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The Judgment on Kadeth - Dr. Ruminahui's Emperor's Children

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The Defiler and the Guardsmen both look absolutely incredible, Dr! I know exactly what you mean about the WIP stages of a paint scheme, it's always a bit nerve wracking to get over the "I've severly messed this paintjob up" stage and just need to trust in the process :biggrin:

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Thanks TC, glad you like them!  Actually thinking of doing my other renegade models (those have too much paint on them, the others are just primed) for my future CtA vow(s) when my defiler is done.


Despite it being a long weekend (Canada Day), that didn't mean as much painting time as I would normally have as I was busy from 9-4 all 3 days.  Luckily, I knew that ahead of time, so focused on painting in the evenings during the week, so was able to able to make good progress.


So, here is where the bulk of my work is - I finished this side of it (I'm considering the mouth part of the centre, so it isn't yet done).




So, this gives a pretty good view of what the finished model will be like.


Some other details that I finished:


One of my 2 eye clusters (well, I have 3, but one has wandered off somehow)




The reaper autocannon (missing the fleshade wash on the skulls so they are a bit darker and richer than here)




And the fleshy bits on the underside of the track and legs.




I'm guessing I have 2-3 weeks of work left on it.


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And yes, all the flesh will be done the same way - its the standard way I do my mutated flesh on all of my chaos models (I tried other colours at first, but this one looks best).  The only part that won't is the gums, which are already in their near final colour (they will get a wash in the same colours as the rest).  I'll be doing the big fleshy blob on the back (the "pustule area" as you put it, a fancy but not inaccurate description) last as it's one of my main gripping points when painting- you can see in the bottom picture how that has rubbed some of the paint from the bottom, which has also occurred to a lesser extent on the top.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As you might have guessed with my last post being 3 weeks ago, life happened.  Had a really stressful and busy week at work the week before last, and between that, some other general stress, and really struggling with the stripes on this side, I didn't make a whole lot of progress until this past week.  That said, when it started to come together, it came together pretty quickly.


So, I finished the side I was struggling with:




And the front:




And the back:




Which included finishing the mouth.  Tongue isn't yet glued in place - there's a final technique I need to practice and, if it works, I'll do it and glue the tongue in place.  I should have that all done this weekend.




Finally, some details of and around the front eye stalk -


The face I sculpted into the front plate - not bad.




A close up on the eye - I'm really happy how that turned out.




Anyway, next pictures you'll see of it should be the finished deal, and probably this weekend or early next week.  Just have the final work on the tongue, the turret, the 2 turret hatches, the 2 hatch gun options and the havoc launcher left.

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Thanks, Dr_Clock - yeah, life is quieter now and I'm just about to take a week's vacation to spend time with a good friend.  That will also get in the way of my painting, but in a good way. :smile:


That would have been really cool if that's how I had gotten the name, but no.  I haven't read any Lovecraft, though of course I'm peripherally aware of him and his work, but not to the extent that I recognize that title .  Like most of my names for things, its just something I settled on because it sounded right in my head.


(Perhaps) Interestingly, my Kadeth is a person rather than a place - more specifically, Arch-Cardinal Kadeth of the holly see of Bellemonde, a shrine world.  When Bellemonde was invaded by orks as part of a waagh, he was the theatre commander, with disastrous results.  This led to the various odd marine units (and various other forces, including my Knight house) that were in the theatre launching a coup in which Kadeth was tried and executed for gross incompetence (and gross hedonism).  This was the culminating event that snowballed into these various marine detachments coalescing into a joint force and falling into to slannesh and, ultimately, becoming my warband.

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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