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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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I've been a long time lurker on here (since 2007 I believe) and finally grew some stones and signed up properly. I'm using this thread to document my return to 40k after not touching anything for 17 years. What will follow is my slow progress on my own Astartes chapter; the Ardent Swords. First up will be the chapter master and honour. The chapter master is still waiting for some bits to arrive so he'll probably be postponed to January at this rate. Hope you all enjoy watching my journey back into the grim darkness.

First up; the honour guard. These chaps are built on the reiver base with extra bits stuck on. First time doing hand transplants with these guys and was more fiddly than expected.


HonourGuard 01B


HonourGuard 01D


HonourGuard 01E


HonourGuard 02A


HonourGuard 02B


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Long overdue photo dump. First up is a group shot prior to painting and adding green stuff cloaks to 3 more of the models.


KnightsoftheSword 01


This has been my first time using green stuff to make stuff so I have mixed feelings about the end results. Definately could be smoother on the blending but overall i've achieved what I wanted.


IMG 20171231 100807

IMG 20171231 100758

IMG 20171231 100750

IMG 20171231 100733

IMG 20171231 100724

IMG 20171231 100711

HonourGuard 03A

HonourGuard 03B

HonourGuard 02F


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Some painting work in progress photos on the first three. I'm going to name this unit the Knights of the Sword. I think my takeaway from these guys so far is that I need to practice painting cloaks and power swords.


Also the final bits for my Chapter Master arrived yesterday :woot: so i'll try and upload a photo of him in his dry fit state.


IMG 20171231 100420


IMG 20171231 100542


IMG 20171231 100438


IMG 20171231 100306


IMG 20171231 100226


IMG 20171231 100345


IMG 20171231 100215

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Thanks Bjorn and Pearson.


Below is a test pose for my chapter master. I'm planning on adding a cloak to him too and also make some fire to stick on the sword (they are the Ardent swords after all). Speaking of the sword, I'm not sure what size I was expecting it to be but wow... I think it might be taller than him.


Anyone know any good tutorials for green stuff fire? I've browsed youtube but none of them seemed quite right to me. I'm looking to end up with something similar to Rowboat's sword.


Chapter Master 01


Chapter Master 02


Chapter Master 03


Chapter Master 04


Chapter Master 05


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Not a lot of progress since the last post. Currently decorating my new house so after 8 hours of painting walls each day I've not been in the mood for painting minis. I have however managed to get a good start on the Chapter Master's flaming sword. Couldn't find a tutorial that produced a fire style I liked so I just winged it with a photo Guilliman's sword for a bit of reference

IMG 20180107 191727


IMG 20180107 191800

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Long overdue progress catch up. I must admit I've been focusing on the Chapter Master solely. He's turning out exactly how I was hoping he would, though I am debating on whether to repaint the sword's blue flames. I'm hoping to finish him this week and then finish off the remaining honour guard. I've alos got myself some inceptors coming that I'm going to convert with lances and shields hopefully.


As always apologies for another sizeable photo dump.


Pose test with sword flames added

IMG 20180108 185634


Cloak sculpt and base decorating

IMG 20180111 115731

IMG 20180111 115738


Painting his sword arm. I've never before painted a model in separate pieces so this is an interesting experience for me.

IMG 20180111 153915

IMG 20180113 104929


Another pose test with the painted arm.

IMG 20180113 121503


Painting progress. Going to add some more red and blue on the knees and crux terminatus.

IMG 20180114 192853

IMG 20180114 192901

IMG 20180114 192924

IMG 20180114 192931



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He's coming along really nice, good depth on the red which is a hard colour for a lot of people. I'd suggest working some more shading into the gold though to give it more depth and richness. Also, if you're going to add more blue (gemstones?) to other areas of the model, I'd suggest using a lighter shade (or a gemstone painting style) to make it pop a little more - it will work as a cold accent alongside the sword given that the rest of the colours are mostly quite warm, and that contrast can really make it pop, but as it is the blue gets lost a little among the red and gold. 


Otherwise, looking good :)

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Thanks for the advice Kasen. I've added a little blue into the patterned edges of his armour on the chest and bottom of his greaves, although it is admittedly difficult to see. I had added these before reading your post though so it's not in a gemstone style. I'll try and find more areas to use a lighter blue tone on. I'd come to the same conclusion as you about the gold, it's just too flat and relies on the lighting around it for it's shade. Below is where the model is at currently. I need to work more on the facial shading too.


IMG 20180115 212222

IMG 20180115 212300


Bonus photo with his honour guard brothers

IMG 20180115 215403

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Hopefully have some more photos and progress later this week. My Inceptors arrived along with some Grey Knight halberds. All I need to do is figure how to incorporate a bigger shield on to one of the assault bolter arms and some cool jousting poses.

