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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Noctus, just to be clear, I tend to use 5m squares on my maps. Is a half-action sufficient? Should I read your post to say that you are performing a 15m charge action?


Ah, my apologies. Yes a charge would be necessary then.


You didn't say anything about it so I'm going to assume that it would be a no on the righteous glory?

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Am working something out involving Squad Mode.


I call a bolter assault.

I then get to charge and blow stuff up.

Everyone else in Support range and Squad mode then also out of turn, gets to charge and blow stuff up.  (Which is just Apologist as of now)


From my reading, I also then get my Actions for the turn as the actual Bolter Assault is a Free Action and is paid for by the Cohesion Pool.  Then everyone else gets their Actions as normal in Init order as well.


Is this right? (I have never had a bolter assault in any game I've ever GM'd.  My players never used it or squad mode...)



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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That fits with my reading of it, as it works as a free action, but I've only had to deal with it once many years ago.





Refreshing my memory on it:



Page 219 core;  Squad actions (squad mode abilities in other words)


Many Squad Mode abilities allow Battle-Brothers to take Actions outside of their normal Turn, such as moving, shooting, or making close combat attacks. In all these cases, if a Battle-Brother takes a Squad Mode Action or benefits from one taken by another member of his Kill-team, he cannot benefit or take another Squad Mode Action until at least the start of his next Turn. Unless otherwise stated, all benefits of Squad Mode Abilities are Squad Actions.


Now my reading of that is, the use of a squad mode ability is defined in the ability, how ever what it does is in effect a hidden action type that doesn't come into play until activated... so as far as I understand it the order of operations for this would go:



Akkad's turn:

Activate Bolter assault (free action)

Draw weapon (free action for Astartes)

resolve Bolter Assault free action (free charge move and standard attack)

Akkad's standard action phase



However in the end it is upto CM on how he want's to deal with it, but as far as I understand the rules, combined with what I remember from the one time my guys actually used it, it is as I outlined out above.

Edited by Steel Company
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That fits with my reading of it, as it works as a free action, but I've only had to deal with it once many years ago.





Refreshing my memory on it:



Page 219 core;  Squad actions (squad mode abilities in other words)


Many Squad Mode abilities allow Battle-Brothers to take Actions outside of their normal Turn, such as moving, shooting, or making close combat attacks. In all these cases, if a Battle-Brother takes a Squad Mode Action or benefits from one taken by another member of his Kill-team, he cannot benefit or take another Squad Mode Action until at least the start of his next Turn. Unless otherwise stated, all benefits of Squad Mode Abilities are Squad Actions.


Now my reading of that is, the use of a squad mode ability is defined in the ability, how ever what it does is in effect a hidden action type that doesn't come into play until activated... so as far as I understand it the order of operations for this would go:



Akkad's turn:

Activate Bolter assault (free action)

Draw weapon (free action for Astartes)

resolve Bolter Assault free action (free charge move and standard attack)

Akkad's standard action phase



However in the end it is upto CM on how he want's to deal with it, but as far as I understand the rules, combined with what I remember from the one time my guys actually used it, it is as I outlined out above.


That was my take as well - I trawled the Deathwatch and other forums for the answers before I posted here, Ross Watson answered an email query with that as his intention, but like we say, what Mol decide goes round here ;) Hence my ask, not just fiat.



Fury, Noctus, Righteous Fury...:rolleyes:


My bad, I was on my phone and was only half paying attention. Don't you roll your eyes at me. :verymad:



If he rolls his eyes the scallywag, roll them back at him sir!  Not our fault his borrowed power armour trousers were too short and we can see his "Lion Loyal" socks! ;)



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That fits with my reading of it, as it works as a free action, but I've only had to deal with it once many years ago.





Refreshing my memory on it:



Page 219 core;  Squad actions (squad mode abilities in other words)


Many Squad Mode abilities allow Battle-Brothers to take Actions outside of their normal Turn, such as moving, shooting, or making close combat attacks. In all these cases, if a Battle-Brother takes a Squad Mode Action or benefits from one taken by another member of his Kill-team, he cannot benefit or take another Squad Mode Action until at least the start of his next Turn. Unless otherwise stated, all benefits of Squad Mode Abilities are Squad Actions.


Now my reading of that is, the use of a squad mode ability is defined in the ability, how ever what it does is in effect a hidden action type that doesn't come into play until activated... so as far as I understand it the order of operations for this would go:



Akkad's turn:

Activate Bolter assault (free action)

Draw weapon (free action for Astartes)

resolve Bolter Assault free action (free charge move and standard attack)

Akkad's standard action phase



However in the end it is upto CM on how he want's to deal with it, but as far as I understand the rules, combined with what I remember from the one time my guys actually used it, it is as I outlined out above.


That was my take as well - I trawled the Deathwatch and other forums for the answers before I posted here, Ross Watson answered an email query with that as his intention, but like we say, what Mol decide goes round here :wink: Hence my ask, not just fiat.



Fury, Noctus, Righteous Fury...:rolleyes:


My bad, I was on my phone and was only half paying attention. Don't you roll your eyes at me. :verymad:



If he rolls his eyes the scallywag, roll them back at him sir!  Not our fault his borrowed power armour trousers were too short and we can see his "Lion Loyal" socks! :wink:






Nice to see that my gut was right on that one...



As I've said before, I liked the Lion the best when he was much more ambiguous with his intentions at the end of the heresy.:yes:



Still I'm looking forward for the lore to go for a loop when he wakes up and joins in with the current timeline.... I think there might be a purge happen in the Dark Angels legion Chapter and the rest of the Unforgiven when he does and sees what happens.

