Cordova Posted February 10, 2018 Author Share Posted February 10, 2018 (edited) Well, my hand is still mashed, so no painting. Thought I'd upload some already done models, so at least I have done something. I may need to dim my lighting a bit - I've just realised how the white edges have faded out. I may redo these - this is mainly to keep some momentum. I'll come back and add some lore to these guys later. Captain: The neophytes gathered around the hololith display, their plain grey robes blending almost seamlessly into the shadows of the briefing room. Quiet joking and conversation was cut short as another figure entered the darkened space. Taller and broader than the trainees, his chest was bare – revealing the plug points for a suit of power armour. Crossing his chest and across his stomach were lines of intricate tattoos – shapes that seemed to swirl and drift like smoke as the muscles under his skin moved. Without a word, the taller man glanced across the faces of the recruits. They nodded back in silence. Maintaining his silence, the sergeant clicked a switch on the hololith display – stepping back as a thin, greenish light played out. The tattoos on his skin seemed to respond – moving into ethereal shapes – phantoms of secrets seen on battlefields past. The neophytes stared hungrily at the unfolding vid-link in front of them. Blurry text rolled across the screen: Vid capture. Identification 102/11/44. Hydrellan Prime: Ref: Ysrak Fields Recovered: T/M Orphanc A flicker. The image cleared and righted itself. A disorientating swing of the feed revealed it to be footage from some form of body camera. Either shoulder or head mounted, judging from the relative height of the picture. The tattooed figure watched, his face impassive, as the neophytes’ eyes widened. Ysrak Fields was a glorious victory in their Chapter’s history. Their intervention had single-handedly cleared a renegade guard battalion from a series of manufactorums that had previous been ear-marked for orbital destruction. The image on the screen panned left and right as the operator scanned a room. The figures on the screen were clad in midnight blue fatigues – clutching soot-blackened lasguns to their chests. The neophytes regarded the perfect entry and egress as the squad on the screen moved through the manufactorum complex in perfect synchronisation. They were professional – not an amateur rabble. For three minutes, they moved in silence. Enter, clear, exit. Enter, clear, exit. All in perfect unison. The neophytes stood as statues, their eyes recording every detail – knowing how an enemy moved meant knowing how an enemy thought. That, in turn, meant knowing how best to hunt them. The squad on-screen came to a halt. They had reached a storage room. Three walls were solid plasteel, but the fourth was stacked with munitorum-stamped crates. With well-drilled discipline, the soldiers moved towards them. Then the world exploded. In the corner of the vid-feed, a shadow detached from the wall – a bulky shape that should not have been able to move so fast. Without focusing, the camera tracked the shape as it hurtled forwards. A brief blue flare behind the shape gave the impression of something exploding. The shadowy mass accelerated forwards – colliding with one of the midnight-clad soldiers. He was thrown into the crates – his body contorting and splitting in several points as the impact shattered and burst his flesh. Commendably, the other soldiers did not flinch – their rifles being drawn into firing positions. The shadow moved again. This time, another explosion and one of the soldier’s head and right arm evaporated in a burst that sent static across the screen. Three of the closest soldiers opened fire. It spattered off the shadowy figure as it moved again. Two of them died as the figure lunged at them – their arms and chests imploding as they were struck with incredible force. The third tried to run. Another flare of light and the shadow’s arm ignited into a flickering blue cone. Stepping forwards, it lashed out and the fleeing soldier fell – entirely bisected at the waist. The remaining soldiers began firing in panic as the figure moved. They all died. Brutal, short stabs of the blue blade cut most of them down, whilst staccato explosions rendered others into bloody pieces. The camera feed was flickering with heavy static as the ionised air interfered with its recording. The shadowy figure lashed out at the camera operator and, at last, came into focus. The neophytes’ jaws tightened as they fought the urge to exhale in surprise. The shirtless marine allowed himself a smile at this display of discipline. The figure on the screen was clad in the grey power armour of all the Dark Eagles, but there was no mistaking the blade and silhouette of the figure. Captain Algian. The cameoline patterns on his armour – unique as all Dark Eagles’ were - moved and danced in the video feed – obscuring the details of his armour and making it hard for the machine-spirit of the camera to track. Without any hesitation, the Captain lashed out the glowing blade – one brutal, under-handed punch that slew the soldier. As the camera operator dropped to the floor, the shadowy captain turned away. The blade faded into the shadows as its power field deactivated. There was no backwards glance, the figure