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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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I like the Knight Dreadnought's pose, but he can do with some ranged weapons. (Don't listen to idiots denouncing ranged weapons as "cowardly" or "dishonorable." The Emperor created Space Marines to fight his wars, not to lose his wars, and ranged attacks grant advantages only an idiot would ignore- if nothing else, they'll allow the Knight Dreadnought to lay down suppressive fire, so enemies cannot use their own ranged attacks to keep themselves beyond reach of his sword.) Does the Knight Dreadnought's sword incorporate a bolter or heavy bolter, like the Adeptus Custodes' sentinel blades? If not, transplanting a Terminator's carapace-mounted missile launcher should suffice.
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Cheers for that recommendation Gederas. I'll have a look at ordering some come next payday and see how they go.


I like the Knight Dreadnought's pose, but he can do with some ranged weapons. (Don't listen to idiots denouncing ranged weapons as "cowardly" or "dishonorable." The Emperor created Space Marines to fight his wars, not to lose his wars, and ranged attacks grant advantages only an idiot would ignore- if nothing else, they'll allow the Knight Dreadnought to lay down suppressive fire, so enemies cannot use their own ranged attacks to keep themselves beyond reach of his sword.) Does the Knight Dreadnought's sword incorporate a bolter or heavy bolter, like the Adeptus Custodes' sentinel blades? If not, transplanting a Terminator's carapace-mounted missile launcher should suffice.


Give me a chance Bjorn, he's still very much work in progress! :biggrin.: He's supposed to have options for either a twin heavy flamer or twin meltagun which I have now added. I managed to salvage the flamer parts of the Galatus' original sword as they can pass for both flamers or meltas because of how the nozzle looks. Was a bit stuck on where to attach them though and came up with 3 ideas.


Option 1 - Mounted on the carapace. This option was joint front runner along with being mounted on the wrist.

Weapon On carapace 01

Weapon On carapace 02

Weapon On carapace 03


Option 2 - Mounted on the sword. I thought this option would look cool and echo the original Galatus sword. It ended up looking a bit to clunky and detracting from the sword as a whole.

Weapon On sword 01

Weapon On sword 02


Option 3 - Mounted on the wrist. This idea was neck and neck with mounting on the carapace, however the more I looked at it the more it seemed to stick out too much from the wrist. I think if I had given this some thought before assembling the main body of the Galatus then I could have incorporated this in to the swords power pack on the wrist. Oh well, lesson learnt for the next one.

Weapon On wrist 01

Weapon On wrist 02


In the end I decided to go with mounting it on the carapace after getting a few opinions on Instagram and from friends. As of now the dreadnought looks like this. The purity seals are Ravenwing ones. Was surprised with how big they are but they are perfect for a dreadnought. I'm now looking a banner for him from some Age of Sigmar units.

Needs A banner Now 01

Needs A banner Now 02

Needs A banner Now 03

Needs A banner Now 04


And finally I got started on Intercessor squad 2.

Squad 2 sergeant 01

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Two more Intercessor squads assembled and ready for undercoating. Need to suitably name the squads with old English/Celtic names to fit the Arthurian character of the Chapter. Got a banner from the Wood Elves Glade Guard on the way for the Knight Dreadnought then he'll be ready for painting too.


Squad 02

Squad 2 full squad 01

Squad 03

Squad 3 full squad 01

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Knight Dread ready to paint once I get some more spray, can't wait to get tucked into this one. Had a go at sculpting my Chapter's symbol. The halo is a bit rough but the sword came out well at least.


Knight dreadnought 03

Knight dreadnought 04

Knight dreadnought 05


Undercoat question: If this chap (and the rest of my chapter for that matter) are predominantly silver, am I best still getting a black one or should I get the leadbelcher undercoat to save time painting over the black one going forward?

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Great conversion on the dread! 



Thanks Steamius!


