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Knightsword's WIP Thread - Brutalis / Murderfang page 9


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On 7/19/2023 at 9:28 AM, Pearson73 said:

Fantastic conversion of the champion, looks straight out of the art!


Thanks! Looking at the back of it now, I'm not sure whether to fill in that gap on the back of cape. I know it's meant to be there but something about it looks off to me now.


On 7/19/2023 at 10:04 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Just a thought, but are you able to look into having/getting one 3D printed? That way you could just scale one to the correct size and print it. :smile: 


I found a spare bare Guilliman head so I've used that and may or may not try and do some green stuff hair.

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More updates! I think I've got the Ardent Swords Chapter Master to a point that I'm happy with now. A few extra purity seals and then the sorcerer from Shadowspear to decorate the base seemed to do the trick.





And then a bonus model. I was wondering what to do with the rest of the Guilliman sprue and then found that I had a spare Calgar sprue which I cannot remember buying. I also saw someone had stuck Jonson's head on Guilliman's body somewhere, so long story short, I now have the Chapter Master of the Shields of Dorn in Primarch scale. I just need to fashion some Roman/Greek style leather strips to hang from the groin, add some filigree to the fists, some power cables, and some ammo belts. 


If I play him as count-as Guilliman then I'm picturing the sword profile for melee attacks as him just walking towards his foe windmilling his fists around :laugh:







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I know this is just a minor thing but I've just realised that with how the ammo hoppers are facing that the ammo belts would actually feed the bullets in facing the wrong way :facepalm: This is going to annoy me forever now but I cba breaking it apart and swapping them round.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I hadn't quite realised how long it had been, but it turns out the last time I attempted a bit of painting was over 3 years ago... I was never the best painter but I'm really happy with how this is turning out so far and that the 3 year gap doesn't seem to have made me any worse :laugh:


Unfortunately about half my paints and inks did not survive the 3 year break and could not be revived with vigorous shaking.






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33 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

He looks good in that colour scheme :smile: 


Sorry to hear about your paints - the current style of GW pot is normally pretty good :sad: 

Not when it gets clogged wich it will if you use it alot then it's garunteed to dry out cuase all the gummed up paint makes sure it won't seal unless you are extra dilligent in cleaning that :cuss: out. Only GW paints I buy now are contrasts sick of trying to revive them when I can buy an equivelent that will stand the test of time in my paint bin and costs generally less money. Sorry angry rant I really hate those pots now I don't paint during the summer cuase it's too hot where I live so when fall comes I'm always looking at nearly 20 paints that are just dead and all my dropper paints are always fine.

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On 8/14/2023 at 8:26 AM, Brother Carpenter said:

I managed to revive quite some 10 yr old citadel paints with adding warm water to the crumbled paint. It never gets as good as it was, but it got me along.

Stick a few holes in the dried out top layer and if there is still some moist paint it usually works, only not with metallics.


I managed to make one of them usable again by trying this in the end, otherwise they're all as Otto says, thoroughly used and gummed up. 

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3 hours ago, OttoVonAwesome said:

Sorry angry rant I really hate those pots now I don't paint during the summer cause it's too hot where I live so when fall comes I'm always looking at nearly 20 paints that are just dead and all my dropper paints are always fine.

That sucks. :sad: It's not something I've experienced, but I could just have been lucky (or it could be because I grew up with the white flip-top GW paints do I'm used to dealing with lid muck). As you say, there are nice alternatives (e.g. Vallejo), some of which are more wallet-friendly, at least :smile: 

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Most of the revived paints were citadel with twist lid ( yes i'm that old)

Some are actually still good. A few of the newer flip lids have dried out on me as wel and were unsalvagable. Only if the paint is not yet dried but very thick will those revive.

Edited by Brother Carpenter
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Funnily enough it was the newer flip lids that died, but I do remember problems with the old screw tops as well (now I feel old).


It also turns out they were all my lighter shades so I can't do any highlighting until I replace them... :facepalm:


3 hours ago, Pearson73 said:

Wow, that cloak looks excellent!


Thanks. I'll be honest it's literally just the carroburg crimson wash over Khorne red. I did try to do more layers but didn't thin them enough and ruined it. I've then dumped more carroburg on top to hide/mute it. I think it's kind of helped (the shininess is due to the sun).


Dreading doing his face. And why are flames so damn hard to do?!?!





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Found the 2 partially made count-as Thunderwolf Cavalry models I'd made a start on whilst going through the final moving boxes we've yet to unpack a year and a half after moving. Also found the unopened box of Vandus Hammerhand that was to be the third, so I figured I'd quickly put him together. He'll either be the Pack Leader or I'll take him as a Wolf Lord on TW or Harald Deathwolf if I run him. 


It turns out that the bodies for the Indomitus Outriders fit almost perfectly with the saddled legs of the Dracoth models. The Lion's sword also fit really well on this guy.





Bonus group shot:


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My flgs has a really generous trade in scheme running at the moment so I shifted the necron and chaos halves of Indomitus and Shadowspear that I had lying around still. Got a silly amount of store credit and restocked my dead paints and got another box of Dracoths.


Quick preview. Got a bit carried away and assembled this one before realising I should have scraped the banner blank or greenstuffed over it before building :wallbash:Going to have to be super delicate with whatever I do to it now.



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1 hour ago, Wormwoods said:

You can probably clip, and then re-attach the banner after it's been cleaned off? You'll just have to be careful with it, maybe pin to maintain structure post re-attachment. 


Pinning is a good idea. It's already clipped just below the banner part and super glued back on as it's original angle on the pole had it flying directly in front the marine's face :laugh:

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Thanks Majkhel, it's nice to be back and hobbying again. You should definitely dig that project out!


Starting to plan a Canis Wolfborn count-as with the mount being the AoS Chaos Karkadrak to make it stand out a little. Also got a count-as Ballistus in the works, just waiting for some bits to arrive.


Ancient is assembled now, just trying to sculpt something on the banner but it's proving fiddly and very hard.






And started on the 5th Lancer.





Lastly, another bonus group shot.





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