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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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3 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

The group shot looks good. :smile: It's an interesting idea - kind of Space Marine Exodites :laugh:  (obviously, anything is made better by adding dragons :smile:)


I'll admit it's been hard resisting getting some of the bigger dragons to go with them. The general idea is that a scout has to slay a dragon-esque creature to earn their power armour, however those entering into the 8th company have to tame one as a knightly mount with the 8th company not being part of the standard marine's progression through the reserve companies.   


2 hours ago, Urauloth said:

Replacing the bikes with lizards was a good call. It's also completely fixed the ground clearance problem outriders have. :wink:


My current plan is to run them as count-as TWC when playing as Space Wolves or Ravenwing Black Knights with the plasma being their breath if I play them as Dark Angels so that I can use my Lion conversion.

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Love the dragon riders, I think they fit better for WYSIWYG as TWC, but the plasma breath idea is very clever!


Is your Chapter Master supposed to be a Primarch, or is he just an unusually big Marine? (With the big bases, I find it hard to tell exactly how much bigger the loyal Primarchs are than Primaris marines?) Great use of the lion, though, the knightly armour really suits your Chapter and I love the blue flame on the sword!

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On 8/30/2023 at 8:01 AM, Lysimachus said:

Love the dragon riders, I think they fit better for WYSIWYG as TWC, but the plasma breath idea is very clever!


Is your Chapter Master supposed to be a Primarch, or is he just an unusually big Marine? (With the big bases, I find it hard to tell exactly how much bigger the loyal Primarchs are than Primaris marines?) Great use of the lion, though, the knightly armour really suits your Chapter and I love the blue flame on the sword!


Neither was my intent to be honest, I just really liked the model and felt it would serve as a good base for my Chapter Master with the Lion's rules representing him as a great fighter just an added bonus if he actually made it to the tabletop.


Little bit more progress on him. Will be starting the base soon.






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What do you do when you like the idea of the Ballitus dreadnought but aren't keen on the model? You make a Mortis Redemptor of course!


I still need to find a missile launcher that I like for the top of it. I'm thinking maybe two, one on each shoulder kinda similar to the Storm Eagle's launchers. Annoyingly ran out of green stuff so this chap is now on hold until that arrives. I also have some armour plates from the Indomitus Outriders that may fit nicely over parts of the lascannons to hide some of the holes.




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10 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Dead shooty. I'm sure any Ork Mek would be proud :laugh: 


I think your idea for the missile launchers would work well :smile: 


Only select marines that develop a strange green skin pigmentation are allowed to be interred :laugh: I've settled on getting a set of typhoon missile launchers to use. I want something sizable but not overbearing like the Deredeo missile launcher.


So the Outrider side plates work like a charm clipped a little bit. Obviously needs a little cleaning up. Only downside is I seem to have thrown the other side plates away after cutting the legs off them for the TWC riders :wallbash:so off to ebay I go...


Now on a side note, I don't normally get hung up about what random people on the internet say however I'll never understand why someone thinks it's worth their time to comment "nice idea but the ammunition canister of the gatling gun doesn't fit very well in my opinion.". Again this wouldn't normally bother me and I'm happy to take someone's opinion even if it's different to mine, that's just how life is, but for them to then decide to follow up with a separate, condescending sounding, comment of "but well done anyway" just twigged a nerve somewhere :blink: Rant over :rolleyes: 



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Having to go to eBay for parts sounds frustrating - hopefully you can find them at a sensible price! :smile: 


15 hours ago, Knightsword said:

Now on a side note, I don't normally get hung up about what random people on the internet say however I'll never understand why someone thinks it's worth their time to comment "nice idea but the ammunition canister of the gatling gun doesn't fit very well in my opinion.". Again this wouldn't normally bother me and I'm happy to take someone's opinion even if it's different to mine, that's just how life is, but for them to then decide to follow up with a separate, condescending sounding, comment of "but well done anyway" just twigged a nerve somewhere :blink: Rant over :rolleyes: 

I'll be honest, I find it very difficult to know if people want their models to be critiqued or not (assuming they don't explicitly ask for it). Speaking generally, giving constructive feedback is hard, and there is absolutely an art to giving good feedback*, which is doubly-complicated by the fact that on the internet both the person giving and receiving said feedback may be typing/reading in their first, second, third or more language (and may even be using a translator program) - it quickly becomes a bit of a minefield!


* I have to review others' work as part of my work, so I get a lot of practice, but it still causes issues sometimes!

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1 hour ago, Grotsmasha said:

For a missile launcher, I think the little flat one from the Deimos kits would be PERFECT...


