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Nice conversion - that's a very chunky crozius they've got :smile: 


All the better to purge heretics with :laugh: pretty sure it's from the Betrayal at Calth box which means it would normally be on a little Mk3 marine which would make it look even bigger!



This is such a fun army. I love the conversions 


Thanks. I need to get a newer photo of everyone together in my actual army list. Got a load of bits coming soon to make a Repulsor Land Raider :biggrin:

Some quick wips of the count-as Lord on TW. I am questioning having the chequered quarters on the Company heraldry, that was not fun to paint, but I like the look of it.







  • 3 weeks later...

As is standard by now, I have gotten distracted with yet another idea. This time a count-as Murderfang made from a Brutalis. I wanted something unique and thought that arm blades would look really cool on a dreadnought. I have made a lot of progress painting the Thunderwolf Cavalry unit though and will post more of them soon.


Now admittedly this hasn't worked out as I'd initially planned. I didn't realise the "knuckles" on the fists stuck out so much which has meant I had to fit the bolter wrist parts in order to mount the blades so that they can reach over the knuckles. This has meant that they're protruding vertically from the wrist more than I'd like them to be. I'm going to persevere with this as the test fit didn't actually look too bad despite all this. I've got some bits from a Bloodthirster arriving to go on the base. The left hand will be holding the Bloodthirster's severed head which is why I haven't finished assembling it yet.


Is it a known problem that the Brutalis' arms do not rotate/lock into the sockets on the chasis per the instructions? Or have I just got a dud kit in that regard?



It's definitely and interesting idea, and a neat conversion.


I wonder if you can make the blades and cover protrude a little less by shaving the sights off the bolters?


It's definitely and interesting idea, and a neat conversion.


I wonder if you can make the blades and cover protrude a little less by shaving the sights off the bolters?


The sights are actually perfect for setting the cover on top of and the sword does fit neatly inbetween the sights, the problem is that doing this means the sword sits on the knuckle joint which points it up at an angle. I'd have to fully remove the knuckle which would look even weirder overall I feel. I've had a look at the wrist mounts and knuckles on the bits for the claws option too and would run into the same problem there as well, so I think this is best I'm going to get it.

Well that's turned out very well despite the annoyance of the wrist blades. This has quickly become one of my favourite minis, I just hope I don't butcher it when painting now...


Also feel like I'm getting better with sculpting. 



I think I've nearly set a new PB with the turnaround on this chap. Just some minor details and the base to finish. Wish I could be this efficient with my backlog for this army, that said after the new points dropping my army is now 2040 so that needs some rejigging.


Going with the Arthurian theme for names and lore he's going to be named Gaheris. I'll then name my planned Bjorn count-as Guerehet (I can't bring myself to use the english version and call a dreadnought Gareth!). In Arthurian lore they're brothers so I'll have their background be that they joined the Chapter together early in its history making them the eldest serving members. 



I like how the sword blades and the ichor came out. :smile: 


54 minutes ago, Knightsword said:

I can't bring myself to use the english version and call a dreadnought Gareth

Gary the Dread! :laugh: 

3 minutes ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I like how the sword blades and the ichor came out. :smile: 


Gary the Dread! :laugh: 


 The only dread in the village :laugh:

Edited by Knightsword
  • 2 weeks later...

Some progress on my count-as Bjorn Fell Handed. The plates on the chasis are from the Legio Imperialis/Titanicus Reaver. I'm either going to freehand or sculpt decorations on but haven't decided yet. Also learned some lessons from the twin lascannons I put on my Ballistus so this one has been downsized a little bit.



That's a neat idea for a kitbash, and the parts work well :smile: (also interesting to see the usage of Adeptus Titanicus parts - I wouldn't have thought of that!)

7 hours ago, Brother Carpenter said:

Bjorn looks promising.

Love the other builds. Really seeing your gs work and painting improve.

Very cool army and background!


Thanks man. Would you believe I've been doing all of the painting with just a big layer brush? Just ordered a new set so looking forward to being able to use finer brushes again.


4 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

That's a neat idea for a kitbash, and the parts work well :smile: (also interesting to see the usage of Adeptus Titanicus parts - I wouldn't have thought of that!)


They work pretty well. Originally I was trying to get knight armour plates but they're surprisingly hard to get hold of. 

12 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

I suppose a Reiver Titan is a knight, from a certain point of view. :tongue: :laugh: 


Either way, I think it works well :smile: 


True. I do really want to try turning a Warmaster titan into an Imperial Knight though... but that's a very far off project.

I rather stupidly had a coffee at 9pm on the way back from the inlaws and found myself still wired at 1am :facepalm: and so this happened. My third conversion using the Combat Patrol Terminator Captain. I have one more unused one to bash still.


I think this is also my fifth version of my Chapter Master now. I'll be running him as Logan Grimnar on the tabletop. If/when Leman Russ returns to 40k then I'll run my Lion el'Jonson conversion as him, but until then this guy will lead the Chapter. I recycled the arms from my third version of this character as I love Huron's pads and wasn't overly keen on the third attempt's end result. I also order another Fealty sword to use because it's just epic for characters. The storm bolter is magnetized so that I can swap it out for a big shield if desired. Obligatory dead Chaos Sorceror add for funsies.


I'll have some more progress shots of not-Bjorn soon too.



Not-Bjorn is coming along very nicely.


I've tried to smooth out the join between the Reaver Titan plates with green stuff so that the sculpted decorations (makes him sound like a Christmas tree :laugh:) don't bend inwards over the joints or need to be thicker in places. I think that's come out fairly well. I cheated a little and blue stuffed the Terminator Captain sword though. I tried sculpting a sword from scratch first and it wasn't pretty. I just feel like I need to decorate the fist with something.



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