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  On 2/10/2018 at 10:09 AM, Morticon said:

First game vs BA!! :teehee::teehee:


Primaris heavy!!


Hometeam BA smashed ^_^ tabled him in 5th turn

Aaaand the MVP was the venator!!??

You know the song « I believe in miracles. Where are you from? You sexy thing»?, it’s about a techmarine’s forbidden affair with a venator machine spirit...

Edited by Are Verlo
  On 2/10/2018 at 10:25 AM, Are Verlo said:

it’s about a techmarine’s forbidden affair with a venator machine spirit...

No robo-love is forbidden to a Techmarine, in fact it's encouraged for them to stick their mechadendrites into any and everything they can and make sweet, sweet machine code all over the place...

Edited by Kallas

Awww, man.....i'm so so bleak guys. 

Completely screwed the pooch in the last game of the day vs. an exceptional IG list.  Was rushing and made 3 major, major mistakes that completely and quite literally cost me the game.  


We played Dominate and Destroy - and it ended 36-34 to him.  That's how close it was - and that's with me being a COMPLETE nob end.  Anyway, will fill you all in later. 


Irony was me forgetting to  (very, very easily) lock units in combat (two pivotal ones at pivotal times) and then shot overcharged inceptors at Pask who I had forgotten was at -1 to hit - so fried the whole squad  :( 

Bleh.  Hate beating myself ><;  

Anyway!! Solid, solid and tight game.  More detail soon.  

  On 2/10/2018 at 10:25 AM, Are Verlo said:


  On 2/10/2018 at 10:09 AM, Morticon said:

First game vs BA!! :teehee::teehee:

Primaris heavy!!

Hometeam BA smashed :happy.: tabled him in 5th turn

Aaaand the MVP was the venator!!??
You know the song « I believe in miracles. Where are you from? You sexy thing»?, it’s about a techmarine’s forbidden affair with a venator machine spirit...



MVP inceptors.  

  On 2/10/2018 at 7:10 PM, keeblerartillery said:

Did you run cpt smash with the inceptors for the re-rolls?


Almost always, except when I had one game in the bag, and used Wings of Fire to put them on Hellblaster clean up. 

Played Nigel in game 4 and wound up beating him, after a hairy first two/three turns! 

Then came up against an unreal stealer list on the top tables - and got thoroughly creamed.  Tabled in 5th I think.  Was a good player too,and possibly what I think is a perfect answer to my list.  He was the only player at thte tourney that won all his games though!! 


More on this later

Okay, so, not gonna give a detailed game by game breakdown. 

But, I will gladly answer any questions about armies opponents and tactics frater may have! Will be easier that way..


Overall observations:


1. I think i'd like a bigger DC - 10/12 men- I've said that before though, just dont know where id find the points. 

2. I've also said this before, but it was very rare that the assaulters got the buffs of characters. I think the Chaplain came into play for rerolls maybe once. In all the games. He was defs the weakest link. Would have been better off with another type of character.  

3.  The rapiers are excellent and worked well in my list, but if the enemy has non-los weapons, they go down super hard.  Biggest waste of time was the quad bolter that needed LOS and so was out in the open. 

4. Plasma-ceptors were great.  Phenomenal assassination unit.  I am likely to continue using them.  

5. Assault marines were not great at all.  Tied stuff up, and fulfilled a degree of purpose by contributing to engaging the enemy, but lacked any real teeth for major assaults. 

6. The venator was good- so good, im likely to try include him in many lists, but obviously took a lot of firepower and went down cheaply. 

7. Scouts were great at times, useless at others - i feel like every squad should have a have a special combat weapon though. Everytime they got in, i missed the weapon. They'd also do quite well in bigger squads, i feel, but i'm not sure how i'd work it.

8. Mephy and Captain were amazing every game.  Does what it says on the box.  

Side note, the IG Miner was a complete joke.  Most broken combo in the game -and soon to be nerfed somehow i'm SURE. 


Generated between 6 and 9 CP each game.   


(And only in one game did I not use all my CP).  


For 30 points, I think he's an auto-include for tournament lists 

All sounds about Right!


I did wonder what role the assault squad would fill without any real specials. Only 2 attacks each isn't enough for what you'd want to do with them.


Characters are so borked for assault armies this edition. Unless you are come out of a transport and super close they just don't work. Should certainly be a "lead the charge" rule where one character can link up with a unit for the purpose of charge rolls.

One challenge regarding characters with auras and assault/close combat units is the two conflicting goals: tri-locking and staying in the aura.


Tri-locking requires use of a good charge move, pile-in and consolidate. This will often pull/push our units out of the aura.


But is is possible to "deep stike"/JPA a character with a aura and a cc unit. If the unit makes it in to cc it is fairly easy to remain in range of the aura because:

you can attack at 1" range and if you are within 1" of a model that is within 1" of an enemy. With a 1.25" base you can leave one model in the charging unit to form a "second rank" and still keep the unit in range of the aura.


1" away from the enemy, 1 " cohrency and 2 1.25" bases gives you a chain that is 4.5" long. This will easily let you attack with the whole charging unit and still remain in range of a character that arrived from reserves 9.000000001" away from the nearest enemy model.

BUT the big issue is the inability to tri-lock and this can leave the character very exposed to enemy fire in the opponents turn.

  On 2/12/2018 at 8:47 AM, Morticon said:

Side note, the IG Miner was a complete joke. Most broken combo in the game -and soon to be nerfed somehow i'm SURE.


Generated between 6 and 9 CP each game.


(And only in one game did I not use all my CP).


For 30 points, I think he's an auto-include for tournament lists

Don’t say that! We get to have something nice for once, too!

  On 2/12/2018 at 10:58 AM, Are Verlo said:


1" away from the enemy, 1 " cohrency and 2 1.25" bases gives you a chain that is 4.5" long. This will easily let you attack with the whole charging unit and still remain in range of a character that arrived from reserves 9.000000001" away from the nearest enemy model.

Are - you literally just changed my whole design/build with one post. 

Priests and Chaplains are now worth weight in gold.  My mind is blown.  Really wish I had figured that out/heard it sooner. 

Great work, mate. 

  On 2/12/2018 at 11:27 AM, sfPanzer said:

I think we got plenty nice things lol

The CP Miner needs to be nerfed for sure. The easiest nerf would be to make him work like the Veritas Vitae I guess.

I umm just realized that I DID play it like the VV in my last game

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