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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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Quarantine progress! One upside to this whole mess is having hobby time again. I've hopped back on to the Ardent Swords for a little bit whilst some bits from shapeways arrive for the Shields of Dorn.

I've finished off the model that will either be the leader of my Knights of the Sword unit (count-as Wulfen), or used as a count-as Ragnar. Can't wait to paint him now.




And a quick group shot.


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Hey, good to see you converting again! Really nice work on the Knight's LeaderĀ :thumbsup:

Not entirely convinced by the groin shield - I don't think it's really needed especially since you already made a loin cloth, but the overall awesomeness of the pose is undeniable.


Thanks Majkhel! Feels good to have plastic crack in my hands again. Damn now that you've pointed that out I totally agree with you.Ā 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So Indomitus arrived over the weekend and I have to say these are some of the best Primaris models yet, apart from the Judiciar that is, I really don't like him apart from his awesome sword.

Luckily I had planned to use parts of the Captain for my Chapter Master so his body was going spare. Behold my take on the Judiciar.




Also managed to squeeze a shoulder pad on to the Judiciar's sword arm after some nervous clipping.


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Great job! I'm out of likes for Today, but your conversion is really fantastic. I might steal the idea :smile.:
Where is that vial hanging from his wrist from? Being a Blood Angel I have a thing for those.... and ropes..... and chalices.... :biggrin.:

EDIT: pointy-finger hand is from the ETB Inercessors, am I correct?Ā 

Edited by Majkhel
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Great job! I'm out of likes for Today, but your conversion is really fantastic. I might steal the idea :smile.:

Where is that vial hanging from his wrist from? Being a Blood Angel I have a thing for those.... and ropes..... and chalices.... :biggrin.:

EDIT: pointy-finger hand is from the ETB Inercessors, am I correct?Ā 


Thanks :biggrin.:Ā and by all means steal away.


Oh you Blood Angels players and your penchants for blood receptaclesĀ :wink:Ā the vial is built into the Indomitus Captain's arm. I hadn't even noticed it was there until you pointed it out.Ā I think the pointy finger is from the ETB ones. I have so many pointy severed hands in my bitsbox from them and the Captains and other models that it's hard to remember sometimes.

Edited by Knightsword
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  • 4 weeks later...

Further adding more to my army of grey plastic. This time the Indomitus Lieutenant with a re-pose based on Kyle Haydon's Marshal/Champion conversion of the Chaplain on Instagram. I had the arms from Lieutenant Calsius in the bits box still which made this a lot easier. Really happy with how it turned out.




Also ordered some more Bladeguard vets and another Lieutenant to use as the base of some veteran sergeants with weapon upgrades.

Thunder hammer sergeant made out of an Indomitus Lieutenant


Power fist sergeants


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Thank you both.


Very nice! There are lots of fantastic conversions here, really great use of parts and GS work. I think the Indomitus Lieutenant is my favourite, that is a great combination of parts that works really well. Good job! :thumbsup:


I can see where I need to improve with the GS and it needs a bit of tidying up. Clipping the scabbard around the lieutenants hands was very fiddly and he nearly lost his thumbĀ :facepalm:Ā I'm lucky to have gotten 2 of the Calsius models so I had a spare set of arms in case it went wrong.



That Lieutenant kitbash drawing the sword is just beauty.


GW REALLY needs to release Lieutenant Calsius properly.


I really don't understand why the haven't released it standalone when they've done the individual Lieutenants for BA and DA, and also released the Wake the Dead one.


Hoping to get some painting time soon.

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So the army so far:


I still have a second Eradicator squad to assemble and then it's just a case of buying one more Intercessor squad and some Impulsors. And also painting everything... that may take a while.

Will be running them as Space Wolves so that I can represent the two dreadnoughts properly on the tabletop. The only downside to this is that my Chapter Master can never be upgraded to one with the stratagem. He will just have to be fielded as an Indomitus Captain with the Companion Blade relic, or Burning Blade if the new codex format allows Wolves to take vanilla relics too.

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  • 1 month later...

This army is shaping up quite well Knightsword. Itā€™s amazing how much character was added to your blade guard with such small changes.

Thanks. I tend to think that more often than not small changes are all that's needed to make a model shine.

So my issue of Mortal Realms finally arrived with the Lord Exorcist parts I was after. Behold my Master of Sanctity / count-as Ulrik.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Working on another count-as Ragnar now. Really feeling this model this time round. He just needs some green stuff where the cloak meets the torso and then a tabard similar to the Indomitus models sculpting. The arms and hands are all magnetised because I found part way through that gluing was going to have too high a risk of going wrong. There's also a Company Champion shoulder pad on it's way to replace the DA shoulder pad.

Got a full set of swords from the Deathwing Companions and the Lion shoulder pads to use on a squad of Bladeguard to accompany him once the multipart kit is released.

Parts used so far:

  • Arms and sword from Forgeworld deathwing companions
  • Assault intercessor body
  • Spellcrow space knight head
  • Indomitus captain's back pack and base
  • Mephiston's cloak
  • Waiting for a Company champion shoulder to replace the Dark Angels shoulder pad
  • PuppetsWar Lion shoulder pad


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Thanks all!



Wow, that not-Ragnar is a fantastic model! Great sense of motion in the pose and a really cool choice of head and shoulder pad. The Master of Sanctity is also cracking, these head sculpts are so characterful and the book is a nice touch that really adds a lot to the model.


I was originally going to use the Indomitus captain as the base, but decided he didn't look active enough what I had in mind. I'm in love with the Spellcrow space knight heads, they're so much better than the standard bald GW heads.


Beautiful work! Looking forward to seeing these guys painted


Me too! My paints have unfortunately dried up over the course of the pandemic and refused to be resurrected, but getting new ones for Christmas, so yayĀ :biggrin.:


WhatĀ“s that tiny hole on left leg of count-as-Ragnar? Something should be plugged in that, like holster?


I think it's where a chainsword is supposed to be holstered according to the assembly instructions. It'll be filled with green stuff or have a purity seal put over it.

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  • 2 years later...

By the throne it looks like I've been lost in the warp for 2 and a half years?! Time to restart the manufactorum and crack back on building things and never painting them!Ā 


I ordered the Lion last week through my FLGS and got a lovely surprise when my order was randomly selected to be upgraded to a Lion's Guard box. I think this went a long way to reinvigorating me to pick this all up again. One act of kindness and all that.


So, I started a Chapter Champion made from the Emperor's Champion and an AoD Praetor. The green stuff shield cast is a placeholder for something else, probably the dead CSM from Rowboat's base. I've decided I need to invest in actual sculpting tools now. I didn't think the green stuff looked that bad until I took these photos.Ā 








And then I've also made a start on converting the Lion into the 4th iteration of my Chapter Master...Ā :rolleyes: complete with Girlyman's sword. Just need to decide on a head for him as my non-primarch ones all look too small :facepalm:. I will finish the count as Ragnar soon, however I'll do that once I've got the sculpting tools.





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