Dracos Posted May 14, 2020 Author Share Posted May 14, 2020 Here we go. Just about the first mini I bought coming back to the game. Committing to the Desert theme with the head piece from Puppetswar. The Warhawks are part of a Shadow War. The Shadow Council consist of Inquisitor Dracos of the Ordos Astartes, Lias Issodon, Corvin Kestrel: Master of the Warhawks and a select few in each Chapter. Primarily the Aggressor Sgts. The Warhawks never show their face after being indoctrinated into the Council, wearing either a helmet or keffiyeh at all times. This way no one besides the Warhawk Shadow Council members ever knows who the Chapter Master really is. The Corvin's blade is an old bit from my days playing Warhammer Fantasy, should make a nice Chapter Relic Lord Blackwood and W.A.Rorie 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5521133 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 21, 2020 Author Share Posted May 21, 2020 (edited) He's still a WIP, but I need to walk away from him for a while so at least he's tabletop ready. I can clean, detail and base later. I have a couple Invictors that need paint on them to bring my 2k list to full fruition. Edit: Needs clean up, another wash and drybrush. Then details like on the back of cape's tips and based properly finished. If I can get the Invictors done by mid-June I hope to have the bases desert themed by July. I'll keep going back to detail things in the army after that. I've actually started looking at other model lines to start a second army later this summer but it needs to be a model line that inspires me the way the Primaris models do ... if only they had truescale Cadians Edited May 29, 2020 by Dracos Lord Blackwood, duz_ and W.A.Rorie 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5525159 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted May 22, 2020 Share Posted May 22, 2020 I dig the sword. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5525226 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted May 22, 2020 Share Posted May 22, 2020 Wicked Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5525425 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 23, 2020 Author Share Posted May 23, 2020 Thanks. I thought the old Slayer of Kings bit would make for a fine Burning Blade. Not like I'll be playing with Archaon any time soon.  Started looking at Invictor Warsuit videos this evening. Looks like three sprues packed with pieces that are going to take some time to paint and build in a very specific order. I've never magnetized anything but I just might give the Cannon Arm weapons a go. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5525822 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted May 25, 2020 Share Posted May 25, 2020 Fairly easy to magnetise the warsuit Finished my first warsuit :D Already a good chunk through my second too :) Thanks to seridales advice and the struggle of my friend trying to do it an alternate way was able to easily magnetise the arms. Might even use the same method on my 2nd redemptor. Here's a quick break down of how I did it. The one thing which a picture couldn't show was that I used the original hollow pins as a guide to drill a pilot hole before shaving them off (which is what the first pic is) from there it's just placing magnets. I used 3mm magnets which required the gun slots to be slightly drilled out the next sized down in imperial might have fit without drilling Dracos and W.A.Rorie 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5529144 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted May 29, 2020 Author Share Posted May 29, 2020 This the beginning of hopefully my coolest and likely least to be used conversion yet. I present to you the beginnings of .... .... Phobos Apothecary duz_, Kouran and W.A.Rorie 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5532126 Share on other sites More sharing options...
W.A.Rorie Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 Oh man that’s sweet so far Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5532147 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted May 30, 2020 Share Posted May 30, 2020 Magnets are very straightforward if you take your time and do a little planning. Â Also I like the akimbo narthecium you have going on there. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5532176 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted June 4, 2020 Author Share Posted June 4, 2020 (edited) I have "Doc" about half painted after today. I'm mostly pleased with the conversion. I oops-ed on building a particular joint but I think I can hide it with the addition of a bit *grumble* we'll see. Since the Warhawks are a Reasonable/Rational style of Marine force in my mind, I used real world medics as the basis for my paint scheme ... mostly - it is 40k afterall lol. Anyway I'm excited and it gives me excuse to put off building the Invictors. Kind of daunting set of sprues yeesh.   Blowing off steam  I'm kind of bummed at the moment. Not even the nerfing of the original Strike from the Shadows set me a kilter like the things I'm seeing hinted at for 9th. I don't think a lot of what I've seen bodes well for the flavor of the Raven Guard. I hope I'm wrong. I hope GW realized how the +/-1 cap effects the RG Chapter Trait. I hope they realized that opening up reserve deployment abilities waters down the RG (and WS) stratagems. I hope.  I am excited that terrain looks like it might be a player in the game now. I hope Raven Guard (and GSC) are tweaked that our flavor is enhanced here where elsewhere it was weakened. I hope.  