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What would you want in future Primaris expansions?

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Then it just goes into "why have Firstborn at all, just give Primaris everything".


Also, fortunately we don't base Codex design purely around what's popular at the ITC. Yes, Smash Captain/Salmguinius etc is the popular flavour of the month (well, several months now), but I just can't see GW essentially invalidating the Firstborn Captain, with no reason to take it other than a single-digit points difference. Unless more is done to differentiate the two, giving Primaris Captains access to everything Firstborn do just fuels the whole "Firstborn are being squatted".


I'd love to see some more weapon versatility for them, but GW seems set that fixed loadouts are the "Primaris trade-off". You get better stats, but you're less flexible in loadout.

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I mean, people ask for Thunder Hammers because they're basically the only good melee weapon in the Marine codex, besides relics. 4-6 attacks with a power sword/axe/lance or lightning claws just isn't worth 100 points, not at 1 damage apiece.


I would love a Relic Blade option, or something with a "sweep" profile that specialized in clearing hordes, or a Primaris company champion, or some way to make a decent beatstick out of a Primaris character. Captain with power fist sort of gets there, but he's filling exactly the same niche as the smash captain and just doing a worse job of it.

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I do feel that eventually in the next couple of years there will be a lieutenant kit with a full range of melee options and probably a new Tacticus captain kit with the same. Protesting that "if they do that, there won't be any reason to take firstborn in that army" doesn't really work since there are supposedly hundreds of Primaris-only chapters as a result of the Ultima Founding. Obviously THOSE chapters need to be able to function as purely Primaris deployments unless they were somehow meant to be lore-only and never accurately represented on the tabletop in a competitive state. And since GW has given no sign that THAT is the case, I think it's safe to expect any areas where firstborn clearly have the edge to be slowly eroded. Or maybe even rapidly eroded.

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I agree that the Primaris Captain should have at least the same options as the Sgts.


I don't want them to allow the same customisation as the classic Marines Captain because you always end up with one game changing option that affects the model and funnels it into one playstyle. It used to be bikes, now it's a jet packs and storm shields.


More options are fine as long as they don't fundamentally change how the unit behaves or performs. So yeah, give the Captains hand flamers or Thunder Hammers if you're prepared to pay the points for one, but don't double their movement and give them fly.


Save that for a difference, dedicated unit.

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I need to add to this. I want a proper 5-10 man squad that fills the close support role under fast attack. Preferably in the same armor type as intercessors and hellblasters. Don’t care if they jump fly or crawl. I just want to be able to field 10 squads of 10 like the good old days. They can even edit inceptors/ suppressors for all I care.
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I know this is crazy and not something that has any appreciable impact on current matched play, but I'd really like it if my eventual Primaris Techmarine and his Servitor retinue could board the same transport.

Why wouldn’t they be able to?

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I know this is crazy and not something that has any appreciable impact on current matched play, but I'd really like it if my eventual Primaris Techmarine and his Servitor retinue could board the same transport.

Why wouldn’t they be able to?



Servitors lack the PRIMARIS keyword so they can't go in Repulsors, Repulsor Executioners, or Impulsors. Meanwhile, a Primaris Techmarine (barring a rules change) can't go in a Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod, Stormraven, or anything else that a Servitor can actually be transported in because those vehicles can't transport PRIMARIS models.


EDIT: And yes, if someone wants to be a complete contrarian about it, there is ONE vehicle that can transport both - it'll just cost you 1448 points minimum for the privelege. I'd contend that's not a viable option.

Edited by Lord Nord
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There might not be new Servitors.


If there are they will be able to join the Techmarine. If they aren't they'll remain a unit more closely linked to the classic range.

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I would like a Primaris Techmarine as much as next guy, but I really hope they diverge in an appreciable way from the Firstborn Techmarine. One that is an actual mechanic/engineer, and not some spirit-machine worshiping wack-job. I don't need him to be a better Techmarine just a difference in the mind set. 


In a moment of transparency: I don't mind if their is a Civil War or Secret War amongst the two types of Astartes and opposing loyal Primarchs ... as long as its well written :) I do hope it either holds off until or heralds the pieces that would round out the missing elements we have all talked about for the Primaris. I'm also good if they don't :)

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I would like a Primaris Techmarine as much as next guy, but I really hope they diverge in an appreciable way from the Firstborn Techmarine. One that is an actual mechanic/engineer, and not some spirit-machine worshiping wack-job. I don't need him to be a better Techmarine just a difference in the mind set.


In a moment of transparency: I don't mind if their is a Civil War or Secret War amongst the two types of Astartes and opposing loyal Primarchs ... as long as its well written :) I do hope it either holds off until or heralds the pieces that would round out the missing elements we have all talked about for the Primaris. I'm also good if they don't :)

I could see it happening if dorn comes back. He nearly started a civil war just over the idea of breaking up the legions. Creating wholly new space marines? Surely, he will be angry about it.

--a primaris marine lover

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There might not be new Servitors.


If there are they will be able to join the Techmarine. If they aren't they'll remain a unit more closely linked to the classic range.


I'm not expecting new Servitors. I'd just like the existing ones to be able to hop in the same transport as the focus for their Mindlock ability.


But if GW were planning to do a separate Primaris-specific Servitor kit, they really should have dropped it concurrent with Feirros or at least warned Iron Hands players that it was coming.

