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After 5 years away from the hobby due to University, I have decided to return. The stars seemed to have aligned with 8th edition, the Death Guard codex, and the completion of my degree coinciding. Perhaps some influence from the changer of ways..


I have pledged to complete the following for the 10th call of chaos:


1 Daemon Prince

1 Helbrute

7 Plague Marines


1 Rhino

7 Blightlords

3 Deathshroud


Only when I was typing that I accidentally put 1 helbrute instead of 2. I still plan on painting both as I am participating in a 1500 pt tournament in 3 weeks where I will need the Daemon Prince, both helbrutes and the 7 plague marines painted, in addition to rebasing and adding a few other details to the other models which I have already painted (Back when I started Death Guard in around 2011, I had about 1500 points already painted)


I have a huge amount of death guard to paint at the moment, in addition to the above I have 2 sets of dark imperium, 2 more squads of plague marines and mortarion sitting unassembled. I will try and keep you updated once a fortnight. 


Onto the units I have pledged for the call:





Unassembled goodies for later




Plague marines and rhino. The rhino has forge world doors. The 6 of the plague marines are from dark imperium, 2 of which have arm swaps to give them different weapons, the 7th is a plague brethren also with arm swaps.




2 Helbrutes, one is an OOP forge world dreadnought, the other is a slightly converted dark vengeance helbrute.












Last but not least is my Daemon prince. It's been heavily converted from the plastic kit with a defiler face plate, some plasticard and a lot of green stuff.


I look forward to showing some painted minis.


On another note, what is the fastest/best way to upload images/posts? It took me ~45 minutes to do this post and I would like to be able to do it quicker.

Edited by lord gunthar

Call of Chaos update time.


Reasonably productive week, its still going to be challenging to get everything finished for the tournament in 2 weeks. I have decided on an army list though:


Daemon Prince w wings, 2 x malefic talons, suppurating plate

Daemon Prince w wings, 2 x malefic talons

Helbrute w twin lascannon, missile laucher

Helbrute w twin lascannon, missile laucher

Helbrute w multimelta, ccw, twin bolter

7 Plague marines, Champion with plasma gun and plague sword, 2 x blight launcher

7 Plague marines, Champion with plasma gun and plague sword, 2 x plasma gun

7 Plague marines, Champion with plasma gun and plague sword, 2 x plasma gun

7 Plague marines, Champion with plasma gun and plague sword, 2 x meltagun, icon of despair


Should be a fun list, should be able to get most of the remaining models done next weekend as it's a long weekend here.


This week I finished painting my new Daemon Prince








Reasonably happy with how he turned out, my brush control has diminished being away from the hobby for so long, i'm going to need to practice edge highlighting.


Also assembled my Typhus, I hated the model when I saw it initially but on further inspection I hated just the molded on smoke, pastel paint scheme and the overly heroic pose with no cohesive direction. The first 2 points are easy enough to fix as the smoke/bugs are not required on the model, but its a challenge to fix his pose. As much as I appreciate having all these death guard releases, i'm a little frustrated with how difficult they are to convert. It seems like they are making it as hard as possible to even do simple conversion.


I ended up cutting up his arms and the arms of one of the deathshroud in an effort to replicated the pose of the old figure (Which I like immensely). This took far too long and I wouldn't do it again, in part because I cut my finger while removing the largest piece of the deathshroud's shoulder (Blood for the blood god). I had to fill a few gaps with greenstuff, I practiced sculpting chainmail in the gaps.




I like this pose a lot more. His head, nurgling on his waist and general direction of the model all line up a bit better, and he looks more like a corrupted champion of the plague god and not some statuesque space marine hero...


Another update in a week. 

Edited by lord gunthar
  • 2 weeks later...

Update time.

I had a productive weekend, it was a public holiday here so I got more time to paint than usual. I managed to complete 2 helbrutes (1 still needs basing) I still need to get 7 plague marines painted for a tournament on Saturday however, which are currently only undercoated. I would have liked to have had time to rebase 22 models and repaint my display board too but alas; I don't think I'll get it all done.


Helbrute with multimelta and fist.


Helbrute with lascannon and missile launcher.

I'll try to get another update done next week, and I'll get some better pictures of my minis at some point. Will need to build a lightbox I think.

The paintjobs on the daemon prince and dreads are sweet! The colors are great and show off the blessed corruption well!


Very excited to see Typhus painted up. Love the reposed look and I agree that it’s more propern for a great champion.

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