Also had a heart attack when I dropped the Chapter Master and the sword blade snapped off :wallbash: :cry:  May end up replacing the blade with the Emperor's sword's blade when Guilliman is released as a single model.

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My condolences. Is there really no possibility of repairing the Chapter Master's sword, maybe with wires to reinforce the blade? (No need to hide the wire. You can blatantly say the sword broke in a battle with a Daemon Prince or other enemy, but the then Chapter Master used the broken blade to vanquish the enemy, and ordered the sword reforged the way Narsil was in 'The Lord of the Rings'.)
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Ooh I like that idea. I'm going to have a crack at fixing it at the weekend. Also got some plasticard to make larger shields for the Inceptors. I'm thinking of having the halberd in one hand then placing a larger plasticard shield over the small guard already on the assault bolter.
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A little bit more progress. Started playing with making my "Primaris Lancers". Trying to get the whole jousting pose is proving trickier than anticipated but nothing a bit of green stuff can't fix. I was hoping to place a custom plasticard shield over the front of the assault bolter with the barrels poking through but it just doesn't look right. My options seem to be either to cut the arm and bend it at the elbow to bring the whole arm in closer and put the shield on the end, or cut the arm but re-position it across the torso holding a shield and get rid of the assault bolter fully. As for the Chapter Master's broken sword... I fixed it! Turns out the super glue I have is actually stupidly strong and the sword blade now feels like it never broke (I dare not wiggle it too much though!).


IMG 20180125 214035

IMG 20180125 214429


Also made a start on the Chapter Master's base. Just need some textured paint to make a start on  the stone once the Plague Marine is done. The photos aren't the greatest so I'll take some better ones when I get a moment.

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And to top it off I figured I might as well make the remaining five Reivers from the kit I butchered for my Honour Guard, as well as making a bit of progress on the last two of the Honour Guard.

IMG 20180122 062903

IMG 20180122 062742


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  • 1 month later...

Not had any time for the modelling side of things this month until last night. Managed to play around with how the "Primaris Lancer" will look. Behold my progress and final loadout decision.


Made sure the bits actually fit together

IMG 20180125 214035

IMG 20180125 214429


First idea for how the shield should be incorporated. Wasn't overly keen so I moved on to the next option below.

IMG 20180126 190505

IMG 20180126 190517

IMG 20180126 190618


Decided to mount the shield on the side of the Assault Bolter and then transplant a spare Reiver elbow to pose the arm correctly. I think I'm going to go with this option.

IMG 20180127 111238

IMG 20180127 111252

IMG 20180127 111307


I'm probably going to order some shields rather than try and make my own. My crafting skills aren't quite at that level yet.

I've got a load of parts arriving over the next week to assemble a Knight pattern Dreadnought, the Second Company Captain,  a squad of 'de-Dark Angeled' Deathwing Terminators and a squad of Intercessors. Hopefully I'll get time over the next month.

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Why not just give the Lancer a Custodes guardian spear, which has an integral boltgun?


Personal preference really. The image I had in my head when I came up with these guys has always been with the shield attached to the assault bolter. The guardian spear didn't really feel right with how you're supposed to hold it when firing and how these guys use the shield.


Pretty much finished my Lieutenant (yet to be named). I feel I've learnt a lot from painting the Honour Guard and Lord Gwain, especially regarding the gold areas. Getting straight lines when freehanding the company heraldry on the right shoulder was tricky so going forward I'm going to try thin strips of masking tape as stencils.  


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And made a start on Lord Tristram of the 2nd Company. He's nicknamed the Lion of Lyonesse in the fluff and thus I'm not sure whether to give him a lion pelt over his cloak and shoulders. If I did it would have to be green stuff'd with the lion head standard from the AoS White Lions box. Ain't no way I can sculpt an animal head yet.

IMG 20180305 195710


Going to take some better photos soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Made a bit more progress. This whole rebuilding a house thing is very time consuming as it turns out.


Finally finished the chapter master, at least for now. I'll try and give his eyes more detail when I feel like I'm good enough for that level:

Gwain 01

Gwain 02

Gwain 03

Gwain 04

Gwain 05

Gwain 06

Made a start on the Intercessor squad I acquired. The other four are well on their way to being finished:

Intercessor 01

Intercessor 03

Intercessor 02

Got a slightly better photo of the Lieutenant:

Lieutenant 01

Also had a go at doing the chapter's symbol by free hand. Not sure if gold is ideal for it now so I may see how well white works for it:

Logo 01

And finally I made some progress of the Captain of the 2nd Company. The bits from the White Lions box finally arrived and was able to do a fairly decent job on the green stuff fur pelt (don't tell PETA):

Tristram 02

Tristram 03

Tristram 01

Tristram 04

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