So the magnets for the Repulsor finally arrived today so I'm looking forward to tackling that this weekend. I also managed to snap the banner on the Knight Dreadnought last night :wallbash: so to prevent that happening again I will also be magnetising the banner to the chasis. 


Last of all I decided that I wasn't 100% happy with my Chapter Master's pose and after seeing a chap on Instagram converting the Ixion Hale model I knew that the body from that kit was what I wanted. Behold Lord Gwain 2.0 WIP shots. I was very nervous about removing the Custodes symbol and finery from Ixion but it's turned out alright. Probably a few more little bits that need filing down a little more.


I still intend to keep the base with the burning Nurgle dude on it for this new model and re-purpose the Chapter Master's old body for a Captain or Chapter Champion count-as.


Lord Gwain 01

Lord Gwain 02

Lord Gwain 03

Great conversion on the dread! 

Edited by Knightsword
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  • 1 month later...

Guilliman's equipped sword is easily recognizable on your new model. Do you intend to kitbash him into a Lion El'Jonson model?


That would be a really cool idea but the model isn't big enough to count as a Primarch I think. He'll just been staying as the Chapter Master with a flaming sword. I feel it'll be different enough from Guilliman's sword once it's painted.


Back from holiday and managed to make a little progress. I finally got round to basing the Primaris Lieutenant with the textured paints. Also bought some shoulder icons from Pop goes the monkey to kit bash together for my Chapter symbol. Future updates and plans may come a little slower for a while now as me and my other half are getting the house ready for our first child come the new year. This means my future hobby room will now become a nursery :cry:


lieutenant 01

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  • 1 month later...

Massive photo dump incoming as it's been a while since I posted any updates.


I've got round to basing more of my models:


ancient 01

Intercessor squad A:

Intercessor sergeant 01

intercessors 01

intercessors 02


Chapter icon has been refined a bit. I bought some iron halos from shapeways but unfortunately haven't been able to find any tiny swords. I've just had some Dark Angels pads arrive which I intend to stick the iron halos on to going forward:

chapter icon


Started on the Repulsor. This has been my first time trying to properly magnetise something. It's been a learning experience but I think I've got the hang of it.

repulsor 01

Also tried using masking tape for painting straight lines which seems to work alright. Painting tanks doesn't seem to be my strong point right now.

repulsor 02

repulsor 03


Knight Dreadnought. I've made massive progress on this one. Again the masking tape has helped a lot with the shield. I just need to come up with a suitably epic idea for the base now.

Knight dreadnought 06

Knight dreadnought 07

Knight dreadnought 08

Knight dreadnought 10

Knight dreadnought 11

Knight dreadnought 12

Knight dreadnought 13

Knight dreadnought 14

Knight dreadnought 15


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Excellent works. Does the Ancient's banner depict a stylized lion, or some other creature? (I initially thought it was a Tyranid or Genestealer, meant to honor a campaign against the xenos, but the creature only has four limbs.)


As for the Dreadnought, a badass base would depict him standing atop his defeated enemies' corpses. How about putting a Daemon's severed head beneath his raised left foot?

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It's a stylised lion. The fluff for the 2nd Company that the ancient is from is that the Captain has the honorary "Lion of Lyonesse" for a series of heroic deeds he performed during a campaign against Drukhari raiders when still a sergeant. Once he became Captain of the 2nd Company the honorary was adopted by the Company and they are now known as the Lions of Lyonesse.


A daemon is a great shout. The left foot isn't as raised as it may look in the photos so I may need to have the Dreadnought standing on the daemons torso which would allow the left foot to rest on the head.


I need to pluck up the courage to freehand the Dreadnought's banner.

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The bits for the base arrived early! I also saw some suggestions on using old sprue bits in amicus aedes as bricks. I ran out of time to do the green stuff for the daemon fading away. I've chosen to only make half the Bloodthirster's face so that Dreadnought looks like it's either crushed part of its head with his boot, or is stepping into the Bloodthirster as it de-materialises.


