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The Roaring Lions

"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Captain Icarus (Sun Tzu)




The Roaring Lions were formed during the Ultima Founding but missed the Indomitus Campaign entirely. When Guilliman requisitioned the Primaris marines he pulled aside the Roaring Lions and sent them on a special mission in Segmentum Pacificus. This mission was to secure several planets that were vital in supplying the main forces of the Indomitus Fleets. The Roaring Lions did not like being sent on guard duty. They had been training solidly for years and yearned for battle. After they obtained supplies from Mars they left aboard their battle barge Emperor's Teeth before the Indomitus Campaign left Terra with the millions of other reinforcements. 


Upon entering the system of Stellar they found panic brewing. A large Ork WAAAGH had sprung up in the nearby systems and was threatening the supply line that would be funneling into the Indomitus Campaign. The Roaring Lions sprung into action, using Stellar 4 as a base of operations they helped devise planetary and orbital defenses while sending out several companies to scout and setup defenses as well. Within months the Orks were met in the battle field of night. The Ork fleet was massive and slowly started pushing back the Roaring Lions. It wasn't until the arrival of 6th company and the allies they made with the mechanicus that the Ork push was slowed.


Nearly five decades later the chapter is still fighting against the Ork WAAAGH under the command of Warboss Toothnabba of the Bad Moons clan. All intelligence on Toothnabba has shown him to be one of the wealthiest warbosses that the Imperium has ever had to deal with.  This wealth has caused a large number of other Ork clans to come to his aid and has caused a significant issue in extinguishing this WAAAGH.


Several years into the war the Roaring Lions found that Toothnabba was sending in gretchin to collect teethfrom the dead. It took a significant amount of digging through the bureaucracy, about a decade, of the Imperium to find out that the Orks used teeth as currency and the Roaring Lions decided to implement a new tactic to try and stifle the WAAAGH. They started to collect the teeth of all the Ork casualties after every battle and use them to set traps for the roaming Ork WAAAGH. This was successful for a time and helped dely the Ork WAAGH for about a decade.


As in all things, the war evolved over time. Some years are filled with bloody losses and losing ground and others are filled with new heroes and victories thought impossible. What remains is war. The region has been in a consistent state of production and war shaping the populations of the nearby star systems into ideal candidates for implantation. It is this population that has helped sustain the Roaring Lions' ranks over the years and less than 100 of the original 1000 primaris marines are still alive this day. 


The war is on a knife's edge. One wrong move and it is lost, another and they give themselves another year of survival. Requests for aid have been sent to Terra for the past decade, but the same response is always returned. Silence. The Roaring Lions have setup recruiting posts on a number of worlds in Segmentum Pacificus and continue to keep their numbers strong and their marines ready for the fight, but as of now whispers of lost hope are starting to spread through the under hives. This has led to a new threat arising within the region. Chaos.



**Anything in this post can change. I'm just writing down ideas as they come to me. Some may work, others may not work.


Sweet Documentary on Lions, Narrated by Jeremy Irons







"Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack." - Sergeant Adonis, 3rd squad of 4th company










Potential Icons to get made into transfers for the Chapter Badge


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Why use Scouts instead of Primaris Reivers? To conserve points you intend to use on Whirlwinds and other tanks? Or will you write your own rules for "Primaris Scouts"?


As far as I know there isn't a difference between Scouts and Primaris Scouts. So I was going to use Scouts as the recruits for the chapter that are still training until GW releases a Primaris Scout. The Reivers are actually full Primaris and trained to be an assault oriented unit like Assault Squads of old. 


The goal here being to eventually build my chapter up entirely. Give or take 10 years to get the entire chapter built. I will be building it piece-meal so I won't be stuck with limited options for lists. I also want to have six of each of the heavy support vehicles and maybe three of each flyer that can be used. So no Stormraven, but the gunships are a total go. Anything that I think would be used really. 


The whirlwinds are not for conserving points but to give the army variety. Whirlwinds would be used in warfare. Especially missions where you needed to take out specific convoys or supply lines. I would most likely use them in lists with Scouts on Land Speeder Storms to use that really cool stratagem to have a Whirlwind auto hit. 