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I really do hope we get a Primaris techmarine.


To make him truly unique I hope he is armed with an impressive ranged weapon - something our HQs don't really have.


Maybe a new type of conversion beamer, or a twin Las Fusils?

Edited by Ishagu
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There will definitely be Primaris Techmarines. They wouldn't have made sense in the first wave with just a couple of vehicles and firstborn being totally capable of repairing the Redemptor and Repulsor (no PRIMARIS keyword needed for that). And they'd have been out of place with the sneaky bois in the Vanguard wave.


But we've not only had confirmation from Jes Goodwin that Primaris Techmarines are in the works, we've actually seen the "operator" variants on the Repulsor and Executioner sporting their cogged shoulder pads.


Especially considering that from the time they introduced Primaris, they've spoken of the Ultima Founding and Primaris-only chapters. It'd be pretty cheap to deny anyone who started such a themed army the benefit of Techmarines. Nor would they be likely to give one First Founding chapter access to a Primaris Techmarine and spit in the face of all the others (especially considering their relative popularity).


No, the only question is whether a standalone Primaris Techmarine will show up this year alongside the speedy bois or have to wait until next year when the presumed Spearhead/Devastator wave shows up and he'd be more at home.

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Yes! I want the Primaris Techmarine so bad.


Basic HQ in Tactitus, and one in Gravis. Shoulder-mounted heavy or special weapon options, and options for servo arms.


I really want a Primaris Techmarine in an Invictor type Warsuit. Lose the infiltrate for the ability to repair. I would buy 2!


Most of all, I want Primaris Techmarine Gunners! Give me a new Thunderfire Cannon, and bring back the Conversion Beamer option, and make the kit so it can be magnetized to switch out the big guns. I am on the fence about whether I want those weapons on tracks, or shoulder-mounted. Actually, wouldn't a Primaris be big enough that a TFC would be man-portable? Then again, it's epic that a space marine can man-port a Heavy Bolter or Lascannon, which are both tripod mounted and crew serve by mortal guardsmen, so it truly speaks to the scale of the TFC that, even for the astartes, it has to be on tracks at the very least. I would buy 3!


Also, I agree with the sentiment of the new Techmarine being more combat engineer than tech priest but remember, the very vast majority of Primaris put Cawl right up there next to their own Primarch in terms of reverence. Still, I want some combat engineer abilities for Primaris Techmarines, even if they cost CP to use.


Combat Engineer abilities, could require CP, or instead of shooting/repairing, or even go off like a Chaplain's prayers, with a techmarine only knowing one or two, and a master of the Forge knowing 1 more. Harden Terrain to give an addition +1 to save, stacks with camo cloaks, or allow terrain to grant benefit of cover if it normally wouldn't. Smoke grenade launcher to give a friendly unit benefit of smoke grenades. Land mines to help against hordes and I would be fine with S5 AP0 with a MW on a 6+ to wound. Comms jammers to set up a 12 inch area of of deep strike denial, actually this one could just as well be a specialized servitor. Vox relay, where a character, just one, in range gives his buff to the entire detachment.


Also, on servitors. They could be firstborn that attempted to cross the Rubicon, but something went wrong, and this was was the only option other than death. Servitors could play like Tau drones, and intercept wounds for techmarines, and their guns. Also, a servitor for a Primaris Thunderfire Cannon, that lets you reroll the number of shots would be aces! Or, if there is a Conversion Beamer option, maybe a servitor that is practically a living Auspex or Omnispex, to negate the benefit of cover for a target unit, and/or negate penalties to hit rolls against a target unit.


Also, need a stratagem where if there is an Apothecary and a Techmarine close to a character that dies, the Apothecary gets +1 to the revive roll, and the revived character gets a FNP roll, or +1 to an existing FNP if the character already had one, because the Techmarine is right there with the Apothecary installing bionics. Just characters, because enough suspension of disbelief is required to believe that they have all the bionics 1 body could possibly need in addition to all the other wargear, and they can install them in seconds.


Get on it GW! Do you want my money or not?!

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I would like a Primaris Techmarine as much as next guy, but I really hope they diverge in an appreciable way from the Firstborn Techmarine. One that is an actual mechanic/engineer, and not some spirit-machine worshiping wack-job. I don't need him to be a better Techmarine just a difference in the mind set. 


In a moment of transparency: I don't mind if their is a Civil War or Secret War amongst the two types of Astartes and opposing loyal Primarchs ... as long as its well written :smile.: I do hope it either holds off until or heralds the pieces that would round out the missing elements we have all talked about for the Primaris. I'm also good if they don't :smile.:

The first wave of Primaris were trained by Cawl and his techpriests, if anything they'd act more like techpriests than their oldmarine counterparts.

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Could be :) Just staying my preference for a divergence between how Firstborn and Primaris Techmarines are designed to be used. I absolutely prefer when they are similar but different enough they fill different roles on the table top. Cawl comes from the days of the Emperor though, and he’s the rebellious type. It would be nice to see someone that was willing to innovate enough that he created the Primaris and all the warhead associated with them could do the same with the Astartes that are supporting his legacy. Just wish listing. Not everyone loves 40k loves Grim and Dark to a fanatical level that others might.
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