Alcyon Posted October 31, 2020 Share Posted October 31, 2020 Don't see why that ability stack wouldn't be legal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted November 2, 2020 Author Share Posted November 2, 2020 (edited) ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [112 PL, 11CP, 2,000 pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Warhawks <Raven Guard> + HQ + Korvaan Kestrel <Kayvaan Shrike> Primaris Lieutenant: Warlord, Master of Ambush, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, Swift and Deadly, The Vox Espiritum, Neo-volkite pistol, master-crafted power sword and storm shield + Troops + 5 Incursors: 5 Incursors: 5 Assault Intercessors 5 Assault Intercessors + Elites + 5 Boltstorm Aggressors 5 Bladeguard Veterans 5 Bladeguard Veterans + Fast Attack + 5 Inceptors: Assault bolter x2 5 Inceptors: Assault bolter x2 + Heavy Support + 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle ++ Total: [112 PL, 11CP, 2,000 pts] ++ I've altered my list slightly since last page. I played a game against Guard today with my 8e list and we were talking and my PL in Reserve was over by 2 with Shrike, Inceptors, and Aggressors. I would be have the same problem with the 9e list. I really like the Assault Intercessor models. Raven Guard just seem to get more out of good maneuver, fire, and surgical assault. When they hit the table these Bladeguard better show some work or I'll just replace them with Boltstorm Aggressors again. Durability is important but hitting like a hammer is just a notch more so. I'll post a battle summary of the fight with the Guard with a few pictures over next couple days. Edited November 17, 2020 by Dracos Alcyon and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted November 2, 2020 Share Posted November 2, 2020 I love the all-infantry focus, I think you could stand to run a couple vehicles (more than 2 gives a solid incentive to Bring It Down) specifically maybe an Invictor and a Redemptor. The former is great for supporting units like Incursors, providing a ton of anti-infantry firepower and serious melee punch - making your forward troops more survivable while you bring everything else up in support. And then the Redemptor can do some handy stuff like giving a re-roll 1s aura to the Eradicators while adding a ton of firepower, either anti-horde (though you have that with the Boltceptors) or 3 damage plasma. The latter is so good now with Duty Eternal baked in. Not surprised the Assault Intercessors aren't making much of a dent, I agree I think they're mostly confined to BA and successors. How are you deploying the Bladeguard other than one squad with MoA? Infiltrators? Looking forward to reading the batrep! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted December 11, 2020 Author Share Posted December 11, 2020 These guys all still need work but they have paint and with all that's going on lucky to have done this. I wamt to get the 10 Eradicators nest and hopefully a Outrider Chaplain and squad of 5 Heavy Intercessors and I'll be done painting Marines for a while except to raise the standard of what I will have painted. Will be playing my Warhawks but largely painting Nids. Wow some really not great pictures. I wonder if it has to do with taking them on my Incursion game mat? I'm always amazed at how the Golden Aquilas blend into the Desert Yellow armor. librisrouge, duz_ and XeonDragon 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XeonDragon Posted December 14, 2020 Share Posted December 14, 2020 Is that skeleton horde over wraithbone base? (cool colour scheme regardless!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted December 17, 2020 Author Share Posted December 17, 2020 (edited) XeonDragon @ models are Army Painter Desert Yellow and Army Green. Eventually with an Agrax Earthshade and a drybrush later. The bases are Monster Brown with an Agrax Earthshade wash and Skeleton Bone drybrush. I’ll be using sand a wash and a drybrush on most the other models eventually.Had a 2k game against a White Scar player trying out a new list and a 1k of the Sisters of the Rose after that. I’ll post some pictures and a better summary in my Battle Reports plog later this week.I discovered (against WS) I have a lot to learn in getting use out of Bladeguard. Lost 10 of them by letting them get charged. 10 Assault Intercessors against one and 10 Thunder Hammer Terminators and a Captain against the other. Good news is my 10 Assault Intercessors T1 charged 3 Invaders and killed them dead. Also we’re still good at killing characters. Apothecary can’t revive anyone if he’s dead.I tried Bolter Fusillade today in both games. My opponent is looking to change to Valor over Rose after getting dakked to death T1. I pumped the breaks after the first turn. He was trying Sisters out for the first time and I made sure not to kill anything until he ahead one turn to use each different type of unit.More details soon. ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [110 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard + HQ + Kayvaan Shrike Primaris Chaplain: 3. Exhortation of Rage, Benediction of Fury, Litany of Hate, Master of Ambush, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, Swift and Deadly, Warlord + Troops + 10 Assault Intercessor Squad 5 Incursor Squad 5 Incursor Squad + Elites + 5 Boltstorm Aggressor Squad 5 Boltstorm Aggressor Squad 5 Bladeguard Veteran Squad 5 Bladeguard Veteran Squad + Fast Attack + 5 Bolter Inceptor Squad 5 Bolter Inceptor Squad + Heavy Support + 3 Eliminator Squad 3 Eliminator Squad ++ Total: [110 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ Edited December 23, 2020 by Dracos Alcyon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 4, 2021 Author Share Posted January 4, 2021 (edited) I’ve been gaming table top about once twice a week during December and had my best game (and by best I mean quality player and person) this weekend. I’ll post a summary of our battle in my other thread. He was list testing the Silent King. The thing’s a beast but game really helped me decide on the last tweaks of my competitive list. I’ll have to proxy the Heavy Intercessors until they come out but for “reasons” (ie I insist on playing only with a Primaris infantry), this list is tested and about as good as it gets. I’m going to start looking for more hardcore list/players to keep testing it with but so far it hasn’t had issues except against a White Scar list/player that I made major mistakes in use of the Bladeguard and still I came out on top. It’s a list tailored to my play style and I wouldn’t consider it a net list even though some elements of the marine-meta are in it. It’s mostly same stuff I was using in 8th. I am not using the Flamestorm version of Aggressors or the Plasma version of Inceptors because A: I prefer the range and number of shots the Boltstorm Gauntlets have and B: plasma is great but even with Shrike I’m not a fan of self-immolation and in T2/3 the Assault Bolters are AP2 which has proven to melt even T8 with sheer number of shots. I have been getting a fair amount of reps considering the environment though and that has helped seeing the pieces work in different missions vs different opponents. ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [110 PL, 2,000pts, 11CP] ++ **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) + HQ + Kayvaan Shrike Primaris Chaplain: Exhortation of Rage, Mantra of Strength, Benediction of Fury, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Master of Ambush, Stratagem: Master of the Trifold Path, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord + Troops + 5 man Heavy Bolt Rifle Intercessor Squad 5 man Incursor Squad 5 man Incursor Squad + Elites + 5 man Boltstorm Gauntlet Aggressor Squad 5 man Boltstorm Gauntlet Aggressor Squad 5 man Bladeguard Veteran Squad + Fast Attack + 5 man Assault Bolter Inceptor Squad 5 man Assault Bolter Inceptor Squad + Heavy Support + 3 man Bolter Sniper Rifle Eliminator Squad 3 man Bolter Sniper Rifle Eliminator Squad 5 man Eradicator Squad ++ Total: [110 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ My only tweak after this is further testing it with standard Raven Guard or swap Shrike and go with a Successor Chapter set of Tactics of Bolter Fusillades and Whirlwind of Rage. The Successor are nasty and not negated by my opponents actions as the RG tactics can be. Shrikes a nice package though so .... a bit more testing is in order but the units ar pretty set in stone at this point for various reasons. Primarily that of being tailored to take in VP :) Edited January 4, 2021 by Dracos Alcyon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 8, 2021 Author Share Posted January 8, 2021 I’m kind of grumpy. The FAQ +5 points per Eradicator and Inceptor are costing me 150-200 points in my builds after thinking I had just nailed my tournament list down. Old man grumble. X-Y = crap have to take unit Z out of the list and . . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alcyon Posted January 8, 2021 Share Posted January 8, 2021 You had 40 Inceptors and Eradicators!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted January 8, 2021 Author Share Posted January 8, 2021 20 plus possibly 10 so 30. So oops good catch. :) Still grumpy. Minimum 100 points I have to shave to keep the 20 in ..... that I have with the 10 Aggressors and 10 Bladeguard. So yeah I have to shuffle stuff and lose a unit somewhere. Debating what makes the best combos are to reinforce the Incursors in the midfield basically two “Strike Teams” to own the non-deployment zone Objectives. Inceptor and (infiltrating Bladeguard or SFtS Aggressors) or infiltrating Bladeguard or SFtS Aggressors or do I go with single unit each of Flamer Aggressor and Plasma Inceptor? Would require a total change in my Tactical Foundation. So probably not. On the other hand GW just pointed me out of considering a unit of Heavy Intercessors. Saved money? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted March 1, 2021 Author Share Posted March 1, 2021 WIP but playable. He is suppose to represent the FIrstborn from the Raptors who trained the first 100 Greyshields of the Warhawks during the Indomitus Crusade. Franken-nought. 