The skorpius turret kept coming up when searching for this and I was thinking that's too big! You're right, the havoc launcher would be perfect. Struggling to find any for sale though.


1 hour ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I'll be honest, I find it very difficult to know if people want their models to be critiqued or not (assuming they don't explicitly ask for it). Speaking generally, giving constructive feedback is hard, and there is absolutely an art to giving good feedback*, which is doubly-complicated by the fact that on the internet both the person giving and receiving said feedback may be typing/reading in their first, second, third or more language (and may even be using a translator program) - it quickly becomes a bit of a minefield!


* I have to review others' work as part of my work, so I get a lot of practice, but it still causes issues sometimes!


Minefield is definitely the right word. I usually work on the assumption that if someone wants c&c they will say so in their post. I agree there's an art to it but the way he's put it it doesn't contain the constructive element :laugh: 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that came earlier than expected :biggrin: I love how the havoc launchers look on the shoulders. My head canon is that the frag missiles launch from the havocs and the krak missiles launch from the icarus pod.


Just some minor cosmetic bits to add and tidy up and then this big ol' boi is ready for painting.


Got a fun concept for some count-as Hounds of Morkai and a Phobos Librarian but have to wait for the Company Heroes box to arrive next week to make a start.




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On 10/4/2023 at 9:35 AM, Brother Christopher said:

I'm digging the dreadnought. Great use of bits. The only slight critique I have are the ammo boxes - they seem to add a bit too much bulk. Then again, you need a place to store the power cells for the lascannons, right?


Once again: great concept and excellent execution.


Thanks man


Yeah they're supposed to be the power cells. I tried them on the back of the lascannons at one point but they didn't look right and I'm not good enough at making cables to have them be positioned on the back of the chassis like the Deredeo has them.

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  • 2 months later...

These chaps are my count-as Hounds of Morkai, the Knights Grimm or Grimm Swords. I'm going to get a box of Sword Brethren to add to these guys and a Phobos Librarian to combine with a Chaplain model.


"The Knights Grimm, also known as Grimm Swords, are an order of knights dedicated to seeking out and eradicating psykers on the battlefield. The members of the order are not psykers themselves but fall under the domain of the Librarius, often being lead by a Librarian. The Knights Grimm number almost as much as a full company of Battle-Brothers and exist almost as a shadow company hidden within the Chapter's organisation.


The Grimm Swords are armed with swords forged of silver and etched with runes designed to allow to carve through the psychic defences of their chosen foe. Their armour is  scrubbed of all Company and personal heraldry and painted black whilst their helms are adorned with a faceplate in the image of a skull, similar to those of the Reivers. Runes are also daubed on their armour that reduce the sound of their passage, further increasing their effectiveness in hunting their quarry.


It is not uncommon for members of the Knights Grimm to work alongside Black Templar crusades, with a number of them adopting the Templar's Sword Brethren practice of chaining their weapons to themselves."









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  • 8 months later...

I don't know where the past 8 months have gone but I didn't manage any hobby time during them, and now with the arrival of my secondborn when you'd think I'd have even less hobby time I've managed to get quite a bit in.


I have finally gotten round to trying out blue stuff and gone a little crazy making tiny sword molds for shoulder pads.









And also made some more progress on the count-as Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, adding a wolf pelt to cover up the awkwardness of the top of the cape and a back mounted shield. Just a little bit more to do on his greaves then he's ready for painting.







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Those moulds worked very well, didn't they? :smile: 


P.S. Congratulations on the miniature hobbyist-to-be :smile: 


They did indeed. I'm trying slightly bigger moulds of the full chapter symbol for vehicles now.


Thanks. My eldest has started taking an interest when I'm painting and asking for her own models too :biggrin:

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I completely forgot I had a Repulsor sat half painted. It's been untouched in a box since 2018.... Pretty sure this was a partly assembled and primed Ebay rescue, which would explain the gaps in a couple of places. Apparently 6 years ago I wasn't inclined to filling like I am now. 


Anyhow my new list requires a transport and since my hobby budget is currently hamstringed, it's now well on it's way to being finished.


I also need a Land Raider and have an extremely old, poorly assembled, abysmally painted, resin Prometheus that I may strip and try and swap out the sponsons for lascannons if it's feasible. If it's too much hassle I'll run it as a count-as Crusader. Or... go on a completely different tangent and get another rescue Repulsor and put sponsons on it to count-as a Land Raider!






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I've made progress on painting the Ballistus and TWC Lord but I'm not happy with the photos so those can wait. 


In the meantime here's what I've done with one of the Combat Patrol Terminator Captains, or should I say Chaplain. Used the same head as my other Chaplain so this the version of him when he dons Terminator armour.



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