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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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Impressive work on the Primarch. Whose corpse lies at his feet?


Thank you brother Bjorn. He has no name yet but he hails from a warband called the Sons of Pestilence which feature in one of my other IA's that remains unfinished.


Made a Company Ancient for the Second Company over the weekend. Used a couple of other bits from the White Lions sprue I got the other week and ended up pinning the two banners together. He's currently undercoated along with the Second Company captain and I hope to make a little progress on them tonight. 

Company ancient

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks chaps. 



Excellent builds and paint jobs! Man, I’m jealous over the bits used for your chapter master. I’ve been stalking eBay looking for that body for my own warlord.


I spent ages doing that too and eventually bottled it and got the whole model off Forgeworld. On the bright side I have a cool flamer and lightning claw ready for some future conversion.


As mentioned previously I've gotten side tracked with another character conversion for my other IA the Astral Reapers. Below is Chapter Master Torvus, Grand Reaper of the Astral Reapers space marines.


Torvus 07

Torvus 08

Torvus 09

Torvus 10

Torvus 11

Torvus 12

Torvus 13


Semi-related and potentially stupid question; is there a way to change your own thread name/title? I can't find an option for it so I'm wondering if I'm just being blind.

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Nice work on the Reaper, a very atmospheric model, especially with the pose making him appear to be hovering, surveying the field as a bird of prey scours the earth for prey.


To edit your thread title, go to your first post and use 'full edit'.

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Semi-related and potentially stupid question; is there a way to change your own thread name/title? I can't find an option for it so I'm wondering if I'm just being blind.


Go to your very first post and hit edit. At the very top you should see context window that has the title as it is currently and you can edit that to make a change to your thread name. 

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Ah I never would have thought to look there for the option. Thanks for the help everyone. 



Nice work on the Reaper, a very atmospheric model, especially with the pose making him appear to be hovering, surveying the field as a bird of prey scours the earth for prey.


That is an awesome way of describing the pose. This chapter is going to be a rumoured Carcharadon Astra successor when I get round to shortening their fluff into the Index format. When I get round to making more of them I'm planning on using the Reiver helmets as their standard helmet across the chapter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update with a big photo dump. Finally managed to setup a temporary hobby space in my new house's conservatory (sooo much natural light) and get more painting done on the Ardent Swords.


The Company Ancient is more or less finished with a few touch ups required and basing.

Ancient front

Ancient rear

Ancient side


Next is the Chapter Master. This sod's sword snapped again in exactly the same place :censored: :cry: Great start to the bank holiday.

Chapter master broken again


Tried to pin it this time round but the pin vice angle was slightly off and it came out the side... So I had to go buy a new sword. I spent ages trying to find Guilliman's sword on a bitz site but no luck. I eventually decided to think outside the box and ended up buying a Lord-Celestant for the cool sword with the runes down this blade. I feel this fits more with my lore for the character as I've often described the sword has having runes down it. I just need to decide whether to make flames from green stuff again.

Chapter master New sword

Chapter master New hand


Third up are the Intercessors. I finished the last 2 (apart from iconography).

last intercessors turnaround 01

last intercessors turnaround 02

last intercessors turnaround 03

last intercessors turnaround 04


Full squad shot

Intercessor full squad


And finally Lord Tristram of the 2nd Company. I've had him painted for a bit but didn't have any decent-ish photos of him until this weekend.

tristram front

tristram rear


Now I need how figure out how to paint the five leftover Reivers from making the Honour Guard. How would I go about painting sneaky stealth murder marines when my lore for the Chapter pretty much disagrees with stealth and views it as extremely honourless? Any suggestions welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hope everyone enjoyed the bank holiday. I was able to spend a bit of time in between tons of diy jobs painting and assembling.


The Galatus arrived last friday so I spent a long time nervously assembling it. Really didn't want to mess the pose up on it. I still need a load of bits to make it more 'knighty' like a tilt shield and maybe the groin banner from the Knight Warden kit. I swapped out his sword for the Dreadknight's one. Behold the beginnings of the Knight pattern Dreadnought!


Knight dreadnought 01

Knight dreadnought 02


Also started adding the greenstuff fire to the Ardent Swords Chapter Master's replacement sword. Not 100% on it so we'll see how it goes.


New sword


And made a start on painting the Chapter Master for my Astral Reapers chapters. It's my first time painting all the components individually before assembly and it feels quite novel. I think I may do this for special characters going forward but I think it would take me too long to do it for absolutely every model I get. His robe was originally going to be a reddy brown but I just couldn't nail and it didn't look right for the grim reaper feel so I ended up following the GW tutorial for the Primaris Chaplain robe on youtube. Pretty pleased with how it's come out and I think I'm going to apply the cut/tear technique to his power armour too for the well worn effect.


Torvus The Reaper 01

Torvus The Reaper 03

Torvus The Reaper 02

Torvus The Reaper 04

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The Astral Reapers Chapter Master's paint job looks great! Was he a Chaplain before his battle-brothers elected him to lead the Chapter?


Thanks Bjorn. It was more that the Primaris Chaplain model offered the aesthetic I was after the most. The fluff I have at the moment is that Chapter Master Torvus has ostensibly led the Chapter since its founding. None outside the Apothecaries know the truth and rumours abound of the use of dark life-prolonging archaeo-tech, mindwiping candidates and replacing their consciousness with that of the original Torvus of if he is one of the fabled perpetuals. Below is the first paragraph of the wip IA article:


"The Astral Reaper’s Space Marine chapter was created during the 6th Founding in the wake of the War of the False Primarch in 860.M33. Eleven Chapters had been judged and declared Traitoris Perdita following the war and mercilessly purged after the Pentarchy of Blood, eleven Chapters that now needed replacing. One of these new Chapters was the Astral Reapers. Other than the number of their Founding, no other information regarding the Chapter’s birth can be found. Indeed records pertaining to the Astral Reapers’ origin are fragmentary at best outside of their own archives and only begin with a number campaign listings. This is understandable when one takes into account that the Chapter has been officially recorded as lost or destroyed no less than six times, and possibly even more if certain sources are to be believed. This fact has caused the Chapter to be viewed with dark superstition and garnered a stigma from branches of the Imperium that is on par with a member of the Cursed 21st Founding for being ill-fated and an omen of doom for all."
Edited by Knightsword
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  • 2 weeks later...

Small update on the Knight Dreadnought. Just waiting for a selection of purity seals and parchments to arrive in the post. One of these days I will manage to get my green stuff perfectly smooth.

IMG 20180611 064116

IMG 20180611 220650

Also awaiting a Repulsor and 10 more Intercessors :biggrin.:​ The intention is to magnetise the Repulsor so that I can swap between a standard Repulsor and a grav Predator for count as shenanigans to keep the aesthetic of the Primaris whilst running an older unit. 


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Love the new Dreadnought, this thread is pretty awesome in general.



Small update on the Knight Dreadnought. Just waiting for a selection of purity seals and parchments to arrive in the post. One of these days I will manage to get my green stuff perfectly smooth.

If you'd like a recommendation, water and these:



Silicone-tipped clay shaping tools. They're excellent at getting Greenstuff smoothed out, especially the chisel-tipped one (second from left).


They're awesome and cheap, I got mine at my local hobby&craft store (Michael's here in the US) for under 6 dollars.

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