I was "this" close to having my 2k painted up ... and now with point increases I hope I can field my army with the increases so that it plays how I envisioned. I hope.  Covid + 9e = a very tired soul ....   PS: I don't plan on playing Aeronautica ... but if they release Xiphons and an Overlord, I won't be able to help myself. They would be a must have just as models to represent how the Warhawks arrive in the battlezone  Thanks for the rant  Edited June 4, 2020 by Dracos W.A.Rorie 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5535049 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted June 10, 2020 Author Share Posted June 10, 2020 Just reminding myself I need to come back and finish this guy up. I think I want to start in on the Invictors now though. duz_, W.A.Rorie and Lord Blackwood 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5538715 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted June 19, 2020 Author Share Posted June 19, 2020 (edited) *Just random thoughts that I need to get off my chest*   I need to paint the base but I'll post "Doc" pics this weekend.  Between the awesome looks of the Launch Box and the hints of where 9e is going I've been froze with how to proceed. Been contemplating jumping ship to build a Crusade themed assault oriented army (ugh starting over) and feeling half "my" old stuff if going to get shelved, and I need to rebuild. Depressing from a cost and time position.   If I stick with the Warhawks I also feel I might be trying to rebuild my 10 Aggressors. The original sculpts have grown on me and with way things are looking I might be doubling down on my Inceptors. Part of me really just wants to paint new color schemes, but that's probably at least a bit because I can't play with what I have right now and want to PLAY SO BAD.  Last night I puled the trigger on a good deal for the Inceptors 25 bucks for 3 (x2) for Dark Imperium models. So, decision reluctantly made Warhawks it is. This means I likely won't be buying the Launch set as the only things I feel I must have are the Assault Intercessors (maybe Outriders and Eradictors?). I'll wait and see how the all the units really perform and if they have a place in my playstyle for 9e. I have a strange feeling I'll be selling the Aggressor conversions though. I love the power fist but if can get a Thunder Hammer on my Assault Intercessor and Outrider Sgts I think I'll miss them less.  Same as the Aggressors I'll be looking at selling my most characters. I love the Gravis Captain, Phobos Lieutenant, and while I don't plan on using him I'm proud of the Apothecary (I promise pics) but the Chaplain, Librarian and Grav Lieutenant not so much. 3 up 3 down could be worse. Smash Captains gonna go to. Good idea but poor execution on my part. 9e I'll be keeping the 3 winners and rebuild 2 Chaplains and adding the Judicar. I don't know what he does but it's too good looking not to paint him up . . . and here is where I get in trouble because I haven't seen the rules but I'm guessing that the Bladeguard Captain is going to be as better than the Grav-Captain in melee  If I get the Blade Guard Captain, I have to get the Blade Guard right? which leaves what out of thr Launch box that I said I wasn't going to get ... uh nothing but the Standard Bearer I think .... argh lol.  I do have Inceptors incoming though ... maybe it I convert the short barrels so they're look chunkier I won't need the front plates and then ..... Edited June 22, 2020 by Dracos Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5545301 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted July 30, 2020 Author Share Posted July 30, 2020 These are my Warhawks. 1780ish points plus HQ choices. I need to mount the second group of Inceptors and tons of details to do eventually (sand, scrub grass etc). I have Shrike, a Xiphon, 2 Invictors, TWO boxes of Indomitus Marines, and about $350 dollars in store credit at Diceheadgames for materials I've traded in. I'm at a crossroads, on whether to use them to add variety to the Warhawks ... or to start a new Chapter. On one hand I really like playing with my Aggressors and Invictors, and on the other a new paint scheme is really enticing me to try something new. The Indomitus Marines aren't exactly my normal playstyle though. Gorgeous models but assault? Me? This should be interesting next couple months until the new Codex comes out. I don't want to paint models I already have painted either. I'm strongly contemplating using the trade value to pick up a couple Stormtalons and Gladiator tanks. Then support them with the Indomitus Infantry. Not sure yet. duz_ and W.A.Rorie 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5575022 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted August 30, 2020 Author Share Posted August 30, 2020 My path has been set right again. After testing some red/blue color schemes, I've decided to march forward with adding the Indomitus box sets to my Warhawks. I am particularly interested to add the Outriders at some point but first ....  I an going to get Chapter Master Kestrel <Shrike> table ready by end of the week. I am replacing the shoulder pads with some pauldrons from a Reiver box and in process of making decision on what to do with the head. The beakie helmet is an option but I'm looking more at a Reiver or Infiltrator head. Not sure yet. I'll post as I progress. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5594150 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted August 31, 2020 Author Share Posted August 31, 2020 (edited) So I have been invited to a team tournament at the last minute. I came up with this lost meaning I have 17-19 models to get table ready in less than two weeks. Time to power through some models. This is going to get ugly.   ++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [53 PL, 955pts, 10CP] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)  + HQ + Kayvaan Shrike  + Troops + 5 Infiltrator Squad 5 Infiltrator Squad  + Fast Attack + 5 Inceptor Squad: Assault bolter x2 5 Inceptor Squad: Assault bolter x2  + Heavy Support + 3 Eliminator Squad: Bolt Sniper Rifle 3 Eliminator Squad: Bolt Sniper Rifle   ++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [55 PL, 1,045pts, -1CP] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard  + HQ + Captain Kestrel: Jump Pack, Master-Crafted Weapon, Storm shield, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, Swift and Deadly, The Imperium's Sword, Thunder hammer, Warlord  + Troops + 5 Assault Intercessor Squad 5 Assault Intercessor Squad 5 Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 100pts]: Bolt rifle  + Elites + 4 Aggressor Squad: Boltstorm Gauntlets 4 Aggressor Squad: Boltstorm Gauntlets  + Heavy Support + 3 Eradicator Squad 3 Eradicator Squad  ++ Total: [108 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++ I really felt I needed Eradicators for some high strength shots and like the Aggressors they are perfect for SftS. That’s 4 CP mind you but using Strats in game is still a weakness of mine so burning them pre-game is okay at my development right now. I usually have 5 Aggressors in each squad for durability but I’m feeling the need for a backfield ObSec unit to babysit with the Eliminators to block out others reserves. This has led me to having to build to Assault Intercessors as support for the Infiltrators. They save me just enough points I can bring the Smash Captain out of retirement.  Captain Kestrel and Shrike will start on board usually. They’re fast enough that I should be able to hide them T1 if needed and jump out to buff the Aggresors/Inceptors and/or Eradicators as needed. I can actually have all six Gravis units in reserve to start the game after taking a couple Aggressors out. They come to a cool 1000 points total for the six units. Edited August 31, 2020 by Dracos Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5594406 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thewarriorhunter Posted August 31, 2020 Share Posted August 31, 2020 Looks mean. A 2k list for a Team event.... are you not playing with a teammate at the same time? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5594447 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 1, 2020 Author Share Posted September 1, 2020         All the emotions I went through today after finding out the impromptu team had signed up a Dark Angel player before I got off work. Its a team the organizer needs to get things even so .... I might be playing (or not) .... and if I am playing it looks like a Imperial Knight army.  I was looking forward to taking the Warhawks out for a real drive. I liked this list a lot. I'll just consider this good experience though and give me a couple games with something totally new. I actually am looking to add a couple Gladiators and Stormtalons for funsies after October - not relevant bt something to look forward to. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5594584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 3, 2020 Author Share Posted September 3, 2020 (edited) So .... while I’m reading up on Imperial Knights and GT Missions so I don’t embarrass my self at the Circle City team tournament .... I payed down a coat of colored primer on Kestrel <Shrike> and 3 sprues of Assault Intercessors last night. I was going to do the 6 Eradicators but after looking at the sprue, decided I’d need to attack those guys differently.  The Assault Intercessors could be clipped and turned into a box set of their own easy peasy. The other stuff might be a while before we see separate box sets. Makes me glad I bought the 2nd Indomitus box   I’m kinda upset with myself I didn’t set aside an Infiltrator head for a swap on Shrike. I could use the comm looking guy but it’s kinda bulky. An Intercessors head could work since it’s not exactly Phobos armor. Think I’ll check if the bit sites are in stock Edited September 3, 2020 by Dracos Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5595722 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 7, 2020 Author Share Posted September 7, 2020 I did some more painting on the sprue for my Assault Intercessors and Shrike model today. Also put in a bits order for 10 Infiltrator heads. I'll use one for Shrike and the others I'm thinking of popping the heads off my Intercessor Sgts. Either way I'll have a beaky head off Shrikes belt if anyone could use it hit me up. Â Hopefully points don't go up on anything come the new Codex. Once they release the Outrider Chaplain I can replace the Smash Captain with a proper Primaris model. That is if the Look Out Sir role applies to a Bike Chappie when they're running with Inceptors, if not might look another direction on the second HQ. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5597230 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 19, 2020 Author Share Posted September 19, 2020 Work to do, used too much glue in assembly. Ankle claws did nit like being repositioned, I should have looked closer though would have been easy to make ... easier lol thewarriorhunter, duz_ and Alcyon 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5604610 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Looking awesome, I love the headswap. Simple but effective. I'll have to do one myself one of these days... Maybe one of the spare heads from the Invictor box. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5605037 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 24, 2020 Author Share Posted September 24, 2020 Reluctantly I traded the 6 Outriders from my Indomitus sets today. Great models and probably effective in another army, especially if the sgt gets armory access. For me though their footprint is too big and I just prefer Inceptors to Outriders. In return I received 3 Blade Guard and 3 Eradicators. That gives me 9 each of those.  I'm hoping/expecting Blade Guard become 3 - 6 and while I have the same hope for Eradicators I don't expect it. Even with the wounds and storm shield Blade Guard lack durability as a 3 man unit, and unlike the Eradicators they don't hit hard enough, fast enough to have the same glass cannon value that makes them worth running 3 strong.   Now if I could figure out what to do with the Blade Guard Ancient. I just plain do not like banner bearers. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5606463 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow Captain Vyper Posted October 14, 2020 Share Posted October 14, 2020 I came across this and thought of you: Â http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/366982-primaris-helbrecht-rumour/?p=5616233 Â Maybe you could use the BGA as a conversion basis for your 10th BGV to get two units of 5 like we talked about in the other thread? If you can find another suitable storm shield, you can easily fit that on the left hand as well. Alcyon and Dracos 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5617642 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted October 15, 2020 Author Share Posted October 15, 2020 That's cool but I bit the bullet and hit eBay to pick up my 10th Eradicator and I'm using two BG Lt's as the Sgts for my Bladeguard. I'll probably use a couple of the AI heavy bolt pistols for the Sgts unless those Volkite pistols are point effective. Shadow Captain Vyper 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5617880 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted October 31, 2020 Author Share Posted October 31, 2020 (edited) My Codex arrived and BattleScribe updated on the same day. Happy days.Now to workI’ve been playing with a list I designed to work in 8e. It’s had good success for most part so far in 9e. I bought two boxes of Indomitus and you can be sure I plan on using them in this edition. I’m all about the infantry so I traded 6 of my Outriders () and in return received 3 Eradicators and 3 BladeGuard. Remember this is the first adaptation. Points are so tight. Gravis is so good.So that’s 21 models I need painted to put this list on the table top. Started on half the Bladeguard and Eradicators. I’ll slowly swap out my current Aggressors and Eliminators as I slide these in as painting progresses. So trial games in near future will be sub optimal but I’ll never complain about fielding Boltstorm Aggressors. The Incursors, Assault Intercessors and Bladeguard are designed to attack and hold the midfield in two waves. The Inceptors and Eradicators are a strike team. Inceptors protecting the Eradicators from anything except ultra-heavy Infantry in which case the roles reverse. Shrike was originally for the Plasma Inceptors. His claws need updates on the number of attacks but he’s so cost effective for his mobility and buffs.   ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [111 PL, 11CP, 1,995pts] ++  **Chapter Selection**: Warhawks <Raven Guard>  Battle Size [12CP]: Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)  + Stratagems +   + HQ + Korvaan Kestrel <Kayvaan Shrike> [7 PL, 135pts]  Primaris Lieutenant: Warlord, Master of Ambush, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, Swift and Deadly, The Vox Espiritum, Neo-volkite pistol, Master-crafter power sword and Storm Shield   + Troops + 5 Incursors: Occulus Bolt Carbine 5 Incursors: Occulus Bolt Carbine  5 Intercessors: Bolt rifle 5 Intercessors: Bolt rifle  + Elites + 5 Aggressors: Flamestorm Gauntlets 5 Bladeguard Veterans: Sgt: Neo-volkite pistol 5 Bladeguard Veterans: Sgt: Neo-volkite pistol  + Fast Attack + 5 Inceptors: Assault bolter x2 5 Inceptors: Assault bolter x2  + Heavy Support + 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle  ++ Total: [111 PL, 11CP, 1,995pts] ++  I had to replace the Plasma Inceptors and Flamestorm Aggressors I had been wanting to center the army around, but this is a more competitive list because it game me the points to have 4 + 1 ObSec units to collect Primary VP while using a mutli-prong set of attacks with the 3 wound units to scare the crap out of the opposition. 2 CP (x2 = -4 total) will usuallly but not always be allotted to the Bladeguard for Infiltrators and Strike from the Shadows for the Eradicators. I don't think it will but I really hope this Primaris Lt build stays legal and the master-crafted power sword for the Intercessor Sgt works correctly. Edited November 2, 2020 by Dracos duz_ and Alcyon 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344299-primaris-chapter-warhawks-news-and-events/page/8/#findComment-5625305 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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