Base 01

Base 02

Base 03

Base 04

Base 05

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Don't have access to a heat gun unfortunately. I'm aiming to cut a slash in the chest plate where the sword impaled it and then use bits from one of the AoS malign sorcery kits for the phantasmal fading energy bits.


I've always imagined that a greater daemon de-materialises in a manner similar to the dreadlords/nathrezim from Warcraft where they fade away and their armour falls to the floor and remains.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Only truly realised how much I actually browse B&C during the recent downtime and it turns out it is a lot! :teehee:


Started progressing on the Knight Dreadnought a bit more, mainly the banner and the base. I've chosen to give the banner the same heraldry as the shield. I forgot to take photos of the base as the wash was still drying and I didn't want to disturb it. I'll hopefully have some photos of that tonight. All things considered I may actually have the Dreadnought finished by the weekend.


Knight dreadnought 20

Knight dreadnought 21

Knight dreadnought 22

Knight dreadnought 23


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So after some long thought I've realised that the only way to legally run the Dreadnought is to use the Space Wolves codex. It works perfectly as either the Venerable Dread with axe and shield or the Wulfen Dread with axe, shield and heavy flamer. I feel the whole noble warriors seeking out sagas of greatness is very similar to how I've been depicting the Ardent Swords (even if they are sons of Dorn). To this end it has lead to the redesigning of the Lancer unit I had been working. They're now going to be run as count-as Thunderwolf Cavalry.


Older Lancer:

IMG 20180127 111252


New Lancer:

lancer 07

lancer 12

lancer 13


I've got Vandus Hammerhand ready to kitbash into a count-as Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf after I finish these two and the Dreadnought.



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Well, the thing is: Even if they're sons of Dorn, you don't need to use their Chapter Tactics. I mean, even in the previews they mentioned the Fire Lords (Fists Successors) who would work best with the Salamanders Chapter Tactics due to their combat styles.


In any case, loving the new Lancers. That's frigging sweet :tu:

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I'd forgotten about the previews on the community site. I guess I feel like it needs justifying after reading too many stories on the web about people coming up against :cuss types who are mega anal about such things, or trying to show that I'm not someone who's just taking advantage of the latest marine codex.


Very nearly finished the Knight Dread but unfortunately ran out of time on Sunday. Little bit more love on the base and then finally the sword blade and he's done. Warp flame is a :censored: to paint. Next time I attempt it I think i'll buy one of the GW glazes to help.


Knight dreadnought 24

Knight dreadnought 25

Knight dreadnought 26


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I'd forgotten about the previews on the community site. I guess I feel like it needs justifying after reading too many stories on the web about people coming up against :cuss types who are mega anal about such things, or trying to show that I'm not someone who's just taking advantage of the latest marine codex.


Very nearly finished the Knight Dread but unfortunately ran out of time on Sunday. Little bit more love on the base and then finally the sword blade and he's done. Warp flame is a :censored: to paint. Next time I attempt it I think i'll buy one of the GW glazes to help.

You can point this out:


"Yes, they're Fists Successors, but they have very different tactica, being more like historical Knights. Ironically, the rules that show that best is the Space Wolves'. Go figure" :lol:


And if they still complain, find a sword and challenge them to a duel.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hobby time has been few and far between recently :cry: but managed to make some progress at the weekend. So I saw this awesome conversion of Aggressors in the post your primaris thread and liked it so much that I have shamelessly emulated it. Not the most dynamic poses but I'm still very happy with them.


Aggressor 01 montage

Aggressor 02 montage

Aggressor 03 montage

Aggressor 04 montage

Aggressor 05 montage

Aggressor 06 montage

Group shot!

Full squad

And lastly...
I managed to lay my grubby mitts on the Conquest librarian so here he is ready to serve as a count-as Rune Priest with jump pack. Nothing fancy about this one although I may play with some green stuff and see what I can add to him.

Librarian 01 montage



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