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Kill team ideas

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They said they'll do female regiments at some point, so could get Carter and Frasier there, the best head for Teal'c is on the balaclava head sprue, while you could make O'Neill from one on the baseball cap one. So far nothing for Daniel, Jonas or Mitchell afaik


Edit: Puppets war do egyptian god themed helmets (including apophis and anubis) which would be perfect for making some jaffa

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I've had two ideas for killteam that I'm not sure how to model:



NOBLE Team-Deathwatch

Unsure for SG1, but Team NOBLE from Halo: Reach?

  • Commander Carter-A259 (Noble One): Sergeant, Stalker-pattern Boltgun, Specialization: Leader (Likely chapter: Ultramarines)
  • Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320 (Noble Two): Veteran, Boltgun, Specialization: Comms (likely chapter: Blood Ravens)
  • Warrant Officer Jun-A266 (Noble Three): Veteran, Stalker-pattern Boltgun (ikely chapter: White Scars)
  • Warrant Officer Emile-A239 (Noble Four): Veteran, Deathwatch Shotgun, Specialization: Demolitions (likely chapter: Black Templars)
  • Chief Warrant Officer Jorge-052 (Noble Five): Gunner, Infernus-pattern Heavy Bolter, Specialization: Heavy (likely chapter: Salamanders)
  • Lieutenant SPARTAN-B312 (Noble Six): Blackshield


Cat had a robot arm, so Iron Hands might be a good option as well, or at least using bits from the Iron Hands "upgrade" kit for 'her' bolter

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My Genestealer Cult is going to be dedicated to mining, even if there are some better weapon options.

The idea is, they have been working in the mines (as many Neophytes do) until the time was right.  When they rose up they overpowered the foremen and so they were able to capture a couple of webbers and a grenade launcher (previously used to lob tear gas to quell riots but now with more deadly ammuntion).  The rest is mining equipment (the Leader has a power pick but the power maul would fit the background too).  And of course the "big guy" on the team turns out to be a little more than just big, ugly and dumb...


So not a team of autoguns, flamers and heavy stubbers (that, to me, would be better suited to a background of corrupted Astra Militarum or planetary defense forces).

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I have a bazillion ideas, but the ones I think will actually happen because I either already have the models or really love the idea:


An Inquisiton Kill team played as Scions, kitbashed from Van Saar gangers and cut down deathmark masks (made) with some sort of local guard meatshields tagging along.


A Lamenters kill team, which is partly already painted, which may be ran as either Astartes or Deathwatch since a lot of the weapon loadouts I had on the old metal veterans won't work for Astartes.


Imperial Beastmen running as a Tzaangor team.


Mutant Rabble as Genestealer Cults.


Harlequins, once I decide I can both do it justice and commit to painting more than one.


Gretchin, Gretchin, Gretchin, if I can figure out how to do it and not play at a huge points deficit. Possibility of multiple grots on top of each other to represent Orks.


A lone (or very few) Deathguard Necromancer and a swarm of notzombies.

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Inquisition Kill team or Schola Progenium training school team.
I've used this as my excuse to paint up my old Witch Hunters stormtroopers and I'll use some of the new Scions as the "Teachers" for the young recruits.

Yet to sit down and work out what's in the team itself, but I'm super keen for Kill Team to collect a few smaller forces


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I'm starting off with my Death Guard with a few poxwalkers snd running my neurons aswell. Teams I'm getting I to will be GSC, as they came with the box set, plus never ran with them before and they interest me and the guy with the buzz saw us awesome, want him as my zealot specialist.


Will start up 2 ork lists, one will be just gretchin for a laugh and the other ork eill be burna boys, kommandos. More of a serious team.


And maybe last I'll get around to doing up my skitarri from forgebane and it box sets, then head into deathwatch, as I find them very powerful after reading them and I'll add a couple of reivers with grapnel hooks to be sneaky and take out the specialists heavys and snipers.








Oh who the hell I'm I kidding, with KT I'll end up with a KT from each faction in the end really

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I'm doing 4 kill teams

Adeptus Astartes - Clave Narosh will be the first primaris seconded to the chapter by Cawl are used to prove the worth of the Primaris strain.

Ad-Mech - Tau-78 are a search and destroy clade

Deathguard - Rotten Sons just made up of the left overs from first strike.

Thousand Son - Ashen Court Black legion aligned thousand sons

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I have several differnt teams I'm building for kicks. I'll have one for my Sons of Malice and Astral Claws, which are my main armies.


I also am building a Chaos Blood Gorgon's kill team to follow my Black Crusade character Alehkai as the champion.


I'm nearly done with a Red Scorpion's kill team that is prominently Primaris, which should be pretty fun, but haven't gotten a test run yet.


One that I'm particularly excited for is a kill team based off of the crew my friends and I had at the beginning of a Rogue Trader campaign. It contained several space marines picked up from various places. To get the widest variety here for the crew, I'll be using the Deathwatch rules.


I also have a little sort of black-shield group that will also be run with Deathwatch rules

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