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+++Dark Angels Outpost+++

Captain Semper

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Hoobywise I was a bit quiet the past weeks. But I finally found the time to work on my first vow so here is a small work in progress update: 



9 Hellblasters are ready to go to a tournament this weekend :smile.:






Finally got around to make some test bases for my inceptors who were missing their bases. In my opinion they look so much nicer than the weird flying stands, I'm debating putting all my inceptors on bases like this. 







I just saw Sempers post a bit further up. So I can make follow up vows at any given time? That makes stuff easier for me, I was under the impression I had to submit all vows until tomorrow. But this way I can make a smaller vow today and maybe a bigger 3rd one if I actually get some progress done. That is awesome :)



You can make a new vow whenever you want. As long as you've made your fist vow before June 1st (which you did) you can make another one at anytime until the end of the event. :smile.:

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@ lhg033: Welcome back man! Good luck with your vow! :thumbsup:


@ Brother Worsay: Congratulations on the completion - they look awesome! and a follow up too? :yes:


@ derelinqueren: And another completion and another follow-up! You've made the Lion proud! 

@ Stobz: This is getting better and better... It's almost unfair to the lesser Chapters! 


@ Naaman10th: These are very impressive man... Great shade of Dark green. Excellent! :thumbsup: Regarding the vows, yes you can make them at any time, provided you have completed the previous one of course. You may never have two vows outstanding... And you have 5 max!





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Here goes brothers....


I, FIERCE BEAR, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the DARK ANGELS and vow to complete:





1 5-man Tactical Squad  (Sgt w. chainsword, Special Weapon, Plasma Gun) - 78 pts

1 5-man Devastator        (Sgt w. Powerfist, 2x Heavy Bolters, 1x Lascannon, 1x Missile Launcher) - 147 pts

1 5-man Deathwing Sqd (1x Assault Cannon, 1x Chainfist & Watcher of the Dark)  - 227pts


Of total value of 447 points on or before August 1st, 2018. Success will bring me eternal glory and the blessings of the Lion and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end.

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@ Naaman10th: These are very impressive man... Great shade of Dark green. Excellent! :thumbsup: Regarding the vows, yes you can make them at any time, provided you have completed the previous one of course. You may never have two vows outstanding... And you have 5 max!



Thanks, the parts for the bases are actually from an old 2nd edition predator sprue and the scenery that came with the 3rd edition starter box :smile.:

I really like that shade of green. I primed some more hellblasters in anticipation of my next vow today and I noticed I ran out of black primer, so I went for straight green this time and it sadly came out much brighter. But lesson learned, next time I'm back to priming black before green again.


Good to know ...for whatever reason I was under the impression I can have 2 active vows at a time, but that was before I knew that I can vow during the whole event time. I'm going to finish my first vow then and prepare stuff for the next one. Not sure yet if I stick to primaris / greenwing with my vows or get a ravenwing vow going next. Time will tell :smile.:

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Good chunk of my vow finished this week! Reinforcements from the 6th and 9th companies


Down to the Scouts, Venerable Dread, Talonmaster and Cerberus to go. Relic Contemptor did me proud in a game against Death Guard the other day, taking down 2 plague marine squads and a Chaos Lord before dying to a daemon prince but taking the prince with him in the explosion.

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Oh... ok... here goes nothing:


I, Tygwyn, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the DARK ANGELS and vow to complete 1 x Land Raider Crusader, with all the upgrades I can (I will need to get back home to my Codex to work out the points and post the ‘before’ image).


Success will bring me eternal glory and the blessings of the Lion; failure will doom me to wear the badge of the oath-breaker until the year end.

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Real life had been conspiring against me the first couple weeks of the ETL, but this last week Ive managed to sit down and get cracking on my Typhoons. First one is complete, second one is base coated and up to the wash stage


Im about a week behind where I wanted to be, and with camping this weekend Itll probably be mid- late next week I finish my first vow

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How does it still fly?


Fantastic work Brother Greenz!!!


Enjoy your weekend and I’m sure I’m not alone in waiting for your finished vow pics.

Haha thanks Stobz. It’s my new found mission in life to disprove that landspeeders are flying paper airplanes. The left side actually dips a bit, and that was totally accidental too!

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