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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Going to stand behind and left of Tyber on the "hatch" thing up 1 across 4, which puts Sabaan behind me.


Wait...not giving artillery co-ords am I? :unsure.:  Don't bunch!


I'll drop a Fate to bump me up Init order as well please GM.



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Atratus could also attempt to snipe any exposed operators for the autocannons


No objection here.  If he tops them, I'll switch to mobs.  Can't Solastion throw a crate at them? :wink:




If I indeed have a jump pack, I could possibly ram the truck in front of me into the autocannon truck >:-D

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Hey guys, I've got a question as it's not one I've really thought about as far as 40K warheads work...


For Frag missiles used with an Astartes Missile Launcher, are they set for impact triggers or time delayed? If they have a time delay, is it mechanical or computer controlled? if computer controlled can it be set for an air-burst?



This goes into the fact that Vorr has one, if we can set it for air-burst, he could launch a missiles over the AC carrier, have the round burst over the gunners and shred the gunnery team on the AC....

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Two last questions for this one, though I make no promises on that...



Time of day for this operation?


What kind of weather?



Mostly to help with crafting posts when we get into the action. :smile.:






Seems I've got a few more questions...


About Sargent Jor from Swordhand, everything I was able to find about his chapter (aside from colour and markings) was listed as "Unknown"... so Codex complaint, minor deviation or non-complaint?


What was Jor like? As I'm sure the machine spirit of his armour would likely share some of those qualities...


Did the purple shoulder with the white bird head get replaced by Tyber's Dragon shoulder plate?

Edited by Steel Company
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@ AT in that case I'll wait and see how your shots play out.


Hey guys, I've got a question as it's not one I've really thought about as far as 40K warheads work...


For Frag missiles used with an Astartes Missile Launcher, are they set for impact triggers or time delayed? If they have a time delay, is it mechanical or computer controlled? if computer controlled can it be set for an air-burst?



This goes into the fact that Vorr has one, if we can set it for air-burst, he could launch a missiles over the AC carrier, have the round burst over the gunners and shred the gunnery team on the AC....


I suppose he could air-burst, but that may be a test to set the timer accurately as it's more than just firing munitions - air-bursting frags are either Flak missiles (like a SAM) or dirty Tau weapons and therefore without honour.


To be honest, I wouldn't worry about it, any firing arc Vorr can get he can shoot pretty much straight onto target and get the bonuses from Blast.  It could be handled narratively as air-bursting, but that's merely flavour over basic mechanics, as no advantage is to be gained here.


If he couldn't see the target at all, I'd be a little more borderline.  You can still shoot through objects and the reactive mass cap of a Bolt shell doesn't go off, so you would assume a timer or override could be applied before firing to disregard normal procedure, but I personally would be back to doing something with it first...my preference a half action similar to "ready grenade".


My take, but Mol's call.



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Steel: Jor was deliberately undetailed, so that he could be filled in when needed. I imagine the Libators to be codex-compliant in the main. I don't believe his armour would share his qualities - in my mind, a Space Marine and his armour are two different entities that are forced to work in conjunction. When they work well, it's great, but I imagine there are Space Marines who are operating in spite of their armour, or having to work around the peculiarities of their machine spirits. That's the technological oddity of the 40k universe.


Of course, whatever thoughts Tyber might have about the Ultramarines' successors, I still imagine he would have a great regard for his wargear, even as he takes temporary custodianship of it. I imagine it would bear the insignia of the Dragons, as the shoulder pads can be swapped around.







I have updated - barring players spending Fate Points as Mazer has, the first round is ready to begin. Updates on Sunday!

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Cool, thanks for the info CM. So far I'm seeing the loaner armour working against Tyber in subtle ways, mostly irritating him with things like pop ups on the HUD stating "The Codex does not support this action." With it pulling up the relative section, or suggesting a course of action Tyber doesn't want to do.
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Hey A.T.,


My goal was to start in media res, in effect; my thought was that the Kill-Team has just breached into the manufactorum, and the Cultists have become aware of them in the last few moments...


If people haven't posted I will be updating on Wednesday to move things forward at an appropriate pace!

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