The main goal here is to build a collection of miniatures that I can call my own chapter and pretty much use what ever rules I feel like using at the time. With a few limitations on models. Being an Ultima Founding chapter they will not have access to the older marine lines. Though I might possibly build a few centurions down the line because I can see Primaris being in those fairly easily and their profile fits. They are horrible in game but I love how they look.


Lol! Sorry for all the mind spaghetti. Hope that answers your question though!

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IIRC, Primaris have Toughness 5, Wounds 2, compared to a regular Marine's Toughness 4, Wounds 1. Logically, a Primaris Scout needs his own Profile- plus a higher Points Value- to account for these differences.


Most primaris only have Toughness 4. it is the gravis armour that gives +1 Toughness. :happy.:




Edit: There was a typo. The Gravis Armour gives +1 toughness not +1 wound.

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It makes sense to me that Scouts and Primaris Scouts would be the same. Since Scouts are new recruits and not full fledged Astartes, a chapter would probably maintain that baseline until their training is complete rather than prematurely invest the resources necessary to make them Primaris. Also, we don't have stats for Primaris Scouts from GW. Of coarse we will eventually, when the old Space Marine Scouts are phased out:sad.: and Primaris Scouts are introduced.


Brother Aothaine, I like what you are doing with your new chapter. It all seems very flexible and immensely practical:thumbsup: 

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It makes sense to me that Scouts and Primaris Scouts would be the same. Since Scouts are new recruits and not full fledged Astartes, a chapter would probably maintain that baseline until their training is complete rather than prematurely invest the resources necessary to make them Primaris. Also, we don't have stats for Primaris Scouts from GW. Of coarse we will eventually, when the old Space Marine Scouts are phased out:sad.: and Primaris Scouts are introduced.


Brother Aothaine, I like what you are doing with your new chapter. It all seems very flexible and immensely practical:thumbsup:


Thank you sir! It has taken me over a year to finally decide though lol! But I'm finally on the correct path.

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ill be honest, i half expected this be a group of Lannister-marines.  i am glad they are not, so i do not need to purge your chapter :yes:


The Lannisters are my favorite house in GoT. :p


But no. I just found the lion icons and really liked them. ^_^

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Instead they leave their vehicles unpainted and the color of well oiled cold steel and do not adorn vehicles with markings of company or past deeds.

Paint isolates metal from oxygen (in air and in water), preventing corrosion (rust), which will otherwise weaken the metal. If your Chapter won't paint its vehicles, you should have an in-universe explanation for why this is unnecessary, e.g., their vehicles are coated with a transparent enamel, or made of a rust-proof alloy.


Incidentally, "stainless steel" contains chrome. Will your Chapter's elites have chrome-plated armor? Your HQs can then use Immortan Joe's lines from 'Mad Max: Fury Road' to motivate his and allies' troops. "Fight well- die with honor- and the Emperor Himself will carry us through the gates of Valhalla. We shall ride eternal- shiny and chrome."

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Instead they leave their vehicles unpainted and the color of well oiled cold steel and do not adorn vehicles with markings of company or past deeds.

Paint isolates metal from oxygen (in air and in water), preventing corrosion (rust), which will otherwise weaken the metal. If your Chapter won't paint its vehicles, you should have an in-universe explanation for why this is unnecessary, e.g., their vehicles are coated with a transparent enamel, or made of a rust-proof alloy.


Incidentally, "stainless steel" contains chrome. Will your Chapter's elites have chrome-plated armor? Your HQs can then use Immortan Joe's lines from 'Mad Max: Fury Road' to motivate his and allies' troops. "Fight well- die with honor- and the Emperor Himself will carry us through the gates of Valhalla. We shall ride eternal- shiny and chrome."



Ohhhh good point. I was thinking that they were just to practical and mission focused to worry about painting them. But maybe I will have to change that. But the stainless steel options sound really good too. I'll have to give it some thought.

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