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The errata says this:

When a chance for Righteous Fury occurs, the attacker re-rolls the Focus Power

Test using the same modifiers and power level as the original Focus Power

Test to use a psychic ability. If the original test was an Opposed Willpower

Test, the defender re-rolls Willpower using the same modifiers as the

original Opposed Willpower Test. The roll to confirm Righteous Fury

does not generate Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp.”

The thing is, Deathwatch training means that Righteous Fury is auto-confirmed. My understanding of the Righteous Fury rules on Page 5 of that errata is that rather than rolling the whole damage again, you simply add an additional D10. If you have an alternative reading I'd love to know, though.



Vaidan did do a bolter assault during the battle against the Broodlord in the first episode. This is on P9 of the Errata:

Question: If a Solo Mode or Squad Mode Ability allows a character to take a half-action or full action out of turn or as a free action, can the character still take his normal actions in turn?

Answer: Yes. For example, a Battle-Brother uses Bolter Assault to charge and shoot as a free action, he can then spend his regular full action to charge and attack with a melee weapon, or do any other full action or two half-actions.

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The errata says this:

When a chance for Righteous Fury occurs, the attacker re-rolls the Focus Power

Test using the same modifiers and power level as the original Focus Power

Test to use a psychic ability. If the original test was an Opposed Willpower

Test, the defender re-rolls Willpower using the same modifiers as the

original Opposed Willpower Test. The roll to confirm Righteous Fury

does not generate Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp.”

The thing is, Deathwatch training means that Righteous Fury is auto-confirmed. My understanding of the Righteous Fury rules on Page 5 of that errata is that rather than rolling the whole damage again, you simply add an additional D10. If you have an alternative reading I'd love to know, though.



This is such a weirdly explained rule... My understanding was different to the situation that because it was another opposed willpower check then it would incur the same results as before, aka 1d10 per DoS,  but I think that makes it way to easy to just continually explode damage over and over again with how many dice I might potentially roll at any given time. I like your version better.


Also having another look at that FAQ, I have to pick the level of my psychic attack. At first I didn't understand as to why this was the case but I understand now. On page 185, it says I add a bonus of 5 times the psy rating used to my test. Which means, if I did an unfettered test and got the same result, that would add 15 to my target number of 64, making it a 79, thus it would be 7DoS instead of 5. An unfettered test would still have added 10 to the target number and boost it to 6 DoS. Bloody Throne, if I had Pushed it would have give +30 to the test and I'd need a 94, even though it would automatically result in a Psychic Phenomena. 


Man, Psychic Powers are really powerful but they're a total pain in the ass to figure out how to use. :unsure.:


At the easiest possible route, Guillermo would do an additional 2 d10 of psychic damage 1 because of the addition DoS from the unfettered bonus, and 1 for Righteous Fury. Shall we just go with that, Mol, or would you rather just leave what we have as is and use what we've learned in the new turn? Your choice, sir.

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Sounds about right to me Noctus, Psykers are powerful in Deathwatch... at the same time they can be completely neutered by one talent, "Deny the Witch"...


make the will power test, psyker power doesn't work on you, even area effect ones... but AoE abilities can still effect everything around you.

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Sounds about right to me Noctus, Psykers are powerful in Deathwatch... at the same time they can be completely neutered by one talent, "Deny the Witch"...


make the will power test, psyker power doesn't work on you, even area effect ones... but AoE abilities can still effect everything around you.


Don't talk about Deny the Witch. You'll make me wish I had made a Black Templar character :cry:


I miss my Templars so much....

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Since there has been a teeny development and Akkad's actions have not yet been resolved, I would crave the GM's permission to change actions thusly:


Mol/GM Only:

Akkad will still use Bolter Assault.
He will use the charge move to cover Greysight, ending up shoulder to shoulder with the storm son, behind and to his left.
Akkad will use free standard atteck to lob Krak grenade at stealer 7
Akkad will FAB Stealer 6 with his own Action.
Akkad will curse the very ground the Genestealers spawn from and joke with Greysight and Tyber.



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CM, this turn Tyber is still going to change his solo mode to Codex Feat of Strength, this will cause him to drop to 8 in the stack order but grant him Unnatural Strength 3, meaning he only needs to land one hit to kill the abomination.


He will still use dodge to avoid the strongest hit and spend fate to heal / avoid being stunned. I would also like to invoke his demeanor to recover one fate point.


Anyways I'm off for the bulk of the day, as it is Mother's Day here in Canada, so my wife is in for some pampering.

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I deliberately didn't update through Akkad because I figured you would want to reallocate. Feel free to do so via a new post in the IC (delete your old one.)


Appreciated boss, I reckoned as much.  Posts have been updated etc as directed.



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I will mention now that, since we suddenly have a mass of High Agility, High Dodge Genestealers now in our midst, unless they have a special ability to do so, they can only ever dodge once per turn.


As such, Focus fire as much as you can because getting clawed at by 2 Genestealers is decidedly better than being clawed at by 3 Half-Health Genestealers.

Edited by Slips
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I will mention now that, since we suddenly have a mass of High Agility, High Dodge Genestealers now in our midst, unless they have a special ability to do so, they can only ever dodge once per turn.


As such, Focus fire as much as you can because getting clawed at by 2 Genestealers is decidedly better than being clawed at by 3 Half-Health Genestealers.


Agreed, but take nothing for granted, the damn Aberrants got Step Aside, these Stealers could have step aside and hard to hit.


There's like six of you guys that could benefit from free Bolter Assault stuff..?  Maybe like...kill stuff with it? :p



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