simply moved towards the shadows at the end of the room and disappeared. The holo-lith screen fluttered a pale green and then died. The neophytes slowly turned their eyes towards the Sergeant, whose crossed arms contorted the tattoos across his body into even more abstract shapes. He watched them, a curious expression on his face. The neophytes muscles slowly relaxed – their bodies had been reacting to what they had seen, filling them with chemicals and stimulants as their adrenaline had spiked. One by one, they let themselves breath out as they waited for their instructions. The sergeant remained impassive as a voice – like a whisper – spoke from behind them. “Always remember, my little spearwa, that I am watching.” Librarian: Edited February 11, 2018 by Cordova SyNidus, duz_, Dracos and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted February 10, 2018 Share Posted February 10, 2018 Liking power sword effect and the urban commando look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted February 11, 2018 Author Share Posted February 11, 2018 Edited with some blurb for the Captain. Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 I managed some basic painting today - focusing on the Vanguard and the Inceptors. I have blocked out some basic colours - I'll try to take some photos tomorrow. In the meantime, here is an image of one of my Tactical Squads that I've just rebased onto 32mm. duz_, Race Bannon and NiceGuyAdi 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted February 18, 2018 Author Share Posted February 18, 2018 Some painting! I know barrels need drilling and all transfers/bases need doing, but this is progress: Inceptors: Vanguard Veterans with Chainswords: I will eventually upload all I have painted as well as the new stuff. The overall aim is to then put all of them with some fluff for each unit. - I'll probably do that by editing the first post later on...he says now... duz_, Race Bannon and Dracos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted March 4, 2018 Author Share Posted March 4, 2018 Got a bit more done... The magnetised Vanguard Lightning Claws. They still need transfers/basing to be tidied and then varnished...but progress is progress. Squad 1: Squad 2: Race Bannon and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted March 4, 2018 Share Posted March 4, 2018 Looks great! What grey is that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted March 4, 2018 Author Share Posted March 4, 2018 Army Painter Uniform Grey. Then a thin coat of Dawnstone. Looks great! What grey is that? Army Painter Uniform Grey to prime. Then Dawnstone over that. Followed up with a fairly heavy Nuln Oil wash. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted March 28, 2018 Author Share Posted March 28, 2018 Since the last update, I have been able to finish a Scout Squad but I just haven't had time to sort any decided that March was going to be evil. However, I was able to get a game in against an Eldar force. I took a few photos but here are two that particularly amuse me. My opponent had, I think, 4 Wave Serpents - which is just ridiculous, plus Hemlocks etc...Joy. However, he forgot/didn't realise the super sneakiness of StfS, hoping to wrap his Farseer and use 'Forewarned' to sort things out... This is how I dropped: (I don't know why it went sideways...) The Centurions are proxies for Aggressors - I thought I'd try them as I was facing, y'know, 4 Wave Serpents... Captain and some LC VV. The second LC VV are just sticking their feet in... I then proceeded to charge in (obviously)... This is what it then looked like... Squish. Pretty good game though - it got very tight towards the end. Raven Guard nicked it 7 - 4, thanks to a last minute objective grab. He was rolling hot too - Bladestorm was ruining me... Anyway, just a little update... W.A.Rorie, Race Bannon and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted March 31, 2018 Author Share Posted March 31, 2018 Apologies for double posting, but here are two updates from the stupid list... First is my second captain - he won me the game against the Eldar, charging across to force some Dire Avengers off the objective that would have drawn it. And one of my two Sniper Scout squads: As usual, they need basing and transfers etc, but that will be a batch job once all my painting is done... duz_ and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted April 8, 2018 Author Share Posted April 8, 2018 Managed to do a bit more. These two were partly done before and I have now got them up to at least basic colouring. They need bases, markings and transfers doing but I am steeling myself for a batch job... With the ETL around the corner, I'm gonna hold off and try to finish the rest for that... I also realised that I can't, apparently, do Maths and my lists have been about 30 points short - gonna try to rejig things for that. Captain the third: The sergeant for my Assault Marine Squad: Dracos, Dosjetka, W.A.Rorie and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted April 8, 2018 Share Posted April 8, 2018 Managed to do a bit more. .... With the ETL around the corner, I'm gonna hold off and try to finish the rest for that... Good call on the ETL strategery Brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 6, 2018 Author Share Posted May 6, 