3e plastic dread, two metal assault cannons pinned to make a counts as twin linked auto cannon [Legends] or jsut a bad boy assault cannon, metal grey knight halberd blade, heavy flamer from different kit, and a shield so old I have no memory of its original purpose. Alcyon and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted March 3, 2021 Author Share Posted March 3, 2021 (edited) **Chapter Selection**: Raven Guard + HQ + Kayvaan Shrike Gravis Captain: Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle: Warlord [Master of Ambush, Rites of War], The Burning Blade + Troops + 5 Heavy Intercessors: Executor bolt rifle, Executor heavy bolter 5 Infiltrators: Marksman bolt carbine, Helix gauntlet 5 Infiltrators: Marksman bolt carbine, Helix gauntlet + Elites + 5 Bladeguard Veterans 5 Aggressors: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher 5 Aggressors: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher + Fast Attack + 5 Inceptors: Plasma Exterminator x2 + Heavy Support + 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle 5 Eradicators: Melta rifle ++ Total: [108 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ Edited March 27, 2021 by Dracos XeonDragon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted March 14, 2021 Author Share Posted March 14, 2021 ^This^ .... is the list I will be taking to a RTT April 24th in Indianapolis. I fomo-ed and purchased a Heavy Intercessor set from Pariah off eBay. They should arrive by next Monday. I think I can convert my old Gravis Captain to wysiwyg with the parts on the sprue. If not I'll figure something. Alcyon, XeonDragon and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XeonDragon Posted March 14, 2021 Share Posted March 14, 2021 Are you running pure RG or a successor with that list? The reason I ask is that bolter fusillades would give an almost army-wide buff or re-roll 1s on all those bolt weapons. That and whirlwind of rage would then give a nice melee buff to everything. Of course, you'd have to drop Shrike, but maybe he could be replaced by a chaplain of some form or an Apothecary? Either way, nice list and good luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted March 15, 2021 Author Share Posted March 15, 2021 Running Shrike so has to be pure Raven Guard. I also usually get some mileage out of the Chapter Tactics as backfield protection. If it's in the midfield it should be engaging in hand to hand. That said this list can run the Outrider Chaplain if I drop the Helix Gauntlets. Which when I get one will be an option I test for the next tournament I enter. This one I wanted to keep it simple, Play as Raven Guard and see how it does with Gravis. I've been playing Bolter Fusillades and Whirlwind of Rage in the Crusade and it's really good. Eradicators need a Captain babysitter though and currently he's my Master of Ambush character. XeonDragon 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted June 12, 2021 Author Share Posted June 12, 2021 Been doing a little Crusade inspired hobbying. Not done but playable. I plan on using him as a jump pack captain until GW gives me a proper Assault Inceptor ;) tentagil and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 21, 2021 Author Share Posted September 21, 2021 (edited) I’m starting to get involved in a new Crusade soon and this is the 100 PL I’ll have to work with. It’s an “Eternal” Crusade so has rules such as the max Crusade Points in a game can be no more than half the PL. It should cut down on craziness. + ++ Patrol Detachment 0CP **Chapter Selector**: Bolter Fusillades, Warhawks Chapter, Raven Guard Successor, Whirlwind of Rage Alpha Detachment + HQ + Captain with Master-crafted Heavy Bolt Rifle [6 PL]: Warlord + Troops + 5 Heavy Intercessors [7 PL]: Heavy bolt rifle x4, Heavy bolter x1 + Elites + 5 Aggressors [12 PL]: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets / Fragstorm Grenade Launcher 5 Aggressors [12 PL]: Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets / Fragstorm Grenade Launcher + Fast Attack + 3 Inceptors [7 PL]: Plasma Exterminator x2 3 Inceptors [7 PL]: Plasma Exterminator x2 + Heavy Support + 6 Eradicators [14 PL]: Melta rifle 3 Eradicators [7 PL]: Melta rifle ++ Patrol Detachment -2CP **Chapter Selector**: Bolter Fusillades, Warhawks Chapter, Raven Guard Successor, Whirlwind of Rage Bravo Detachment + HQ + Primaris Chaplain [5 PL]: Exhortation of Rage (?), Litany of Hate + Troops + 5 Infiltrators [6 PL]: Helix gauntlet 5 Infiltrators [6 PL]: Helix gauntlet + Heavy Support + 3 Eliminators [5 PL]: Las Fusil 3 Eliminators [5 PL]: Las Fusil ++ Total: [99 PL, 10CP] ++ I can stuff all the Eradicators, Inceptors and a unit of Aggressors into the Shadows. The second Aggressor squad is taking the place of my Legendary Assault Intercessors. Literally they have a reputation in the community as wrecking anyone’s game plan if I go first. So giving them some R&R and bringing back my beloved Aggressors I haven’t used in like 8/9 