have one piece of armour that isn't an APC - the Deredeo. He'll get shot by every anti tank weapon the opponent has. I'd try and squeeze in some more Helbrutes or armour for some more target saturation, and more brutes are awesome of course.  

@BroMayhem: problem there is what to cut? I'm operating under some constraints in this to stop all the armies being the same and also accommodate models I've already got. So for the BL, the rapiers, prince and sorcerer are required and I don't want any cultists. I guess I could do a las/missile helbrute instead of the havocs, but I quite like them sitting at the back being hard to deal with.


@Doghouse: cheers bud! I'm pretty chuffed with how the freehand on the Alphas came out but I might go back and redo the Iron Warriors in the future. The Knights came out way better than I expected, especially once that first coat of grey went down! I was sitting here like 'oh god what have I done this looks terrible'.



I think they look really good, your perseverance paid off. I especially like the conversions on the second one, those really make the model pop.

Cheers dude! Getting those tendrils to stay in the fist was a pain, but I managed it with just glue in the end. It's also one of those conversions I'm genuinely amazed I've not seen anyone else do, it was my first thought upon seeing the Knight fist.

This entire page has had no pictures, time to rectify that with slightly crap shots of all the models that are definitely going in my Black Legion.

First up, the sorcerer from the previous page:


Next, my Daemon Prince with wings:


Rapier platforms with c-beamers, courtesy of our very own Subtle Discord:


The crew are a mix of DV Chosen and Possessed.

Lastly, my in bits Deredeo, now with some trim:


Obviously bits need trimming back/shaving down, and it's not all there yet, but it's coming along quite nicely.


“We are returned!”


Your Deredeo trim is certainly much neater than mine mate and you have used your head by doing it pre assembly :tu:


Your Daemon Prince (Slaaneshi?) certainly has some promising beginnings and those Rapiers are sweeeeeet!

You did yours post assembly? Madman!


I've been running the Prince as Khorne, but I might make him Slaanesh for more access to psychic powers. Jury's out, depends how list tweaks go. I wouldn't mind access to death Hex though...



Unfortunately I did - it was originally destined for other projects, until he saw the light be took the Black :D


As much as I I’ve Khorne Princes, I find they are sucky when compared to the others! I can see a pseudo Fulgrim conversion in there too ;)

Haha, yeah I can see the Fulgrim resemblance. If only I'd waited a decade, I could have used Morathi!


I finally stopped procrastinating and started on Fire Raptor 2. Both side of the hull and the back panel are on with minimal swearing, so I'm calling it a win so far!



Speaking of Fire Raptor 2, here it is in it's partially built glory!


Both sides are warped towards the back. I got them as straight as possible, but it's still not great. Debating drilling the engine blocks to make them lighter so they'll go on easier.


The Sorcerer bits are Evil Craft, who may or may not still exist. I need to check that seller on eBay I found.


Fire Raptors are fine provided you can get the sides as true as possible. After that everything else is a doddle.




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