2018 painting due to time constraints as it's exam season. Taking some photos for ETL so will be on that ASAP. I did; however, get a game in against some Eldar. The list was mechanised (joy) and Alaitoc (joy). There were (from memory): 2 Ranger Squads that were to claim objectives, 2 Farseers, a Fire Prism, a Falcon with Dark Reapers in, 4 Wave Serpents full of Dire Avengers/Fire Dragons, a Hemlock and a big blob of Guardians in the Webway. (My list will be at the end). Being wise to SftS, he put all things in flying metal boxes, except Rangers who claimed some objectives and a Seer whose job was to get off forewarned if he could. We were playing Maelstrom: Spoils of War. He set up first but I went first (woop). He had deployed well to stop too much StfSing, but I squeezed in some Aggressors and my Captain in the back and the Hellblasters and VV in front of them. My priority was the Hemlock, as it is stupid. The Aggressors were able to get it down to 4 wounds, which I was pleased with. The Cap and the VV ruined the Rangers and Farseer on one of his home objectives. At this point, he made the choice that cost him. He flew the Hemlock out and killed a Dev Squad, but it died next turn to Plasma Tacs (good job it was wounded). He then shuffled too many things to focus on the VV and Aggressors but wasn't able to get them - meaning I took out a WS and then the Aggressors stayed with their Avengers for a couple of turns, squishing them. Because he castled himself, he let me gain a ridiculous lead on the Objectives - whilst he was able to rally at the end, he couldn't get enough models off each objective quickly enough. Most of the intervening turns were WS's moving up and around before eventually things jumped out - then a bit of shooting here and there, both of us having -1 to hit making it quite a fun little trade as each squad was in ruins. Long story short: Raven Guard 20 - 5 Eldar. My list and thoughts: + HQ +Captain [6 PL, 100pts]: Chainsword, Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Teeth of Terra For his points, mental. I gave him Iron Resolve and Teeth of Terra in response to a muppet I spoke to at a GW saying my grey coloured marines weren't Raven Guard so I couldn't use the relics. I just wanted, for my own amusement to see what would happen. ToT is indeed fun, and the Resolve kept him alive a turn longer than he should have been.Captain [5 PL, 77pts]: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgunCaptain [5 PL, 77pts]: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun They do their job, but I am thinking I want to squeeze something else in, but the reroll to 1s are so useful, especially with all the -1 around. + Troops +Scout Squad [6 PL, 65pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun3x Scout w/BoltgunScout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterScout Squad [6 PL, 65pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun3x Scout w/BoltgunScout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifleScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle I love Scouts.Tactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts]3x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasmaSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gunTactical Squad [5 PL, 93pts]3x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Combi-plasmaSpace Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma gun Constantly thinking I'll put some Primaris in, but these always do work. One squad downing the wounded Hemlock and holding up the Guardian blob, the other forcing some DA off an objective.+ Elites +Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher I don't need to say a lot.Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 150pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawVeteran Sergeant: 2x Lightning ClawVanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 150pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawVeteran Sergeant: 2x Lightning Claw Still finding bits of Eldar in their claws. + Fast Attack +Assault Squad [6 PL, 101pts]: Jump Pack2x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistolSpace Marine w/Special WeaponPlasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistolSpace Marine w/Special WeaponPlasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistolAssault Squad [6 PL, 101pts]: Jump Pack2x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistolSpace Marine w/Special WeaponPlasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistolSpace Marine w/Special WeaponPlasma Pistol & Chainsword: Plasma pistol I love these guys. Screened my backfield well then played interceptors to stop his Guardian blob claiming an objective. Plus, one of the Sergeants took hero juice before the match and killed the Fire Dragon Exarch, 3 guardians and then faced 7 DA shooting him before succumbing.Inceptor Squad [10 PL, 135pts]: Assault bolter, 2x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant Dropped in to Dakka some Rangers, they do a job.+ Heavy Support +Devastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts]Space Marine Sergeant: BoltgunSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonDevastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts]Space Marine Sergeant: BoltgunSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Neutered by Alaitoc, but always a threat, so they are a good bait unit - plus when they do hit, stuff dies.Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator4x HellblasterHellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol I love them. So yeah, there's an update. Any thoughts? Ideas? I know my list is short a bit, but I can't think what to add... duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted May 7, 2018 Share Posted May 7, 2018 I dig your list a lot. I especially like that you took two units of ASMs, two Units of Vanguard, and found both to be valued after-the-fact. My priority was the Hemlock, as it is stupid. This made me lol. Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 7, 2018 Author Share Posted May 7, 2018 They are, in my most humble of opinions, the stupidest things that the Pointy Ear Brigade ever invented. Flyers with a -3 to hit, and Smite, and that stupid gun? Seems reasonable. smbarne 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 21, 2018 Author Share Posted May 21, 2018 So, painting for the ETL is progressing. The Hellblasters are complete and scouts have basic colours blocked in.. I will, eventually post photos but that requires me finding my camera again... Anyway, in the meantime, I have been occupied with editing my lists. My 2000 point is pretty sorted but with the announcement that the GT is going to be 1750, I decided to see if I could squeeze in a Brigade... Here is what I ended up with: + HQ +Captain [6 PL, 121pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Raven's Fury, Thunder hammerCaptain [5 PL, 77pts]: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgunLieutenants [4 PL, 63pts]Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun+ Troops +Scout Squad [6 PL, 65pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun3x Scout w/BoltgunScout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterScout Squad [6 PL, 65pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun3x Scout w/BoltgunScout w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifleScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifleScout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Chainsword4x Scout w/Combat KnifeScout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Chainsword4x Scout w/Combat Knife+ Elites +Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade LauncherVanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 150pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawVeteran Sergeant: 2x Lightning ClawVanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 150pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawVeteran Sergeant: 2x Lightning Claw+ Fast Attack +Assault Squad [6 PL, 80pts]: Jump Pack4x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, ChainswordAssault Squad [6 PL, 80pts]: Jump Pack4x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, ChainswordAssault Squad [6 PL, 80pts]: Jump Pack4x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Chainsword+ Heavy Support +Devastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts]Space Marine Sergeant: BoltgunSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonDevastator Squad [8 PL, 105pts]Space Marine Sergeant: BoltgunSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Heavy bolterHellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator4x HellblasterHellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol This runs to 1737 points. I'm not too unhappy really, but I feel that the Scouts are over-represented. Still, the Jump Pack units and scouts keep it feeling Raven Guard-y... Plus the new HB Devastators give me something else to churn out mortal wounds from. Any thoughts on the list? duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 If the intent is competitive (to play at an upcoming GT), then I think you will find: 1) Scout bikes outperform Assault Marines, pound for pound, point for point. A unit of 3 with Shotguns (and Storm Bolter on Sergeant) is extreme dakka for 77 pts. 2) Aggressors are stronger when compared to Dual LC Vets, in regards to the Elite slot. I would swap at least one of these out. 3) I personally would go all Bolters on the scouts, or a 50/50 Mix of Bolters/Knives With the above points saved, I would leverage more points into damage dealers. Candidates would be: More aggressors, more Hellblasters, more Equipment on the second Captain If the intent is Fun 'n' Fluffy, then I would: Skim points off the scouts to then equip the Assault Squads (preferably with Plasma Pistols x 3) Overall: Admirable to cram a Space Marine brigade into 1750 for sure ;) Race Bannon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 22, 2018 Author Share Posted May 22, 2018 The intent is usually fun and fluffy. I like to try to win, but my preference is simply to play for fun. I may try some scout bikes though. My 2,000 point list has 3x Plasma on the ASM, but that gets a bit tricky with this squeeze... duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 Scouts and ASMs super fluffy! For 1 more HQ you can run dual battalions and have more SftS drops ;) :tu: Dracos and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 Scouts and ASMs super fluffy! For 1 more HQ you can run dual battalions and have more SftS drops Isn't a Brigade +12CP now? And dual Battalions +10CP? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 Thanks to Duz ... ;) “I resolve to add 3 Manticores and freaking Sly Marbo (conversion) as a 500 pt detachment for my Warhawks.” :D duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 Scouts and ASMs super fluffy! For 1 more HQ you can run dual battalions and have more SftS drops Isn't a Brigade +12CP now? And dual Battalions +10CP? My bad, thought it was a single Battalion not a single Brigade! nice work on making it fit! ;) Thanks to Duz ... “I resolve to add 3 Manticores and freaking Sly Marbo (conversion) as a 500 pt detachment for my Warhawks.” Haha, you're welcome? :D I'd go 2 basilisks + 1 manticore though ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 22, 2018 Share Posted May 22, 2018 Must have Sly but if i go Basilisk 4 could still make it in a 500 point detachement so good option to keep In mind :) duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 27, 2018 Author Share Posted May 27, 2018 Painting update! Hellblasters are painted up. The second sniper scout squad should be finished tomorrow... Dracos, Race Bannon and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cordova Posted May 30, 2018 Author Share Posted May 30, 2018 Two bits of painting in one week! By the Wings of Corax! Another Sniper Scout Squad: I have also been fiddling with lists. Although squeezing a Brigade into 1750 amuses me, it really isn't the best of ideas... My rules for the game are, largely, quite simple: 1) It needs to be fluffy 2) It needs to be mono-Codex (I like to stick to this to bite my thumb at a few mates who always used to rock up with 65 million Forgeworld books each, back in the day) 3) It needs to at least be marginally competitive - i.e. not tabled by Turn 3. So. I have been a-fiddling away and I have a new idea...thoughts? 2 Battalions this time, only loses me 2CP overall, but frees up some units... Battalion 1+ HQ +Lieutenants [4 PL, 63pts]Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgunLieutenants [4 PL, 63pts]Lieutenant: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun These pay my tax...would act as speed bumps in the rear, hanging around snipers and Devs.+ Troops +Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun4x Scout w/BoltgunScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifleScout Squad [6 PL, 75pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Sniper rifle4x Scout w/Sniper Rifle: 4x Sniper rifle Sniper Scouts are my friends, and they are fluffy. The lack of Heavy Bolter on the other squad pains me, as it is always so useful.+ Fast Attack +Scout Bike Squad [4 PL, 77pts]2x Scout Biker: 2x Twin boltgunScout Biker Sergeant: Storm bolter, Twin boltgun Purely for the Dakka, but I'm still not sold on them for my theme.+ Heavy Support +Devastator Squad [8 PL, 165pts]Space Marine Sergeant: BoltgunSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: LascannonSpace Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Lascannon Only 1 squad, because there are too many things out there that neuter them, but they are effective when against a more sensible (not Eldar) list.Battalion 2+ HQ +Captain [6 PL, 121pts]: Jump Pack, Plasma pistol, Thunder hammerCaptain [5 PL, 77pts]: Chainsword, Master-crafted boltgun Punch and Judy. One StfS in to hit things, one runs up to where needed.+ Troops +Scout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun4x Scout w/BoltgunScout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun4x Scout w/BoltgunScout Squad [6 PL, 55pts]Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun4x Scout w/Boltgun They're fluffy, sure, but a bit bland, I kinda want a Tac squad or something...+ Elites +Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade LauncherAggressor Squad [6 PL, 111pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher Obviously.Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 150pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawSpace Marine Veteran: 2x Lightning ClawVeteran Sergeant: 2x Lightning Claw All the fluffy goodness. Vanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 90pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordVeteran Sergeant: 2x ChainswordVanguard Veteran Squad [8 PL, 90pts]: Jump PackSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordSpace Marine Veteran: 2x ChainswordVeteran Sergeant: 2x Chainsword And herein lies a dilemma. The other option is one more squad of LC armed VV, which frees 30 points...which is 3 Heavy Bolters...+ Fast Attack +Assault Squad [6 PL, 87pts]: Jump Pack4x Space MarineSpace Marine Sergeant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol And dilemma the second. I love ASM. They are fluffy and work great as an interceptor. Even if it's to drop in to literally die the next turn, they hold a line...or lose them for something else...such as a VV with 2x Chainsword...+ Heavy Support +Hellblaster Squad [8 PL, 165pts]: Plasma incinerator4x HellblasterHellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol Because. -- So those are my ruminations. To be honest, I feel I'm getting close to a final plan, and the good news is, it may only need a few models purchasing...wallet, rejoice! Any thoughts? duz_ and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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