months. Pretty sure T some point I’ll replace the MoA Aggressors with Blade Guard at some point. Won’t be as deadly but the durability will be its own reward. Edited September 21, 2021 by Dracos duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted September 21, 2021 Author Share Posted September 21, 2021 (edited) The initial idea is the Warlord will use Echoes of the Ravenspire to reposition T2 to support the Eradicators if I feel it’s necessary or mission needs it. Chaplain is going to go for the Master of Sanctity. I haven’t played a Chaplain in over a year. He’s replacing my normally used Indomitus Lt. As the Master of Ambush. The MoA Aggressors are to do some damage and draw fire from the Eliminators and Infiltrators. T2 the second unit of Aggressors steps from the Shadows to replace the first where the Chaplain can support them also. Both characters are merely buff units. Edited September 21, 2021 by Dracos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted November 21, 2021 Author Share Posted November 21, 2021 (edited) I just signed up for a 22 player 3 round RTT on December 11th. Time to put aside my Crusade cape for a bit and cloak myself back into the folds of Matchplay :). I’ll be crafting a tweaked Warhawk list here over next few days for commentary. Wish me luck, shooting for 2-1 :) Edited November 21, 2021 by Dracos Jaipii and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted November 23, 2021 Author Share Posted November 23, 2021 (edited) I just signed up for a 22 player 3 round RTT on December 11th. Time to put aside my Crusade cape for a bit and cloak myself back into the folds of Matchplay . I’ll be crafting a tweaked Warhawk list here over next few days for commentary. Wish me luck, shooting for 2-1 ++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Raven Guard) [102 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ **Chapter Selector**: Born Heroes, Whirlwind of Rage, Warhawks, Raven Guard Successor + HQ + Captain in Phobos Armour: Warlord Indomitus Lieutenant: Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter + Troops + 10 Assault Intercessors: astartes chainswords, heavy bolt pistols 5 Infiltrators: marksman bolt carbines 5 Infiltrators: marksman bolt carbines + Elites + 5 Aggressors: auto boltstorm gauntlets/fragstorm grenade launchers 5 Blade Guards: master-crafted power swords, storm shields 5 Blade Guards: master-crafted power swords, storm shields + Fast Attack + 3 Inceptors: Plasma Exterminator x2 3 Inceptors: Plasma Exterminator x2 + Heavy Support + 3 Eliminators: las fusils 3 Eliminators: las fusils 6 Eradicators: melta rifles ++ Total: [102 PL, 11CP, 2,000pts] ++ This my initial Army List idea for the RTT. Warlord traits are likely LoD and MoA but not worried about that just yet. I usually run Inceptors and Eradicators (x2) in units of 5 each. I'll likely combat squad the Eradictors into 2 units of 3 and back each of them up with a unit of Inceptors each all coming in on T2 with the Aggressors. I feel a bit naked without my second unit of Eradicators but I'm hoping the Eliminators and Inceptors can take up the slack if needed. The Assault Intercessors are a MoA gamble. In my heart I know I should be conservative and go with regular Intercessors for their flexibility. I've just had too much success with them when I get Go First to not take them . . . . at the moment they are the most replaceable thing in the list though, because when on Go Second it seems a waste of 10% of the army. Alternatively I swap the Intercessor types, change las fusil to sniper bolt rifle and add helix gauntlets into the Infiltrators. Durability versus Killability and at that point Whirlwind turns into Fusillades as the second Chapter Tactic. Edited November 23, 2021 by Dracos librisrouge and Jaipii 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted November 23, 2021 Share Posted November 23, 2021 Interesting list Let us know how it goes I found the WL trait to provide an obsec bubble pretty helpful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted November 24, 2021 Author Share Posted November 24, 2021 (edited) Edit Edited December 6, 2021 by Dracos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaipii Posted November 24, 2021 Share Posted November 24, 2021 No Admec, Drukhari, Sisters or Orks yet? That sounds interesting! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted November 24, 2021 Author Share Posted November 24, 2021 No Admec, Drukhari, Sisters or Orks yet? That sounds interesting! No it’s just early and most of us haven’t posted faction or list yet. Jacques Corbin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jacques Corbin Posted November 26, 2021 Share Posted November 26, 2021 Instead of Plasma Inceptors, have you considered a biker Chaplain who knows Catechism of Fire accompanied by 5 or 6 Bolter Inceptors? All those S5 shots at +1 to wound the closest, I would run that up a flank and sweep over towards the middle. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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