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Dreadwing: A 30K/Pre Heresy Dark Angels Blog

Spaced Hulk

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is some of the best posing I've ever seen, and you just proved to me the Dark Angel's helmets are the best of all those Forge World offers. By a landslide.

My absolute favorites however are these three:


Black or dark grey to tie in with the base. Not light grey.

The point of making rims lighter/non-black is to have less contrast for the eye so the base rim does not take your eyes away from your miniature. However, with majority of the miniature black and dark-ish base, that is exactly what the light rim does to your models.
So keep it dark
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the kind words (and the advice on the base rims). My apologies on the lack of updates. A ten month old son means that hobby time is limited these days, to say the least.

Nevertheless, I do occasionally find time to pick up a paint brush :smile.:.

Tiberias, the Siege Master, Devastator-Captain of the Tenth Order.


A Terran veteran of the Rangdan Xenocides, Tiberias had mastered the art of siege warfare long before the First Legion was reunited with it's Primarch. However, unlike many of the remaining Terran officers, his cold, calculating logic and fastidious attention to the minutiae of his craft would earn the favour of the Lion himself. Promoted to the Primarch's inner circle of advisors, he was considered to be the most experienced 'Siege Breaker' in the Legion, and was thus an obvious choice to accompany the 56th Expeditionary Fleet during the arduous Kothean Compliance.

Heavily armed and clad in Mark III artificer plate, Tiberias was a large, imposing warrior who preferred to fight at the fore-front of the offensives which he had so meticulously planned. His immense corvus hammer, the so called 'Raven's Claw', was said to have been a gift from Lion El Jonson's personal armoury, and served as both the Siege Master's badge of office and a devastating weapon of war.

Cheers brothers, glad you like them! :thumbsup: Here are a few more of the models in my ever expanding 'Ready for Paint' queue :smile.:

Veterans Mephael & Sarpedon, Bladesworn Knights of the Tenth Order


Lance-Decurion Midael Vaan, Squad Adjutant of Cader-12 Despoiler Squad, 22nd Assault Company


Where did you get all or these weapons and main body parts?

I'm guessing you mean the various close combat weapons and the Bladesworn torsos? A lot of the swords etc are pretty simple conversions of standard GW bits, while the robed torsos and legs are either from Anvil Industry or Spellcrow. If there's a specific piece you're interested in let me know.

Thanks again everyone for the comments and the likes, it's much appreciated :thumbsup: I've just started painting the Lance-Decurion from my last post, but as I don't like replying without adding some sort of content, here are yet more models still waiting to be painted:

The Forsaken, Slayers of Xenos, Beast and Abomination, Seeker Squad, 3rd Ironclad Company, 7th Chapter of the 10th Order.




Where did the torso for Crom come from? I know it's FW but can't seem to find it.

I think it is one of the bodies from the mkIII command set, but let's see if Spaced Hulk (edit: sorry, got confused between two HH Da topics) can confirm it.


Since I am posting, might as well add a bit of praise to the models, each of them are just filled with character, and the stances and choice of bits are great in all of them. I might have taken inspiration from these for some of my own models, be it consciously or by happy accident. Looking forward to see more midels painted, and new ones built.


I specially like Mephael and Sarpedon, really look like former aspirant knights from the Order of Caliban, ascended to serve in the First.

@ Mr Yellow: Elzender is quite correct, it's from the Mark 3 command set from Forgeworld. Torso and legs are all one piece.


@ Shovellovin: Cheers brother. The fluff I'd planned for the Seeker squad is that they emulate the original Knights of Caliban, by advancing into hostile territory to hunt down Xenos leaders and other high value targets.


@ Elzender: Thanks mate. I chose those heads for the Bladesworn for exactly that reason. Unlike the Terrans in the army (who are usually bald headed and heavily scarred), I imagined the newer recruits from Caliban would be both more youthful looking and more likely to have longer hair or beards. I think the Black Library books actually have it the other way round, but I prefer my version

I've admired this log on multiple occasions, but to my shame haven't commented yet. You've managed to really capture the First I think, and it's a shame to see this go on hiatus, even if I understand perfectly why.

I can imaging the amount of work, care and love that goes into these guys, so the thought of them being invalid when the book actually hits... Ouch. I can see why that keeps you off them, even if they're absolutely amazing models.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Well, I have to speak up because I have unintentionally followed this post since it began. Not intentionally as a lurker but as I planned out my own I Legion project. Your paint schemes and concepts have truly inspired me. Truly inspired me. :D


I understand all about that young son thing. Keep up the great work when you can brother!


For the Lion!!


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