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Kaiju Soze's The Firebringers CSM - On Wings of Blood

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He looks great! I went back a few posts but perhaps not far enough, but how did you shape the greenstuff to get this corrugated look? Did you shape each "ripple" manually?


Ah, I guess you rolled it - with the wire inside - on top of some kind of textured roller, is that it?

Edited by Miek
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He looks great! I went back a few posts but perhaps not far enough, but how did you shape the greenstuff to get this corrugated look? Did you shape each "ripple" manually?


Ah, I guess you rolled it - with the wire inside - on top of done kind of textured roller, is that it?

Greenstuffworld's roll maker, it's a set of 6 paired plates with different sized ridges on each pair (plus pieces to hold the plates in place). All of these were made with the large ridges, the top arm was then flattened out a bit to create the segmented look.

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The tendrils and the Warsmith turned out great!  Look forward to seeing him painted.


As for the exhaust...hmm.  Maybe more tendrils with just connections at the end?


Thank you.  I'm currently thinking (because I've been too busy with work) about using one of the smaller heads off the chaos vehicle sprue, cutting the lower jaw off and placing it over the tendril.  I'm a little wary of adding too many tendrils, it's something that would be easy to go overboard on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Those berzerker conversions with the Corpse Grinder heads are inspired. I'd assumed they'd be too small for a Marine body. Might have to nick that at some point, even if just for a character.




It's a legitimate concern, so I ordered a single head and chaos marine torso from Bitzbox to do a test run first.  I'd expected to have to do a little more work, but it turns out not really.  Only the aspiring champion needed some extra filling in on the neck to get the head seated properly.

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  • 1 month later...

The new models look most promising. Is the power armored woman a corrupted Sister of Battle, a former Inquisitor who turned to Chaos, or an Emperor's Children member who got genderbent for Slaanesh's amusement?


Corrupted Adepta Sororitas, much like Scarlett, the Master of Executions I've posted previously, though this one is just an Aspiring Champion (as is the third, who I'm still in the process of painting).

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And because I've actually had the motivation to keep painting, here's todays efforts.


Firstly, the final corrupted Sororitas (now an Aspiring Champion)




Then the half a squad of Berzerkers I managed to undercoat before my Chaos Black spray ran out.












And finally, testing out the colour scheme on a Plague Marine to see how well it works on other cult troops.



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  • 1 month later...

Things I've built recently: Chosen Champion (converted from Sister of SIlence), Warp Talon Champion (converted from Necromunda Escher), Warp Talons (with Sanguinary Guard jump packs), Raptors (With loyalist torsos/legs and shoulder pads), Sorcerer with Jump Pack (from a left over raptor/warp talon with Possessed wings)


Things I've painted recently: These two















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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome stuff, love your warpsmith and chosen, especially The Beast


Everyone loves the Beast, as ridiculous as the conversion is.


Anyway, here's two more Chosen; The Surgeon (former Apothecary) and the Crusader (former Company Champion)





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  • 8 months later...

Well, it's been a while.


In the hopes of eventually actually getting to play some 9th Edition, I decided to update my Chaos Lord a little.










I also threw together a couple of Marines with reaper chaincannons






and a marine with Great Chainaxe (still in loyalist armour because one of my melee squads are fresh recruits to heresy)





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  • 3 months later...

Slowly continuing to work on this army, and add a few new additions with the new codex.  FIrst of all, an Exalted Champion based on a Havoc Champion.  This was supposed to be a cheap HQ option with combi-bolter and Power Sword.  And then the fixed load out rumours started.  And since I didn't (and still don't) feel like pulling apart the models I've built I decided the WIP Exalted Champion should probably have the "correct" weapons.






And then, an idea that got a little away from me.  Convert a Sisters Celestine Sacrosant into a Chaos version.  You just need to swap the weapon.  And the shoulder pads.  And stick a skull on the shield.  And maybe add an icon of Khorne (or two).  And find a new weapon again because all the cool Age of Sigmar weapons are too big.  And replace the ball parts of the backpack with Corpse Grinder shoulder pads to give her a fun Chaos Halo.  And swap the weapon again because now you want to use her as an Aspiring Champion of Khorne with a daemonblade.

Which ended up coming from a Warcry Tarantulos Brood figure, after I went into my local Warhammer store just to look at the weapons on various kits for inspiration.  Otherwise, I probably would have never thought of the spider cultists.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Apparently I hadn't painted anything for a year.  And received a wet palette for Christmas that I still hadn't tried out.  So that had to change.  She doesn't have a name yet, but she'll be leading a second unit of Khorne legionaries (after the Berserkers getting "demoted" back down to Legionaries.  S5 Ap-2 Chainswords? Not bad.)







Edited by Kaiju Soze
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